The UN Vote Proves

Rooftops ? Lol
2005, 1,181 women were murdered by an intimate partner.1 That’s an average of three women every day. Of all the women murdered in the U.S., about one-third were killed by an intimate partner.2
Legally? Or were they told to by their religion.

Don't try to play stupid. Everyone knows muslims beat their multiple wives with the approval of their religion. It is a shit practice by a shit religion.
Wrong. Religion prohibits beating anyone let alone.
In the US hundreds of women get killed by their partners i am sure they wouldve loved the beating than been killed.

STFU. I bet over 200 girls were killed by their dads/uncles last year in Muslim "honor killings". Most likely way more.

Even more were mutilated. Islam is pure evil.
You dont have any stats. Instead i want you debunk theses stats:

According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, women experience about 4.8 million intimate partner-related physical assaults and rapes every year.4 Less than 20 percent of battered women sought medical treatment following an injury.5

2005, 1,181 women were murdered by an intimate partner.1 That’s an average of three women every day. Of all the women murdered in the U.S., about one-third were killed by an intimate partner.2

232,960 women in the U.S. were raped or sexually assaulted in 2006

I don't need any stats, bitch. When a Muslim doctor comes knocking on my door with a crazed-ass look in his eye and a sword in his hand, and I know he's looking to kill his daughter, I sort of know what time it is. It's time to lie, say I haven't seen her, and if you make a move, you're a dead man. That was over 25 years ago. The memory is quite fresh. My only regret is not calling law enforcement. She left out to the airport the next day on the floorboard of the van, straight out the garage, and that's all I know. I don't even know her name.
Time to take your meds, pick yiur rifle and go save the thousands of women that get raped and killed in thr US Superman.
Legally? Or were they told to by their religion.

Don't try to play stupid. Everyone knows muslims beat their multiple wives with the approval of their religion. It is a shit practice by a shit religion.
Wrong. Religion prohibits beating anyone let alone.
In the US hundreds of women get killed by their partners i am sure they wouldve loved the beating than been killed.

STFU. I bet over 200 girls were killed by their dads/uncles last year in Muslim "honor killings". Most likely way more.

Even more were mutilated. Islam is pure evil.
You dont have any stats. Instead i want you debunk theses stats:

According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, women experience about 4.8 million intimate partner-related physical assaults and rapes every year.4 Less than 20 percent of battered women sought medical treatment following an injury.5

2005, 1,181 women were murdered by an intimate partner.1 That’s an average of three women every day. Of all the women murdered in the U.S., about one-third were killed by an intimate partner.2

232,960 women in the U.S. were raped or sexually assaulted in 2006

I don't need any stats, bitch. When a Muslim doctor comes knocking on my door with a crazed-ass look in his eye and a sword in his hand, and I know he's looking to kill his daughter, I sort of know what time it is. It's time to lie, say I haven't seen her, and if you make a move, you're a dead man. That was over 25 years ago. The memory is quite fresh. My only regret is not calling law enforcement. She left out to the airport the next day on the floorboard of the van, straight out the garage, and that's all I know. I don't even know her name.
Time to take your meds, pick yiur rifle and go save the thousands of women that get raped and killed in thr US Superman.



Wrong. Religion prohibits beating anyone let alone.
In the US hundreds of women get killed by their partners i am sure they wouldve loved the beating than been killed.

STFU. I bet over 200 girls were killed by their dads/uncles last year in Muslim "honor killings". Most likely way more.

Even more were mutilated. Islam is pure evil.
You dont have any stats. Instead i want you debunk theses stats:

According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, women experience about 4.8 million intimate partner-related physical assaults and rapes every year.4 Less than 20 percent of battered women sought medical treatment following an injury.5

2005, 1,181 women were murdered by an intimate partner.1 That’s an average of three women every day. Of all the women murdered in the U.S., about one-third were killed by an intimate partner.2

232,960 women in the U.S. were raped or sexually assaulted in 2006

I don't need any stats, bitch. When a Muslim doctor comes knocking on my door with a crazed-ass look in his eye and a sword in his hand, and I know he's looking to kill his daughter, I sort of know what time it is. It's time to lie, say I haven't seen her, and if you make a move, you're a dead man. That was over 25 years ago. The memory is quite fresh. My only regret is not calling law enforcement. She left out to the airport the next day on the floorboard of the van, straight out the garage, and that's all I know. I don't even know her name.
Time to take your meds, pick yiur rifle and go save the thousands of women that get raped and killed in thr US Superman.



It is...scums are killing women regardless of religion. Lived in a muslim country. And here is mich worse.....even Trump brags about grabing pussies. Millions are raped, thousands are killed in domestic cant go out an play of fear of being kidnapped raped and killed. My kids the only time they go out unsupervised to play is when we travel to Morocco.
You can't hide the truth.
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232,960 women in the U.S. were raped or sexually assaulted in 2006
That's mostly blacks and Mexicans.

