The Uniqueness of Christ

The will of God was written in Torah in form of commandments. It looks like Jesus did not particularly respect them.

In fact, Jesus is found saying that those who follow moral law are close to the Kingdom of Heaven. It is true that Jesus (like many other wise Jews of the time) boiled the commandments down to love of God and love of neighbor. The "laws" he is recording as having broken were not moral laws, but more of what we would today regard as a culture's customs--i.e., dietary practices or when and how to wash up.

Jesus broke dietary laws? when? When did he "boil"
laws down? It is clear that Jesus was a Pharisee follower of
Hillel-------it may SEEM to you that the teachings of Hillel seem "boiled down"
That awkward moment when irosie91 dies and Jesus is her judge.

you are sick, ding-----you are incapable of answering a very simple question about this subject which YOU KNOW. ----
getting back to simple questions----some jerk commented something like "jesus did not like the way that the temple was being run by the 'high priest' ". The jerk who made that comment did not even seem to know to which high priest he
referred or WHY a person like Jesus would not like that guy. This information is VERY WELL ESTABLISHED----in fact, more reliably even than the very existence of Jesus-----it is simple KNOWN HISTORY. ----besides known history---it
even shows up as such in the New Testament----it is like
you guys never read your own comic book. EASY question---what is the name of the 'high priest' and why would a person like Jesus NOT LIKE HIM?
That awkward moment when the angry bird Jews only want to discuss Jesus instead of their faith.
I would have to say that the fact that so many people from different beliefs and backgrounds - angry Jews, militant atheists, anarchists, fake Christians, etc - attack Jesus, that he must threaten them and be true.

No one would attack someone who wasn't real and not perceived as a threat to their existence.

people attack Jesus? who? You have some examples of
people attacking Jesus?

dumbass thinks if you point out that he didn't fulfill the prophesies, that you're attacking yeshua. you'd think they'd at least realize he didn't have a latin name.
That awkward moment when the angry bird Jews only want to discuss Jesus instead of their faith.

ding is still stumped. SUCH A SIMPLE QUESTION----well established in history and addressed CLEARLY IN THE NEW
That awkward moment when angry bird Jews think arguing about what they don't believe proves what they do believe.
Who is like him?

Whose teachings are adored by all religions?

Whose example are adored by all religions?

Who else said that only through him can we know God, and then lowered himself to be our servant?

Who else fed us when we hungered and healed us when we were sick?

Who else is as famous having never been rich, never held political power, and never having an army to fight for you? In fact, who is as famous?

Who else has given their life for you?

Who else allowed others to write about him instead of him writing about himself?

There is none like him.
All you have to do is write up a better one. The problem is he was written according the general human moral to shape the moral farther. He's a good read.
I would have to say that the fact that so many people from different beliefs and backgrounds - angry Jews, militant atheists, anarchists, fake Christians, etc - attack Jesus, that he must threaten them and be true.

No one would attack someone who wasn't real and not perceived as a threat to their existence.

people attack Jesus? who? You have some examples of
people attacking Jesus?

dumbass thinks if you point out that he didn't fulfill the prophesies, that you're attacking yeshua. you'd think they'd at least realize he didn't have a latin name.

there is an IMPRESSION that seems to exist in the minds of
Christians-----that jooos are preoccupied with some guy named JESUS. I am old------I have been to lots of synagogues -----talked to lots of jews etc etc-----I do not
remember the name JESUS ever coming up in conversation
I would have to say that the fact that so many people from different beliefs and backgrounds - angry Jews, militant atheists, anarchists, fake Christians, etc - attack Jesus, that he must threaten them and be true.

No one would attack someone who wasn't real and not perceived as a threat to their existence.

people attack Jesus? who? You have some examples of
people attacking Jesus?

dumbass thinks if you point out that he didn't fulfill the prophesies, that you're attacking yeshua. you'd think they'd at least realize he didn't have a latin name.

there is an IMPRESSION that seems to exist in the minds of
Christians-----that jooos are preoccupied with some guy named JESUS. I am old------I have been to lots of synagogues -----talked to lots of jews etc etc-----I do not
remember the name JESUS ever coming up in conversation

they don't get that he's irrelevant to us. what can I say.
It's a good thing that the Christians aren't in the heads of the angry bird Jews. :rofl:
I would have to say that the fact that so many people from different beliefs and backgrounds - angry Jews, militant atheists, anarchists, fake Christians, etc - attack Jesus, that he must threaten them and be true.

