The UN Vote Proves

What the vote proves is that the US, through Trump and his minions, has relinquished the role of world leader and any pretense of diplomacy and ethics as well as any hope of peace in the ME.
Muslims are the Nazis of today

If you had a brain, it doesn't show. Nothing but stupid shit dribble from you. Nazis wanted to eliminate different people. Zionists want to eliminate different people. Muslims want to convert different people.

You're retarded! Nazis and Muslims actually collaborated to kill Jews.
Nope they didn't...most fought with the allies my grandfather helped liberate France....thousands of Moroccans, Algerians, Senegales, ect....those who not to kill thr Jew s but to stick it to the Uk that occupied their countries.
When the French asked our king to hand the Jews he it.
We also harbored thousands of Europeans refugees that fled the war...and they held meetings in Casablanca. This something we learn in elementary in Morocco.

Yes, they did.

Waffen SS 13th division at prayer:

Nice try, Ahmed, but no.


Muslim members of the Waffen-SS 13th division at prayer during their training in Germany, 1943

Read what I said those who collaborated were fighting the UK and those countries that occupied them. They didn't do it to massacre the Jews.
North AFRICAN Muslim countries fought along the allies, try and deny that. I'm waiting!!!
Also Muslims in Europe helped hide the Jews from the Germans specialty in France. King Mohamed 5 Morocco refused to hand the Jews to the French who were gonna hand them to the Germans. Thousands of Indian Muslims also fought alongside the Brits. It was called a world war for a reason, both sides had Muslims, Christians and even Jews fought along side the Germans. I bet you didn't know that one!!!

From the horse's mouth:

The tensions started when the Jews went on to settle and occupy Palestine and take over Jerusalem. Other than that they always found good refuge in the Islamic world, running away from prosecution in the christian world.

And don't call me Ahmed, you don't like me to call you cracker do you?
Wrong! Since we have had so many spineless Presidents, they aren't used to dealing with someone who won't lay down or bend over for them.

so i'm sorry, how is pissing off most of the world to suck up to the Jews really having "a spine".

The vote didnt prove shit. It was nothing more than political theater. The vote that mattered got vetoed by the most powerful country on the planet

I think it shows that the US is sinking in world wide esteem. It used to be we didn't lose votes like this. It's how we were able to pretend that China only existed in Taiwan for decades.
Is that what Trump did? Looks to me like he only agreed with what had been the truth for a long long time. You see, that's what makes you regressive so worthless, you CANNOT be told the truth no matter how upsetting, about anything.
Well, 9 countries agree with you and Trump. :rolleyes:
Muslims are the Nazis of today

If you had a brain, it doesn't show. Nothing but stupid shit dribble from you. Nazis wanted to eliminate different people. Zionists want to eliminate different people. Muslims want to convert different people.

You're retarded! Nazis and Muslims actually collaborated to kill Jews.
Nope they didn't...most fought with the allies my grandfather helped liberate France....thousands of Moroccans, Algerians, Senegales, ect....those who not to kill thr Jew s but to stick it to the Uk that occupied their countries.
When the French asked our king to hand the Jews he it.
We also harbored thousands of Europeans refugees that fled the war...and they held meetings in Casablanca. This something we learn in elementary in Morocco.

Yes, they did.

Waffen SS 13th division at prayer:

Nice try, Ahmed, but no.


Muslim members of the Waffen-SS 13th division at prayer during their training in Germany, 1943

Read what I said those who collaborated were fighting the UK and those countries that occupied them. They didn't do it to massacre the Jews.
North AFRICAN Muslim countries fought along the allies, try and deny that. I'm waiting!!!
Also Muslims in Europe helped hide the Jews from the Germans specialty in France. King Mohamed 5 Morocco refused to hand the Jews to the French who were gonna hand them to the Germans. Thousands of Indian Muslims also fought alongside the Brits. It was called a world war for a reason, both sides had Muslims, Christians and even Jews fought along side the Germans. I bet you didn't know that one!!!

From the horse's mouth:

The tensions started when the Jews went on to settle and occupy Palestine and take over Jerusalem. Other than that they always found good refuge in the Islamic world, running away from prosecution in the christian world.

And don't call me Ahmed, you don't like me to call you cracker do you?

I like to be called cracker.

Yeah, Muslims wanted to help the Jews, that's why they joined the Waffen SS, amirite? :cuckoo:


About as much the Muslims want to help Jews today. I'm not going to allow you to spin away from this.

As I eat my bacon.
Doesn't matter. Islam is the Regressive Left's pet constituent oppressed religion, and they're willing to overlook how the religion treats women and gays.

They only give a shit about that stuff when it can help them.

Priorities, priorities.

So you bring up Richard Dawkins the Misogynist to complain about how the Muslims are misogynist? Really, Mac?

Okay- one more time. We don't have a problem with the Islamic World because their belief is a sky fairy is worse than your belief in a sky fairy.

