The UN Vote Proves

Because i felt i like it.
And Morocco is a 3rd world shithole
I just googled morocco and womens rights. Seems he is full of shit. First result was a woman getting gang raped on a bus. Second one was about them recently passing a law where rape victims dont have to marry their attacker. RECENTLY passing the law.
And he talks about the US? What a fucking liar.
Yeah go ahead and base how Morocco is on flashnews.
When i turn on local news channel i see rape allegations, girls kidnapped raped and killrd is that what the US is all about? No. Although there are millions of rape cases.
Too bad we can't discuss statistics. Your old govt wont even publish crime. But with laws like marrying your rapist, I can only imagine..

Sweet heart trust me i know both countries.....

Morocco is family values, safety net, generous people, cheap food and housing, everyone watches for everyone, no gun crimes, no mass shootings, nice weather, lot of history, proximity to Europe, Africa, and the middle east, we get along with everyone. we welcome everyone, all religions live peacefully, we don't burn down churches or synagogues like here in the US.

The US is good for business, but the moral compass is down the drains, too much hate, between the cons and the liberals, too many enemies outside the US in this moment, no safety net for unfortunate, elderly ignored, veterans suffering, crime epidemic, obesity, huge gap between the rich and the poor, ect....

Still love both and they are both my countries.....but what i hate most is the ignorance, racism and bigotry that stems from the right wing in the US.
Lol what a load of shit.
Again, fuck the Zionists... they aren't the boss of this country.

You forgot to use the de rigueur word "entity": that you use to show your solidarity with genocidal antisemites.

This "Zionist" entity must be wiped from the face of the Earth, don't you know? The Mullah's you parrot so stupidly all say so.

.....of course, when they aren't stoning women for having been raped or tossing gays off the rooftops and whatnot.

I'm curious, Joe -- are you for real, or is this yet another POE trying to make leftists look like the most absolutely idiotic pieces of garbage the gene pool can vomit forth?
Lol what a load of shit.

Lying to non believers in the supremacist ideology is one of the central features of Islam. He is applying a technique called "Kitman", which he adds to his usual taqiyya.

It's just all part of the process the supremacists have learned to spread their virus.
You forgot to use the de rigueur word "entity": that you use to show your solidarity with genocidal antisemites.

This "Zionist" entity must be wiped from the face of the Earth, don't you know? The Mullah's you parrot so stupidly all say so.

wouldn't bother me that much. Frankly, the only reason why they stole Arab land was because the Europeans didn't want them. Send them back to Europe and let them have a country there. Or fuck it, let's just give them Florida and be done with it.

.....of course, when they aren't stoning women for having been raped or tossing gays off the rooftops and whatnot.

Right. Because that happens every day... well, no, not really.

I'm curious, Joe -- are you for real, or is this yet another POE trying to make leftists look like the most absolutely idiotic pieces of garbage the gene pool can vomit forth?

I'm curious Doggy, are you completely fucking retarded or do you just play a retard on the internet.

It isn't really a left/right issue. The Democrats are just as likely to say "how High" when the Zionist entity yells "Jump". It's why Jews vote 80% Democratic.

So you guys spend all your time sucking up to people who can't fucking stand you. How whack is that?
Lying to non believers in the supremacist ideology is one of the central features of Islam. He is applying a technique called "Kitman", which he adds to his usual taqiyya.

It's just all part of the process the supremacists have learned to spread their virus.

Yawn, guy.

Here's the thing, they aren't invading our countries, we invade there. Since 1980 we've invaded, occuppied or bombed 15 Islamic Countries. Mostly at the Behest of the Zionists.

Has to be a point where someone asks, "What are we getting out of this?"

Cheap oil? That kind of makes us like the dope addict who gets shot in the ass robbing a house to pay for his drug habit.
Yawn, guy.

Here's the thing, they aren't invading our countries, we invade there. Since 1980 we've invaded, occuppied or bombed 15 Islamic Countries. Mostly at the Behest of the Zionists.

