The Uniqueness of Christ

.Actually many of the stories and tall tales are pure mockery of Hebrew customs and traditions one must be completely blinded by their idol Jesus to not see it...
Did you ever consider that the roman perversion and assimilation of Christianity and the worship of an edible triune god made man made matzo was a mockery of Jesus too, a Jew that actually existed?

Isn't it obvious that the mass, worshipping and eating a sacrificial mangod, the most important element of Roman Catholicism, is a desecration of the teachings of a Jew that actually existed, a brazen act of defiance of divine law and open expression of pure hatred for the hebrew God?

Do you think that an imaginary Jew would have pissed off the Romans so much that they went through the trouble of changing laws and customs and the national religion to mock a person that never existed by "celebrating" his torture and death, turning him into a cracker, and then eating him?

Did you never bother to look for what the Romans hated so much, what the corrupted first century religious authorities hated so much, what was intentionally buried under a mountain of blasphemy in 325 c.e.?

your reconstruction HOBIE----is very logical----sorta. I am not sure that the sacramental wafer is a spoof of matzoh-----but maybe The mass is ABSOLUTELY the traditional jewish "Kiddush" <<< sanctification upon bread and wine----
but I do not see it as a spoof-
.Actually many of the stories and tall tales are pure mockery of Hebrew customs and traditions one must be completely blinded by their idol Jesus to not see it...
Did you ever consider that the roman perversion and assimilation of Christianity and the worship of an edible triune god made man made matzo was a mockery of Jesus too, a Jew that actually existed?

Isn't it obvious that the mass, worshipping and eating a sacrificial mangod, the most important element of Roman Catholicism, is a desecration of the teachings of a Jew that actually existed, a brazen act of defiance of divine law and open expression of pure hatred for the hebrew God?

Do you think that an imaginary Jew would have pissed off the Romans so much that they went through the trouble of changing laws and customs and the national religion to mock a person that never existed by "celebrating" his torture and death, turning him into a cracker, and then eating him?

Did you never bother to look for what the Romans hated so much, what the corrupted first century religious authorities hated so much, what was intentionally buried under a mountain of blasphemy in 325 c.e.?

your reconstruction HOBIE----is very logical----sorta. I am not sure that the sacramental wafer is a spoof of matzoh-----but maybe The mass is ABSOLUTELY the traditional jewish "Kiddush" <<< sanctification upon bread and wine----
but I do not see it as a spoof-
They are celebrating the torture and death of Jesus at mass, openly, worshipping him as a god, and then eating him.

How is that not a sick joke?
.Actually many of the stories and tall tales are pure mockery of Hebrew customs and traditions one must be completely blinded by their idol Jesus to not see it...
Did you ever consider that the roman perversion and assimilation of Christianity and the worship of an edible triune god made man made matzo was a mockery of Jesus too, a Jew that actually existed?

Isn't it obvious that the mass, worshipping and eating a sacrificial mangod, the most important element of Roman Catholicism, is a desecration of the teachings of a Jew that actually existed, a brazen act of defiance of divine law and open expression of pure hatred for the hebrew God?

Do you think that an imaginary Jew would have pissed off the Romans so much that they went through the trouble of changing laws and customs and the national religion to mock a person that never existed by "celebrating" his torture and death, turning him into a cracker, and then eating him?

Did you never bother to look for what the Romans hated so much, what the corrupted first century religious authorities hated so much, what was intentionally buried under a mountain of blasphemy in 325 c.e.?

your reconstruction HOBIE----is very logical----sorta. I am not sure that the sacramental wafer is a spoof of matzoh-----but maybe The mass is ABSOLUTELY the traditional jewish "Kiddush" <<< sanctification upon bread and wine----
but I do not see it as a spoof-
They are celebrating the torture and death of Jesus at mass, openly, worshipping him as a god, and then eating him.

How is that not a sick joke?

