The unbiased William Barr, U.S. Attorney General

You lefty loons are nuts.

For two years all the rest of us heard was the Trump colluded with the Russians and the Mueller report would prove this.

Now we know that there was no Trump/Russian collusion and all you idiots can do is bitch about the Mueller report. And now Barr is biased?

You people are fucking nuts.

You must be deaf. And Barrs memo is evidence of his bias.

You must be either ignorant or stupid. What part of "no collusion and no obstruction" don't you understand? Expressing "opinions" doesn't move the ball, what proof do you have of your assertions? Nothing? Thanks for playing.
What part of "Does not exonerate" do YOU not understand?

What part of "innocent until proven guilty" don't you understand? If Mueller couldn't find any evidence, the clowns in the House won't either. Its just a partisan shit show. Why aren't they looking at Hillary and her paying the Russians for the Steele Dossier? That is a real conspiracy.
The support of this man's opinion shows that republicans don't give a damn about the rule of law unless they can use it to hurt others. As you read this memo understand that when he did this he removed any impartiality he had pertaining to this matter and should have recused himself.

Read the memo from William Barr

So sane, fair Americans cannot consider Barrs opinion credible. If Barr refuses to provide congress what they need, then we must ask about the potential cover up.

You mean his job interview.
If Barr was hired to protect the president this is what it would look like. Now watch as they fight tooth and nail to prevent the American people from ever seeing the actual report.

What part of "Mueller's democrats couldn't find collusion or obstruction" don't you understand?
Barr quoted directly from the report, there was no collusion or obstruction.
The LAW says that the AG writes a summary, that's all the dems will see.
The coup attempt against Trump is over.
All we have is the word of a political appointee who ascended to his position under a cloud of weirdness. Don't you want to see the actual Mueller report to clear this continuing suspicion? Of course you don't. There will be an explanation for why an investigation that netted so many indictments found absolutely nothing about Trump.

The guy recommended that the Iran Contra criminals be pardoned 25 years ago and recently CAMPAIGNED for the AG job by sending a letter to Trump saying that he would support him regarding this investigation.

He stated that essentially the President was above the law and that regardless of what the report found that the President could never be indicted.

Of course Trump appointed him. And here he did just what he said he would do. Quash the report

#Mueller Denier!!

The support of this man's opinion shows that republicans don't give a damn about the rule of law unless they can use it to hurt others. As you read this memo understand that when he did this he removed any impartiality he had pertaining to this matter and should have recused himself.

Read the memo from William Barr

So sane, fair Americans cannot consider Barrs opinion credible. If Barr refuses to provide congress what they need, then we must ask about the potential cover up.


As the liberal butt-hurt losing streak continues, the lying, denying, spinning, conspiracies, and bullshit have been thrown into hyper-drive as snowflakes are devastated by another major loss.


upload_2019-3-25_8-51-19.jpeg Snowflakes, have a good cry




The support of this man's opinion shows that republicans don't give a damn about the rule of law unless they can use it to hurt others. As you read this memo understand that when he did this he removed any impartiality he had pertaining to this matter and should have recused himself.

Read the memo from William Barr

So sane, fair Americans cannot consider Barrs opinion credible. If Barr refuses to provide congress what they need, then we must ask about the potential cover up.

Sad, delusional pubescent. The problem is your foregone conclusion not William Barr.
Why did you decide all by yourself that you know Trump is actually guilty? Your disillusionment is your own irresponsible doing.

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dumbshit----R's don't care about the rule of law!!!!!
you people protest FOR criminals--plain and simple

you are correct about one thing, Republicans do not care about the rule of law, you got a head sleeze, liar, male whore, cheat ,

"Revenge is mine" says Trump , "you do not want to see my wrath!"

so the GOP will continue to stay in line giving up their moral fiber.
This is getting old....:bigboy:
The mind of a snowflake is a fragile think - it is easily misled, easily duped, and easily shattered. It also lacks 'traction' / 'power', the ability to encounter adversity or a strong truth, accept it, and plow on - instead they become stuck.

1st it was the refusal to accept their loss with Gore over 'hanging chads'

Then it was their refusal to accept that a proven criminal / self-serving traitor who could not even win her party's nomination, who should have been in jail instead of on the ballot, ran the worst campaign in US history and lost.

