The United Kingdom - And it's failure at everything.

Ah,have another Pint you silly drunken Brits. Great Britain has become a small,weak,and insignificant island nation. Their men have become drunken wimps for the most part. Their women have become dimwitted drunken whores as well. They do not make for good Mothers nor do they want to be. They have no real hope for any significant procreation over there. They are a crumbling culture for sure. Their indigenous population is rapidly decreasing. They just aren't reproducing anymore. I pointed out a couple of the reasons for this but there are others. The only ones reproducing over there are the immigrants and especially the Muslims.

The indigenous English population will be completely wiped out in just a few decades. So like the song says..."There is no England anymore." Drunken dimwit whores and drunken wimpy Men are not a good recipe for proper procreation. Also,more & more British Men are beginning to play for the Pink Team. So as their Male Homosexual numbers rise,their population numbers will decrease even further. The future does not look bright for the UK. But hey,don't shoot the messenger for delivering the message. It is what it is.
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Were you by any chance jilted at the altar by an Englishman, LibocalypseNow? If so, it would certainly go towards explaining your anger towards the British.
Were you by any chance jilted at the altar by an Englishman, LibocalypseNow? If so, it would certainly go towards explaining your anger towards the British.

Great Britain is the most meddlesome Nation on this Planet. They poke their nose in every nations' business. They are the root cause of much of the World's problems. I do despise them. They're always instigating and interfering. This goes back to their Imperialism days. They think they have the authority to call all the shots in the World. But in reality they're just Paper Tigers. They have become a small,weak,and insignificant island nation. Unfortunately my own nation has adopted many of their aggressive interventionist policies. Everywhere in the World you see problems,you will likely find some Brits instigating and interfering. However i do take comfort in knowing that they're crumbling from within. There is no England anymore. That song really does nail it. They're a dying nation for sure and that will be a good thing for the rest of the World. I say good riddance.
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May I suggest you resume your treatment by the psychiatrist and request a refund .

The reason for your neurosis is probably due to suppressed homosexual tendecies by reason of a thwarted attempt to form a relationship with a male member of the UK Armed Forces. In this attempt you realised that you were not half the man he was , so buried yourself in pent up hate.

If I may suggest, it is imperative that you face up to the reality , that you are inadequate so no amount of malevolent scribbling will solve your problem.

Bill Scott
The UK clings to the failed old system of "school uniforms" in public schools. This system has ceased to exist in the free world and has been replaced by the new and improved "no school uniform" system that we see in America. They also fuck up the grades by having stupid nonsensical things that no one gives a shit about like "6th form" and shit like that, instead of the American system of K-6, 7-8, 9-12 (varies a little depending on the district). They also have "free" college, which has proven to be a failure. They have "free" health care, which also has failed. And they use "British" English, which is a corrupted form of the English language, instead of modern American English, which has replaced British English. They also lack the right to bear arms, so they can't even protect themselves or their family, nor can they rebel if the government goes to even more shit than it already has. Their government still clings to their despotism and still have a monarchy, albeit a powerless one, but a monarchy, nonetheless.

May I question the reason for the vitriolic castigation of the UK.
It is quite apparent that the writer has never visited the UK or is totally unaware of the changes which have occurred.

Firstly, the whole of the free world has not abandoned the school uniform and in fact the sytem has been adopted in many countries other than the British Commonwealth.
The simple reason is that with all pupils in school uniform , the ability to shine in that environment is restricted to those whose behaviour warrants that attention.

With regard to the grades , the system changed some years ago.

I would be delighted if you could inform me of the free colleges so that I can inform my family ,who could utilise these facilities of which I am unaware.

Your condemnation of our National Health Service is completely unwarranted as I can verify from my own personal experience, having just today received the best of care.

You will not be aware that one of our main income streams is derived from our Universities and Colleges teaching English to the many foreign students who have chosen to learn English as spoken by the English. I actually live near a city that has 2 Universities and 3 colleges, all of whom have hundreds of students whose choice was to enhance their education in the UK.

With regard to the right to bear arms, this is a choice of the British people over the centuries.

Finally we have a Sovereign who has been an icon of service to her country , this is democracy.

Bill Scott

Your fine nation and your fine people are being screwed by exactly the same people who are now in the process of turning our nation into a FORMER superpower, Bill.

I have nothing against the English...its your government I have problems with.

And the provlems I have with your government are the same problems I have with mine.

They are basically the same people, incidently.

Now that I can agree with.
The USA citizens are in a much better situation through having minimal levels of government whereas in the UK it is multi tiered with a whole new level encompassing the European Union now foisted on us together with their huge costs.

The UK has also become a Police State. They openly spy on their people 24/7. They really can't do anything right. This OP is spot-on. Now if the Irish could only grow a spine again and boot the Brits form their lands once and for all. It would only take a small push from the Irish and the Brits would would go scurrying for the door like the cockroaches they are. They really are a Paper Tiger at this point. So this is a good time for the Irish to stand up to them. Like i said,their glory days are long long gone. Their foundation has now been rotted from within. Just a slight nudge and they'll completely collapse. I would love to see that.
My money is on sock puppet for the whiny kid who got banned.... who was, I suspect, also a sock for one of our regular morons.

I have heard this term before. I understand someone speaking for someone else, but this seems to have broader implications.

Is there another meaning?
Britain leads the world in boiled food!

LOL - I lived in London for a year and a half and I must admit, I had to eat at their better restaurants because their common ones over cooked and boiled so much food into tastelessness.


Higher end restaurants had French cuisine. Saved my mind and body. :razz:
England is getting better and better at Pakistani and Middle Eastern cuisine.

However, their own food is still rather bland. :razz: Fish and Chips, now there is a goodie...

Oh my I think It's still there...


Of course my memory isn't, it's the Hungry Years. Great place. And it's in Earl's court.

Great pic.

And really, really BIG hamburgers.

Did I say BIG? I meant humongous. :razz: It looked like the depression years inside.


It's a Mc D's now. :(

I wonder if they serve bacon? :razz:
Oh my I think It's still there...


Of course my memory isn't, it's the Hungry Years. Great place. And it's in Earl's court.

Great pic.

And really, really BIG hamburgers.

Did I say BIG? I meant humongous. :razz: It looked like the depression years inside.


It's a Mc D's now. :(

I wonder if they serve bacon? :razz:

Yep they had all the old posters about buying a car and giving your neighbor a job. All kinds of things. And yes better than any Mickey D's could ever be. That's a shame they aren't still there. I was actually directed there by a Bobbie (sp) near Piccadilly Circus. Been back to London probably 15 times and never got a chance to revisit the restaurant.

Hope your operation goes well for your implant of a backbone that you do not currently possess.

Possibly , this will enable you to articulate on your neurotic scribbles and give some facts instead of the pathetic drivel we have to endure.

With this implant you may give us some answers !!!!!!!!!!!


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