The Uniqueness of Christ

Good Lord, a Jew and a Communist colluding against Christians. Just like the good old days.
I only posted your own Bible verses, therefore
you just said:
the NT is "colluding against Christians."
No matter how hard you try, you cannot escape the fact that you will align yourself with anyone who opposes Christianity.

Even militant atheists.
I didn't align myself with anyone, but you inadvertantly tripped again....
You just said the NT (I posted) aligns with the atheist and using your standard you are saying the RCC aligned itself with the Nazis.
Keep talking, you are in your logic aligning yourself with that atheist. :)
But you did. You do it all the time. You think you are justified. Even now you are rationalizing it.
Pot. Kettle. Black.
Good Lord, a Jew and a Communist colluding against Christians. Just like the good old days.
I only posted your own Bible verses, therefore
you just said:
the NT is "colluding against Christians."
No matter how hard you try, you cannot escape the fact that you will align yourself with anyone who opposes Christianity.

Even militant atheists.
I didn't align myself with anyone, but you inadvertantly tripped again....
You just said the NT (I posted) aligns with the atheist and using your standard you are saying the RCC aligned itself with the Nazis.
Keep talking, you are in your logic aligning yourself with that atheist. :)
But you did. You do it all the time. You think you are justified. Even now you are rationalizing it.
Pot. Kettle. Black.
Says the resident troll.

I'm sure he will be more than happy to team up with you.
I only posted your own Bible verses, therefore
you just said:
the NT is "colluding against Christians."
No matter how hard you try, you cannot escape the fact that you will align yourself with anyone who opposes Christianity.

Even militant atheists.
I didn't align myself with anyone, but you inadvertantly tripped again....
You just said the NT (I posted) aligns with the atheist and using your standard you are saying the RCC aligned itself with the Nazis.
Keep talking, you are in your logic aligning yourself with that atheist. :)
But you did. You do it all the time. You think you are justified. Even now you are rationalizing it.
Pot. Kettle. Black.
Says the resident troll.

I'm sure he will be more than happy to team up with you.
I’m a troll, says the guy who has racked up 32k posts in a year and a half. :lol:
No matter how hard you try, you cannot escape the fact that you will align yourself with anyone who opposes Christianity.

Even militant atheists.
I didn't align myself with anyone, but you inadvertantly tripped again....
You just said the NT (I posted) aligns with the atheist and using your standard you are saying the RCC aligned itself with the Nazis.
Keep talking, you are in your logic aligning yourself with that atheist. :)
But you did. You do it all the time. You think you are justified. Even now you are rationalizing it.
Pot. Kettle. Black.
Says the resident troll.

I'm sure he will be more than happy to team up with you.
I’m a troll, says the guy who has racked up 32k posts in a year and a half. :lol:
That's not the measure of a troll.

You come here trolling for reactions from Christians. That's the measure.
Ding admited The CHURCH "aligned itself with anyone who opposed JUDAISM".
INCLUDING nazis and here's historical proof the RCC aligned itself with nazis:
In 1939 the Nazis barred Jews from train dining cars.
The Churchs Synod of Elvira (306) forbade Jews and Christians eating together.

The Synod of Clement (535) parallels the law for the Re-establishment of the Professional Civil Service (Nazi Germany -1933) by disallowing Jews from holding public office.

The Third Synod of Orleans (538) inhibited Jews from showing themselves in the streets during passion Week. In 1938 the Nazis past a decree allowing authorities to ban Jews from the streets on certain days such as Nazi Holidays.

During the Synod of Toledo the Talmud and other books were burned. Similar book burnings were a regular event in Nazi Germany.

The law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor (1935)
parallels the Synod of Elvira (306), which prohibited intermarriage and sexual intercourse between Christians and Jews.

The fourth Lateran Council (1215) mandated the marking of
Jewish clothes with a badge. In 1941 the Nazis forced Jews
to wear a Star of David. So Christendom foreshadowed the

In 1222 the Council of Oxford banned the construction of new
synagogues. In 1938 the Nazis destroyed synagogues in the
entire Third Reich. Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis.

In 1279 the Synod of Breslau legislated for compulsory ghettoes.
In 1939 Heydrich also ordered compulsory ghettoes for Jews.
Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis.

The Synod of Ofen (1279) forbade Christians from selling or
renting real estate to Jews. In 1939 a Nazi decree mandated
the sale of Jewish real estate. Again Christendom foreshadowed
the Nazis.

The Council of Basel (1434) prevented Jews from obtaining
academic degrees. In 1933 the Nazis passed a law against,
"Overcrowding of German Schools and Universities" with
the same effect. Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis.
The Synod of Gerona (1078) forced Jews to make contributions
to the Church equal to that of Christians. The 1940
Sozialausgleichsabgabe enforced a special Jewish income tax
equal to the party contribution levied on Nazis. Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis.

"The Nazis 'did not discard the past; they built upon it. They didnt begin a development; they completed it.'
This fact makes ludicrous any unqualified claim that the Nazis were the enemies of Christendom.
In actuality, they were in very large measure the agents for the 'practical' application of an established social logic."

