The Uniqueness of Christ

^ offended by the faith of others.
Maybe, although I tend to see it as absolutely relishing what he has decided is wrong in the faith of others, so that he can throw a tantrum, "righteously" stomping all over others. Hard, if not impossible, to see God in such a performance. Easy to see a toddler who is out of control.
Jews have nothing to do with a fiction character in a Greek fantasy novel.
Jesus was a historical figure
Existence of Jesus, as he is described in the Gospels, is the matter of faith.
a Jew who took great interest in the issues of his time.
Well, putting aside his very specific birth, he never identified himself as a Jew, neither associated himself with the Jewish people in any form. He never said even one good word about the country, the Jewish people, their history, traditions and religion. He never said "we", but rather "you".
The most important issue of his time was the Roman occupation. He said nothing against it.
He had disagreements with how the Temple was run in his time--and those who had the responsibility for running it. He disagreed that only certain people were allowed to approach God in the Holy of Holies. God wasn't just in the Inner Sanctuary--He is with His people. This idea was not unique with Jesus, but he was certainly adamant and vocal about it.
OK, somebody disliked an existed religion and created his own religious sect. Quite an ordinary event.
Jews have nothing to do with a fiction character in a Greek fantasy novel.
Jesus was a historical figure
Existence of Jesus, as he is described in the Gospels, is the matter of faith.
a Jew who took great interest in the issues of his time.
Well, putting aside his very specific birth, he never identified himself as a Jew, neither associated himself with the Jewish people in any form. He never said even one good word about the country, the Jewish people, their history, traditions and religion. He never said "we", but rather "you".
The most important issue of his time was the Roman occupation. He said nothing against it.
He had disagreements with how the Temple was run in his time--and those who had the responsibility for running it. He disagreed that only certain people were allowed to approach God in the Holy of Holies. God wasn't just in the Inner Sanctuary--He is with His people. This idea was not unique with Jesus, but he was certainly adamant and vocal about it.
OK, somebody disliked an existed religion and created his own religious sect. Quite an ordinary event.
Jesus taught in the synagogues. He was called "Rabbi".
Jews have nothing to do with a fiction character in a Greek fantasy novel.
Jesus was a historical figure
Existence of Jesus, as he is described in the Gospels, is the matter of faith.
a Jew who took great interest in the issues of his time.
Well, putting aside his very specific birth, he never identified himself as a Jew, neither associated himself with the Jewish people in any form. He never said even one good word about the country, the Jewish people, their history, traditions and religion. He never said "we", but rather "you".
The most important issue of his time was the Roman occupation. He said nothing against it.
He had disagreements with how the Temple was run in his time--and those who had the responsibility for running it. He disagreed that only certain people were allowed to approach God in the Holy of Holies. God wasn't just in the Inner Sanctuary--He is with His people. This idea was not unique with Jesus, but he was certainly adamant and vocal about it.
OK, somebody disliked an existed religion and created his own religious sect. Quite an ordinary event.

You should try reading the New Testament-----which BTW---
Jesus did not write nor have you read. You may have had
a very psychotic sunday school teacher. ------did you notice
a scent of alcohol on her breath?. I am intrigued----who do you imagine had the responsibility for running the temple?
What else did your Sunday school teacher tell you about this
JESUS person?
Existence of Jesus, as he is described in the Gospels, is the matter of faith.

In many ways, yes. Faith is required to believe repentance for the forgiveness of sins, that the reign of God is in our midst, that is one with God are matters of faith. He was also an historical person.

Well, putting aside his very specific birth, he never identified himself as a Jew, neither associated himself with the Jewish people in any form. He never said even one good word about the country, the Jewish people, their history, traditions and religion. He never said "we", but rather "you".

The most important issue of his time was the Roman occupation. He said nothing against it.

Yes, the Gospels did identify Jesus as a Jew, and his entire ministry was amidst Jews. His closest associates were Jews. When talking to Jews, he called them the salt of the earth.

OK, somebody disliked an existed religion and created his own religious sect. Quite an ordinary event.

Jesus loved the purity of the Jewish faith, and how it dealt with personal relationships. His interest did not lie in Messiahship, kings, and emperors, but how individuals related to God and to one another. That was the Kingdom that occupied his thoughts and his ministry.
^ offended by the faith of others.
Maybe, although I tend to see it as absolutely relishing what he has decided is wrong in the faith of others, so that he can throw a tantrum, "righteously" stomping all over others. Hard, if not impossible, to see God in such a performance. Easy to see a toddler who is out of control.


You might not realize this dear, but a person doesn't even have to believe in God to hear what you claim about an edible triune mangod, read scripture for themselves, and see that what you claim leads to eternal life clearly and irrefutably results in death according to what is written..

