The United States has vetoed a UN Security Council draft resolution rejecting on Jerusalem


awesome werdage

Nothing says the US is in the right like the UN being against something.
I dunno. When EVERYone else is saying you're wrong, do you at least take a step back and consider? I think everyone involved in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is being stiff necked, impossible and deserve a swift kick in the ass, but still.....
Trump thundering in and pronouncing that when he KNEW what it was going to cause...
Let's just hope it's not as bad as the Dems are predicting.
Everyone and their momma knew what it would do. Frankly, we shouldnt let savages dictate our policy. Do you think we should?
So the entire world is allowing Palestinians, with their threat of terrorism, to dictate policy for them?
Maybe you're right. Maybe the planet is involved in appeasement, acting cowardly. Let's stand up and say what's what and take their bombs and their terror attacks head on. We don't care who gets killed, so long as we are saying what we goddamned FEEL LIKE saying.
they are going to do it anyway, so why not have it done in reaction to us doing the right thing?
The Unites States has once again proved its procryptoneozionist nature after Britain and all other members of the Security Council voted for a resolution condemning Donald Trump's decision on Jerusalem.
Turkey is criticizing criticized the U.S. veto of a U.N. resolution that would have required President Donald Trump to rescind his declaration of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, saying Washington has lost its “impartiality” in the Middle East.

A Turkish Foreign Ministry statement on Monday said the fact that the resolution was approved by the 14 other Security Council members is “the most concrete indication of the illegitimacy” of the U.S. decision on Jerusalem.

The statement added that the veto had left the U.N. Security Council “in a state of failure” and said Turkey would continue to stand by the “Palestinian state and its people.”

Maybe it's time to throw off the mask and openly admit that America is a neo-Zionist country pursuing a policy of cryptoneozionism in the world, whose goal is to establish a global neo-Zionist Nazi control over the planet ??? Anyway it's the secret of Polichinelle...
Awwwww, it's ok, you'll get over it, once our ambassador is in Jerusalem......The Palestinians could have bargained, but they fucked around to kill more the world is moving on without them.....Deal or move aside.

awesome werdage

Nothing says the US is in the right like the UN being against something.
I dunno. When EVERYone else is saying you're wrong, do you at least take a step back and consider? I think everyone involved in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is being stiff necked, impossible and deserve a swift kick in the ass, but still.....
Trump thundering in and pronouncing that when he KNEW what it was going to cause...
Let's just hope it's not as bad as the Dems are predicting.

Maybe the rest of the world is just pussy.....Maybe they think it'll start WW3.....Maybe they are dead wrong.....

What did it cause? People to get pissed....Obamacare did that, you guys didn't give one fuck.

awesome werdage

Nothing says the US is in the right like the UN being against something.
I dunno. When EVERYone else is saying you're wrong, do you at least take a step back and consider? I think everyone involved in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is being stiff necked, impossible and deserve a swift kick in the ass, but still.....
Trump thundering in and pronouncing that when he KNEW what it was going to cause...
Let's just hope it's not as bad as the Dems are predicting.
Everyone and their momma knew what it would do. Frankly, we shouldnt let savages dictate our policy. Do you think we should?
So the entire world is allowing Palestinians, with their threat of terrorism, to dictate policy for them?
Maybe you're right. Maybe the planet is involved in appeasement, acting cowardly. Let's stand up and say what's what and take their bombs and their terror attacks head on. We don't care who gets killed, so long as we are saying what we goddamned FEEL LIKE saying.
Threat of terrorism? lol you mean MORE? :crybaby:

It is THEIR beliefs that cause this to happen. What if jews started threatening worldwide terrorism over NOT doing it?
Your excuses are laughable. Being scared is EXACTLY why, though.. so good job.
Maybe those fools shouldnt have imported those savages by the thousands.

I know, what a nutjob.... seriously, "cryptoneoяionism"?
The German editor once again made a mistake- Cryptoneozionism.