I, as the nice joooo on the block----in a neighborhood
of protestants, catholics, and even eastern orthos do not
like the MOCKERY of any of the crap that any of the "others"
do. Ritual is ritual--------it can always be SHREDDED TO PIECES (my catholic and protestant and ortho neighbors did demonstrate that fact when alluding to Judaism)
.Actually many of the stories and tall tales are pure mockery of Hebrew customs and traditions one must be completely blinded by their idol Jesus to not see it...
Did you ever consider that the roman perversion and assimilation of Christianity and the worship of an edible triune god made man made matzo was a mockery of Jesus too, a Jew that actually existed?

Isn't it obvious that the mass, worshipping and eating a sacrificial mangod, the most important element of Roman Catholicism, is a desecration of the teachings of a Jew that actually existed, a brazen act of defiance of divine law and open expression of pure hatred for the hebrew God?

Do you think that an imaginary Jew would have pissed off the Romans so much that they went through the trouble of changing laws and customs and the national religion to mock a person that never existed by "celebrating" his torture and death, turning him into a cracker, and then eating him?

Did you never bother to look for what the Romans hated so much, what the corrupted first century religious authorities hated so much, what was intentionally buried under a mountain of blasphemy in 325 c.e.?

your reconstruction HOBIE----is very logical----sorta. I am not sure that the sacramental wafer is a spoof of matzoh-----but maybe The mass is ABSOLUTELY the traditional jewish "Kiddush" <<< sanctification upon bread and wine----
but I do not see it as a spoof-
They are celebrating the torture and death of Jesus at mass, openly, worshipping him as a god, and then eating him.

How is that not a sick joke?

I, as the nice joooo on the block----in a neighborhood
of protestants, catholics, and even eastern orthos do not
like the MOCKERY of any of the crap that any of the "others"
do. Ritual is ritual--------it can always be SHREDDED TO PIECES (my catholic and protestant and ortho neighbors did demonstrate that fact when alluding to Judaism)

So they don't like mockery. Whoop di doo. What are you, chicken shit? Did you never run around drinking and partying with really bad characters despised by religious and secular authorities like Jesus did?

I'm starting to doubt that you ever lived in brooklyn...
Last edited:
.Actually many of the stories and tall tales are pure mockery of Hebrew customs and traditions one must be completely blinded by their idol Jesus to not see it...
Did you ever consider that the roman perversion and assimilation of Christianity and the worship of an edible triune god made man made matzo was a mockery of Jesus too, a Jew that actually existed?

Isn't it obvious that the mass, worshipping and eating a sacrificial mangod, the most important element of Roman Catholicism, is a desecration of the teachings of a Jew that actually existed, a brazen act of defiance of divine law and open expression of pure hatred for the hebrew God?

Do you think that an imaginary Jew would have pissed off the Romans so much that they went through the trouble of changing laws and customs and the national religion to mock a person that never existed by "celebrating" his torture and death, turning him into a cracker, and then eating him?

Did you never bother to look for what the Romans hated so much, what the corrupted first century religious authorities hated so much, what was intentionally buried under a mountain of blasphemy in 325 c.e.?

your reconstruction HOBIE----is very logical----sorta. I am not sure that the sacramental wafer is a spoof of matzoh-----but maybe The mass is ABSOLUTELY the traditional jewish "Kiddush" <<< sanctification upon bread and wine----
but I do not see it as a spoof-
They are celebrating the torture and death of Jesus at mass, openly, worshipping him as a god, and then eating him.

How is that not a sick joke?

I, as the nice joooo on the block----in a neighborhood
of protestants, catholics, and even eastern orthos do not
like the MOCKERY of any of the crap that any of the "others"
do. Ritual is ritual--------it can always be SHREDDED TO PIECES (my catholic and protestant and ortho neighbors did demonstrate that fact when alluding to Judaism)

So they don't like mockery. Whoop di doo. What are you, chicken shit? Did you never run around drinking and partying with really bad characters despised by religious and secular authorities like Jesus did?