And whether what is written is true or not, your own words reveal that you are a liar.

Thats not me having a tantrum sweetness, thats me exposing you as a fraud.
Jews have nothing to do with a fiction character in a Greek fantasy novel.
Jesus was a historical figure
Existence of Jesus, as he is described in the Gospels, is the matter of faith.
a Jew who took great interest in the issues of his time.
Well, putting aside his very specific birth, he never identified himself as a Jew, neither associated himself with the Jewish people in any form. He never said even one good word about the country, the Jewish people, their history, traditions and religion. He never said "we", but rather "you".
The most important issue of his time was the Roman occupation. He said nothing against it.
He had disagreements with how the Temple was run in his time--and those who had the responsibility for running it. He disagreed that only certain people were allowed to approach God in the Holy of Holies. God wasn't just in the Inner Sanctuary--He is with His people. This idea was not unique with Jesus, but he was certainly adamant and vocal about it.
OK, somebody disliked an existed religion and created his own religious sect. Quite an ordinary event.
Jesus taught in the synagogues. He was called "Rabbi".
2000 years ago synagogues were different and meaning of many other words was different too.
'Rabbi as an Honorary Address ... Since Jesus was called "Rabbi" but did not conform to the traditional image of post-70 Jewish rabbis, and since pre-70 sages do not bear the title "Rabbi" in the Mishnah,29 most scholars assume that the meaning and usage of the term "Rabbi" at the time of Jesus differed from the meaning which it acquired after the destruction of the Temple: in pre-70 times, "Rabbi" was used as an unofficial honorary address for any person held in high esteem; after 70 it was almost exclusively applied to ordained teachers of the Law."'
Rabbi - Wikipedia
Jews have nothing to do with a fiction character in a Greek fantasy novel.
Jesus was a historical figure
Existence of Jesus, as he is described in the Gospels, is the matter of faith.
a Jew who took great interest in the issues of his time.
Well, putting aside his very specific birth, he never identified himself as a Jew, neither associated himself with the Jewish people in any form. He never said even one good word about the country, the Jewish people, their history, traditions and religion. He never said "we", but rather "you".
The most important issue of his time was the Roman occupation. He said nothing against it.
He had disagreements with how the Temple was run in his time--and those who had the responsibility for running it. He disagreed that only certain people were allowed to approach God in the Holy of Holies. God wasn't just in the Inner Sanctuary--He is with His people. This idea was not unique with Jesus, but he was certainly adamant and vocal about it.
OK, somebody disliked an existed religion and created his own religious sect. Quite an ordinary event.

You should try reading the New Testament-----which BTW---
Jesus did not write nor have you read. You may have had
a very psychotic sunday school teacher. ------did you notice
a scent of alcohol on her breath?. I am intrigued----who do you imagine had the responsibility for running the temple?
What else did your Sunday school teacher tell you about this
JESUS person?
Arguments please, not emotions.
Jews have nothing to do with a fiction character in a Greek fantasy novel.
Jesus was a historical figure
Existence of Jesus, as he is described in the Gospels, is the matter of faith.
a Jew who took great interest in the issues of his time.
Well, putting aside his very specific birth, he never identified himself as a Jew, neither associated himself with the Jewish people in any form. He never said even one good word about the country, the Jewish people, their history, traditions and religion. He never said "we", but rather "you".
The most important issue of his time was the Roman occupation. He said nothing against it.
He had disagreements with how the Temple was run in his time--and those who had the responsibility for running it. He disagreed that only certain people were allowed to approach God in the Holy of Holies. God wasn't just in the Inner Sanctuary--He is with His people. This idea was not unique with Jesus, but he was certainly adamant and vocal about it.
OK, somebody disliked an existed religion and created his own religious sect. Quite an ordinary event.

You should try reading the New Testament-----which BTW---
Jesus did not write nor have you read. You may have had
a very psychotic sunday school teacher. ------did you notice
a scent of alcohol on her breath?. I am intrigued----who do you imagine had the responsibility for running the temple?
What else did your Sunday school teacher tell you about this
JESUS person?
Arguments please, not emotions.

good idea------try not to let your emotions rule.
Regarding the statement Jesus did not like the way the
temple was run. Who is it that was running the temple?
You could also mention----just what about the running of the
temple did he not like?
Existence of Jesus, as he is described in the Gospels, is the matter of faith.

In many ways, yes. Faith is required to believe repentance for the forgiveness of sins, that the reign of God is in our midst, that is one with God are matters of faith. He was also an historical person.

Well, putting aside his very specific birth, he never identified himself as a Jew, neither associated himself with the Jewish people in any form. He never said even one good word about the country, the Jewish people, their history, traditions and religion. He never said "we", but rather "you".

The most important issue of his time was the Roman occupation. He said nothing against it.

