The Uniqueness of Christ

I would have to say that the fact that so many people from different beliefs and backgrounds - angry Jews, militant atheists, anarchists, fake Christians, etc - attack Jesus, that he must threaten them and be true.

No one would attack someone who wasn't real and not perceived as a threat to their existence.

Of all mentioned, I am most interested in the whys and wherefores of angry Jews.
I would have to say that the fact that so many people from different beliefs and backgrounds - angry Jews, militant atheists, anarchists, fake Christians, etc - attack Jesus, that he must threaten them and be true.

No one would attack someone who wasn't real and not perceived as a threat to their existence.

Of all mentioned, I am most interested in the whys and wherefores of angry Jews.
Agreed. It's pretty sad.
^ offended by the faith of others.
Maybe, although I tend to see it as absolutely relishing what he has decided is wrong in the faith of others, so that he can throw a tantrum, "righteously" stomping all over others. Hard, if not impossible, to see God in such a performance. Easy to see a toddler who is out of control.


You might not realize this dear, but a person doesn't even have to believe in God to hear what you claim about an edible triune mangod, read scripture for themselves, and see that what you claim leads to eternal life clearly and irrefutably results in death according to what is written..

And whether what is written is true or not, your own words reveal that you are a liar.

Thats not me having a tantrum sweetness, thats me exposing you as a fraud.
All you have exposed is your intolerance of the beliefs of others.
No other religions i am aware of who goes door to door annoying the piss out of people
So you come here looking for it?

That's odd.
^ offended by the faith of others.
Maybe, although I tend to see it as absolutely relishing what he has decided is wrong in the faith of others, so that he can throw a tantrum, "righteously" stomping all over others. Hard, if not impossible, to see God in such a performance. Easy to see a toddler who is out of control.


You might not realize this dear, but a person doesn't even have to believe in God to hear what you claim about an edible triune mangod, read scripture for themselves, and see that what you claim leads to eternal life clearly and irrefutably results in death according to what is written..

And whether what is written is true or not, your own words reveal that you are a liar.

Thats not me having a tantrum sweetness, thats me exposing you as a fraud.
All you have exposed is your intolerance of the beliefs of others.
No other religions i am aware of who goes door to door annoying the piss out of people
So you come here looking for it?

That's odd.
Education is the triune gods worshippers friend

Why Jews Don't Believe In Jesus
Who is like him?

Whose teachings are adored by all religions?

Whose example are adored by all religions?

Who else said that only through him can we know God, and then lowered himself to be our servant?

Who else fed us when we hungered and healed us when we were sick?

Who else is as famous having never been rich, never held political power, and never having an army to fight for you? In fact, who is as famous?

Who else has given their life for you?

Who else allowed others to write about him instead of him writing about himself?

There is none like him.
Islam or Judaism perceives "Jesus" as a minor figure. A prophet, at best and a minor figure.
Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions. Ideas must be distinct before reason can act upon them; and no man ever had a distinct idea of the trinity. It is the mere Abracadabra of the mountebanks calling themselves the priests of Jesus.
Thomas Jefferson
Maybe, although I tend to see it as absolutely relishing what he has decided is wrong in the faith of others, so that he can throw a tantrum, "righteously" stomping all over others. Hard, if not impossible, to see God in such a performance. Easy to see a toddler who is out of control.


You might not realize this dear, but a person doesn't even have to believe in God to hear what you claim about an edible triune mangod, read scripture for themselves, and see that what you claim leads to eternal life clearly and irrefutably results in death according to what is written..

And whether what is written is true or not, your own words reveal that you are a liar.

Thats not me having a tantrum sweetness, thats me exposing you as a fraud.
All you have exposed is your intolerance of the beliefs of others.
No other religions i am aware of who goes door to door annoying the piss out of people
So you come here looking for it?

That's odd.
Education is the triune gods worshippers friend

Why Jews Don't Believe In Jesus
Education is everyone's friend.

