The UN Vote Proves

Islam is nothing more than a world domination plan masquerading as a religion.

How many Christians try to behead their daughter because she wants to marry for love and not who her father arranged?

How many Christians perpetrated "honor killings" this year?

How many american rape their daughters? How many shoot and kill their families?

Islam has a dominatiin plan?
Who has fozens of bases all over the world, who started wars in Vietnam, korea, Iraq, afghanistan? World 1 and 2? Muslims?
Get off your high horse.
the difference is murder/rape/war/etc are part of ALL cultures
but the muslims/Middle Easteners/etc have a culture of murdering for political-cultural reasons in ''recent times''
I've given many examples of this already in this thread:
Munich--where they attacked PEACE, the world!!
Achille Lauro where they murdered someone in a WHEELCHAIR
9=11 murdering almost 3000 in 1 day
beheading innocent civilians
and/or SUICIDE
there are many BIG differences
you don't see many Scandinavians going to the MEAST and murdering innocent children

another HUGE difference:
in at least 2 terror attacks---the Islamic Chechnyans:
1. didn't have 2 or 5 or 10 terrorists--but dozens---you rarely see this in western culture
2. many of these terrorists were women--you rarely see this in western culture
3. they murdered children for political reasons--you rarely see this in western culture
continued in my next post
Thosw people dont represent Islam.
The west does the same thing under false nareatives, bu using planes, warships, tanks and drones. Yes American women soldiers also participated. In bombing Iraq, Afghanistan is the same shit "excuse my French"
I knew someone would bring this up--you are totally wrong
--the west does not directly target innocent civilians--in general --this is not their policy--please prove that they do!!

you are so far off target
you are talking military ops which is totally different
your argument is worthless
Geneva Conventions - Wikipedia
Geneva conventions? Lol the US and Israel violated that how many times?
We invaded iraq killing thousands under what lies? WMD?
We cause so much destruction around the world under laws that we put after world war ended. We toppled regimes and we put in dictators, we supplied and trained terrorists groups before turned against us. We fueled civil wars and drug trafficking. If you deny all of this you either delusional or brainless and uninformed.

Iraq, Lybia and syria had 0 terrorist groups till we went in and create a void for them to thrive.
you are WRONG
one of the biggest terrorist was in Iraq--founder and leader of the PLF !!!!!!!!!!!!
Terrorist Abu Abbas Dies in Iraq
IRAQ: Iraqi Ties to Terrorism
Your complaints concerning business reveal your hypocrisy.
You, like most people, will take advantage of legislation to make a buck.

Except there's no legislation I'm taking advantage of here. In fact, people not born here are probably less than 10% of my customer base.
But they are part of it.
Anyone with clout is going to use itt.
That's what America is all about whether we like it or not.
And even if one party changes something the other party will eventually change itt their liking.
But they are part of it.
Anyone with clout is going to use itt.
That's what America is all about whether we like it or not.
And even if one party changes something the other party will eventually change itt their liking.

Now you are just babbling....
I provide a service. I don't judge, I don't play favorite. I provide the best advice I can. Sometimes I have to prod a person to get the ideal product.

America shouldn't be about greed. There's a difference between greed and just wanting a fair pay for a far day's work.
You be right, JoeB131 . Muslims use the word "kafir" which translates to 'infidel' or 'unbeliever.'

Good. Now can you find the verse that says, "Kill all the Kafir".

My guess is you can't. Not in the Koran, anyway.

Surah Al-Baqarah [2:191]

The Holy Quran Arabic text with Translation in English text and Search Engine - Al Islam Online

Unfortunately for thy argument, I most certainly can. ;)

Next fail argument=-?

JoeB131-proven wrong yet again. Your .997 batting avg of being wrong is holding up!
Surah Al-Baqarah [2:191]

The Holy Quran Arabic text with Translation in English text and Search Engine - Al Islam Online

Unfortunately for thy argument, I most certainly can. ;)

Next fail argument=-?

JoeB131-proven wrong yet again. Your .997 batting avg of being wrong is holding up!

