The United Kingdom - And it's failure at everything.

Lol! We really do have a bright one here! :lol:

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that was stupid


If it was zero, how do you know if it wasn't a pos-rep? It's a head scratcher.... :eusa_think:

Yeh. Mixture is clearly stupid enough to have pos repped me! I wonder....:eusa_eh:
The UK clings to the failed old system of "school uniforms" in public schools. This system has ceased to exist in the free world and has been replaced by the new and improved "no school uniform" system that we see in America. They also fuck up the grades by having stupid nonsensical things that no one gives a shit about like "6th form" and shit like that, instead of the American system of K-6, 7-8, 9-12 (varies a little depending on the district). They also have "free" college, which has proven to be a failure. They have "free" health care, which also has failed. And they use "British" English, which is a corrupted form of the English language, instead of modern American English, which has replaced British English. They also lack the right to bear arms, so they can't even protect themselves or their family, nor can they rebel if the government goes to even more shit than it already has. Their government still clings to their despotism and still have a monarchy, albeit a powerless one, but a monarchy, nonetheless.

A poor attempt at trolling. I give it a D-.

Feel free to try again..
Lol! We really do have a bright one here! :lol:

New reputation!


Hi, you have received 0 reputation points from Mixture.
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that was stupid


If it was zero, how do you know if it wasn't a pos-rep? It's a head scratcher.... :eusa_think:

Yeh. Mixture is clearly stupid enough to have pos repped me! I wonder....:eusa_eh:

Never underestimate stupidity....
Dear OP, I agree with you on gun control and uniforms. And of course colleges and obamacare. But you did stir up the hornets nest, OP. England just takes a little longer to adapt to modern customs, that's all. We shouldn't look down upon our neighbors across the ocean, we should respect their unique customs and culture, even if they seem different and disagree with them.
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The UK clings to the failed old system of "school uniforms" in public schools. This system has ceased to exist in the free world and has been replaced by the new and improved "no school uniform" system that we see in America. They also fuck up the grades by having stupid nonsensical things that no one gives a shit about like "6th form" and shit like that, instead of the American system of K-6, 7-8, 9-12 (varies a little depending on the district). They also have "free" college, which has proven to be a failure. They have "free" health care, which also has failed. And they use "British" English, which is a corrupted form of the English language, instead of modern American English, which has replaced British English. They also lack the right to bear arms, so they can't even protect themselves or their family, nor can they rebel if the government goes to even more shit than it already has. Their government still clings to their despotism and still have a monarchy, albeit a powerless one, but a monarchy, nonetheless.

Hey, look everyone. Solace is back!
Lol! We really do have a bright one here! :lol:

New reputation!


Hi, you have received 0 reputation points from Mixture.
Reputation was given for this post.

that was stupid


If it was zero, how do you know if it wasn't a pos-rep? It's a head scratcher.... :eusa_think:

Yeh. Mixture is clearly stupid enough to have pos repped me! I wonder....:eusa_eh:

I'll see your 0 rep from Mixture... and raise you one from Grid. Both 0 rep points....

Comment from Mixture "Bitch"

Comment from Grid "Terrible Poster"


I think we have a matching pair of socks! :lol:
I was on a vacation in London several years ago. I thought the kids wearing the school uniforms looked very nice - much nicer than the way our kids look with what they wear to school. Compared to the English school kids, our school kids look like hobos.

Been to England several times. I love the countryside..little funny to drive in. Food really really is terrible. Except for a little fish and chips place I found in the Cotswold region. And that was owned by an Indian guy.:lol:

Must have been a long time ago. The old whine about English food is no longer a relevant one. Grow up. Things change... English food certainly has... and, they don't have as many fat people as we do.
And just think, kids.

The same masters who run England have their American cousins running things here.

It cracks me up that so many of you are fearful of the undue influence that the Jews have in our nation.

Compared to the wholesale lock the Brits have had on us since Andrew Jackson left office, the Jews are complete outsiders.

I know that at least SOME of you know where JP Morgan surreptitiously got the money to launch the FEDERAL RESERVE, right?

Here's a hint for those who don't...hale Britannia.
If it was zero, how do you know if it wasn't a pos-rep? It's a head scratcher.... :eusa_think:

Yeh. Mixture is clearly stupid enough to have pos repped me! I wonder....:eusa_eh:

I'll see your 0 rep from Mixture... and raise you one from Grid. Both 0 rep points....

Comment from Mixture "Bitch"

Comment from Grid "Terrible Poster"


I think we have a matching pair of socks! :lol:

Yeh, well I guess we shouldn't raise our expectations too high. Now that school is out for Christmas break we'll probably get a few of the kids trying to improve their creativity...although for these two (one?) it'll probably be a bridge too far!
The UK clings to the failed old system of "school uniforms" in public schools. This system has ceased to exist in the free world and has been replaced by the new and improved "no school uniform" system that we see in America. They also fuck up the grades by having stupid nonsensical things that no one gives a shit about like "6th form" and shit like that, instead of the American system of K-6, 7-8, 9-12 (varies a little depending on the district). They also have "free" college, which has proven to be a failure. They have "free" health care, which also has failed. And they use "British" English, which is a corrupted form of the English language, instead of modern American English, which has replaced British English. They also lack the right to bear arms, so they can't even protect themselves or their family, nor can they rebel if the government goes to even more shit than it already has. Their government still clings to their despotism and still have a monarchy, albeit a powerless one, but a monarchy, nonetheless.