I'm starting to doubt that you ever lived in brooklyn...

who did not like mockery? my neighbors or my mother?----it was my mother. A personal anecdote. I grew up in a very WASP town. -----but it did have IRISH people---and
some Italians.-----and SO it had a fairly large "catholic school"----but its ORIGIN was pre-revolutionary war WASP.
Mom was a New York girl----accustomed to DIVERSITY----
we (my family) ended up in WASPVILLE where the core population had flattering names for all sorts of people----from "WOPS" to "KIKES" to "GREASERS" to "SPICS" to
the all time fave "*******" As a little kid ----for me those were the "DIRTY WORDS" that I was not allowed to say.
PS---I have lived in Brooklyn for many of my adult years. As to "getting along" ----A LOT NICER THAN THE GENTEEL
Did you ever consider that the roman perversion and assimilation of Christianity and the worship of an edible triune god made man made matzo was a mockery of Jesus too, a Jew that actually existed?

Isn't it obvious that the mass, worshipping and eating a sacrificial mangod, the most important element of Roman Catholicism, is a desecration of the teachings of a Jew that actually existed, a brazen act of defiance of divine law and open expression of pure hatred for the hebrew God?

Do you think that an imaginary Jew would have pissed off the Romans so much that they went through the trouble of changing laws and customs and the national religion to mock a person that never existed by "celebrating" his torture and death, turning him into a cracker, and then eating him?

Did you never bother to look for what the Romans hated so much, what the corrupted first century religious authorities hated so much, what was intentionally buried under a mountain of blasphemy in 325 c.e.?

your reconstruction HOBIE----is very logical----sorta. I am not sure that the sacramental wafer is a spoof of matzoh-----but maybe The mass is ABSOLUTELY the traditional jewish "Kiddush" <<< sanctification upon bread and wine----
but I do not see it as a spoof-
They are celebrating the torture and death of Jesus at mass, openly, worshipping him as a god, and then eating him.

How is that not a sick joke?

I, as the nice joooo on the block----in a neighborhood
of protestants, catholics, and even eastern orthos do not
like the MOCKERY of any of the crap that any of the "others"
do. Ritual is ritual--------it can always be SHREDDED TO PIECES (my catholic and protestant and ortho neighbors did demonstrate that fact when alluding to Judaism)

So they don't like mockery. Whoop di doo. What are you, chicken shit? Did you never run around drinking and partying with really bad characters despised by religious and secular authorities like Jesus did?

I'm starting to doubt that you ever lived in brooklyn...

who did not like mockery? my neighbors or my mother?----it was my mother. A personal anecdote. I grew up in a very WASP town. -----but it did have IRISH people---and
some Italians.-----and SO it had a fairly large "catholic school"----but its ORIGIN was pre-revolutionary war WASP.
Mom was a New York girl----accustomed to DIVERSITY----
we (my family) ended up in WASPVILLE where the core population had flattering names for all sorts of people----from "WOPS" to "KIKES" to "GREASERS" to "SPICS" to
the all time fave "*******" As a little kid ----for me those were the "DIRTY WORDS" that I was not allowed to say.
PS---I have lived in Brooklyn for many of my adult years. As to "getting along" ----A LOT NICER THAN THE GENTEEL

Sheesh. Let it go Rosie. You really don't need to carry around such anger, hurt, and deep seated resentments from decades ago're an old lady..

Be nice.
Last edited:
your reconstruction HOBIE----is very logical----sorta. I am not sure that the sacramental wafer is a spoof of matzoh-----but maybe The mass is ABSOLUTELY the traditional jewish "Kiddush" <<< sanctification upon bread and wine----
but I do not see it as a spoof-
They are celebrating the torture and death of Jesus at mass, openly, worshipping him as a god, and then eating him.

How is that not a sick joke?

I, as the nice joooo on the block----in a neighborhood
of protestants, catholics, and even eastern orthos do not
like the MOCKERY of any of the crap that any of the "others"
do. Ritual is ritual--------it can always be SHREDDED TO PIECES (my catholic and protestant and ortho neighbors did demonstrate that fact when alluding to Judaism)

So they don't like mockery. Whoop di doo. What are you, chicken shit? Did you never run around drinking and partying with really bad characters despised by religious and secular authorities like Jesus did?

