The UN Vote Proves

So you think we Americans are the bad guys.....

Unlike the muslims we don't kill

children on purpose...

You are twisted...

We don't? When you bomb a civilian area, you are targeting children?

Does bombing something become okay when you do it from an overpriced airplane rather than strapping a vest full of explosives to yourself?

we don't belong over there. We invade their countries, and then wonder why they fight back.

"Must be their crazy religion!" Says the fat cat counting his oil money when poor kids come home in body bags.
The not one, but 2 links include the actual text, dipshit.

But if they fight you, then kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers.

b) And kill them wherever you meet them and drive them out from where they have driven you out; for persecution is worse than killing. And fight them not in, and near, the Sacred Mosque until they fight you therein. But if they fight you, then fight them: such is the requital for the disbelievers.

So they are telling their followers to retake their land if someone has driven them off of it.

It's not, "Kill all the unbelievers"

It's "Kill them if they invade your land!"

I know, wow, maybe someone should have explain this to Bush as to why invading their countries over weapons that didn't exist was a terrible idea.

So Fake Wayne fails again.

"INVADE YOUR LAND"------how interesting------can you DEFINE """MUSLIM LAND"""? I can----I learned
FROM MUSLIMS. Any land that at any time in history was EVER OCCUPIED BY MUSLIMS ---or upon
which a MOSQUE WAS VERY BUILT ----is ))* MUSLIM LAND ((* that makes half the land in my
city in north east America ""MUSLIM LAND"" I learned all about it from muslims------ALL OF THE INDIAN
SUBCONTINENT----is MUSLIM LAND -------a Shiite surgeon so informed me. He was born in New Dehli, INDIA. ALL of that which the romans called "PALESTINA"----(and Judea) is also "MUSLIM LAND"-----
the IBERIAN PENNINSULA is "MUSLIM LAND". Dogs ALSO mark "their land"------they shit and piss on
the trees and call it "MY LAND"
So you think we Americans are the bad guys.....

Unlike the muslims we don't kill

children on purpose...

You are twisted...

We don't? When you bomb a civilian area, you are targeting children?

Does bombing something become okay when you do it from an overpriced airplane rather than strapping a vest full of explosives to yourself?

we don't belong over there. We invade their countries, and then wonder why they fight back.

"Must be their crazy religion!" Says the fat cat counting his oil money when poor kids come home in body bags.

Tell me ole twisted one...

When and where did we intentionally

kill children or civilians?

muslims crazy religion does tell them to

convert, tax or kill......

The Crusades were a reaction to muslim aggression...

What about the Barbary Pirates that raided European

towns and villages to capture Christian slaves?

The muslims have always been the aggressors.

You twisted liberals are always on the side of evil.....

No wonder you have morphed into Nazis'
I knew someone would bring this up--you are totally wrong
--the west does not directly target innocent civilians--in general --this is not their policy--please prove that they do!!

you are so far off target
you are talking military ops which is totally different
your argument is worthless
Geneva Conventions - Wikipedia
Geneva conventions? Lol the US and Israel violated that how many times?
We invaded iraq killing thousands under what lies? WMD?
We cause so much destruction around the world under laws that we put after world war ended. We toppled regimes and we put in dictators, we supplied and trained terrorists groups before turned against us. We fueled civil wars and drug trafficking. If you deny all of this you either delusional or brainless and uninformed.

Iraq, Lybia and syria had 0 terrorist groups till we went in and create a void for them to thrive.
trying to say US military ops are the same as these terror attacks is beyond ludicrous
1. Iraq invaded Kuwait--we went to their defense
2. at the end of PG1 with a ceasefire--the Iraqis did not keep the conditions--so we had every right to declare the cease fire voided
anyway--the military does not directly target innocent civilians as a policy--big difference
it's never even close--try something else
Bla bla bla we are so angelic. We never bomb innocents, we never invaded countriee, we spread love and prosperity. We didnt gas Vietnamese, we didnt carpet bomb Iraq and afghanistan. Our soldiers didnt commit war crimes. We have dozens of bases around the world that distribute candy and chocolate I guess.