That's why I wish militant atheists such as yourself weren't so ignorant about science.
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Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions. Ideas must be distinct before reason can act upon them; and no man ever had a distinct idea of the trinity. It is the mere Abracadabra of the mountebanks calling themselves the priests of Jesus.
Thomas Jefferson
So what exactly do you find unintelligent?

Is it that we live in a deterministic universe where everything happens for a reason?

Is it that beings that know and create were predestined to exist by the laws of nature?

Or is it that laws of nature existed before space and time?

Or maybe it is that the energy and matter which make up who you are were created when space and time were created?

Or maybe it is that rules are the domain of intelligence?

Or maybe it is that it is the nature of intelligence to create intelligence?

Or could it be that you don't believe that the universe can be used as evidence for a creator?

It would be so nice if you were intelligent enough to have these discussions and I wouldn't have to ridicule your ignorance for believing silly things. amirite? Or amirite?
Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions. Ideas must be distinct before reason can act upon them; and no man ever had a distinct idea of the trinity. It is the mere Abracadabra of the mountebanks calling themselves the priests of Jesus.
Thomas Jefferson

Nah, ridicule is an admission the one doing the ridiculing is either powerless or has lost control. There are many ways to explain Trinity. Absolutely, it is difficult to both explain and understand, but such is the nature of God. A person is three dimensional, three persons in one means trying to explain a single being who is nine dimensional--i.e. way beyond our comprehension. Another way of explaining is the analogy of water which can be solid, liquid, gas--but yet is the same essence. The three leaf clover or the triangle is another model. Three leaves, three points, yet one. I could go on. The bottom line is that it is impossible for humans to describe God as He actually is. The best we can do is aim for a description that humans can understand and then let their intellect take it from there.
Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions. Ideas must be distinct before reason can act upon them; and no man ever had a distinct idea of the trinity. It is the mere Abracadabra of the mountebanks calling themselves the priests of Jesus.
Thomas Jefferson
Not much ridiculing here at all.

Thomas Jefferson to Rev. Samuel Miller

23 Jan. 1808
Works 11:7--9
I have duly received your favor of the 18th and am thankful to you for having written it, because it is more agreeable to prevent than to refuse what I do not think myself authorized to comply with. I consider the government of the US. as interdicted by the Constitution from intermeddling with religious institutions, their doctrines, discipline, or exercises. This results not only from the provision that no law shall be made respecting the establishment, or free exercise, of religion, but from that also which reserves to the states the powers not delegated to the U. S. Certainly no power to prescribe any religious exercise, or to assume authority in religious discipline, has been delegated to the general government. It must then rest with the states, as far as it can be in any human authority. But it is only proposed that I should recommend, not prescribe a day of fasting & prayer. That is, that I should indirectly assume to the U. S. an authority over religious exercises which the Constitution has directly precluded them from. It must be meant too that this recommendation is to carry some authority, and to be sanctioned by some penalty on those who disregard it; not indeed of fine and imprisonment, but of some degree of proscription perhaps in public opinion. And does the change in the nature of the penalty make the recommendation the less a law of conduct for those to whom it is directed? I do not believe it is for the interest of religion to invite the civil magistrate to direct it's exercises, it's discipline, or it's doctrines; nor of the religious societies that the general government should be invested with the power of effecting any uniformity of time or matter among them. Fasting & prayer are religious exercises. The enjoining them an act of discipline. Every religious society has a right to determine for itself the times for these exercises, & the objects proper for them, according to their own particular tenets; and this right can never be safer than in their own hands, where the constitution has deposited it.

I am aware that the practice of my predecessors may be quoted. But I have ever believed that the example of state executives led to the assumption of that authority by the general government, without due examination, which would have discovered that what might be a right in a state government, was a violation of that right when assumed by another. Be this as it may, every one must act according to the dictates of his own reason, & mine tells me that civil powers alone have been given to the President of the US. and no authority to direct the religious exercises of his constituents.

I again express my satisfaction that you have been so good as to give me an opportunity of explaining myself in a private letter, in which I could give my reasons more in detail than might have been done in a public answer: and I pray you to accept the assurances of my high esteem & respect.