I'm starting to doubt that you ever lived in brooklyn...

who did not like mockery? my neighbors or my mother?----it was my mother. A personal anecdote. I grew up in a very WASP town. -----but it did have IRISH people---and
some Italians.-----and SO it had a fairly large "catholic school"----but its ORIGIN was pre-revolutionary war WASP.
Mom was a New York girl----accustomed to DIVERSITY----
we (my family) ended up in WASPVILLE where the core population had flattering names for all sorts of people----from "WOPS" to "KIKES" to "GREASERS" to "SPICS" to
the all time fave "*******" As a little kid ----for me those were the "DIRTY WORDS" that I was not allowed to say.
PS---I have lived in Brooklyn for many of my adult years. As to "getting along" ----A LOT NICER THAN THE GENTEEL

Sheesh. Let it go Rosie. You really don't need to carry around such anger, hurt, and deep seated resentments from decades ago're an old lady..

Be nice.

I am nice----I learned valuable lessons in waspy-Nazi-ville
They are celebrating the torture and death of Jesus at mass, openly, worshipping him as a god, and then eating him.

How is that not a sick joke?

I, as the nice joooo on the block----in a neighborhood
of protestants, catholics, and even eastern orthos do not
like the MOCKERY of any of the crap that any of the "others"
do. Ritual is ritual--------it can always be SHREDDED TO PIECES (my catholic and protestant and ortho neighbors did demonstrate that fact when alluding to Judaism)

So they don't like mockery. Whoop di doo. What are you, chicken shit? Did you never run around drinking and partying with really bad characters despised by religious and secular authorities like Jesus did?

I'm starting to doubt that you ever lived in brooklyn...

who did not like mockery? my neighbors or my mother?----it was my mother. A personal anecdote. I grew up in a very WASP town. -----but it did have IRISH people---and
some Italians.-----and SO it had a fairly large "catholic school"----but its ORIGIN was pre-revolutionary war WASP.
Mom was a New York girl----accustomed to DIVERSITY----
we (my family) ended up in WASPVILLE where the core population had flattering names for all sorts of people----from "WOPS" to "KIKES" to "GREASERS" to "SPICS" to
the all time fave "*******" As a little kid ----for me those were the "DIRTY WORDS" that I was not allowed to say.
PS---I have lived in Brooklyn for many of my adult years. As to "getting along" ----A LOT NICER THAN THE GENTEEL

Sheesh. Let it go Rosie. You really don't need to carry around such anger, hurt, and deep seated resentments from decades ago're an old lady..

Be nice.

I am nice----I learned valuable lessons in waspy-Nazi-ville

I'm all ears.....
I, as the nice joooo on the block----in a neighborhood
of protestants, catholics, and even eastern orthos do not
like the MOCKERY of any of the crap that any of the "others"
do. Ritual is ritual--------it can always be SHREDDED TO PIECES (my catholic and protestant and ortho neighbors did demonstrate that fact when alluding to Judaism)

So they don't like mockery. Whoop di doo. What are you, chicken shit? Did you never run around drinking and partying with really bad characters despised by religious and secular authorities like Jesus did?

I'm starting to doubt that you ever lived in brooklyn...

who did not like mockery? my neighbors or my mother?----it was my mother. A personal anecdote. I grew up in a very WASP town. -----but it did have IRISH people---and
some Italians.-----and SO it had a fairly large "catholic school"----but its ORIGIN was pre-revolutionary war WASP.
Mom was a New York girl----accustomed to DIVERSITY----
we (my family) ended up in WASPVILLE where the core population had flattering names for all sorts of people----from "WOPS" to "KIKES" to "GREASERS" to "SPICS" to
the all time fave "*******" As a little kid ----for me those were the "DIRTY WORDS" that I was not allowed to say.
PS---I have lived in Brooklyn for many of my adult years. As to "getting along" ----A LOT NICER THAN THE GENTEEL

Sheesh. Let it go Rosie. You really don't need to carry around such anger, hurt, and deep seated resentments from decades ago're an old lady..