We have a problem with them because we keep invading their countries.
Doesn't matter. Islam is the Regressive Left's pet constituent oppressed religion, and they're willing to overlook how the religion treats women and gays.

They only give a shit about that stuff when it can help them.

Priorities, priorities.

So you bring up Richard Dawkins the Misogynist to complain about how the Muslims are misogynist? Really, Mac?

Okay- one more time. We don't have a problem with the Islamic World because their belief is a sky fairy is worse than your belief in a sky fairy.

We have a problem with them because we keep invading their countries.
^^^ See?
It's certainly a problem for muslim women and gays.

But we don't care about women, gays, or muslims....right?

I kind of take a "Prime Directive Attitude". What you do in your own country is your own business.

And I don't take it seriously when people say, "We need to go over there to change their attitudes on gays and women", when the people we ally ourselves with (like the Saudis) are worse than the people we are fighting. Saddam's Iraq was probably one of the more progressive towards women. Women even served in key posts in his government.

The only reason why we "care" about women and gays in the middle east is because they are standing on top of a shitload of oil. When you stop being a stupid tool and realize that, it all becomes a lot simpler.

From your own OP on that post.

And directly to the Regressive Leftists here: I'm certainly not, nor do I ever, expect a straight, clear and honest answer from you on this.

Except a lot of people DID give you straight answers, just ones you didn't want to hear.

To Wit-

1) Our problem with the Islamic World is not that their religion is any worse than our religion. ALL religions are kind of fucked up, and all of them have their tendency to take things too far.

2) The Muslims are not the Fucking Borg. They are not a hive mind. To hold all 1.6 Muslims accountable for the actions of ISIS makes about as much sense as holding all 2.2 Billion Christians accountable for the actions of the Westboro Baptist Church or the Christian Identity movement. Every religion produces its nuts.

3) Our moral protests would have more meaning if we didn't do a lot to enable "Jihadism". We are the ones who prop up the Saudis, who are exporting Whabbism around the world (A particularly radical form of Islam). We are the ones who have armed Jihadist factions like Al Qaeda. We are the ones who toppled secularist leaders like Saddam and Qadaffi to see them replaced with radicals.

4) End of the day, we wouldn't care about the Islamic World at all if it wasn't sitting on top of billions of barrels of oil.

Now, I want everyone to note, MAC WILL NOT ANSWER ANY OF THESE POINTS. He never does.
Muslims are the Nazis of today

If you had a brain, it doesn't show. Nothing but stupid shit dribble from you. Nazis wanted to eliminate different people. Zionists want to eliminate different people. Muslims want to convert different people.

You're retarded! Nazis and Muslims actually collaborated to kill Jews.
Nope they didn't...most fought with the allies my grandfather helped liberate France....thousands of Moroccans, Algerians, Senegales, ect....those who not to kill thr Jew s but to stick it to the Uk that occupied their countries.
When the French asked our king to hand the Jews he it.
We also harbored thousands of Europeans refugees that fled the war...and they held meetings in Casablanca. This something we learn in elementary in Morocco.

Yes, they did.

Waffen SS 13th division at prayer:

Nice try, Ahmed, but no.


Muslim members of the Waffen-SS 13th division at prayer during their training in Germany, 1943

Read what I said those who collaborated were fighting the UK and those countries that occupied them. They didn't do it to massacre the Jews.
North AFRICAN Muslim countries fought along the allies, try and deny that. I'm waiting!!!
Also Muslims in Europe helped hide the Jews from the Germans specialty in France. King Mohamed 5 Morocco refused to hand the Jews to the French who were gonna hand them to the Germans. Thousands of Indian Muslims also fought alongside the Brits. It was called a world war for a reason, both sides had Muslims, Christians and even Jews fought along side the Germans. I bet you didn't know that one!!!

From the horse's mouth:

The tensions started when the Jews went on to settle and occupy Palestine and take over Jerusalem. Other than that they always found good refuge in the Islamic world, running away from prosecution in the christian world.

And don't call me Ahmed, you don't like me to call you cracker do you?

If he calls you Ahmed, call him cracker. If that's how he addresses you, he is a damn cracker.

From your own OP on that post.

And directly to the Regressive Leftists here: I'm certainly not, nor do I ever, expect a straight, clear and honest answer from you on this.

Except a lot of people DID give you straight answers, just ones you didn't want to hear.

To Wit-

1) Our problem with the Islamic World is not that their religion is any worse than our religion. ALL religions are kind of fucked up, and all of them have their tendency to take things too far.

2) The Muslims are not the Fucking Borg. They are not a hive mind. To hold all 1.6 Muslims accountable for the actions of ISIS makes about as much sense as holding all 2.2 Billion Christians accountable for the actions of the Westboro Baptist Church or the Christian Identity movement. Every religion produces its nuts.