Has to be a point where someone asks, "What are we getting out of this?"

Cheap oil? That kind of makes us like the dope addict who gets shot in the ass robbing a house to pay for his drug habit.

So the answer is yes -- you ARE a POE trying to make leftists look like utter cretins
Doesn't matter. Islam is the Regressive Left's pet constituent oppressed religion, and they're willing to overlook how the religion treats women and gays.

They only give a shit about that stuff when it can help them.

Priorities, priorities.

So you bring up Richard Dawkins the Misogynist to complain about how the Muslims are misogynist? Really, Mac?

Okay- one more time. We don't have a problem with the Islamic World because their belief is a sky fairy is worse than your belief in a sky fairy.

We have a problem with them because we keep invading their countries.

No, we have a problem with them because the Koran is a world-domination scheme disguised as a religion.
No, we have a problem with them because the Koran is a world-domination scheme disguised as a religion.

Really? Well, frankly, given that they've been around for 1600 years and haven't taken over the world yet, they kind of suck at it.

Why do I get the feeling you don't actually know any Muslims personally?

My first experience with Islam was the neighbor trying to decapitate his daughter for not marrying who he wanted her to. Next assumption?

When's the last time you had a wild-eyed Muslim with a sword in his hand knock on your door @ 2AM, and what would you do?
Again, fuck the Zionists... they aren't the boss of this country.

You say, as the US defies the world, by moving the US embassy to Jerusalem.

You say, while the US still has troops in Iraq more than a decade after an incredibly costly war for Israel.

You say, while Jews on the Supreme Court are one seat away from having full control of the Supreme Court.
My first experience with Islam was the neighbor trying to decapitate his daughter for not marrying who he wanted her to. Next assumption?

When's the last time you had a wild-eyed Muslim with a sword in his hand knock on your door @ 2AM, and what would you do?

Wait, was he trying to decapitate you or his daughter? Were you banging his daughter?
My first experience with Islam was the neighbor trying to decapitate his daughter for not marrying who he wanted her to. Next assumption?

When's the last time you had a wild-eyed Muslim with a sword in his hand knock on your door @ 2AM, and what would you do?

Wait, was he trying to decapitate you or his daughter? Were you banging his daughter?

His daughter. I was the one answering the door with a rifle. No, she wanted to marry..somebody. I presume someone in Pakistan.
The UN vote proves just how many countries are afraid of muslim violence
I couldn't have put it any better.
( Islam will kill you for not believing, criticizing, doubting or at least tax non Muslims for the luxury of existing, period. Why do many liberals defend Islamic shenanigans when these same liberals mock all other organized religions as superstitious taboo laden nonsense? Oh, Islam will hunt you cowards down and kill you. Oh, those lovable Muslim scamps! )
If you had a brain, it doesn't show. Nothing but stupid shit dribble from you. Nazis wanted to eliminate different people. Zionists want to eliminate different people. Muslims want to convert different people.

You're retarded! Nazis and Muslims actually collaborated to kill Jews.
Nope they didn't...most fought with the allies my grandfather helped liberate France....thousands of Moroccans, Algerians, Senegales, ect....those who not to kill thr Jew s but to stick it to the Uk that occupied their countries.
When the French asked our king to hand the Jews he it.
We also harbored thousands of Europeans refugees that fled the war...and they held meetings in Casablanca. This something we learn in elementary in Morocco.

Yes, they did.

Waffen SS 13th division at prayer:

Nice try, Ahmed, but no.


Muslim members of the Waffen-SS 13th division at prayer during their training in Germany, 1943

Read what I said those who collaborated were fighting the UK and those countries that occupied them. They didn't do it to massacre the Jews.
North AFRICAN Muslim countries fought along the allies, try and deny that. I'm waiting!!!
Also Muslims in Europe helped hide the Jews from the Germans specialty in France. King Mohamed 5 Morocco refused to hand the Jews to the French who were gonna hand them to the Germans. Thousands of Indian Muslims also fought alongside the Brits. It was called a world war for a reason, both sides had Muslims, Christians and even Jews fought along side the Germans. I bet you didn't know that one!!!