Be nice.

I am nice----I learned valuable lessons in waspy-Nazi-ville

I'm all ears.....

feel free to ask questions
So they don't like mockery. Whoop di doo. What are you, chicken shit? Did you never run around drinking and partying with really bad characters despised by religious and secular authorities like Jesus did?

I'm starting to doubt that you ever lived in brooklyn...

who did not like mockery? my neighbors or my mother?----it was my mother. A personal anecdote. I grew up in a very WASP town. -----but it did have IRISH people---and
some Italians.-----and SO it had a fairly large "catholic school"----but its ORIGIN was pre-revolutionary war WASP.
Mom was a New York girl----accustomed to DIVERSITY----
we (my family) ended up in WASPVILLE where the core population had flattering names for all sorts of people----from "WOPS" to "KIKES" to "GREASERS" to "SPICS" to
the all time fave "*******" As a little kid ----for me those were the "DIRTY WORDS" that I was not allowed to say.
PS---I have lived in Brooklyn for many of my adult years. As to "getting along" ----A LOT NICER THAN THE GENTEEL

Sheesh. Let it go Rosie. You really don't need to carry around such anger, hurt, and deep seated resentments from decades ago're an old lady..

Be nice.

I am nice----I learned valuable lessons in waspy-Nazi-ville

I'm all ears.....

feel free to ask questions

What I would ask I wouldn't ask it here. If I did, you wouldn't answer...In your current volatile state, you might think that I was mocking you...even if I wasn't.
who did not like mockery? my neighbors or my mother?----it was my mother. A personal anecdote. I grew up in a very WASP town. -----but it did have IRISH people---and
some Italians.-----and SO it had a fairly large "catholic school"----but its ORIGIN was pre-revolutionary war WASP.
Mom was a New York girl----accustomed to DIVERSITY----
we (my family) ended up in WASPVILLE where the core population had flattering names for all sorts of people----from "WOPS" to "KIKES" to "GREASERS" to "SPICS" to
the all time fave "*******" As a little kid ----for me those were the "DIRTY WORDS" that I was not allowed to say.
PS---I have lived in Brooklyn for many of my adult years. As to "getting along" ----A LOT NICER THAN THE GENTEEL

Sheesh. Let it go Rosie. You really don't need to carry around such anger, hurt, and deep seated resentments from decades ago're an old lady..

Be nice.

I am nice----I learned valuable lessons in waspy-Nazi-ville

I'm all ears.....

feel free to ask questions

What I would ask I wouldn't ask it here. If I did, you wouldn't answer...In your current volatile state, you might think that I was mocking you...even if I wasn't.[/QUOTE

silly evasion------feel free. this is just a messageboard. I promise that I will come up with some sort of answer to whatever idiotic question you pose
I would have thought you two would be getting along better given your shared hatred of Christians and Christianity. Who knew?
Or maybe Hobelim is starting to question the Jewish fairy tale.

Karma is a wonderful thing.

BTW did you know that Hobelim no longer is capable of sin?
.Actually many of the stories and tall tales are pure mockery of Hebrew customs and traditions one must be completely blinded by their idol Jesus to not see it...
Did you ever consider that the roman perversion and assimilation of Christianity and the worship of an edible triune god made man made matzo was a mockery of Jesus too, a Jew that actually existed?

Isn't it obvious that the mass, worshipping and eating a sacrificial mangod, the most important element of Roman Catholicism, is a desecration of the teachings of a Jew that actually existed, a brazen act of defiance of divine law and open expression of pure hatred for the hebrew God?

Do you think that an imaginary Jew would have pissed off the Romans so much that they went through the trouble of changing laws and customs and the national religion to mock a person that never existed by "celebrating" his torture and death, turning him into a cracker, and then eating him?