(Hilberg, R., "The Destruction of the European Jews" Chicago:
Quadrangle, 1961), and (Eckardt, "Elder and Younger Brothers:
The Encounter of Jews and Christians" New York: Schocken
1973, 12-14).

The roots of the antisemitic "established social logic" referred to above lie in the antisemitic potential of the NT. The roots of modern antisemitism lie in the pages of the NT. Without it the Shoah (Holocaust) would never have happened.

A Disturbing Fact:
On April 19 1939 in celebration of Hitler's birthday All Catholic churches in greater Germany hoisted the Swastica in Celebration.
The Holocaust; Its Foundation IS In Christian AntiSemitism AS DING ADMITS-THEY ARE ALIGNED.
I didn't align myself with anyone, but you inadvertantly tripped again....
You just said the NT (I posted) aligns with the atheist and using your standard you are saying the RCC aligned itself with the Nazis.
Keep talking, you are in your logic aligning yourself with that atheist. :)
But you did. You do it all the time. You think you are justified. Even now you are rationalizing it.
Pot. Kettle. Black.
Says the resident troll.

I'm sure he will be more than happy to team up with you.
I’m a troll, says the guy who has racked up 32k posts in a year and a half. :lol:
That's not the measure of a troll.

You come here trolling for reactions from Christians. That's the measure.
You troll with the same answers over and over. Own it.
But you did. You do it all the time. You think you are justified. Even now you are rationalizing it.
Pot. Kettle. Black.
Says the resident troll.

I'm sure he will be more than happy to team up with you.
I’m a troll, says the guy who has racked up 32k posts in a year and a half. :lol:
That's not the measure of a troll.

You come here trolling for reactions from Christians. That's the measure.
You troll with the same answers over and over. Own it.
If the question or accusations don't change then the answers and responses don't change.

You keep asking the same questions and then criticize me for giving the same answers when in reality the problem is you.
Pot. Kettle. Black.
Says the resident troll.

I'm sure he will be more than happy to team up with you.
I’m a troll, says the guy who has racked up 32k posts in a year and a half. :lol:
That's not the measure of a troll.

You come here trolling for reactions from Christians. That's the measure.
You troll with the same answers over and over. Own it.
If the question or accusations don't change then the answers and responses don't change.

You keep asking the same questions and then criticize me for giving the same answers when in reality the problem is you.
So you own it. Good for you. Now run along and behave. :biggrin:
Says the resident troll.

I'm sure he will be more than happy to team up with you.
I’m a troll, says the guy who has racked up 32k posts in a year and a half. :lol:
That's not the measure of a troll.

You come here trolling for reactions from Christians. That's the measure.
You troll with the same answers over and over. Own it.
If the question or accusations don't change then the answers and responses don't change.

You keep asking the same questions and then criticize me for giving the same answers when in reality the problem is you.
So you own it. Good for you. Now run along and behave. :biggrin:

So who is comparable to Jesus?

Who is like him?

Whose teachings are adored by all religions?

Whose example are adored by all religions?

Who else said that only through him can we know God, and then lowered himself to be our servant?

Who else fed us when we hungered and healed us when we were sick?

Who else is as famous having never been rich, never held political power, and never having an army to fight for you? In fact, who is as famous?

Who else has given their life for you?

Who else allowed others to write about him instead of him writing about himself?

I want names.
I’m a troll, says the guy who has racked up 32k posts in a year and a half. :lol:
That's not the measure of a troll.

You come here trolling for reactions from Christians. That's the measure.
You troll with the same answers over and over. Own it.
If the question or accusations don't change then the answers and responses don't change.

You keep asking the same questions and then criticize me for giving the same answers when in reality the problem is you.
So you own it. Good for you. Now run along and behave. :biggrin:

So who is comparable to Jesus?

Who is like him?

Whose teachings are adored by all religions?

Whose example are adored by all religions?

Who else said that only through him can we know God, and then lowered himself to be our servant?

Who else fed us when we hungered and healed us when we were sick?

Who else is as famous having never been rich, never held political power, and never having an army to fight for you? In fact, who is as famous?

Who else has given their life for you?

Who else allowed others to write about him instead of him writing about himself?

I want names.
Taz. :biggrin:
Gumby was adored by all, even though he didn't exist either.

Gumby was adored by all, even though he didn't exist either.
View attachment 180565
View attachment 180567
This whole thread is actually quite humorous considering that Christianity claims Jesus as part of a triune godhead... How can he be singular or unique unless he is one entity... Course this actually shows Christians speaking out of both sides of their mouths in trying to place their creation in places he/ it does not belong.... I have enjoyed reading the twisting and turning it has been great entertainment...I see there was no refutation of what Michael posted just inane posts to bury the facts he brought up....I wonder how many here or reading these posts secretly find the concept of Jesus claimed uniqueness as funny as I do given all the evidence to the contrary that any who are not lazy or brainwashed can easily look up for themselves without to much effort given we live in a time where information is available freely to all....
This whole thread is actually quite humorous considering that Christianity claims Jesus as part of a triune godhead... How can he be singular or unique unless he is one entity... Course this actually shows Christians speaking out of both sides of their mouths in trying to place their creation in places he/ it does not belong.... I have enjoyed reading the twisting and turning it has been great entertainment...I see there was no refutation of what Michael posted just inane posts to bury the facts he brought up....I wonder how many here or reading these posts secretly find the concept of Jesus claimed uniqueness as funny as I do given all the evidence to the contrary that any who are not lazy or brainwashed can easily look up for themselves without to much effort given we live in a time where information is available freely to all....