Tell me how many terrorist groups were axtive in Iraq/Lybia and Syria before we intervened? .....a big ass 0 , thats right.
Even we aided the colombians in their traffickng...we also armed the narcos in Mexico. And thr list goes on.
We even aided Bin Laden....didnt we?
we don't directly target innocent civilians as policy--that's it --plain as day--that's the big difference

Bullshit...directly or any directly we have been responsible for killing millions of people since day one...from the natives, Vietnamese, Iraqis to the Palestinians ect....
Most wars and conflicts where people suffer, we have in either toppling the regime, invading, supplying arms or aiding one party on another. Is not up to us to judge ourselves, we are known to be the thugs of the of the world.
you must have about 0 knowledge on war
do you know many times in wars some units fire and kill their OWN troops??
accidents happen for many reasons
in PG1 and the Afghan war, the US killed their own and Aliied troops..--accidents happen
please read some history on war--for you seem to have 0 knowledge on it

stop please---the terrorists shooting up/knifing innocent civilians is a huge difference
you must not understand the English language and the words ''directly''/''policy''
So you think we Americans are the bad guys.....

Unlike the muslims we don't kill

children on purpose...

You are twisted...

We don't? When you bomb a civilian area, you are targeting children?

Does bombing something become okay when you do it from an overpriced airplane rather than strapping a vest full of explosives to yourself?

we don't belong over there. We invade their countries, and then wonder why they fight back.

"Must be their crazy religion!" Says the fat cat counting his oil money when poor kids come home in body bags.
When you are dealing with a "religion" that passes their children through the fire"?
Yes, you bomb them wherever they are.
So you think we Americans are the bad guys.....

Unlike the muslims we don't kill

children on purpose...

You are twisted...

We don't? When you bomb a civilian area, you are targeting children?

Does bombing something become okay when you do it from an overpriced airplane rather than strapping a vest full of explosives to yourself?

we don't belong over there. We invade their countries, and then wonder why they fight back.

"Must be their crazy religion!" Says the fat cat counting his oil money when poor kids come home in body bags.
invade ? SAVING you mean
saddam was like hitler:
1. gassed his OWN people
2. invaded innocent, tiny Kuwait
3. violated the ceasefire
Long list of Saddam's violations
Halabja chemical attack - Wikipedia

1.hilter gasses his own people
German Jews during the Holocaust, 1939–1945
2. hitler invaded innocent Poland
Germans invade Poland - Sep 01, 1939 -
3. hitler violates the Versailles Treaty
Breaking the Versailles Treaty - 1934-1937
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So you think we Americans are the bad guys.....

Unlike the muslims we don't kill

children on purpose...

You are twisted...

We don't? When you bomb a civilian area, you are targeting children?

Does bombing something become okay when you do it from an overpriced airplane rather than strapping a vest full of explosives to yourself?

we don't belong over there. We invade their countries, and then wonder why they fight back.

"Must be their crazy religion!" Says the fat cat counting his oil money when poor kids come home in body bags.
bombing is certainly ok,--even ok by the Geneva Convention--when you are bombing enemy combatants
why wouldn't it be??
Geneva conventions? Lol the US and Israel violated that how many times?
We invaded iraq killing thousands under what lies? WMD?
We cause so much destruction around the world under laws that we put after world war ended. We toppled regimes and we put in dictators, we supplied and trained terrorists groups before turned against us. We fueled civil wars and drug trafficking. If you deny all of this you either delusional or brainless and uninformed.

Iraq, Lybia and syria had 0 terrorist groups till we went in and create a void for them to thrive.
trying to say US military ops are the same as these terror attacks is beyond ludicrous
1. Iraq invaded Kuwait--we went to their defense
2. at the end of PG1 with a ceasefire--the Iraqis did not keep the conditions--so we had every right to declare the cease fire voided
anyway--the military does not directly target innocent civilians as a policy--big difference
it's never even close--try something else
Bla bla bla we are so angelic. We never bomb innocents, we never invaded countriee, we spread love and prosperity. We didnt gas Vietnamese, we didnt carpet bomb Iraq and afghanistan. Our soldiers didnt commit war crimes. We have dozens of bases around the world that distribute candy and chocolate I guess.