Did you never bother to look for what the Romans hated so much, what the corrupted first century religious authorities hated so much, what was intentionally buried under a mountain of blasphemy in 325 c.e.?

your reconstruction HOBIE----is very logical----sorta. I am not sure that the sacramental wafer is a spoof of matzoh-----but maybe The mass is ABSOLUTELY the traditional jewish "Kiddush" <<< sanctification upon bread and wine----
but I do not see it as a spoof-
They are celebrating the torture and death of Jesus at mass, openly, worshipping him as a god, and then eating him.

How is that not a sick joke?
It is a great mystery of our faith—we can only know it from Christ's teaching given us in the Scriptures and in the Tradition of the Church.

And from what we experience when we do. The proof is in the pudding so to speak.
.Actually many of the stories and tall tales are pure mockery of Hebrew customs and traditions one must be completely blinded by their idol Jesus to not see it...
Did you ever consider that the roman perversion and assimilation of Christianity and the worship of an edible triune god made man made matzo was a mockery of Jesus too, a Jew that actually existed?

Isn't it obvious that the mass, worshipping and eating a sacrificial mangod, the most important element of Roman Catholicism, is a desecration of the teachings of a Jew that actually existed, a brazen act of defiance of divine law and open expression of pure hatred for the hebrew God?

Do you think that an imaginary Jew would have pissed off the Romans so much that they went through the trouble of changing laws and customs and the national religion to mock a person that never existed by "celebrating" his torture and death, turning him into a cracker, and then eating him?

Did you never bother to look for what the Romans hated so much, what the corrupted first century religious authorities hated so much, what was intentionally buried under a mountain of blasphemy in 325 c.e.?

your reconstruction HOBIE----is very logical----sorta. I am not sure that the sacramental wafer is a spoof of matzoh-----but maybe The mass is ABSOLUTELY the traditional jewish "Kiddush" <<< sanctification upon bread and wine----
but I do not see it as a spoof-
They are celebrating the torture and death of Jesus at mass, openly, worshipping him as a god, and then eating him.

How is that not a sick joke?
Now let me tell you what a sick joke is.... it would be someone who mocks the faith of others. Especially one who does so for his own perverse pleasure. Like you are doing.
I would have thought you two would be getting along better given your shared hatred of Christians and Christianity. Who knew?

how long have you seen "hatred of Christians"? do
"haters of Christians" do 'things' to you?
.Actually many of the stories and tall tales are pure mockery of Hebrew customs and traditions one must be completely blinded by their idol Jesus to not see it...
Did you ever consider that the roman perversion and assimilation of Christianity and the worship of an edible triune god made man made matzo was a mockery of Jesus too, a Jew that actually existed?

Isn't it obvious that the mass, worshipping and eating a sacrificial mangod, the most important element of Roman Catholicism, is a desecration of the teachings of a Jew that actually existed, a brazen act of defiance of divine law and open expression of pure hatred for the hebrew God?

Do you think that an imaginary Jew would have pissed off the Romans so much that they went through the trouble of changing laws and customs and the national religion to mock a person that never existed by "celebrating" his torture and death, turning him into a cracker, and then eating him?

Did you never bother to look for what the Romans hated so much, what the corrupted first century religious authorities hated so much, what was intentionally buried under a mountain of blasphemy in 325 c.e.?

your reconstruction HOBIE----is very logical----sorta. I am not sure that the sacramental wafer is a spoof of matzoh-----but maybe The mass is ABSOLUTELY the traditional jewish "Kiddush" <<< sanctification upon bread and wine----
but I do not see it as a spoof-
They are celebrating the torture and death of Jesus at mass, openly, worshipping him as a god, and then eating him.

How is that not a sick joke?
It is a great mystery of our faith—we can only know it from Christ's teaching given us in the Scriptures and in the Tradition of the Church.

And from what we experience when we do. The proof is in the pudding so to speak.

"Christ's teachings" in the scriptures ??? can you cite those
wafer and blood teachings? ------attributed to the person

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