From the horse's mouth:

The tensions started when the Jews went on to settle and occupy Palestine and take over Jerusalem. Other than that they always found good refuge in the Islamic world, running away from prosecution in the christian world.

And don't call me Ahmed, you don't like me to call you cracker do you?

I like to be called cracker.

Yeah, Muslims wanted to help the Jews, that's why they joined the Waffen SS, amirite? :cuckoo:


About as much the Muslims want to help Jews today. I'm not going to allow you to spin away from this.

As I eat my bacon.

I care less if you eat shit lol
Muslims fought against the germans
Christians fought with the germans
Jews fought with the Germans.
Muslims fought with the Germans.
Christians fought against the Jews....
It was a world war and not a religious one.

Debunk those facts and also the fact that Morocco the Muslim country protected thr Jews while some christian ones handed them over to the Germans.
If you had a brain, it doesn't show. Nothing but stupid shit dribble from you. Nazis wanted to eliminate different people. Zionists want to eliminate different people. Muslims want to convert different people.

You're retarded! Nazis and Muslims actually collaborated to kill Jews.
Nope they didn't...most fought with the allies my grandfather helped liberate France....thousands of Moroccans, Algerians, Senegales, ect....those who not to kill thr Jew s but to stick it to the Uk that occupied their countries.
When the French asked our king to hand the Jews he it.
We also harbored thousands of Europeans refugees that fled the war...and they held meetings in Casablanca. This something we learn in elementary in Morocco.

Yes, they did.

Waffen SS 13th division at prayer:

Nice try, Ahmed, but no.


Muslim members of the Waffen-SS 13th division at prayer during their training in Germany, 1943

Read what I said those who collaborated were fighting the UK and those countries that occupied them. They didn't do it to massacre the Jews.
North AFRICAN Muslim countries fought along the allies, try and deny that. I'm waiting!!!
Also Muslims in Europe helped hide the Jews from the Germans specialty in France. King Mohamed 5 Morocco refused to hand the Jews to the French who were gonna hand them to the Germans. Thousands of Indian Muslims also fought alongside the Brits. It was called a world war for a reason, both sides had Muslims, Christians and even Jews fought along side the Germans. I bet you didn't know that one!!!

From the horse's mouth:

The tensions started when the Jews went on to settle and occupy Palestine and take over Jerusalem. Other than that they always found good refuge in the Islamic world, running away from prosecution in the christian world.

And don't call me Ahmed, you don't like me to call you cracker do you?

If he calls you Ahmed, call him cracker. If that's how he addresses you, he is a damn cracker.

He can't in person that i am sure of...unless if he wants to be put to sleep.
Sweet heart trust me i know both countries.....

Morocco is family values, safety net, generous people, cheap food and housing, everyone watches for everyone, no gun crimes, no mass shootings, nice weather, lot of history, proximity to Europe, Africa, and the middle east, we get along with everyone. we welcome everyone, all religions live peacefully, we don't burn down churches or synagogues like here in the US.

The US is good for business, but the moral compass is down the drains, too much hate, between the cons and the liberals, too many enemies outside the US in this moment, no safety net for unfortunate, elderly ignored, veterans suffering, crime epidemic, obesity, huge gap between the rich and the poor, ect....

