The Uniqueness of Christ

Naw, Jesus Christ became famous when he rose from the dead and was seen by so many witnesses, then when the Holy Spirit came down later and birthed the Church.

who is the "HOLY SPIRIT"---male or female----was it an easy labor. I had a hard time----I ended up in the Operating room-----with a C-section. Want to see my scar?
The Holy Spirit is Spirit. Therefore, not a human being. Therefore, neither male or female.

that is what *you* believe. I was taught it is both.
You are both right.

there are three of us. GRAMMATICALLY the holy spirit in Hebrew is FEMALE------but several of the words denoting
GOD are also GRAMMATICALLY female too.
This can be solved through inspection. Your God is a logical God is he not?
Irosie, you probably have some rubber pieces messed up or something. Do you have a sunroof?
can you fix the roof of my car----when it rains a LEAK DEVELOPES----right on me---in the passenger seat--NOTHING HELPS
Try wearing this.

I vote this OP the funniest of the year.
Who is liken to the image named Jesus, created of many?
FIRST, who is like Abraham whom which the be kind to & love thy neighbor image comes from.
Second, who is like Mike, who's roles they took from scripture and fallaciously robed to create the idols likeness too?
-(Rev 1:13 "like unto")
Third who is like Joshua, whom which they plagiarised the OT stories of in creating the myth of Jesus.
Who is like his father Baal, who predated had the passion play death scene and resurrection plagiarised, had his circle sun cross and birthdate Dec 25th before he was given the exact same story and image?
Who was like Mithra who they also borrowed images and temples and mythologies from?
Who is like Zoroaster who they get the "first and last and everafter phrase from.
Whom is like Yehuda the Galionite where they get the Temple table over-turning story from?
Who is like Yohoshua ben Chananiah the Rabbi in the OT who they stole the resurrection teachings from. But hey, the image Jesus is unique right, except for it being a shop warn mythology rehashed each time the former myth becomes stale.

Why then is Christ the only one embraced by all religions?
Because Lucifer the great Deception takes 1/3 the fishies down to death with him (1/3 the christ followers did die in Rome back then) and 1/3 the world became "wormwood"
(poisonous& bitter herb).
1/3 the Earth is deceived in his image.
And by the way, Jesus isn't embraced by all religions, only Michael is. ;-)
Who else fed us when we hungered and healed us when we were sick?

Tell that to the hungry and ill.
Go to a church and eat a fragment of a saltine. His cracker flesh will have you satisfied for weeks.
Only if you believe, TN.

The power of Christ is not given to just any jack-a-nape.

The power of Christ compels you! The power of Christ compels you! The power of Christ compels you!
I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me. :smile:

Stop levitating. The power of Christ compels you! The power of Christ compels you!
Tell that to the hungry and ill.
Go to a church and eat a fragment of a saltine. His cracker flesh will have you satisfied for weeks.
Only if you believe, TN.

The power of Christ is not given to just any jack-a-nape.

The power of Christ compels you! The power of Christ compels you! The power of Christ compels you!
I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me. :smile:

Stop levitating. The power of Christ compels you! The power of Christ compels you!
It's a good thing you don't act like you belong to a rival religion, amirite?
Tell that to the hungry and ill.
Go to a church and eat a fragment of a saltine. His cracker flesh will have you satisfied for weeks.
Only if you believe, TN.

The power of Christ is not given to just any jack-a-nape.

The power of Christ compels you! The power of Christ compels you! The power of Christ compels you!
I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me. :smile:

Stop levitating. The power of Christ compels you! The power of Christ compels you!
I have chosen the better portion and it will not be taken away from me.
Naw, Jesus Christ became famous when he rose from the dead and was seen by so many witnesses, then when the Holy Spirit came down later and birthed the Church.

who is the "HOLY SPIRIT"---male or female----was it an easy labor. I had a hard time----I ended up in the Operating room-----with a C-section. Want to see my scar?
The Holy Spirit is Spirit. Therefore, not a human being. Therefore, neither male or female.

that is what *you* believe. I was taught it is both.
You were taught error. God is a Spirit. God doesn't have sex organs, except for Jesus, who has a glorified male body.

you can be wrong. that's your right. but it's kind of pathetic to question other people's faiths.... which is as valid to others as yours is to you. frankly, I find your beliefs silly. but it's your right to believe them.

now perhaps you should learn about things other people believe:

Shekinah is the English spelling of a grammatically feminine Hebrew word that means the dwelling or settling, and is used to denote the dwelling or settling divine presence of God, especially in the Temple in Jerusalem. The Shekinah is held by many to represent the feminine attributes of the presence of God.

Shekinah - Crystalinks
I'm supposed to question other beliefs and compare them to the truth, Jesus Christ. I'm not surprised you find that silly.
How so, TN?

Can you articulate how I am contradicting myself?