No one would attack someone who wasn't real and not perceived as a threat to their existence.

people attack Jesus? who? You have some examples of
people attacking Jesus?

dumbass thinks if you point out that he didn't fulfill the prophesies, that you're attacking yeshua. you'd think they'd at least realize he didn't have a latin name.

there is an IMPRESSION that seems to exist in the minds of
Christians-----that jooos are preoccupied with some guy named JESUS. I am old------I have been to lots of synagogues -----talked to lots of jews etc etc-----I do not
remember the name JESUS ever coming up in conversation

they don't get that he's irrelevant to us. what can I say.

there is a reason-----the fact is that Christians are obsessed with jews which leads them to imagine that jews are just
as obsessed with them and Jesus. Jews are mentioned in
their writings (besides the NT) all the time----even their poetry and featured in their art and even in their folk tales.
It is hard for them to imagine that a jew can conduct his
whole life if his whole life revolves around OTHER jews and
never hear the word Jesus. My hubby was born in an arab
country to a very observant family---his early schooling was
of the yeshiva type------I still have to remind him what easter is each year----he forgets
I should add-----muslims are also obsessed with jews and have the SAME notion that jews are obsessed with them
Jews have nothing to do with a fiction character in a Greek fantasy novel.

Yes, but what about Jesus? ;)
That's derived from the Greek IESous, the used name for the created image so your reply valudates the post you responded to.
So, can you please tell us which of the many historical christs are you using the mocking and derogatory name (IeSous=the swine) towards?

More seriously: Jesus was a historical figure, a Jew who took great interest in the issues of his time. He had disagreements with how the Temple was run in his time--and those who had the responsibility for running it. He disagreed that only certain people were allowed to approach God in the Holy of Holies. God wasn't just in the Inner Sanctuary--He is with His people. This idea was not unique with Jesus, but he was certainly adamant and vocal about it.
The Thing is what they don't realize is that Antiochois desecrated the temple in Jerusalem years earlier by placing a Swine on the altar...The Roman Joke in the form of the Created Jesus or IeSous would have the Christian world do the same as he is their Attonement...If one thinks about these things logically one can see the sick humour in this Roman Joke that is still in play all these many many years later...
And they knew Deut doesn't allow a bastard child enter the temple, so they mockingly used the 100bc harlot Mary's christ child (Yeshu)she had with a fling with the Roman soldier Pandera (Pantheras), as the main figure in their combined image. Everything in their Jesus myth is one big mockery.
I would have to say that the fact that so many people from different beliefs and backgrounds - angry Jews, militant atheists, anarchists, fake Christians, etc - attack Jesus, that he must threaten them and be true.

No one would attack someone who wasn't real and not perceived as a threat to their existence.

people attack Jesus? who? You have some examples of
people attacking Jesus?

dumbass thinks if you point out that he didn't fulfill the prophesies, that you're attacking yeshua. you'd think they'd at least realize he didn't have a latin name.

there is an IMPRESSION that seems to exist in the minds of
Christians-----that jooos are preoccupied with some guy named JESUS. I am old------I have been to lots of synagogues -----talked to lots of jews etc etc-----I do not
remember the name JESUS ever coming up in conversation

they don't get that he's irrelevant to us. what can I say.

there is a reason-----the fact is that Christians are obsessed with jews which leads them to imagine that jews are just
as obsessed with them and Jesus. Jews are mentioned in
their writings (besides the NT) all the time----even their poetry and featured in their art and even in their folk tales.
It is hard for them to imagine that a jew can conduct his
whole life if his whole life revolves around OTHER jews and
never hear the word Jesus. My hubby was born in an arab
country to a very observant family---his early schooling was
of the yeshiva type------I still have to remind him what easter is each year----he forgets
But you and Jillian are the ones in a thread devoted to Jesus.
If Jesus was irrelevant to the Jews in this thread, they wouldn't be in this thread.