I notice you didn't include the actual text, which says to fight and kill people who oppress you, not 'unbelievers".

The not one, but 2 links include the actual text, dipshit.

But if they fight you, then kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers.

b) And kill them wherever you meet them and drive them out from where they have driven you out; for persecution is worse than killing. And fight them not in, and near, the Sacred Mosque until they fight you therein. But if they fight you, then fight them: such is the requital for the disbelievers.

I believe I'll rest my case there. :)

JoeB131= .997 of being wrong.
But they are part of it.
Anyone with clout is going to use itt.
That's what America is all about whether we like it or not.
And even if one party changes something the other party will eventually change itt their liking.

Now you are just babbling....
I provide a service. I don't judge, I don't play favorite. I provide the best advice I can. Sometimes I have to prod a person to get the ideal product.

America shouldn't be about greed. There's a difference between greed and just wanting a fair pay for a far day's work.
So what changed since Trump's annoucement?
Oh! The UN, consisting of nations sharing the same land mass as 300,000,000 terrorists, bitched!
And guess what...those 300,000,000 terrorists weren't any nicer a month ago.
Last edited:
How many american rape their daughters? How many shoot and kill their families?

Islam has a dominatiin plan?
Who has fozens of bases all over the world, who started wars in Vietnam, korea, Iraq, afghanistan? World 1 and 2? Muslims?
Get off your high horse.
the difference is murder/rape/war/etc are part of ALL cultures
but the muslims/Middle Easteners/etc have a culture of murdering for political-cultural reasons in ''recent times''
I've given many examples of this already in this thread:
Munich--where they attacked PEACE, the world!!
Achille Lauro where they murdered someone in a WHEELCHAIR
9=11 murdering almost 3000 in 1 day
beheading innocent civilians
and/or SUICIDE
there are many BIG differences
you don't see many Scandinavians going to the MEAST and murdering innocent children

another HUGE difference:
in at least 2 terror attacks---the Islamic Chechnyans:
1. didn't have 2 or 5 or 10 terrorists--but dozens---you rarely see this in western culture
2. many of these terrorists were women--you rarely see this in western culture
3. they murdered children for political reasons--you rarely see this in western culture
continued in my next post
Thosw people dont represent Islam.
The west does the same thing under false nareatives, bu using planes, warships, tanks and drones. Yes American women soldiers also participated. In bombing Iraq, Afghanistan is the same shit "excuse my French"
I knew someone would bring this up--you are totally wrong
--the west does not directly target innocent civilians--in general --this is not their policy--please prove that they do!!

you are so far off target
you are talking military ops which is totally different
your argument is worthless
Geneva Conventions - Wikipedia
Geneva conventions? Lol the US and Israel violated that how many times?
We invaded iraq killing thousands under what lies? WMD?
We cause so much destruction around the world under laws that we put after world war ended. We toppled regimes and we put in dictators, we supplied and trained terrorists groups before turned against us. We fueled civil wars and drug trafficking. If you deny all of this you either delusional or brainless and uninformed.

Iraq, Lybia and syria had 0 terrorist groups till we went in and create a void for them to thrive.
trying to say US military ops are the same as these terror attacks is beyond ludicrous
1. Iraq invaded Kuwait--we went to their defense
2. at the end of PG1 with a ceasefire--the Iraqis did not keep the conditions--so we had every right to declare the cease fire voided
anyway--the military does not directly target innocent civilians as a policy--big difference
it's never even close--try something else
Bla bla bla we are so angelic. We never bomb innocents, we never invaded countriee, we spread love and prosperity. We didnt gas Vietnamese, we didnt carpet bomb Iraq and afghanistan. Our soldiers didnt commit war crimes. We have dozens of bases around the world that distribute candy and chocolate I guess.