Or would you just like to sling mud on the wall and hope some of it sticks?
Because you talk out of your ass. You say shit that contradicts what the bible teaches. You also distort, cherry pick and ignore, to make your bias and ignorance to sound legitimate.
You are seriously one of the most dishonest posters on here. Its pathetic.
Have a good day.
Dude, you just threw more mud on the wall.

Can you explain to me how what I am saying contradicts the Bible?

Can you explain how I am distorting the truth?

Can you explain how I am cherry picking?

you aren't cherry picking-----you are supporting the
personality cult that developed as a spin off from
Judaism 2000 years ago during the development of the
Roman Empire. Another personality cult that developed
a bit before that one was BUDDHISM ---in Asia. ---a spin-off
of Hinduism Zarathustra was the almost deified founder
of Zoroastrianism. All three of the above affected TENS
OF MILLIONS and are all still extant (to varying degrees)
Bahaism is a personality cult religion spun off of islam by some person named "BAB" something. It is only 150
years old------who knows how far it will GO?-----then there
was John Smith of the golden tablets and magic specs
ALL do the love and brotherhood thing----SIKHISM is
another one------a kind of conglomeration religion.
Christianity got VERY BIG---because it became the state
religion of the VERY BIG roman empire----a lucky break
for that cult
There is only one creator. He doesn't care what name you use to call him just that you do.

how do you know about what the "one creator" cares? You
have decided that the "one creator" wants to be "called"
..........I would make a silly comment now-----but...never mind
Through logic, reason, revelation and experience.
Last edited:
To Be Called ''Him"

'Lines of the Universe are feminine, lines of the State, prostitutional.'
(Fenelon, quoted in A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia)

In Kistemaker's The Chinese Sky During the Han, the B.C. star-chart at the back of the book, in the Constellation Lupus the asterism, Jizu che__qi__ 'a group of soldiers.'

Ït's just that I've got a 'hang-up' about Ti Tsang, the Chinese christ who saved little children from the underworld."
(Taoist scholar, Livia Kohn)
What are you yammering about?
Apparently, there were several guys named Jesus preaching in the area at the same time. So not very unique at all.
John the Baptist was no slouch

He was Christ's herald. Just as David danced and leaped before the Ark which housed the Word of God, John the Baptist did the same before Christ who is the Word of God.

OH c'mon now. Elijah is the herald of DA MESSIAH-----
John the Baptist was inserted into the role by the writers of
DA NT. In fact his origin from some obscure desert
community was part of the mock up-------Elijah was also
from some obscure place----the name of which escapes me
right now------a senior moment. JOHN THE BAPTIST IS PLAYING ELIJAH-----the guy who went UP IN A FIERY CHARIOT. I read the NT----it was not John the Baptist who
DANCED----it was that bitch SALOME
Luke 1:41

2 Samuel 6:16

good thing you can't proof the validity and truth of scripture ... using scripture
John the Baptist was no slouch

He was Christ's herald. Just as David danced and leaped before the Ark which housed the Word of God, John the Baptist did the same before Christ who is the Word of God.

OH c'mon now. Elijah is the herald of DA MESSIAH-----
John the Baptist was inserted into the role by the writers of
DA NT. In fact his origin from some obscure desert
community was part of the mock up-------Elijah was also
from some obscure place----the name of which escapes me
right now------a senior moment. JOHN THE BAPTIST IS PLAYING ELIJAH-----the guy who went UP IN A FIERY CHARIOT. I read the NT----it was not John the Baptist who
DANCED----it was that bitch SALOME
Luke 1:41

2 Samuel 6:16

good thing you can't proof the validity and truth of scripture ... using scripture
The same applies to you but you won't see it.

Can you proof the validity of your relationship with the One True God? Can you see how He works in your life? Is that not proof?
John the Baptist was no slouch

He was Christ's herald. Just as David danced and leaped before the Ark which housed the Word of God, John the Baptist did the same before Christ who is the Word of God.

OH c'mon now. Elijah is the herald of DA MESSIAH-----
John the Baptist was inserted into the role by the writers of
DA NT. In fact his origin from some obscure desert
community was part of the mock up-------Elijah was also
from some obscure place----the name of which escapes me
right now------a senior moment. JOHN THE BAPTIST IS PLAYING ELIJAH-----the guy who went UP IN A FIERY CHARIOT. I read the NT----it was not John the Baptist who
DANCED----it was that bitch SALOME
Luke 1:41

2 Samuel 6:16

good thing you can't proof the validity and truth of scripture ... using scripture
The same applies to you but you won't see it.

oh I do. the difference is I'm not running around trying to prove my faith all the time. I don't bother anyone else.

unlike people like you.
100% unique. Fully man, fully God. The Word made flesh.

to you.... false messiah to anyone who isn't christian. remember. his own people did not believe he was the messiah.

as long as you understand that.
That He is the Word made flesh is readily apparent in the account of His ministry.

I always found it odd when a person who wanted others to respect their beliefs, disrespected the beliefs of others.

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