Amendment I (Religion): Thomas Jefferson to Rev. Samuel Miller
Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions. Ideas must be distinct before reason can act upon them; and no man ever had a distinct idea of the trinity. It is the mere Abracadabra of the mountebanks calling themselves the priests of Jesus.
Thomas Jefferson
So what exactly do you find unintelligent?

Is it that we live in a deterministic universe where everything happens for a reason?

Is it that beings that know and create were predestined to exist by the laws of nature?

Or is it that laws of nature existed before space and time?

Or maybe it is that the energy and matter which make up who you are were created when space and time were created?

Or maybe it is that rules are the domain of intelligence?

Or maybe it is that it is the nature of intelligence to create intelligence?

Or could it be that you don't believe that the universe can be used as evidence for a creator?

It would be so nice if you were intelligent enough to have these discussions and I wouldn't have to ridicule your ignorance for believing silly things. amirite? Or amirite?

You know what is amazing, that christians claim that their Yashka was foretold in what they call the old testament, now think about it, they knew nothing about torah as they were uneducated primitives at the time, yet they claim to know what it said and made up stories to fit their narritive of their triune god, which was codified in 325 the council of Nicaea and that is when Yashka was named a co-god
How the Council of Nicea Changed the World
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Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions. Ideas must be distinct before reason can act upon them; and no man ever had a distinct idea of the trinity. It is the mere Abracadabra of the mountebanks calling themselves the priests of Jesus.
Thomas Jefferson
So what exactly do you find unintelligent?

Is it that we live in a deterministic universe where everything happens for a reason?

Is it that beings that know and create were predestined to exist by the laws of nature?

Or is it that laws of nature existed before space and time?

Or maybe it is that the energy and matter which make up who you are were created when space and time were created?

Or maybe it is that rules are the domain of intelligence?

Or maybe it is that it is the nature of intelligence to create intelligence?

Or could it be that you don't believe that the universe can be used as evidence for a creator?

It would be so nice if you were intelligent enough to have these discussions and I wouldn't have to ridicule your ignorance for believing silly things. amirite? Or amirite?

You know what is amazing, that christians claim that their Yashka was foretold in what they call the old testament, now think about it, they knew nothing about torah as they were uneducated primitives at the time, yet they claim to know what it said and made up stories to fit their narritive of their triune god, which was codified in 325 the council of Nicaea and that is when Yashka was named a co-god
How the Council of Nicea Changed the World
That is not nearly as funny as the angry bird Jews partnering with militant atheists. Oy Vey!
You know what is amazing, that christians claim that their Yashka was foretold in what they call the old testament, now think about it, they knew nothing about torah as they were uneducated primitives at the time, yet they claim to know what it said and made up stories to fit their narritive of their triune god, which was codified in 325 the council of Nicaea and that is when Yashka was named a co-god

Now who is making stuff up? Even more amazing is the misunderstanding Jews have over Christianity--and much of it seems based on fringe elements of Christianity. This can be turned around with a little effort.

Second, do you worship a fraction of God? Which two thirds do you not acknowledge? Do you not acknowledge God as Creator/Father? Do you insist He cannot speak/communicate? Or, perhaps you insist He has no spirit? Think of Christians worshiping God in His entirety, reflecting on the vastness and completeness of Him. Do Jews not do the same?

It's completely understandable that Jews insist that God could not become man. It is commendable that they take great care in worshiping no one/nothing but God. Their understanding of the Jewish Bible is impressive. Very few Christians understand its great depths--and atheists don't understand it all.
Jews have nothing to do with a fiction character in a Greek fantasy novel.
Jesus was a historical figure
Existence of Jesus, as he is described in the Gospels, is the matter of faith.
a Jew who took great interest in the issues of his time.
Well, putting aside his very specific birth, he never identified himself as a Jew, neither associated himself with the Jewish people in any form. He never said even one good word about the country, the Jewish people, their history, traditions and religion. He never said "we", but rather "you".
The most important issue of his time was the Roman occupation. He said nothing against it.
He had disagreements with how the Temple was run in his time--and those who had the responsibility for running it. He disagreed that only certain people were allowed to approach God in the Holy of Holies. God wasn't just in the Inner Sanctuary--He is with His people. This idea was not unique with Jesus, but he was certainly adamant and vocal about it.
OK, somebody disliked an existed religion and created his own religious sect. Quite an ordinary event.