Tell me how many terrorist groups were axtive in Iraq/Lybia and Syria before we intervened? .....a big ass 0 , thats right.
Even we aided the colombians in their traffickng...we also armed the narcos in Mexico. And thr list goes on.
We even aided Bin Laden....didnt we?
the difference is murder/rape/war/etc are part of ALL cultures
but the muslims/Middle Easteners/etc have a culture of murdering for political-cultural reasons in ''recent times''
I've given many examples of this already in this thread:
Munich--where they attacked PEACE, the world!!
Achille Lauro where they murdered someone in a WHEELCHAIR
9=11 murdering almost 3000 in 1 day
beheading innocent civilians
and/or SUICIDE
there are many BIG differences
you don't see many Scandinavians going to the MEAST and murdering innocent children

another HUGE difference:
in at least 2 terror attacks---the Islamic Chechnyans:
1. didn't have 2 or 5 or 10 terrorists--but dozens---you rarely see this in western culture
2. many of these terrorists were women--you rarely see this in western culture
3. they murdered children for political reasons--you rarely see this in western culture
continued in my next post
Thosw people dont represent Islam.
The west does the same thing under false nareatives, bu using planes, warships, tanks and drones. Yes American women soldiers also participated. In bombing Iraq, Afghanistan is the same shit "excuse my French"
I knew someone would bring this up--you are totally wrong
--the west does not directly target innocent civilians--in general --this is not their policy--please prove that they do!!

you are so far off target
you are talking military ops which is totally different
your argument is worthless
Geneva Conventions - Wikipedia
Geneva conventions? Lol the US and Israel violated that how many times?
We invaded iraq killing thousands under what lies? WMD?
We cause so much destruction around the world under laws that we put after world war ended. We toppled regimes and we put in dictators, we supplied and trained terrorists groups before turned against us. We fueled civil wars and drug trafficking. If you deny all of this you either delusional or brainless and uninformed.

Iraq, Lybia and syria had 0 terrorist groups till we went in and create a void for them to thrive.
trying to say US military ops are the same as these terror attacks is beyond ludicrous
1. Iraq invaded Kuwait--we went to their defense
2. at the end of PG1 with a ceasefire--the Iraqis did not keep the conditions--so we had every right to declare the cease fire voided
anyway--the military does not directly target innocent civilians as a policy--big difference
it's never even close--try something else
Bla bla bla we are so angelic. We never bomb innocents, we never invaded countriee, we spread love and prosperity. We didnt gas Vietnamese, we didnt carpet bomb Iraq and afghanistan. Our soldiers didnt commit war crimes. We have dozens of bases around the world that distribute candy and chocolate I guess.

Tell me how many terrorist groups were axtive in Iraq/Lybia and Syria before we intervened? .....a big ass 0 , thats right.
Even we aided the colombians in their traffickng...we also armed the narcos in Mexico. And thr list goes on.
We even aided Bin Laden....didnt we?
So we get involved with those who are already trouble.
the difference is murder/rape/war/etc are part of ALL cultures
but the muslims/Middle Easteners/etc have a culture of murdering for political-cultural reasons in ''recent times''
I've given many examples of this already in this thread:
Munich--where they attacked PEACE, the world!!
Achille Lauro where they murdered someone in a WHEELCHAIR
9=11 murdering almost 3000 in 1 day
beheading innocent civilians
and/or SUICIDE
there are many BIG differences
you don't see many Scandinavians going to the MEAST and murdering innocent children

another HUGE difference:
in at least 2 terror attacks---the Islamic Chechnyans:
1. didn't have 2 or 5 or 10 terrorists--but dozens---you rarely see this in western culture
2. many of these terrorists were women--you rarely see this in western culture
3. they murdered children for political reasons--you rarely see this in western culture
continued in my next post
Thosw people dont represent Islam.
The west does the same thing under false nareatives, bu using planes, warships, tanks and drones. Yes American women soldiers also participated. In bombing Iraq, Afghanistan is the same shit "excuse my French"
I knew someone would bring this up--you are totally wrong
--the west does not directly target innocent civilians--in general --this is not their policy--please prove that they do!!

you are so far off target
you are talking military ops which is totally different
your argument is worthless
Geneva Conventions - Wikipedia
Geneva conventions? Lol the US and Israel violated that how many times?
We invaded iraq killing thousands under what lies? WMD?
We cause so much destruction around the world under laws that we put after world war ended. We toppled regimes and we put in dictators, we supplied and trained terrorists groups before turned against us. We fueled civil wars and drug trafficking. If you deny all of this you either delusional or brainless and uninformed.

