The Unadulterated Whackiness of Kentucky and Senator Rand Paul

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
The Unadulterated Whackiness of Kentucky and Senator Rand Paul

First, Kentucky actually elected this imbecile to represent them in the US Senate, a deliberative body.

"We really just want [Obama] to say he won't" attack noncombatants on U.S. soil.:cuckoo: Sounds like the next demand will be Obama prove he is really a US citizen. :laugh2:

The transcript of this guy's filibuster is going to be fertile ground for...:eek:

During his filibuster, Paul said the fuzziness of such language created a slippery slope that could lead to the targeting of citizens who merely have different opinions about policies than the president.

"You can't be judge, jury and executioner all in one," Paul said.

"No American should be killed by a drone on American soil without first being charged with a crime, without first being found guilty of a crime by a court," Paul said. "How can you kill someone without going to a judge, or a jury?"
The presidebt was always looking for a way to extend his power to kill Americans in the United States. He got caught, that's all.
Since the administration saw fit to deny allegations that they would consider killing Americans without due process it seems the question was legitimate. Under the convoluted criteria set fourth by the gigantic O-blam-a bureaucracy it seems that unrepentant domestic terrorist (and presidential adviser) Bill Ayers could be targeted with a drone strike.
Learn to spell, then learn to think.


Dear Dante:
I've learned not to judge people for their crazy ideas.

Some of the best ideas I've compiled, from different sources, took YEARS of crazed brainstorming before assimilating these into something that makes sense.

If you saw my earlier ramblings, you would think I was completely mad or off meds or something. But I trusted the process to refine itself and eventually clarify all the loose ends and tangents.

From this, I have grown to respect and understand we are ALL going through a refinement process, bouncing ideas and objections off each other, and checking and balancing for accuracy with respect to other perspectives and cultures.

Dante, I could not judge other people without also judging myself.

I even kept the rough drafts of some of my worst brainstorms, so I could compare to the final presentation, and people could see the process. The point being not to judge people but to try to facilitate and refine the process so we get to the answers at the end SOONER.

Not spend or waste so much time in mid-process rejecting and blasting each other for what we say along the journey to get to agreed solutions that make sense to everyone equally.

Thank you, Dante, for being part of the process. We do need more critical analysis and feedback like yours; we need to fine tune what the message and objections are, so we CAN form a consensus which INCLUDES input from all angles.

It's fine to object or criticize something, especially from someone like you striving to be objective and discerning of the slightest discrepancy which otherwise flaws an argument, but even better to provide a better answer you would replace it with as a correction. People are more likely to receive constructive criticism if you show them how to correct themselves to achieve the goal they intend but in a more effective manner than what they tried before.

I believe more people would make use of your critical feedback if it were presented in the context of "helping them to be more effective" and not for trying to discredit the speaker.

I don't want to discourage you, but rather encourage you to succeed in reaching people, working with others as an ally to be appreciated, and not as an adversary to be rejected.

Yours truly,
Since the administration saw fit to deny allegations that they would consider killing Americans without due process it seems the question was legitimate. Under the convoluted criteria set fourth by the gigantic O-blam-a bureaucracy it seems that unrepentant domestic terrorist (and presidential adviser) Bill Ayers could be targeted with a drone strike.

I don't see it limited to just specifically the drones or the gun laws,
but in general, nobody holding the govt to the Constitution.

So this filibuster was one example of demanding that
Constitutional principles be acknowledged and enforced.
Here we are in a time in history when the radical left criticizes a member of congress for asking an important question about the Constitutionality of certain agendas but ignores credible evidence that the agendas have resulted in the deaths of American citizens and bystanders without due process. Who is the bad guy in the eyes of the radical left? The person who asks the tough questions. God help us if these people ever gain total control of the Constitution.
Granny says, "Dat's right - tell `em if dey burnin' our flag, den we burnin' dey's foreign aid check...
Rand Paul: ‘Not One Penny More to Countries That Are Burning Our Flag’
March 14, 2013 – Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) told conservatives gathered at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Thursday in Washington, D.C., that ending foreign aid to nations like Egypt rather than stopping school children from touring the White House is a better way to cut federal spending.
“I say not one penny more to countries that are burning our flag,” Paul said, as the crowd rose to its feet and cheered. He chided the president for halting the tours as a way to deal with the across-the-board federal budget cuts required by the Budget Control Act of 2011, or sequester, which was proposed and signed into law by the president. “The president’s trying to step up. He’s trying to do his fair share,” Paul said. “After the sequester was announced, he said he’s going to stop the White House tours for school children. They had to do this because these cuts were imposed by the sequester, but meanwhile, within a few days, the president finds an extra $250 million dollars to send to Egypt.”