Jesus was a man of his times, concerned about matters of his time, especially as they related to God and the Temple. He said he was not the Messiah Jews expected, and for good reason. Jesus did not see God's rule coming from without in the personification of one man, one king. His perception of God's Kingdom, God's reign as coming from within the individual. He kept saying the Kingdom of God is from within people, and therefore the reign of God is already in our midst. The Kingdom of God is a process into which each individual enters by turning away from disobedience and turning to obedience to God.

The Temple of Jesus time, under the leadership of Annas and Caiaphas, had its problems. Therefore Jesus (and others of his time) saw not the liturgies and Temple sacrifices as representing the Holiness of God, but rather the Holiness of God is seen through the good deeds and fellowship of the people. It was not just the Priesthood of Aaron that might have fellowship with God--it was everyone who loved God and who loved his fellowman.

Jews today, should be able to see Jesus as a compatriot, not a person to loathe. It hurts me that they do not.
This whole thread is actually quite humorous considering that Christianity claims Jesus as part of a triune godhead... How can he be singular or unique unless he is one entity... Course this actually shows Christians speaking out of both sides of their mouths in trying to place their creation in places he/ it does not belong.... I have enjoyed reading the twisting and turning it has been great entertainment...I see there was no refutation of what Michael posted just inane posts to bury the facts he brought up....I wonder how many here or reading these posts secretly find the concept of Jesus claimed uniqueness as funny as I do given all the evidence to the contrary that any who are not lazy or brainwashed can easily look up for themselves without to much effort given we live in a time where information is available freely to all....

Jesus was a man of his times, concerned about matters of his time, especially as they related to God and the Temple. He said he was not the Messiah Jews expected, and for good reason. Jesus did not see God's rule coming from without in the personification of one man, one king. His perception of God's Kingdom, God's reign as coming from within the individual. He kept saying the Kingdom of God is from within people, and therefore the reign of God is already in our midst. The Kingdom of God is a process into which each individual enters by turning away from disobedience and turning to obedience to God.

The Temple of Jesus time, under the leadership of Annas and Caiaphas, had its problems. Therefore Jesus (and others of his time) saw not the liturgies and Temple sacrifices as representing the Holiness of God, but rather the Holiness of God is seen through the good deeds and fellowship of the people. It was not just the Priesthood of Aaron that might have fellowship with God--it was everyone who loved God and who loved his fellowman.

Jews today, should be able to see Jesus as a compatriot, not a person to loathe. It hurts me that they do not.
You are not describing Jesus, you are describing an image of a man made of many, one possibly being that portion you deem a teacher of Torah's ethos, but then again that Figure (Theudas the only Pilate era christ) might have also been into devious behavior according to Judas' Apochryphon and John's surviving followers. Then again you might be describing John the righteous himself, yet doing so under a mask of this CREATED image called Jesus.
You are not describing Jesus, you are describing an image of a man made of many, one possibly being that portion you deem a teacher of Torah's ethos, but then again that Figure (Theudas the only Pilate era christ) might have also been into devious behavior according to Judas' Apochryphon and John's surviving followers. Then again you might be describing John the righteous himself, yet doing so under a mask of this CREATED image called Jesus.

Who I am not describing is the man you are describing. I stand by what I say.
and the Mandians (a sect of Sabians)
Who claim to be from the survivors of Johns followers, claim That "Jesus"
Was a false prophet who had Salome send John to be killed so he could steal John's flock. Remember this portion of your image first followed John, the followers were of John the Righteous not Theudas(portion of the image Jesus). "The adversary was a murderer since the beginning".
At age 5 (book of Thomas says) and here John's followers say he had his Teacher the righteous one killed and now you turn around attributing John's image onto Jesus. I say image because John was not teaching pure Judaism either, and he was not without faults.
John Apochryphpn shows they admit borrowing from Zoroastrianism, and their "physical" luciferous light teachings are seen all over the NT and Mandians teachings. This is the confused teachings Jesus killed for and borrowed.
Jews have nothing to do with a fiction character in a Greek fantasy novel.

Yes, but what about Jesus? ;)

More seriously: Jesus was a historical figure, a Jew who took great interest in the issues of his time. He had disagreements with how the Temple was run in his time--and those who had the responsibility for running it. He disagreed that only certain people were allowed to approach God in the Holy of Holies. God wasn't just in the Inner Sanctuary--He is with His people. This idea was not unique with Jesus, but he was certainly adamant and vocal about it.
Early Christians wrote about Jesus. Jewish historians wrote about Jesus. Secular historians wrote about Jesus.

No other person in the history of mankind has had a greater impact on mankind than Jesus.

Not bad for a convicted criminal who was put to death by the superpower of the day whose ministry only lasted 3 1/2 years.

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