Tell me how many terrorist groups were axtive in Iraq/Lybia and Syria before we intervened? .....a big ass 0 , thats right.
Even we aided the colombians in their traffickng...we also armed the narcos in Mexico. And thr list goes on.
We even aided Bin Laden....didnt we?
we don't directly target innocent civilians as policy--that's it --plain as day--that's the big difference

Bullshit...directly or any directly we have been responsible for killing millions of people since day one...from the natives, Vietnamese, Iraqis to the Palestinians ect....
Most wars and conflicts where people suffer, we have in either toppling the regime, invading, supplying arms or aiding one party on another. Is not up to us to judge ourselves, we are known to be the thugs of the of the world.
you must have about 0 knowledge on war
do you know many times in wars some units fire and kill their OWN troops??
accidents happen for many reasons
in PG1 and the Afghan war, the US killed their own and Aliied troops..--accidents happen
please read some history on war--for you seem to have 0 knowledge on it

stop please---the terrorists shooting up/knifing innocent civilians is a huge difference
you must not understand the English language and the words ''directly''/''policy''

Dude.....The french, The brits said the same shit when they went around the world occupying and killing people. The history and people won't be kind as you to the American interventions. Go to any given country right now and ask them what they think about the US role in the world. Hitler thought he was right too. the Latestt vote in the UN is a good indication where we stand.....we have Israel, Guatemala, Micronesia in our sides......doesn't that tell you that we are fucking wrong?

Fuck your war that claims thousands of lives create safe heaven to thrive, while you seating on your fat ass somewhere in midwest eating chips and watching Prison break. Go to the refugee camps ask them what they think of the US and who caused them to be refugees in the first place. Wake the fuck up, and stop this obnoxious attitude.
trying to say US military ops are the same as these terror attacks is beyond ludicrous
1. Iraq invaded Kuwait--we went to their defense
2. at the end of PG1 with a ceasefire--the Iraqis did not keep the conditions--so we had every right to declare the cease fire voided
anyway--the military does not directly target innocent civilians as a policy--big difference
it's never even close--try something else
Bla bla bla we are so angelic. We never bomb innocents, we never invaded countriee, we spread love and prosperity. We didnt gas Vietnamese, we didnt carpet bomb Iraq and afghanistan. Our soldiers didnt commit war crimes. We have dozens of bases around the world that distribute candy and chocolate I guess.

Tell me how many terrorist groups were axtive in Iraq/Lybia and Syria before we intervened? .....a big ass 0 , thats right.
Even we aided the colombians in their traffickng...we also armed the narcos in Mexico. And thr list goes on.
We even aided Bin Laden....didnt we?
we don't directly target innocent civilians as policy--that's it --plain as day--that's the big difference

Bullshit...directly or any directly we have been responsible for killing millions of people since day one...from the natives, Vietnamese, Iraqis to the Palestinians ect....
Most wars and conflicts where people suffer, we have in either toppling the regime, invading, supplying arms or aiding one party on another. Is not up to us to judge ourselves, we are known to be the thugs of the of the world.
you must have about 0 knowledge on war
do you know many times in wars some units fire and kill their OWN troops??
accidents happen for many reasons
in PG1 and the Afghan war, the US killed their own and Aliied troops..--accidents happen
please read some history on war--for you seem to have 0 knowledge on it

stop please---the terrorists shooting up/knifing innocent civilians is a huge difference
you must not understand the English language and the words ''directly''/''policy''

Dude.....The french, The brits said the same shit when they went around the world occupying and killing people. The history and people won't be kind as you to the American interventions. Go to any given country right now and ask them what they think about the US role in the world. Hitler thought he was right too. the Latestt vote in the UN is a good indication where we stand.....we have Israel, Guatemala, Micronesia in our sides......doesn't that tell you that we are fucking wrong?

Fuck your war that claims thousands of lives create safe heaven to thrive, while you seating on your fat ass somewhere in midwest eating chips and watching Prison break. Go to the refugee camps ask them what they think of the US and who caused them to be refugees in the first place. Wake the fuck up, and stop this obnoxious attitude.
They erected a 30-foot tall Christmas tree in Iraq in appreciation for what Trump has done to ISIS. At least they know who the real murderers are.
"INVADE YOUR LAND"------how interesting------can you DEFINE """MUSLIM LAND"""? I can----I learned
FROM MUSLIMS. Any land that at any time in history was EVER OCCUPIED BY MUSLIMS ---or upon
which a MOSQUE WAS VERY BUILT ----is ))* MUSLIM LAND ((* that makes half the land in my

Okay, please go take your medications, I'm really not in the mood for your fucking Jew Brainwashing. It's fucking Christmas.
"INVADE YOUR LAND"------how interesting------can you DEFINE """MUSLIM LAND"""? I can----I learned
FROM MUSLIMS. Any land that at any time in history was EVER OCCUPIED BY MUSLIMS ---or upon
which a MOSQUE WAS VERY BUILT ----is ))* MUSLIM LAND ((* that makes half the land in my

Okay, please go take your medications, I'm really not in the mood for your fucking Jew Brainwashing. It's fucking Christmas.