My definition of cryptoneozionism in

cryptoneozionism - Google Search

Cryptoneozionism is a reactionary, secret, planetary Nazi ideology and policy of the extremist part of the Jewish bourgeoisie and its henchmen, whose goal is to establish and maintain its total financial, economic, political and cultural domination in the world, on the basis of the concept of "exclusivity" and "God's choosiness" of the Jewish people, camouflaged by accusations of supporters of this theory in "anti-Semitism" and accompanied by their aggressive persecution.
Oh my God! Who leaked our secret project? How did you come by it? Was it in a Cracker Jack box?

awesome werdage

Nothing says the US is in the right like the UN being against something.
I dunno. When EVERYone else is saying you're wrong, do you at least take a step back and consider? I think everyone involved in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is being stiff necked, impossible and deserve a swift kick in the ass, but still.....
Trump thundering in and pronouncing that when he KNEW what it was going to cause...
Let's just hope it's not as bad as the Dems are predicting.
Are you drunk, OldLady ? That wasn't a neck that was stiff.

awesome werdage

Nothing says the US is in the right like the UN being against something.
I dunno. When EVERYone else is saying you're wrong, do you at least take a step back and consider? I think everyone involved in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is being stiff necked, impossible and deserve a swift kick in the ass, but still.....
Trump thundering in and pronouncing that when he KNEW what it was going to cause...
Let's just hope it's not as bad as the Dems are predicting.
Everyone and their momma knew what it would do. Frankly, we shouldnt let savages dictate our policy. Do you think we should?
So the entire world is allowing Palestinians, with their threat of terrorism, to dictate policy for them?
Maybe you're right. Maybe the planet is involved in appeasement, acting cowardly. Let's stand up and say what's what and take their bombs and their terror attacks head on. We don't care who gets killed, so long as we are saying what we goddamned FEEL LIKE saying.
Threat of terrorism? lol you mean MORE? :crybaby:

It is THEIR beliefs that cause this to happen. What if jews started threatening worldwide terrorism over NOT doing it?
Your excuses are laughable. Being scared is EXACTLY why, though.. so good job.
Maybe those fools shouldnt have imported those savages by the thousands.
What "excuses?" I'm not on either side here. Just talking it over.

awesome werdage

Nothing says the US is in the right like the UN being against something.
I dunno. When EVERYone else is saying you're wrong, do you at least take a step back and consider? I think everyone involved in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is being stiff necked, impossible and deserve a swift kick in the ass, but still.....
Trump thundering in and pronouncing that when he KNEW what it was going to cause...
Let's just hope it's not as bad as the Dems are predicting.
Everyone and their momma knew what it would do. Frankly, we shouldnt let savages dictate our policy. Do you think we should?
So the entire world is allowing Palestinians, with their threat of terrorism, to dictate policy for them?
Maybe you're right. Maybe the planet is involved in appeasement, acting cowardly. Let's stand up and say what's what and take their bombs and their terror attacks head on. We don't care who gets killed, so long as we are saying what we goddamned FEEL LIKE saying.
Threat of terrorism? lol you mean MORE? :crybaby:

It is THEIR beliefs that cause this to happen. What if jews started threatening worldwide terrorism over NOT doing it?
Your excuses are laughable. Being scared is EXACTLY why, though.. so good job.
Maybe those fools shouldnt have imported those savages by the thousands.
What "excuses?" I'm not on either side here. Just talking it over.
Let's stand up and say what's what and take their bombs and their terror attacks head on. We don't care who gets killed, so long as we are saying what we goddamned FEEL LIKE saying
Sounded like you were being facetious with "more deaths" as an excuse.
I dunno. When EVERYone else is saying you're wrong, do you at least take a step back and consider? I think everyone involved in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is being stiff necked, impossible and deserve a swift kick in the ass, but still.....
Trump thundering in and pronouncing that when he KNEW what it was going to cause...
Let's just hope it's not as bad as the Dems are predicting.
Everyone and their momma knew what it would do. Frankly, we shouldnt let savages dictate our policy. Do you think we should?
So the entire world is allowing Palestinians, with their threat of terrorism, to dictate policy for them?
Maybe you're right. Maybe the planet is involved in appeasement, acting cowardly. Let's stand up and say what's what and take their bombs and their terror attacks head on. We don't care who gets killed, so long as we are saying what we goddamned FEEL LIKE saying.
Threat of terrorism? lol you mean MORE? :crybaby:

It is THEIR beliefs that cause this to happen. What if jews started threatening worldwide terrorism over NOT doing it?
Your excuses are laughable. Being scared is EXACTLY why, though.. so good job.
Maybe those fools shouldnt have imported those savages by the thousands.
What "excuses?" I'm not on either side here. Just talking it over.
Let's stand up and say what's what and take their bombs and their terror attacks head on. We don't care who gets killed, so long as we are saying what we goddamned FEEL LIKE saying
Sounded like you were being facetious with "more deaths" as an excuse.
I was being sarcastic, but I don't see the "more deaths" as an excuse, just a reason for consideration. Look, I know nothing about Israel/Palestine and it's history, blah blah blah. The whole thing seems highly retarded to me, but if by NOT saying out loud "Jerusalem is the capital of Israel," the US President could prevent an escalation in the terrorist fighting that is underway, would it not be worth considering? It's not as if the President were being asked to say something untrue. He didn't have to weigh in on it at all. That's the point. The Pres did, and I think he did in order to get out of playing mediator. Either that or the guy really is senile and really didn't believe the Palestinians were going to boot us from the table.
Everyone and their momma knew what it would do. Frankly, we shouldnt let savages dictate our policy. Do you think we should?
So the entire world is allowing Palestinians, with their threat of terrorism, to dictate policy for them?
Maybe you're right. Maybe the planet is involved in appeasement, acting cowardly. Let's stand up and say what's what and take their bombs and their terror attacks head on. We don't care who gets killed, so long as we are saying what we goddamned FEEL LIKE saying.
Threat of terrorism? lol you mean MORE? :crybaby:

It is THEIR beliefs that cause this to happen. What if jews started threatening worldwide terrorism over NOT doing it?
Your excuses are laughable. Being scared is EXACTLY why, though.. so good job.
Maybe those fools shouldnt have imported those savages by the thousands.
What "excuses?" I'm not on either side here. Just talking it over.
Let's stand up and say what's what and take their bombs and their terror attacks head on. We don't care who gets killed, so long as we are saying what we goddamned FEEL LIKE saying
Sounded like you were being facetious with "more deaths" as an excuse.
I was being sarcastic, but I don't see the "more deaths" as an excuse, just a reason for consideration. Look, I know nothing about Israel/Palestine and it's history, blah blah blah. The whole thing seems highly retarded to me, but if by NOT saying out loud "Jerusalem is the capital of Israel," the US President could prevent an escalation in the terrorist fighting that is underway, would it not be worth considering? It's not as if the President were being asked to say something untrue. He didn't have to weigh in on it at all. That's the point. The Pres did, and I think he did in order to get out of playing mediator. Either that or the guy really is senile and really didn't believe the Palestinians were going to boot us from the table.
Even if he didnt say it, the move itself did. No reason we should let mindless savages dictate our policy. Let those countries deal with their own problems. We didnt create them. The SAVAGES did.
So the entire world is allowing Palestinians, with their threat of terrorism, to dictate policy for them?
Maybe you're right. Maybe the planet is involved in appeasement, acting cowardly. Let's stand up and say what's what and take their bombs and their terror attacks head on. We don't care who gets killed, so long as we are saying what we goddamned FEEL LIKE saying.
Threat of terrorism? lol you mean MORE? :crybaby:

It is THEIR beliefs that cause this to happen. What if jews started threatening worldwide terrorism over NOT doing it?
Your excuses are laughable. Being scared is EXACTLY why, though.. so good job.
Maybe those fools shouldnt have imported those savages by the thousands.
What "excuses?" I'm not on either side here. Just talking it over.
Let's stand up and say what's what and take their bombs and their terror attacks head on. We don't care who gets killed, so long as we are saying what we goddamned FEEL LIKE saying
Sounded like you were being facetious with "more deaths" as an excuse.
I was being sarcastic, but I don't see the "more deaths" as an excuse, just a reason for consideration. Look, I know nothing about Israel/Palestine and it's history, blah blah blah. The whole thing seems highly retarded to me, but if by NOT saying out loud "Jerusalem is the capital of Israel," the US President could prevent an escalation in the terrorist fighting that is underway, would it not be worth considering? It's not as if the President were being asked to say something untrue. He didn't have to weigh in on it at all. That's the point. The Pres did, and I think he did in order to get out of playing mediator. Either that or the guy really is senile and really didn't believe the Palestinians were going to boot us from the table.
Even if he didnt say it, the move itself did. No reason we should let mindless savages dictate our policy. Let those countries deal with their own problems. We didnt create them. The SAVAGES did.
What move?
Threat of terrorism? lol you mean MORE? :crybaby:

It is THEIR beliefs that cause this to happen. What if jews started threatening worldwide terrorism over NOT doing it?
Your excuses are laughable. Being scared is EXACTLY why, though.. so good job.
Maybe those fools shouldnt have imported those savages by the thousands.
What "excuses?" I'm not on either side here. Just talking it over.
Let's stand up and say what's what and take their bombs and their terror attacks head on. We don't care who gets killed, so long as we are saying what we goddamned FEEL LIKE saying
Sounded like you were being facetious with "more deaths" as an excuse.
I was being sarcastic, but I don't see the "more deaths" as an excuse, just a reason for consideration. Look, I know nothing about Israel/Palestine and it's history, blah blah blah. The whole thing seems highly retarded to me, but if by NOT saying out loud "Jerusalem is the capital of Israel," the US President could prevent an escalation in the terrorist fighting that is underway, would it not be worth considering? It's not as if the President were being asked to say something untrue. He didn't have to weigh in on it at all. That's the point. The Pres did, and I think he did in order to get out of playing mediator. Either that or the guy really is senile and really didn't believe the Palestinians were going to boot us from the table.
Even if he didnt say it, the move itself did. No reason we should let mindless savages dictate our policy. Let those countries deal with their own problems. We didnt create them. The SAVAGES did.
What move?
Moving the embassy, you goofball
What "excuses?" I'm not on either side here. Just talking it over.
Let's stand up and say what's what and take their bombs and their terror attacks head on. We don't care who gets killed, so long as we are saying what we goddamned FEEL LIKE saying
Sounded like you were being facetious with "more deaths" as an excuse.
I was being sarcastic, but I don't see the "more deaths" as an excuse, just a reason for consideration. Look, I know nothing about Israel/Palestine and it's history, blah blah blah. The whole thing seems highly retarded to me, but if by NOT saying out loud "Jerusalem is the capital of Israel," the US President could prevent an escalation in the terrorist fighting that is underway, would it not be worth considering? It's not as if the President were being asked to say something untrue. He didn't have to weigh in on it at all. That's the point. The Pres did, and I think he did in order to get out of playing mediator. Either that or the guy really is senile and really didn't believe the Palestinians were going to boot us from the table.
Even if he didnt say it, the move itself did. No reason we should let mindless savages dictate our policy. Let those countries deal with their own problems. We didnt create them. The SAVAGES did.
What move?
Moving the embassy, you goofball
You think he'll actually do that? He's cut back on the State Dept. budget but he's going to ask them to sink a big chunk of it into a new embassy building? Maybe they'll just use the new annex that's already being built. He can keep stalling same as the previous four presidents have.
Let's stand up and say what's what and take their bombs and their terror attacks head on. We don't care who gets killed, so long as we are saying what we goddamned FEEL LIKE saying
Sounded like you were being facetious with "more deaths" as an excuse.
I was being sarcastic, but I don't see the "more deaths" as an excuse, just a reason for consideration. Look, I know nothing about Israel/Palestine and it's history, blah blah blah. The whole thing seems highly retarded to me, but if by NOT saying out loud "Jerusalem is the capital of Israel," the US President could prevent an escalation in the terrorist fighting that is underway, would it not be worth considering? It's not as if the President were being asked to say something untrue. He didn't have to weigh in on it at all. That's the point. The Pres did, and I think he did in order to get out of playing mediator. Either that or the guy really is senile and really didn't believe the Palestinians were going to boot us from the table.
Even if he didnt say it, the move itself did. No reason we should let mindless savages dictate our policy. Let those countries deal with their own problems. We didnt create them. The SAVAGES did.
What move?
Moving the embassy, you goofball
You think he'll actually do that? He's cut back on the State Dept. budget but he's going to ask them to sink a big chunk of it into a new embassy building? Maybe they'll just use the new annex that's already being built. He can keep stalling same as the previous four presidents have.
IDK OL. No telling what that man will do. Maybe he will make israel pay for it :laugh2:
The Unites States has once again proved its procryptoneozionist nature after Britain and all other members of the Security Council voted for a resolution condemning Donald Trump's decision on Jerusalem.
Turkey is criticizing criticized the U.S. veto of a U.N. resolution that would have required President Donald Trump to rescind his declaration of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, saying Washington has lost its “impartiality” in the Middle East.