Paul was referring to money appropriated by Congress to help the new government in Egypt where protests against the United States have included burning the America flag. “You know, the country where mobs attacked out embassy, burned our flag and chanted ‘Death to America,’ he found an extra $250 million to reward them,” Paul said. “You know the country whose president recently stood by his spiritual leader who called for death to Israel and all who support her.

Paul, who gained new national attention last week by staging a 13-hour filibuster on the Senate floor in opposition to Obama’s nomination of John Brennan to head the Central Intelligence Agency, brought the stack of notebooks he used on the Senate floor and placed them on a stool next to the podium. In his remarks, Paul also criticized Obama for the indefinite detention of enemy combatants at Guantanamo Bay and his drone policy as it pertains to the domestic use of unmanned aircraft.

Granny says, "Dat's right - tell `em if dey burnin' our flag, den we burnin' dey's foreign aid check...
Rand Paul: ‘Not One Penny More to Countries That Are Burning Our Flag’
March 14, 2013 – Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) told conservatives gathered at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Thursday in Washington, D.C., that ending foreign aid to nations like Egypt rather than stopping school children from touring the White House is a better way to cut federal spending.
“I say not one penny more to countries that are burning our flag,” Paul said, as the crowd rose to its feet and cheered. He chided the president for halting the tours as a way to deal with the across-the-board federal budget cuts required by the Budget Control Act of 2011, or sequester, which was proposed and signed into law by the president. “The president’s trying to step up. He’s trying to do his fair share,” Paul said. “After the sequester was announced, he said he’s going to stop the White House tours for school children. They had to do this because these cuts were imposed by the sequester, but meanwhile, within a few days, the president finds an extra $250 million dollars to send to Egypt.”

Paul was referring to money appropriated by Congress to help the new government in Egypt where protests against the United States have included burning the America flag. “You know, the country where mobs attacked out embassy, burned our flag and chanted ‘Death to America,’ he found an extra $250 million to reward them,” Paul said. “You know the country whose president recently stood by his spiritual leader who called for death to Israel and all who support her.

Paul, who gained new national attention last week by staging a 13-hour filibuster on the Senate floor in opposition to Obama’s nomination of John Brennan to head the Central Intelligence Agency, brought the stack of notebooks he used on the Senate floor and placed them on a stool next to the podium. In his remarks, Paul also criticized Obama for the indefinite detention of enemy combatants at Guantanamo Bay and his drone policy as it pertains to the domestic use of unmanned aircraft.


What do you besides imitate Black dialect and post Huffington stuff chimp face?
The Unadulterated Whackiness of Kentucky and Senator Rand Paul

First, Kentucky actually elected this imbecile to represent them in the US Senate, a deliberative body.

"We really just want [Obama] to say he won't" attack noncombatants on U.S. soil.:cuckoo: Sounds like the next demand will be Obama prove he is really a US citizen. :laugh2:

The transcript of this guy's filibuster is going to be fertile ground for...:eek:

During his filibuster, Paul said the fuzziness of such language created a slippery slope that could lead to the targeting of citizens who merely have different opinions about policies than the president.

"You can't be judge, jury and executioner all in one," Paul said.

"No American should be killed by a drone on American soil without first being charged with a crime, without first being found guilty of a crime by a court," Paul said. "How can you kill someone without going to a judge, or a jury?"
Rand Paul filibustering Brennan nomination to lead CIA
Whacky are they?

Famous Kentuckians are:
George Clooney, Tom Cruise, William Conrad, Johnny Depp, Florence Henderson, Ashley Judd, Diane Sawyer, Helen Thompson, Jim Bowie, Jack Warden, Presidents Abe Lincoln and Zachary Taylor, 6 Supreme Court Justices and 1 Chief Justice, 3 Vice Presidents, Billy Ray Cyrus, Skeeter Davis, Wynona Judd, and Don Everly, 4 Nobel Laureates in science, Hall of Famer athletes in every sport, John James Audubon, Edgar Cayce, and Colonel Sanders. Wikipedia

Correction: *William Shatner is an seasonal resident of Woodford County, KY, and not a native as originally listed, thanks to a friend for telling me he is Canadian. Famous People of Kentucky
And Dante, recently released from my ignore list for beating up another state's voters, gets 2 more weeks this time.