Now their hopes have been dashed by their 'Insurance Policy' / 'hero' who was supposed to take down Trump.

Each failure caused serious brain damage, preventing them from accepting the facts / truth / results and move on.

It's sad.....and pathetic watching them roll around, writhing in agony, grasping at air, making any excuse / justification / accusation now...
dumbshit----R's don't care about the rule of law!!!!!
you people protest FOR criminals--plain and simple

you are correct about one thing, Republicans do not care about the rule of law, you got a head sleeze, liar, male whore, cheat ,

"Revenge is mine" says Trump , "you do not want to see my wrath!"

so the GOP will continue to stay in line giving up their moral fiber.

The GOP is at war with Trump... They probably hate him more than you do.
You just sound stupid at this point.

dumbshit----R's don't care about the rule of law!!!!!
you people protest FOR criminals--plain and simple

you are correct about one thing, Republicans do not care about the rule of law, you got a head sleeze, liar, male whore, cheat ,

"Revenge is mine" says Trump , "you do not want to see my wrath!"

so the GOP will continue to stay in line giving up their moral fiber.

The GOP is at war with Trump... They probably hate him more than you do.
You just sound stupid at this point.


Yet they protect him out of fear of repercussion, but then some are just crooks like him.
You Lefties are unbelievable. You speak of the Rule of Law, but the LAW demands that the Mueller report be confidential and released only to the Attorney General. Period.

And you invoke the "rule of law" to demand that it be made public?

What law is that?
You lefty loons are nuts.

For two years all the rest of us heard was the Trump colluded with the Russians and the Mueller report would prove this.

Now we know that there was no Trump/Russian collusion and all you idiots can do is bitch about the Mueller report. And now Barr is biased?

You people are fucking nuts.

2,800 subpoenas were issued and 500 witness interviews....nothing between Trump and Putin.

It was all they have to find a new lie.

And you know this based on Barr’s three page summary that quotes almost nothing from the report?

You do know the Jew Rod Rosenstein helped Barr write the summary. Is he bias too?

Gee I thought the GOP was going after him for a failed coup.
It's all over but the whining.

Actually its just beginning , the house is finally Dem maj, first time since 2012. Then we have the SDNY.
It's official: Russiagate is this generation's WMD

The Iraq war faceplant damaged the reputation of the press. Russiagate just destroyed it

Nothing Trump is accused of from now on by the press will be believed by huge chunks of the population, a group that (perhaps thanks to this story) is now larger than his original base. As Baker notes, a full 50.3% of respondents in a poll conducted this month said they agree with Trump the Mueller probe is a “witch hunt.”

Did you help in destroying the reputation of the press? Are you happy about that?

You seem very disappointed that your president did not collude with Russia and Putin. How stupid is that?
The Iraq war faceplant damaged the reputation of the press. Russiagate just destroyed it

The press took a dive for REPUBLICANS with the Iraq war. That was a REPUBLICAN scam and failure start to finish.

And you fuckers are now siding with Putin (and Sum Fat Kim and every other right wing dictator on the planet).

Amazing that you can walk in public without hiding your faces
dumbshit----R's don't care about the rule of law!!!!!
you people protest FOR criminals--plain and simple

you are correct about one thing, Republicans do not care about the rule of law, you got a head sleeze, liar, male whore, cheat ,

"Revenge is mine" says Trump , "you do not want to see my wrath!"

so the GOP will continue to stay in line giving up their moral fiber.
Obama and Holder LOVED criminals--hate cops
Holder went to comfort the family of a BLACK criminal that attacked a white cop
here, you people have posted some much bullshit
when you people stop posting bullshit, then we can discuss:
Trump/Smollet/Covington/MSM/etc --vindication
The support of this man's opinion shows that republicans don't give a damn about the rule of law unless they can use it to hurt others. As you read this memo understand that when he did this he removed any impartiality he had pertaining to this matter and should have recused himself.

Read the memo from William Barr

So sane, fair Americans cannot consider Barrs opinion credible. If Barr refuses to provide congress what they need, then we must ask about the potential cover up.

Forget Barr, first explain why Mueller did not recommend any indictments on collusion or obstruction. Are you seriously going to claim that Mueller lack the guts to do it?

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