Still love both and they are both my countries.....but what i hate most is the ignorance, racism and bigotry that stems from the right wing in the US.
Until the last sentence you were doing pretty good. Then you had to tell a lie. Sorry 'bout that.
Straight fr9m my this country i can't stand the racists and bigots.
yes, the blacks/libs are the worst bigots and racists---PLUS they are hypocrites
As a minority i disagree. The so called cons are.
blacks commit:
more HATE crimes per capita
much more murder per capita
more rape per capita
more crime per capita
graduate at a lower level
you must not be black

blacks are so obsessed with race, so racist and hypocritical that they are PROUD of their racism/bigotry/hypocrisy
Loni Love Explains Why ‘The Real’ Has No White Hosts [Video]
the Hispanics also are PROUD to be racists/haters/etc
Justice Sonia Sotomayor once said a Latina judge would make a different ruling than a white man

Obama was a proud racist going to Rev Wright [ undeniably a racist/hater ] for YEARS
As a minority again...a racist most likely to be a conservative.
The only bigotry, racism i heard in this forum comes from the right.
I was called, terrorist, sand ******, Ahmed lol, list goes on.
Minorities dont vote GOP much for a reason, although most of US are conservatives by guys are close minded and regressive.
And Morocco is a 3rd world shithole
I just googled morocco and womens rights. Seems he is full of shit. First result was a woman getting gang raped on a bus. Second one was about them recently passing a law where rape victims dont have to marry their attacker. RECENTLY passing the law.
And he talks about the US? What a fucking liar.
Yeah go ahead and base how Morocco is on flashnews.
When i turn on local news channel i see rape allegations, girls kidnapped raped and killrd is that what the US is all about? No. Although there are millions of rape cases.
Too bad we can't discuss statistics. Your old govt wont even publish crime. But with laws like marrying your rapist, I can only imagine..

Sweet heart trust me i know both countries.....

Morocco is family values, safety net, generous people, cheap food and housing, everyone watches for everyone, no gun crimes, no mass shootings, nice weather, lot of history, proximity to Europe, Africa, and the middle east, we get along with everyone. we welcome everyone, all religions live peacefully, we don't burn down churches or synagogues like here in the US.

The US is good for business, but the moral compass is down the drains, too much hate, between the cons and the liberals, too many enemies outside the US in this moment, no safety net for unfortunate, elderly ignored, veterans suffering, crime epidemic, obesity, huge gap between the rich and the poor, ect....

Still love both and they are both my countries.....but what i hate most is the ignorance, racism and bigotry that stems from the right wing in the US.
Lol what a load of shit.
Again i lived in both u didn't.
Turn on the TV , all you see is rape allegations from the WH to kindergarten.
muslims treat women and gays like dogs. They beat their women and murder their gays.

Christian men also beat their women. Some Christian Republicans also dream of killing gays.
Show us the teachings of modern Christian priests and pastors that will ensure the proper way for a Christian man to beat his wife.

When you've finished, link us to them discussing their murderous gay dreams.

Here are pages of muslim...clerics...teaching men to beat their wives. One even discussed how lucky muslim women are to be beaten by their husbands.

islam teaches wife beating - YouTube
Until the last sentence you were doing pretty good. Then you had to tell a lie. Sorry 'bout that.
Straight fr9m my this country i can't stand the racists and bigots.
yes, the blacks/libs are the worst bigots and racists---PLUS they are hypocrites
As a minority i disagree. The so called cons are.
blacks commit:
more HATE crimes per capita
much more murder per capita
more rape per capita
more crime per capita
graduate at a lower level
you must not be black

blacks are so obsessed with race, so racist and hypocritical that they are PROUD of their racism/bigotry/hypocrisy
Loni Love Explains Why ‘The Real’ Has No White Hosts [Video]
the Hispanics also are PROUD to be racists/haters/etc
Justice Sonia Sotomayor once said a Latina judge would make a different ruling than a white man

Obama was a proud racist going to Rev Wright [ undeniably a racist/hater ] for YEARS
As a minority again...a racist most likely to be a conservative.
The only bigotry, racism i heard in this forum comes from the right.
I was called, terrorist, sand ******, Ahmed lol, list goes on.
Minorities dont vote GOP much for a reason, although most of US are conservatives by guys are close minded and regressive.
Americans just don't appreciate how much effort goes into beating multiple wives and murdering suspected gays.

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