Dante, you're getting to be the village idiot around here. :rolleyes:
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The Unadulterated Whackiness of Kentucky and Senator Rand Paul

First, Kentucky actually elected this imbecile to represent them in the US Senate, a deliberative body.

"We really just want [Obama] to say he won't" attack noncombatants on U.S. soil.:cuckoo: Sounds like the next demand will be Obama prove he is really a US citizen. :laugh2:

The transcript of this guy's filibuster is going to be fertile ground for...:eek:

During his filibuster, Paul said the fuzziness of such language created a slippery slope that could lead to the targeting of citizens who merely have different opinions about policies than the president.

"You can't be judge, jury and executioner all in one," Paul said.

"No American should be killed by a drone on American soil without first being charged with a crime, without first being found guilty of a crime by a court," Paul said. "How can you kill someone without going to a judge, or a jury?"
Rand Paul filibustering Brennan nomination to lead CIA
Whacky are they?

Kentucky natives are:

George Clooney, Tom Cruise, William Conrad, Johnny Depp, Florence Henderson, Ashley Judd, Diane Sawyer, Helen Thompson, William Shatner, Jim Bowie, Jack Warden, Presidents Abe Lincoln and Zachary Taylor, 6 Supreme Court Justices and 1 Chief Justice, 3 Vice Presidents, Billy Ray Cyrus, Skeeter Davis, Wynona Judd, and Don Everly, 4 Nobel Laureates in science, Hall of Famer athletes in every sport, John James Audubon, Edgar Cayce, and Colonel Sanders.

And Dante, recently released from my ignore list for beating up another state's voters, gets 2 more weeks this time.

Dante, you're getting to be the village idiot around here. :rolleyes:

dante turned off his rep..:doubt:
The Unadulterated Whackiness of Kentucky and Senator Rand Paul

First, Kentucky actually elected this imbecile to represent them in the US Senate, a deliberative body.

"We really just want [Obama] to say he won't" attack noncombatants on U.S. soil.:cuckoo: Sounds like the next demand will be Obama prove he is really a US citizen. :laugh2:

The transcript of this guy's filibuster is going to be fertile ground for...:eek:

Rand Paul filibustering Brennan nomination to lead CIA
Whacky are they?

Kentucky natives are:
George Clooney, Tom Cruise, William Conrad, Johnny Depp, Florence Henderson, Ashley Judd, Diane Sawyer, Helen Thompson, William Shatner, Jim Bowie, Jack Warden, Presidents Abe Lincoln and Zachary Taylor, 6 Supreme Court Justices and 1 Chief Justice, 3 Vice Presidents, Billy Ray Cyrus, Skeeter Davis, Wynona Judd, and Don Everly, 4 Nobel Laureates in science, Hall of Famer athletes in every sport, John James Audubon, Edgar Cayce, and Colonel Sanders.

And Dante, recently released from my ignore list for beating up another state's voters, gets 2 more weeks this time.

Dante, you're getting to be the village idiot around here. :rolleyes:

dante turned off his rep..:doubt:
What rep? It's not good to waste too many neg reps on the intellectually challenged. This thread, however, received the most terrible rating from me.

As for Dante wishing to not have to face his peers' review through the USMB rep system: Pock, pock, pock, p'dock!
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Obama can kill anyone he wants.

That makes liberals happy for some reason.

I hate to think why.
Whacky are they?

Kentucky natives are:
George Clooney, Tom Cruise, William Conrad, Johnny Depp, Florence Henderson, Ashley Judd, Diane Sawyer, Helen Thompson, William Shatner, Jim Bowie, Jack Warden, Presidents Abe Lincoln and Zachary Taylor, 6 Supreme Court Justices and 1 Chief Justice, 3 Vice Presidents, Billy Ray Cyrus, Skeeter Davis, Wynona Judd, and Don Everly, 4 Nobel Laureates in science, Hall of Famer athletes in every sport, John James Audubon, Edgar Cayce, and Colonel Sanders.

And Dante, recently released from my ignore list for beating up another state's voters, gets 2 more weeks this time.

Dante, you're getting to be the village idiot around here. :rolleyes:

dante turned off his rep..:doubt:
What rep? It's not good to waste too many neg reps on the intellectually challenged. This thread, however, received the most terrible rating from me.

As for Dante wishing to not have to face his peers' review through the USMB rep system: Pock, pock, pock, p'dock!
a rating from fweedumbecksie?


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