You should try reading the New Testament-----which BTW---
Jesus did not write nor have you read. You may have had
a very psychotic sunday school teacher. ------did you notice
a scent of alcohol on her breath?. I am intrigued----who do you imagine had the responsibility for running the temple?
What else did your Sunday school teacher tell you about this
JESUS person?
Arguments please, not emotions.

good idea------try not to let your emotions rule.
Regarding the statement Jesus did not like the way the
temple was run. Who is it that was running the temple?
You could also mention----just what about the running of the
temple did he not like?
I suppose the high priest was running the Temple.
You have other ideas? What is your point?
How individuals related to God and to one another was written in Torah more that 1000 years before Jesus birth.
According to the Gospels he did have interest, putting himself between God and people.
His interest was in drawing people to God and God's will being done on earth as it is in heaven.
The will of God was written in Torah in form of commandments. It looks like Jesus did not particularly respect them.
Existence of Jesus, as he is described in the Gospels, is the matter of faith.

In many ways, yes. Faith is required to believe repentance for the forgiveness of sins, that the reign of God is in our midst, that is one with God are matters of faith. He was also an historical person.

Well, putting aside his very specific birth, he never identified himself as a Jew, neither associated himself with the Jewish people in any form. He never said even one good word about the country, the Jewish people, their history, traditions and religion. He never said "we", but rather "you".

The most important issue of his time was the Roman occupation. He said nothing against it.

Yes, the Gospels did identify Jesus as a Jew, and his entire ministry was amidst Jews. His closest associates were Jews. When talking to Jews, he called them the salt of the earth.

OK, somebody disliked an existed religion and created his own religious sect. Quite an ordinary event.

Jesus loved the purity of the Jewish faith, and how it dealt with personal relationships. His interest did not lie in Messiahship, kings, and emperors, but how individuals related to God and to one another. That was the Kingdom that occupied his thoughts and his ministry.
I meant the words of Jesus in the Gospels.
Also, Jesus called his followers "the salt of the earth".

How individuals related to God and to one another was written in Torah more that 1000 years before Jesus birth.
According to the Gospels he did have interest, putting himself between God and people.
Jesus was born into this world to testify to the truth. Everyone who loves the truth, loves Jesus.
And everyone who doesn't love Jesus is a potential liar? :cool-45:
The will of God was written in Torah in form of commandments. It looks like Jesus did not particularly respect them.

In fact, Jesus is found saying that those who follow moral law are close to the Kingdom of Heaven. It is true that Jesus (like many other wise Jews of the time) boiled the commandments down to love of God and love of neighbor. The "laws" he is recording as having broken were not moral laws, but more of what we would today regard as a culture's customs--i.e., dietary practices or when and how to wash up.
And everyone who doesn't love Jesus is a potential liar?

Usually those who don't come to appreciate Jesus and his life are not potential liars--they are victims of bad ambassadorship via some of his followers. One of the first things one should learn about Jesus is that his interest was not in those who were doing well in both faith and life under present conditions. His heart went out to the lost, to the disenfranchised sinners, to the poor, to those who felt God was ignoring them, punishing them, and frankly had no use for them. He painted for them an entirely different picture of God--God who is Father, God who is forgiving, God who is salvation for everyone. He assured them God was in their midst, His kingdom well within their reach.

My heart breaks more than a little that if Jesus were living today--or that if I living then, but in the same circumstances I live today--Jesus would have passed by me without a second glance as he looked towards those who had little or no hope.
I would have to say that the fact that so many people from different beliefs and backgrounds - angry Jews, militant atheists, anarchists, fake Christians, etc - attack Jesus, that he must threaten them and be true.

No one would attack someone who wasn't real and not perceived as a threat to their existence.

people attack Jesus? who? You have some examples of
people attacking Jesus?

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