3) Our moral protests would have more meaning if we didn't do a lot to enable "Jihadism". We are the ones who prop up the Saudis, who are exporting Whabbism around the world (A particularly radical form of Islam). We are the ones who have armed Jihadist factions like Al Qaeda. We are the ones who toppled secularist leaders like Saddam and Qadaffi to see them replaced with radicals.

4) End of the day, we wouldn't care about the Islamic World at all if it wasn't sitting on top of billions of barrels of oil.

Now, I want everyone to note, MAC WILL NOT ANSWER ANY OF THESE POINTS. He never does.
Correct, Joe, I won't answer them, even though I agree in some ways.

I no longer have asymmetrical conversations with online zealots.

So claim a "victory" - I know how important your self-esteem and "reputation" are here - and continue on your Regressive way.

You've once again made my point for me, vividly.
Wrong! Since we have had so many spineless Presidents, they aren't used to dealing with someone who won't lay down or bend over for them.

so i'm sorry, how is pissing off most of the world to suck up to the Jews really having "a spine".

The vote didnt prove shit. It was nothing more than political theater. The vote that mattered got vetoed by the most powerful country on the planet

I think it shows that the US is sinking in world wide esteem. It used to be we didn't lose votes like this. It's how we were able to pretend that China only existed in Taiwan for decades.
Is that what Trump did? Looks to me like he only agreed with what had been the truth for a long long time. You see, that's what makes you regressive so worthless, you CANNOT be told the truth no matter how upsetting, about anything.
Well, 9 countries agree with you and Trump. :rolleyes:
What about the 65 that abstained form the vote? Forgot about those huh? lol
Correct, Joe, I won't answer them, even though I agree in some ways.

I no longer have asymmetrical conversations with online zealots.

So claim a "victory" - I know how important your self-esteem and "reputation" are here - and continue on your Regressive way.

You've once again made my point for me, vividly.

You won't answer them because you can't....

The only point you have is that you are a bigot, and try to wrap your bigotry up in some kind of liberal clothes. "See, I hate Muslims because I'm really concerned about Muslim women!" who weren't really complaining to start with.
Only to regressive traitors and fools. Trump admin is having a party for them.

When I raised the right hand and swore to protect America, ISRAEL wasn't mentioned once.

I don't mistake Israel's whims for America's interests. I'm not sure why you do.

So one one hand, we have the Zionists, who want their capital to be in Jerusalem because they don't want to give it back when (not if) a two-state solution is finally reached.

On the other hand, we have a lot of countries that are our allies who also think that the status of Jerusalem has to be negotiated as a part of a middle east peace deal. Many of these countries we count on to support our effort to fight ISIS, Al Qaeda and the other bad guys. So yeah, let's antagonize them some more.
Only to regressive traitors and fools. Trump admin is having a party for them.

When I raised the right hand and swore to protect America, ISRAEL wasn't mentioned once.

I don't mistake Israel's whims for America's interests. I'm not sure why you do.

So one one hand, we have the Zionists, who want their capital to be in Jerusalem because they don't want to give it back when (not if) a two-state solution is finally reached.

On the other hand, we have a lot of countries that are our allies who also think that the status of Jerusalem has to be negotiated as a part of a middle east peace deal. Many of these countries we count on to support our effort to fight ISIS, Al Qaeda and the other bad guys. So yeah, let's antagonize them some more.
Israel? lol. Spinner winner.
Too bad we can't discuss statistics. Your old govt wont even publish crime. But with laws like marrying your rapist, I can only imagine..

Sweet heart trust me i know both countries.....

Morocco is family values, safety net, generous people, cheap food and housing, everyone watches for everyone, no gun crimes, no mass shootings, nice weather, lot of history, proximity to Europe, Africa, and the middle east, we get along with everyone. we welcome everyone, all religions live peacefully, we don't burn down churches or synagogues like here in the US.

The US is good for business, but the moral compass is down the drains, too much hate, between the cons and the liberals, too many enemies outside the US in this moment, no safety net for unfortunate, elderly ignored, veterans suffering, crime epidemic, obesity, huge gap between the rich and the poor, ect....

Still love both and they are both my countries.....but what i hate most is the ignorance, racism and bigotry that stems from the right wing in the US.
Until the last sentence you were doing pretty good. Then you had to tell a lie. Sorry 'bout that.
Straight fr9m my this country i can't stand the racists and bigots.
yes, the blacks/libs are the worst bigots and racists---PLUS they are hypocrites
As a minority i disagree. The so called cons are.
blacks commit:
more HATE crimes per capita
much more murder per capita
more rape per capita
more crime per capita
graduate at a lower level
you must not be black

blacks are so obsessed with race, so racist and hypocritical that they are PROUD of their racism/bigotry/hypocrisy
Loni Love Explains Why ‘The Real’ Has No White Hosts [Video]
the Hispanics also are PROUD to be racists/haters/etc
Justice Sonia Sotomayor once said a Latina judge would make a different ruling than a white man

Obama was a proud racist going to Rev Wright [ undeniably a racist/hater ] for YEARS
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