Every 98 second an American is sexually assaulted.
321,500 victims (age 12 or older) of rape and sexual assault each year in the United States.
ages 12-34 are the highest risk years for rape and sexual assault.
As of 1998, an estimated 17.7 million American women had been victims of attempted or completed rape.


You wanna play that game ok sir....




Current estimates on poverty in the U.S. The officialpoverty rate is 13.5 percent, based on the U.S. Census Bureau's 2015 estimates. That year, an estimated 43.1 million Americans lived in poverty according to the official measure. According to supplemental povertymeasure, the poverty rate was 14.3 percent.


Had enough? or should i continue?
When you are ready to discuss instead of throwing insults, i'll be here to educate you about the differences between Morocco and the US. Just leave your ignorance aside and your racists views. As we say three people do never learn one of them is the arrogant.

Some of those pictures are not even in Morocco, please verify and repost.

Does Morocco have poverty yes of course....there is a country that doesn't have poor people.
The only difference is Morocco is a very homogeneous and compassionate society....we take care of each other...we won't let our relatives be homeless even if they are troubled or addicted to a substance, we take care also of our elderly. unlike in the US where die for weeks in their houses before discovered. The neighborhood i grew up at we collected money for those in need, we helped each other when one needed to get married, have a funeral for a relative, went to the hospital, needed financial help ect....
We cared for the little ones, single moms leave their kids to the neighbors to feed and babysit, We helped them with their homework for free, they played outside with no fear.

This is something that you'll never understand, because you grow in a greedy society, a society that values you only about how much you have in your pocket. if you don't have any money you equal 0 to this very society. Trust me if I tell you that some of the kids that you see living in these slums are happier than lot of American kids....They make their own toys, they play all day long, they have no fear of being kidnapped, they don't sit in front of a computer all day long or their tablet, non is obese....and yes they have plenty of healthy food.

You go ahead and spread your ignorance, you have never been there and you don't know anything about the matter....except few googled pictures, that weren't even taken in Morocco.
His daughter. I was the one answering the door with a rifle. No, she wanted to marry..somebody. I presume someone in Pakistan.

So why were you answering your door over a fight at his house?

This story sounds a bit more suspicious the more you tell it.

Dumbass Joe. I awoke around 2 AM to a scared-ass girl knocking on the back door saying "help me, he's trying to kill me".

I let her in and stuffed her under the stairs and told her to be quiet and turned the lights visible from outside out. At this point, I really didn't know what was going on. 5 minutes later, here comes her dad pounding on the door, so I faked like he woke me up and answered the door with a rifle in my hands. He had a sword in his and he was looking for his daughter, sweating profusely. I told him I hadn't seen her and asked him if he wanted me to call the police, he said no, and we said good night.

In the AM she got into my cousin's van, laid on the floor, and my cousin took her to the airport.
Dumbass Joe. I awoke around 2 AM to a scared-ass girl knocking on the back door saying "help me, he's trying to kill me".

I let her in and stuffed her under the stairs and told her to be quiet and turned the lights visible from outside out. At this point, I really didn't know what was going on. 5 minutes later, here comes her dad pounding on the door, so I faked like he woke me up and answered the door with a rifle in my hands. He had a sword in his and he was looking for his daughter, sweating profusely. I told him I hadn't seen her and asked him if he wanted me to call the police, he said no, and we said good night.

In the AM she got into my cousin's van, laid on the floor, and my cousin took her to the airport.

Cool Story, Bro!

Probably not true, but Cool Story.
Dumbass Joe. I awoke around 2 AM to a scared-ass girl knocking on the back door saying "help me, he's trying to kill me".

I let her in and stuffed her under the stairs and told her to be quiet and turned the lights visible from outside out. At this point, I really didn't know what was going on. 5 minutes later, here comes her dad pounding on the door, so I faked like he woke me up and answered the door with a rifle in my hands. He had a sword in his and he was looking for his daughter, sweating profusely. I told him I hadn't seen her and asked him if he wanted me to call the police, he said no, and we said good night.

In the AM she got into my cousin's van, laid on the floor, and my cousin took her to the airport.

Cool Story, Bro!

Probably not true, but Cool Story.

:blahblah: I knew nothing about Muslims prior to that.
I knew nothing about Muslims prior to that.

That's even more implausible.

So for those playing along at home, we are really supposed to believe that this Muslim girl ran to your house at 2 AM even though you are the local white trash bigot, even though you never encountered her before, and her father came by with a sword- no really - a sword, and you selflessly fended him off with a gun and spirited a total stranger out of the country.

Again, Cool Story, Bro!
I knew nothing about Muslims prior to that.

That's even more implausible.

So for those playing along at home, we are really supposed to believe that this Muslim girl ran to your house at 2 AM even though you are the local white trash bigot, even though you never encountered her before, and her father came by with a sword- no really - a sword, and you selflessly fended him off with a gun and spirited a total stranger out of the country.

Again, Cool Story, Bro!