Yes, the Gospels did identify Jesus as a Jew, and his entire ministry was amidst Jews. His closest associates were Jews. When talking to Jews, he called them the salt of the earth.

OK, somebody disliked an existed religion and created his own religious sect. Quite an ordinary event.

Jesus loved the purity of the Jewish faith, and how it dealt with personal relationships. His interest did not lie in Messiahship, kings, and emperors, but how individuals related to God and to one another. That was the Kingdom that occupied his thoughts and his ministry.
I meant the words of Jesus in the Gospels.
Also, Jesus called his followers "the salt of the earth".

How individuals related to God and to one another was written in Torah more that 1000 years before Jesus birth.
According to the Gospels he did have interest, putting himself between God and people.
How individuals related to God and to one another was written in Torah more that 1000 years before Jesus birth.
According to the Gospels he did have interest, putting himself between God and people.
His interest was in drawing people to God and God's will being done on earth as it is in heaven.
^ offended by the faith of others.
Maybe, although I tend to see it as absolutely relishing what he has decided is wrong in the faith of others, so that he can throw a tantrum, "righteously" stomping all over others. Hard, if not impossible, to see God in such a performance. Easy to see a toddler who is out of control.


You might not realize this dear, but a person doesn't even have to believe in God to hear what you claim about an edible triune mangod, read scripture for themselves, and see that what you claim leads to eternal life clearly and irrefutably results in death according to what is written..

And whether what is written is true or not, your own words reveal that you are a liar.

Thats not me having a tantrum sweetness, thats me exposing you as a fraud.
All you have exposed is your intolerance of the beliefs of others.
Existence of Jesus, as he is described in the Gospels, is the matter of faith.

In many ways, yes. Faith is required to believe repentance for the forgiveness of sins, that the reign of God is in our midst, that is one with God are matters of faith. He was also an historical person.

Well, putting aside his very specific birth, he never identified himself as a Jew, neither associated himself with the Jewish people in any form. He never said even one good word about the country, the Jewish people, their history, traditions and religion. He never said "we", but rather "you".

The most important issue of his time was the Roman occupation. He said nothing against it.

Yes, the Gospels did identify Jesus as a Jew, and his entire ministry was amidst Jews. His closest associates were Jews. When talking to Jews, he called them the salt of the earth.

OK, somebody disliked an existed religion and created his own religious sect. Quite an ordinary event.

Jesus loved the purity of the Jewish faith, and how it dealt with personal relationships. His interest did not lie in Messiahship, kings, and emperors, but how individuals related to God and to one another. That was the Kingdom that occupied his thoughts and his ministry.
I meant the words of Jesus in the Gospels.
Also, Jesus called his followers "the salt of the earth".

How individuals related to God and to one another was written in Torah more that 1000 years before Jesus birth.
According to the Gospels he did have interest, putting himself between God and people.
Jesus was born into this world to testify to the truth. Everyone who loves the truth, loves Jesus.

“But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of
woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so
that we might receive adoption as sons.” Gal 4:4

And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness:
God was manifested in the flesh,
Justified in the Spirit,
Seen by angels,
Preached among the Gentiles,
Believed on in the world,
Received up in glory. 1 Timothy 3:16

The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory
of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. John 1:14

Mat 5:18 I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear…
Mat 10:15 I tell you the truth, it will be more bearable for…
Mat 13:17 I tell you the truth, many prophets and righteous...
Mat 16:28 I tell you the truth, some who are standing here...
Mat 17:20 I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small...
Mat 18:3 I tell you the truth, unless you change…
Mat 18:18 I tell you the truth, whatever you bind on earth…
Mat 19:23 I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man…
Mat 21:21 I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt…
Mat 23:36 I tell you the truth, all this will come upon this generation...
Mat 24:2 I tell you the truth, not one stone here will be left on another…
Mat 25:40 I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the…
Mat 26:21 I tell you the truth, one of you will betray me...
Mat 26:34 I tell you the truth, Jesus answered, this very night...
John 3:3 Truly, truly, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again…
John 3:5 Truly, truly, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water...
John 3:11 Truly, truly, I say unto thee, We speak that we do know…
John 5:19 Truly, truly, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself…
John 5:24 Truly, truly, I say unto you, He that heareth my word...
John 5:25 Truly, truly, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now...
John 6:26 Truly, truly, I say unto you, Ye seek me, not because ye saw…
John 6:32 Truly, truly, I say unto you, Moses gave you not that bread from…
John 6:47 Truly, truly, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath...
John 6:53 Truly, truly, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man…
John 8:34 Truly, truly, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin...
John 8:51 Truly, truly, I say unto you, If a man keep my saying, he shall...
John 8:58 Truly, truly, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am...
^ offended by the faith of others.
Maybe, although I tend to see it as absolutely relishing what he has decided is wrong in the faith of others, so that he can throw a tantrum, "righteously" stomping all over others. Hard, if not impossible, to see God in such a performance. Easy to see a toddler who is out of control.