Iraq, Lybia and syria had 0 terrorist groups till we went in and create a void for them to thrive.
trying to say US military ops are the same as these terror attacks is beyond ludicrous
1. Iraq invaded Kuwait--we went to their defense
2. at the end of PG1 with a ceasefire--the Iraqis did not keep the conditions--so we had every right to declare the cease fire voided
anyway--the military does not directly target innocent civilians as a policy--big difference
it's never even close--try something else
Bla bla bla we are so angelic. We never bomb innocents, we never invaded countriee, we spread love and prosperity. We didnt gas Vietnamese, we didnt carpet bomb Iraq and afghanistan. Our soldiers didnt commit war crimes. We have dozens of bases around the world that distribute candy and chocolate I guess.

Tell me how many terrorist groups were axtive in Iraq/Lybia and Syria before we intervened? .....a big ass 0 , thats right.
Even we aided the colombians in their traffickng...we also armed the narcos in Mexico. And thr list goes on.
We even aided Bin Laden....didnt we?

you are parroting yesterday's Khutbah Jumaat feces fling. both Iraq and Syria were MAJOR FUNDERS of world wide terrorism. I will not comment on Syria---
you like Assad-----why not live over there with the Baathist dog. No---we did not
aid BIN LADEN---we killed the dog
the difference is murder/rape/war/etc are part of ALL cultures
but the muslims/Middle Easteners/etc have a culture of murdering for political-cultural reasons in ''recent times''
I've given many examples of this already in this thread:
Munich--where they attacked PEACE, the world!!
Achille Lauro where they murdered someone in a WHEELCHAIR
9=11 murdering almost 3000 in 1 day
beheading innocent civilians
and/or SUICIDE
there are many BIG differences
you don't see many Scandinavians going to the MEAST and murdering innocent children

another HUGE difference:
in at least 2 terror attacks---the Islamic Chechnyans:
1. didn't have 2 or 5 or 10 terrorists--but dozens---you rarely see this in western culture
2. many of these terrorists were women--you rarely see this in western culture
3. they murdered children for political reasons--you rarely see this in western culture
continued in my next post
Thosw people dont represent Islam.
The west does the same thing under false nareatives, bu using planes, warships, tanks and drones. Yes American women soldiers also participated. In bombing Iraq, Afghanistan is the same shit "excuse my French"
I knew someone would bring this up--you are totally wrong
--the west does not directly target innocent civilians--in general --this is not their policy--please prove that they do!!

you are so far off target
you are talking military ops which is totally different
your argument is worthless
Geneva Conventions - Wikipedia
Geneva conventions? Lol the US and Israel violated that how many times?
We invaded iraq killing thousands under what lies? WMD?
We cause so much destruction around the world under laws that we put after world war ended. We toppled regimes and we put in dictators, we supplied and trained terrorists groups before turned against us. We fueled civil wars and drug trafficking. If you deny all of this you either delusional or brainless and uninformed.

Iraq, Lybia and syria had 0 terrorist groups till we went in and create a void for them to thrive.
trying to say US military ops are the same as these terror attacks is beyond ludicrous
1. Iraq invaded Kuwait--we went to their defense
2. at the end of PG1 with a ceasefire--the Iraqis did not keep the conditions--so we had every right to declare the cease fire voided
anyway--the military does not directly target innocent civilians as a policy--big difference
it's never even close--try something else
Bla bla bla we are so angelic. We never bomb innocents, we never invaded countriee, we spread love and prosperity. We didnt gas Vietnamese, we didnt carpet bomb Iraq and afghanistan. Our soldiers didnt commit war crimes. We have dozens of bases around the world that distribute candy and chocolate I guess.