I wasn't alone. Didn't even understand what was going on, my aunt explained it to me the next day. No bitchboy, I kept a crazy man with a sword from coming into the house, something you probably don't have the balls to even think about doing. You'd piss yourself and screech like a bitch.
Until the last sentence you were doing pretty good. Then you had to tell a lie. Sorry 'bout that.
Straight fr9m my this country i can't stand the racists and bigots.
yes, the blacks/libs are the worst bigots and racists---PLUS they are hypocrites
As a minority i disagree. The so called cons are.
blacks commit:
more HATE crimes per capita
much more murder per capita
more rape per capita
more crime per capita
graduate at a lower level
you must not be black

blacks are so obsessed with race, so racist and hypocritical that they are PROUD of their racism/bigotry/hypocrisy
Loni Love Explains Why ‘The Real’ Has No White Hosts [Video]
the Hispanics also are PROUD to be racists/haters/etc
Justice Sonia Sotomayor once said a Latina judge would make a different ruling than a white man

Obama was a proud racist going to Rev Wright [ undeniably a racist/hater ] for YEARS
As a minority again...a racist most likely to be a conservative.
The only bigotry, racism i heard in this forum comes from the right.
I was called, terrorist, sand ******, Ahmed lol, list goes on.
Minorities dont vote GOP much for a reason, although most of US are conservatives by guys are close minded and regressive.
there it is again--the left/libs/blacks/etc CAN"T be racist/bigots--they must be inhuman--perfect--etc!!!!!
how RIDICULOUS your statement is
of course the left/minorities/etc are racists/bigots/haters---you'd have to be an idiot to think otherwise.....they are NOT inhuman
blacks commit:
more HATE crimes per capita
much more murder per capita
more rape per capita
more crime per capita
graduate at a lower level
you must not be black

blacks are so obsessed with race, so racist and hypocritical that they are PROUD of their racism/bigotry/hypocrisy
Loni Love Explains Why ‘The Real’ Has No White Hosts [Video]
the Hispanics also are PROUD to be racists/haters/etc
Justice Sonia Sotomayor once said a Latina judge would make a different ruling than a white man

Obama was a proud racist going to Rev Wright [ undeniably a racist/hater ] for YEARS
As a minority again...a racist most likely to be a conservative.
The only bigotry, racism i heard in this forum comes from the right.
I was called, terrorist, sand ******, Ahmed lol, list goes on.
Minorities dont vote GOP much for a reason, although most of US are conservatives by guys are close minded and regressive.
Americans just don't appreciate how much effort goes into beating multiple wives and murdering suspected gays.
Multiple wives in the US, and crimes against gays are rampant also i agree....Sad very sad!!!

Islam is nothing more than a world domination plan masquerading as a religion.

How many Christians try to behead their daughter because she wants to marry for love and not who her father arranged?

How many Christians perpetrated "honor killings" this year?

How many american rape their daughters? How many shoot and kill their families?

Islam has a dominatiin plan?
Who has fozens of bases all over the world, who started wars in Vietnam, korea, Iraq, afghanistan? World 1 and 2? Muslims?
Get off your high horse.
the difference is murder/rape/war/etc are part of ALL cultures
but the muslims/Middle Easteners/etc have a culture of murdering for political-cultural reasons in ''recent times''
I've given many examples of this already in this thread:
Munich--where they attacked PEACE, the world!!
Achille Lauro where they murdered someone in a WHEELCHAIR
9=11 murdering almost 3000 in 1 day
beheading innocent civilians
and/or SUICIDE
there are many BIG differences
you don't see many Scandinavians going to the MEAST and murdering innocent children

another HUGE difference:
in at least 2 terror attacks---the Islamic Chechnyans:
1. didn't have 2 or 5 or 10 terrorists--but dozens---you rarely see this in western culture
2. many of these terrorists were women--you rarely see this in western culture
3. they murdered children for political reasons--you rarely see this in western culture
continued in my next post
another example of the islamic/muslim/MEAST culture:
I knew a Russian engineer...he was one of the the NICEST, peaceful persons I have known
1 day, around the time of the big Chechnyan terror attacks, I asked him about the Chechnyans
he said:
KILL THEM ALL--something like that....coming from him, this was a huge shock to me

now--Boston has about 6 million people?
when I heard of the Boston bombing--and heard they were Chechnyans--I thought --NO SHIT --because:
at the Moscow Theater and Beslan School terror attacks--the Chechnyans did not have 2, or 5 or 10 attackers--but DOZENS--along with women!!!!
any idiot should see that the Chechnyan culture breeds a lot of terrorists--no!--not all of them--but at such a big percentage that it would be stupid not to think there would not be a good chance of a Chechnyan immigrant to the US being a threat

so--out of 600,000 people--guess who bombed the marathon???!!--yes--Islamic CHECHNYANS-who are less than 1 % of the population !!!!
yes--they are more prone to terror killing as opposed to westerners
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