The fact that they are arguing about Christ, convicts them.

Actions speak louder than words.
Jews have nothing to do with a fiction character in a Greek fantasy novel.

Yes, but what about Jesus? ;)
That's derived from the Greek IESous, the used name for the created image so your reply valudates the post you responded to.
So, can you please tell us which of the many historical christs are you using the mocking and derogatory name (IeSous=the swine) towards?

More seriously: Jesus was a historical figure, a Jew who took great interest in the issues of his time. He had disagreements with how the Temple was run in his time--and those who had the responsibility for running it. He disagreed that only certain people were allowed to approach God in the Holy of Holies. God wasn't just in the Inner Sanctuary--He is with His people. This idea was not unique with Jesus, but he was certainly adamant and vocal about it.
The Thing is what they don't realize is that Antiochois desecrated the temple in Jerusalem years earlier by placing a Swine on the altar...The Roman Joke in the form of the Created Jesus or IeSous would have the Christian world do the same as he is their Attonement...If one thinks about these things logically one can see the sick humour in this Roman Joke that is still in play all these many many years later...
And they knew Deut doesn't allow a bastard child enter the temple, so they mockingly used the 100bc harlot Mary's christ child (Yeshu)she had with a fling with the Roman soldier Pandera (Pantheras), as the main figure in their combined image. Everything in their Jesus myth is one big mockery.
Yes it is all a mockery.It is obvious once again to any who is not completely brainwashed by these tall tales.. For example even the use of the Greek word Christ which is supposedly to mean annointed is making fun of the Hebrew custom where instead of the anointing oil being poured on an annointed ones head and dripping slowly downward to his feet the opposite occurs in the Jesus mythos in the New Testament where a wicked women washes his feet with her tears or water....Actually many of the stories and tall tales are pure mockery of Hebrew customs and traditions one must be completely blinded by their idol Jesus to not see it...
people attack Jesus? who? You have some examples of
people attacking Jesus?

dumbass thinks if you point out that he didn't fulfill the prophesies, that you're attacking yeshua. you'd think they'd at least realize he didn't have a latin name.

there is an IMPRESSION that seems to exist in the minds of
Christians-----that jooos are preoccupied with some guy named JESUS. I am old------I have been to lots of synagogues -----talked to lots of jews etc etc-----I do not
remember the name JESUS ever coming up in conversation

they don't get that he's irrelevant to us. what can I say.

there is a reason-----the fact is that Christians are obsessed with jews which leads them to imagine that jews are just
as obsessed with them and Jesus. Jews are mentioned in
their writings (besides the NT) all the time----even their poetry and featured in their art and even in their folk tales.
It is hard for them to imagine that a jew can conduct his
whole life if his whole life revolves around OTHER jews and
never hear the word Jesus. My hubby was born in an arab
country to a very observant family---his early schooling was
of the yeshiva type------I still have to remind him what easter is each year----he forgets
But you and Jillian are the ones in a thread devoted to Jesus.

any discussion by Christians about JESUS-----is a discussion
.Actually many of the stories and tall tales are pure mockery of Hebrew customs and traditions one must be completely blinded by their idol Jesus to not see it...
Did you ever consider that the roman perversion and assimilation of Christianity and the worship of an edible triune god made man made matzo was a mockery of Jesus too, a Jew that actually existed?

Isn't it obvious that the mass, worshipping and eating a sacrificial mangod, the most important element of Roman Catholicism, is a desecration of the teachings of a Jew that actually existed, a brazen act of defiance against divine law and open expression of pure hatred for the hebrew God?

Do you think that an imaginary Jew would have pissed off the Romans so much that they went through the trouble of changing laws and customs and the national religion to mock a person that never existed by "celebrating" his torture and death, turning him into a cracker, and then eating him?

Did you never bother to look for what the Romans hated so much, what the corrupted first century religious authorities hated so much, what was intentionally buried under a mountain of blasphemy in 325 c.e.?
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