Tell me how many terrorist groups were axtive in Iraq/Lybia and Syria before we intervened? .....a big ass 0 , thats right.
Even we aided the colombians in their traffickng...we also armed the narcos in Mexico. And thr list goes on.
We even aided Bin Laden....didnt we?
we don't directly target innocent civilians as policy--that's it --plain as day--that's the big difference
Thosw people dont represent Islam.
The west does the same thing under false nareatives, bu using planes, warships, tanks and drones. Yes American women soldiers also participated. In bombing Iraq, Afghanistan is the same shit "excuse my French"
I knew someone would bring this up--you are totally wrong
--the west does not directly target innocent civilians--in general --this is not their policy--please prove that they do!!

you are so far off target
you are talking military ops which is totally different
your argument is worthless
Geneva Conventions - Wikipedia
Geneva conventions? Lol the US and Israel violated that how many times?
We invaded iraq killing thousands under what lies? WMD?
We cause so much destruction around the world under laws that we put after world war ended. We toppled regimes and we put in dictators, we supplied and trained terrorists groups before turned against us. We fueled civil wars and drug trafficking. If you deny all of this you either delusional or brainless and uninformed.

Iraq, Lybia and syria had 0 terrorist groups till we went in and create a void for them to thrive.
trying to say US military ops are the same as these terror attacks is beyond ludicrous
1. Iraq invaded Kuwait--we went to their defense
2. at the end of PG1 with a ceasefire--the Iraqis did not keep the conditions--so we had every right to declare the cease fire voided
anyway--the military does not directly target innocent civilians as a policy--big difference
it's never even close--try something else
Bla bla bla we are so angelic. We never bomb innocents, we never invaded countriee, we spread love and prosperity. We didnt gas Vietnamese, we didnt carpet bomb Iraq and afghanistan. Our soldiers didnt commit war crimes. We have dozens of bases around the world that distribute candy and chocolate I guess.

Tell me how many terrorist groups were axtive in Iraq/Lybia and Syria before we intervened? .....a big ass 0 , thats right.
Even we aided the colombians in their traffickng...we also armed the narcos in Mexico. And thr list goes on.
We even aided Bin Laden....didnt we?
we don't directly target innocent civilians as policy--that's it --plain as day--that's the big difference

Bullshit...directly or any directly we have been responsible for killing millions of people since day one...from the natives, Vietnamese, Iraqis to the Palestinians ect....
Most wars and conflicts where people suffer, we have in either toppling the regime, invading, supplying arms or aiding one party on another. Is not up to us to judge ourselves, we are known to be the thugs of the of the world.

Bullshit...directly or any directly we have been responsible for killing millions of people since day one...from the natives, Vietnamese, Iraqis to the Palestinians ect....
Most wars and conflicts where people suffer, we have in either toppling the regime, invading, supplying arms or aiding one party on another. Is not up to us to judge ourselves, we are known to be the thugs of the of the world.[/QUOTE]

"KNOWN" by whom? the muzzie pigs who, over the past 1400 years. have MURDERED in the hundreds of
millions for the PLEASURE or allah? You are parroting the sophistry of the DESPERATE who seek to justify
the FILTH of your history. READ THE KORAN-----that vile book is just the basis of GENOCIDE
Did I say they did?

muslims didn't invent dynamite either...

But they have no problem killing innocent

women and children with it....

Neither do we! We bombed the shit out of 14 Islamic Countries in the last 40 years and then whine when they bomb back.

So you think we Americans are the bad guys.....

Unlike the muslims we don't kill

children on purpose...

You are twisted...
The not one, but 2 links include the actual text, dipshit.

But if they fight you, then kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers.

b) And kill them wherever you meet them and drive them out from where they have driven you out; for persecution is worse than killing. And fight them not in, and near, the Sacred Mosque until they fight you therein. But if they fight you, then fight them: such is the requital for the disbelievers.

So they are telling their followers to retake their land if someone has driven them off of it.

It's not, "Kill all the unbelievers"

It's "Kill them if they invade your land!"

I know, wow, maybe someone should have explain this to Bush as to why invading their countries over weapons that didn't exist was a terrible idea.

So Fake Wayne fails again.

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