May I question the reason for the vitriolic castigation of the UK.
It is quite apparent that the writer has never visited the UK or is totally unaware of the changes which have occurred.

Firstly, the whole of the free world has not abandoned the school uniform and in fact the sytem has been adopted in many countries other than the British Commonwealth.
The simple reason is that with all pupils in school uniform , the ability to shine in that environment is restricted to those whose behaviour warrants that attention.

With regard to the grades , the system changed some years ago.

I would be delighted if you could inform me of the free colleges so that I can inform my family ,who could utilise these facilities of which I am unaware.

Your condemnation of our National Health Service is completely unwarranted as I can verify from my own personal experience, having just today received the best of care.

You will not be aware that one of our main income streams is derived from our Universities and Colleges teaching English to the many foreign students who have chosen to learn English as spoken by the English. I actually live near a city that has 2 Universities and 3 colleges, all of whom have hundreds of students whose choice was to enhance their education in the UK.

With regard to the right to bear arms, this is a choice of the British people over the centuries.

Finally we have a Sovereign who has been an icon of service to her country , this is democracy.

Bill Scott
The UK is crumbling. A Nation of ignorant drunken Wimps is doomed. It's all about the drunken debauchery for the UK at this point. Their Glory Days are long long gone. And they aint ever coming back. We'll have to look to Eastern Europe for European leadership in the future. Western European Nations are definitely in decline. They're collapsing in on themselves like dying stars. It is very sad but it is what it is. Btw,i actually like the school uniform idea. I think we should do more of that here in the U.S. We should also separate the girls & boys. They should be taught in separate classrooms. Too many distractions in our Public Schools. The Brits did have some good ideas back in the day. But that was then and this is now.
The UK is crumbling. A Nation of ignorant drunken Wimps is doomed. It's all about the drunken debauchery for the UK at this point. Their Glory Days are long long gone. And they aint ever coming back. We'll have to look to Eastern Europe for European leadership in the future. Western European Nations are definitely in decline. They're collapsing in on themselves like dying stars. It is very sad but it is what it is. Btw,i actually like the school uniform idea. I think we should do more of that here in the U.S. We should also separate the girls & boys. They should be taught in separate classrooms. Too many distractions in our Public Schools. The Brits did have some good ideas back in the day. But that was then and this is now.

And for how long have you lived in the UK, Lib?
Look to Eastern Europe for future European leadership. The Western Europeans are lost. Their time has now passed.
Look to Eastern Europe for future European leadership. The Western Europeans are lost. Their time has now passed.

I am impressed by your overwhelming ignorance of Europe. Much though it pains me to defend Europe.... you might want to read up on the German economy. Which is doing fine, thank you very much. Western Europe is no worse than the US. Hate to rain on your dumbass parade.

And, FYI, this thread was started by a little kid.... who got their ass kicked several times. Do you really want to associate yourself with the opinions of a 12 year old? :lol:
Germany may have the strongest economics in Europe right now. But they all have their problems.
The UK is crumbling. A Nation of ignorant drunken Wimps is doomed. It's all about the drunken debauchery for the UK at this point. Their Glory Days are long long gone. And they aint ever coming back. We'll have to look to Eastern Europe for European leadership in the future. Western European Nations are definitely in decline. They're collapsing in on themselves like dying stars. It is very sad but it is what it is. Btw,i actually like the school uniform idea. I think we should do more of that here in the U.S. We should also separate the girls & boys. They should be taught in separate classrooms. Too many distractions in our Public Schools. The Brits did have some good ideas back in the day. But that was then and this is now.

What a farcical comment from a person, who obviously has met few Brits and has probably never been to the UK.

Your comment as a nation of wimps is a disgraceful slur on the magnificent British soldiers who are giving their lives in Afghanistan. Tell me how many other nations are supporting the USA in Afghanistan ??? if you have a clue.

Harken back to the Gulf Wars , how many other nations fought alongside the USA ??

It is crass uninformed comment such as yours , which cause the breakdown between nations. Fortunately I have met quite a number of informed Americans whose perceptions are based on fact not the deranged convictions that try to express.

Bill Scott
The UK is crumbling. A Nation of ignorant drunken Wimps is doomed. It's all about the drunken debauchery for the UK at this point. Their Glory Days are long long gone. And they aint ever coming back. We'll have to look to Eastern Europe for European leadership in the future. Western European Nations are definitely in decline. They're collapsing in on themselves like dying stars. It is very sad but it is what it is. Btw,i actually like the school uniform idea. I think we should do more of that here in the U.S. We should also separate the girls & boys. They should be taught in separate classrooms. Too many distractions in our Public Schools. The Brits did have some good ideas back in the day. But that was then and this is now.

What a farcical comment from a person, who obviously has met few Brits and has probably never been to the UK.

Your comment as a nation of wimps is a disgraceful slur on the magnificent British soldiers who are giving their lives in Afghanistan. Tell me how many other nations are supporting the USA in Afghanistan ??? if you have a clue.

Harken back to the Gulf Wars , how many other nations fought alongside the USA ??

It is crass uninformed comment such as yours , which cause the breakdown between nations. Fortunately I have met quite a number of informed Americans whose perceptions are based on fact not the deranged convictions that try to express.

Bill Scott

Lol! Didn't take you long to suss LibocalypseNow! Ignore the fool, Bill. He's a broken record playing the same thing over and over. Oh, and whatever you do, don't ask him to back up anything he says with facts or links. He just doesn't have them. He really does bring realism to the old adage that empty vessels make the most noise.

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