The Unamerican Lawrence O'Donnell - Media Gasoline on the Fire of Left Wing Disappointment


Active Member
Jul 11, 2016
The American way is to give the newly elected President a chance to show his leadership. Listening to him the last 45 minutes on MSNBC was stunning. He is a Black Panther in the Main Stream Media talking head clothes, an anti American total loser. He is actively sowing anti American rhetoric and trying to foment radical dissent.

This is a stupid and dangerous thing to do in our country's most vulnerable period between the election and the new president's swearing in.

Don't know what he was saying this time, but Lawrence is 100% correct about Trump being a pathological liar.

Now that pathological liar wins and it's kumbaya suddenly?
The American way is to give the newly elected President a chance to show his leadership. Listening to him the last 45 minutes on MSNBC was stunning. He is a Black Panther in the Main Stream Media talking head clothes, an anti American total loser. He is actively sowing anti American rhetoric and trying to foment radical dissent.

This is a stupid and dangerous thing to do in our country's most vulnerable period between the election and the new president's swearing in.

Well, there's one consolation. Not many people saw it.

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