A Turkish Foreign Ministry statement on Monday said the fact that the resolution was approved by the 14 other Security Council members is “the most concrete indication of the illegitimacy” of the U.S. decision on Jerusalem.

The statement added that the veto had left the U.N. Security Council “in a state of failure” and said Turkey would continue to stand by the “Palestinian state and its people.”

Maybe it's time to throw off the mask and openly admit that America is a neo-Zionist country pursuing a policy of cryptoneozionism in the world, whose goal is to establish a global neo-Zionist Nazi control over the planet ??? Anyway it's the secret of Polichinelle...
Campaigning for Trumps 2020 re-election already, good for you.

awesome werdage

Nothing says the US is in the right like the UN being against something.
I dunno. When EVERYone else is saying you're wrong, do you at least take a step back and consider? I think everyone involved in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is being stiff necked, impossible and deserve a swift kick in the ass, but still.....
Trump thundering in and pronouncing that when he KNEW what it was going to cause...
Let's just hope it's not as bad as the Dems are predicting.
the only people that are fully against the move are countries that already hate israel

turkey is a muslim nation now, so nothing they say on israel is to be taken seriously.
You sure? Why'd they all vote to rescind the President's declaration, then?

Because, like the Dems, they are all butt-hurt. They could play Obama
like a cheap hooker. They can't get away with that with The Donald.

Fuck the Brits and the Frogs...Fuck the UN.

We're in charge of this fuckin' planet.

We're having to foot the bill for people all over the globe, they will
kiss our red, white and blue asses. If they don't like it...they can do something about it.

I love it. Fuck the institution we helped found that gave us the supreme right of the veto. Brilliant!

awesome werdage

Nothing says the US is in the right like the UN being against something.
I dunno. When EVERYone else is saying you're wrong, do you at least take a step back and consider? I think everyone involved in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is being stiff necked, impossible and deserve a swift kick in the ass, but still.....
Trump thundering in and pronouncing that when he KNEW what it was going to cause...
Let's just hope it's not as bad as the Dems are predicting.
Everyone and their momma knew what it would do. Frankly, we shouldnt let savages dictate our policy. Do you think we should?
So the entire world is allowing Palestinians, with their threat of terrorism, to dictate policy for them?
Maybe you're right. Maybe the planet is involved in appeasement, acting cowardly. Let's stand up and say what's what and take their bombs and their terror attacks head on. We don't care who gets killed, so long as we are saying what we goddamned FEEL LIKE saying.
So tell us what all of these nations are doing for the Pals besides whining at the UN.

awesome werdage

Nothing says the US is in the right like the UN being against something.
Gorillas in the Mist

It's a petting zoo for multicultie degenerates. We need to deport both the UN and its supporters. Our degenerate xenophiles are dragging us down and never should have had any power here.

awesome werdage

Nothing says the US is in the right like the UN being against something.
I dunno. When EVERYone else is saying you're wrong, do you at least take a step back and consider? I think everyone involved in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is being stiff necked, impossible and deserve a swift kick in the ass, but still.....
Trump thundering in and pronouncing that when he KNEW what it was going to cause...
Let's just hope it's not as bad as the Dems are predicting.
the only people that are fully against the move are countries that already hate israel

turkey is a muslim nation now, so nothing they say on israel is to be taken seriously.
Resolution of the Ignored Cause of the Rift

Even so, we need to seize that revolutionary cleric we are harboring and hand him over to Erdogan. Regime change in Islamia only makes things worse.

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