A TOAST ---to the founder of our feast----OUR DEAR JOE,,B1#%
bombing is certainly ok,--even ok by the Geneva Convention--when you are bombing enemy combatants
why wouldn't it be??

So government make the rules, and the mean old "terrorists" aren't following the rules.

No fair. No Fair. You keep fighting back after we've "won". No fair!

This isn't even an old story, I'm old enough to remember all the whining about Vietnam and how those damned Viet Cong didn't follow "the rules".

Okay then.

So instead of whining about who is and is not following "the rules', let's have a sensible discussion about why we are fighting over there to start with.

1) We want their oil.
2) the Jews have a hammerlock on our politics in the US
3) Therefore we are constantly balancing the interests of hte Zionist Entity vs. the interests of the Oil Companies.

Does this make sense to you?
invade ? SAVING you mean
saddam was like hitler:
1. gassed his OWN people
2. invaded innocent, tiny Kuwait
3. violated the ceasefire

1) We didn't say jack shit when Saddam gassed the Kurds. IN fact, Ronnie Reagan actually denied it and sold them the chemicals.
2) Kuwait was hardly innocent. They were sponsoring Saddam when he was attacking Iran for years.
3) He really didn't violate the cease fire..

The reason why we took Saddam out was because the Zionists saw him as a threat.

Not our fucking problem.
When you are dealing with a "religion" that passes their children through the fire"?
Yes, you bomb them wherever they are.

Only if you are a complete racist asshole who doesn't actually understand their religion.

Our problem with the Middle east have nothing to do with religion, buddy.
No wonder they slaughter so many muslims. I guess you have to be a fair-minded liberal to understand their religion.
No wonder they slaughter so many muslims. I guess you have to be a fair-minded liberal to understand their religion.

I don't pretend to understand their religion. I think all religion is kind of silly.

Sillier still is claiming that people fighting back against invaders is because of their "religion".

50 years ago, we said it was because those Vietnamese were all Godless Commies, that's why they were fighting back against us.

Not because we were travelling halfway around the world to get into the middle of a fight that had nothing to do with us.
who didn't say "jackshit" whilst your hero SADDAM gassed kurds? -----I read all
about it in the jewish controlled media. It could be---joeb1 %#% that you do not
read the jewish controlled media. Did you read about the killing of Shiites in the
southern part of Iraq in the wasp-weekly-reader?
who didn't say "jackshit" whilst your hero SADDAM gassed kurds? -----I read all
about it in the jewish controlled media. It could be---joeb1 %#% that you do not
read the jewish controlled media. Did you read about the killing of Shiites in the
southern part of Iraq in the wasp-weekly-reader?

Actually, I put the thing in context. IN the 1980, when Saddam gassed the Kurds for collaborating with Iran, Ronnie Reagan was selling them weapons, and generally turning a blind eye to what he was doing against them and Iran because we considered Iran to be the real threat.

And then we also supplied the Iranians with weapons in exchange for hostages. We were essentially playing both sides against each other.

When Iran decided to knock Iraq out of the war by blowing up tankers in the Gulf, cutting off the revenue to Saddam and his Saudi and Kuwaiti sponsors, we sent in the Navy to keep the shipping lanes open.

Now, all this time the Zionists were screaming loudly about Saddam, because he was building weapons that could hit the Zionist Entity. But Reagan largely ignored them. (One of the few things I liked about Reagan was he was the last American presidents who'd stand up to the Jews. Obama was a regular lickspittle by comparison.)
No wonder they slaughter so many muslims. I guess you have to be a fair-minded liberal to understand their religion.

I don't pretend to understand their religion. I think all religion is kind of silly.

Sillier still is claiming that people fighting back against invaders is because of their "religion".

50 years ago, we said it was because those Vietnamese were all Godless Commies, that's why they were fighting back against us.

Not because we were travelling halfway around the world to get into the middle of a fight that had nothing to do with us.
The South Vietnamese may disagree with you, but it doesn't change history. Slaughter and re-education camps were their payback for resisting.

Many muslim countries have felt the blessings of ISIS for eight long years. They're educated enough.

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