You might not realize this dear, but a person doesn't even have to believe in God to hear what you claim about an edible triune mangod, read scripture for themselves, and see that what you claim leads to eternal life clearly and irrefutably results in death according to what is written..

And whether what is written is true or not, your own words reveal that you are a liar.

Thats not me having a tantrum sweetness, thats me exposing you as a fraud.
All you have exposed is your intolerance of the beliefs of others.

Well, if scripture is true, in your current state of mind under the condemnation of God for worshipping a human being which is idolatry and misleading others to do the same which is murder, you wouldn't know the difference between a blessing or a curse much less what I have exposed would you..

Lets face it, you fucked up.

You returned to the very church that abused you as a child that you already knew since childhood was bullshit...You still know that its bullshit.

What can be done for you now?

You can profess to believe in lies for as long as you like but you will never get me to acknowledge that your beliefs are anything more than lies.

Thats about as tolerant as I will ever be in the presence of bullshit.
How individuals related to God and to one another was written in Torah more that 1000 years before Jesus birth.
According to the Gospels he did have interest, putting himself between God and people.
His interest was in drawing people to God and God's will being done on earth as it is in heaven.
What was the will of God in heaven if not to condemn the talking serpent to the lowest place in all of creation, cursed above all livestock and all the wild beasts of the field?
Last edited:
Jews have nothing to do with a fiction character in a Greek fantasy novel.
Jesus was a historical figure
Existence of Jesus, as he is described in the Gospels, is the matter of faith.
a Jew who took great interest in the issues of his time.
Well, putting aside his very specific birth, he never identified himself as a Jew, neither associated himself with the Jewish people in any form. He never said even one good word about the country, the Jewish people, their history, traditions and religion. He never said "we", but rather "you".
The most important issue of his time was the Roman occupation. He said nothing against it.
He had disagreements with how the Temple was run in his time--and those who had the responsibility for running it. He disagreed that only certain people were allowed to approach God in the Holy of Holies. God wasn't just in the Inner Sanctuary--He is with His people. This idea was not unique with Jesus, but he was certainly adamant and vocal about it.
OK, somebody disliked an existed religion and created his own religious sect. Quite an ordinary event.
Jesus taught in the synagogues. He was called "Rabbi".
According to the bible of the goyim and nowhere else
^ offended by the faith of others.
Maybe, although I tend to see it as absolutely relishing what he has decided is wrong in the faith of others, so that he can throw a tantrum, "righteously" stomping all over others. Hard, if not impossible, to see God in such a performance. Easy to see a toddler who is out of control.


You might not realize this dear, but a person doesn't even have to believe in God to hear what you claim about an edible triune mangod, read scripture for themselves, and see that what you claim leads to eternal life clearly and irrefutably results in death according to what is written..

And whether what is written is true or not, your own words reveal that you are a liar.

Thats not me having a tantrum sweetness, thats me exposing you as a fraud.
All you have exposed is your intolerance of the beliefs of others.
No other religions i am aware of who goes door to door annoying the piss out of people
^ offended by the faith of others.
Maybe, although I tend to see it as absolutely relishing what he has decided is wrong in the faith of others, so that he can throw a tantrum, "righteously" stomping all over others. Hard, if not impossible, to see God in such a performance. Easy to see a toddler who is out of control.


You might not realize this dear, but a person doesn't even have to believe in God to hear what you claim about an edible triune mangod, read scripture for themselves, and see that what you claim leads to eternal life clearly and irrefutably results in death according to what is written..

And whether what is written is true or not, your own words reveal that you are a liar.

Thats not me having a tantrum sweetness, thats me exposing you as a fraud.
All you have exposed is your intolerance of the beliefs of others.

Well, if scripture is true, in your current state of mind under the condemnation of God for worshipping a human being which is idolatry and misleading others to do the same which is murder, you wouldn't know the difference between a blessing or a curse much less what I have exposed would you..

Lets face it, you fucked up.

You returned to the very church that abused you as a child that you already knew since childhood was bullshit...You still know that its bullshit.

What can be done for you now?

You can profess to believe in lies for as long as you like but you will never get me to acknowledge that your beliefs are anything more than lies.

Thats about as tolerant as I will ever be in the presence of bullshit.
I would have to say that the fact that so many people from different beliefs and backgrounds - angry Jews, militant atheists, anarchists, fake Christians, etc - attack Jesus, that he must threaten them and be true.

No one would attack someone who wasn't real and not perceived as a threat to their existence.

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