The United States has vetoed a UN Security Council draft resolution rejecting on Jerusalem

In this situation that USA took the moral high ground. For lessons in MORAL COURAGE------read "PROFILES IN COURAGE"-------a book written by John
Fitzgerald Kennedy in the 1950s -------about brave men who BUCKED THE
Please be more specific in this case - WHAT do you mean by "the moral high ground"???!

Perhaps what was meant is that the US decided to stand with Israel, acknowledging the FACT that Jerusalem is Israel's capitol, than to side with Hezbollah, as the U.N. did, to appease anti-Semitic assholes who seek the Genocide of the Jewish people / Israel.
[QUOTE="Alexandre Fedorovski, post: 18876336, member: 67922"]
That is the EXACT demonstration of the American NAZI cryptoneozionist chauvinism

I beg to differ. As pointed out, Trump / the United States did nothing except RECOGNIZE the factual location of another nation's location.

The U.N. was created to form a bold, empowered International body of representatives from around the world who would stand up and address the wrongs in the world. Instead it has become a spineless, corrupt organization that turns a blind eye to many of the evils of this world. In this case, the U.N., again, condemns the United States for recognizing the factual location of a nation's capitol because the act of doing so will piss off a terrorist entity - whose charter calls for the genocide of Israel, it's supporters, and those who also hate Israel.

And how the HELL do you get the U.S. being 'NAZI's for standing WITH the Jews?! Are you too STUPID to know that Hezbollah is more like the Nazis because they, too, seek / sought the Genocide of the Jews. As in WWII, the U.S. still stands WITH the Jews!

Please educate yourself before you make such STUPID comments![/QUOTE]

Well, SIR or Lady,
Alas, there are some omissions in your knowledge of Political English...
  1. 1.1 A person with extreme racist or authoritarian views.

  2. 1.2 A person who seeks to impose their views on others in a very autocratic or inflexible way. This is from Nazi | Definition of Nazi in English by Oxford Dictionaries
Extreme racist or authoritarian views or behaviour. This is from Nazism | Definition of Nazism in English by Oxford Dictionaries

So, the cryptoneozionist elite of America IS of NAZI nature... I am sorry....
QUOTE="easyt65, post: 18876488, member: 55400"]
Well, SIR or Lady,
Alas, there are some omissions in your knowledge of Political English...
  1. 1.1 A person with extreme racist or authoritarian views.

  2. 1.2 A person who seeks to impose their views on others in a very autocratic or inflexible way. This is from Nazi | Definition of Nazi in English by Oxford Dictionaries
Extreme racist or authoritarian views or behaviour. This is from Nazism | Definition of Nazism in English by Oxford Dictionaries

So, the cryptoneozionist elite of America IS of NAZI nature... I am sorry....

The United States did not RECOGNIZE the factual location of Israel's capitol out of 'racism' or 'authoritarianism'. The United States is not attempting to impose its recognition of a FACT onto anyone else. The United States declared that IT is choosing to recognize Israel's capitol as Jerusalem. It is a 'personal' political choice, one not being imposed on anyone else. No one has to do so.

The U.N., in an attempt to appease a terrorist group that seeks the Genocide of the Jews / Israel, has condemned the U.S. for acknowledging a FACT.
In this situation that USA took the moral high ground. For lessons in MORAL COURAGE------read "PROFILES IN COURAGE"-------a book written by John
Fitzgerald Kennedy in the 1950s -------about brave men who BUCKED THE
Please be more specific in this case - WHAT do you mean by "the moral high ground"???!

Perhaps what was meant is that the US decided to stand with Israel, acknowledging the FACT that Jerusalem is Israel's capitol, than to side with Hezbollah, as the U.N. did, to appease anti-Semitic assholes who seek the Genocide of the Jewish people / Israel.

Use of vulgar language - proof of weakness and lack of arguments in the opponent. But since have you already touched on the theme of the Genocide, I WOULD LIKE you please:

1. to comment on the destruction of 120 million of Native Americans Indians on the American continent.
How to call it against the background of the destruction of 5-6 million of Jews by the German Nazis ??? Yes, they just look like almost "innocent lambs" against the backdrop of inhumaine crimes committed by the United States against the owners of this land - the Native Americans... comment on the fact that the "first almost Jewish government of Franklin D. Roosevelt, that did whatever was possible not to let the European Jews trying to escape the German NAZI atrocities get in the USA.
Does anybody believe that the decision to transfer lethal weapons to criptoneosionist fighters in Ukraine, will be blocked by the Supreme Court ?? America has long been supplying weapons to cryptoneozionist militants through its European satellites - lithuania and the Czech Republic and no one objects...
Why would anyone give a shit what Turkey thinks about Israel’s capital?

THAT t is American chauvinism and Nazism...That is the main threat for the world of the first half of the 21-st century
'Russian' (or Liberal who wants people to think they are) attacking the US. :p

AF mentioned what America did to the Native Americans. I am Native American. It is what it WAS. No one owns slaves anymore or advocates for slavery anymore in the US. No one is trying to slaughter the Native Americans or take their land anymore. Hezbollah DOES advocate for the destruction and the genocide of the Jews today.

Your little 'Russian' act was amusing at 1st, but it has gotten old. If you hate the US and want to bash it, man up and do so. You don't have to hide behind a name representing the 'fake boogeymen' snowflakes / Democrats made up to attack Trump over simply because he beat Hillary (who took over $100 million from the KGB Bank).
QUOTE="easyt65, post: 18876488, member: 55400"]
Well, SIR or Lady,
Alas, there are some omissions in your knowledge of Political English...
  1. 1.1 A person with extreme racist or authoritarian views.

  2. 1.2 A person who seeks to impose their views on others in a very autocratic or inflexible way. This is from Nazi | Definition of Nazi in English by Oxford Dictionaries
Extreme racist or authoritarian views or behaviour. This is from Nazism | Definition of Nazism in English by Oxford Dictionaries

So, the cryptoneozionist elite of America IS of NAZI nature... I am sorry....

The United States did not RECOGNIZE the factual location of Israel's capitol out of 'racism' or 'authoritarianism'. The United States is not attempting to impose its recognition of a FACT onto anyone else. The United States declared that IT is choosing to recognize Israel's capitol as Jerusalem. It is a 'personal' political choice, one not being imposed on anyone else. No one has to do so.

The U.N., in an attempt to appease a terrorist group that seeks the Genocide of the Jews / Israel, has condemned the U.S. for acknowledging a FACT.

A "personal choice"??? The press interprets it DIFFERENTLY:
INDIPENDENT: Donald Trump has threatened to withhold billions of dollars in aid from those nations which criticise his controversial decision to unilaterally recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

In a raising of the stakes over the US’s move to recognise Jerusalem and shift its embassy there - something long requested by Israel and their conservative supporters in the US - Mr Trump said he could penalise those countries that voted against the move at the UN.

Previously, the US’s UN Ambassador Niki Haley had warned the US would would be “taking names” of any countries who supported a resolution criticising Washington’s actions. A vote is scheduled to take place on Thursday after the US on Monday vetoed a vote by the UN Security Council that would have demanded Mr Trump reverse his decision.

The Associated Press said Mr Haley had written to most of the 193 UN members states warning of possible retaliation. She said the President was taking the matter personally.

The same blackmail the U.S. cryptoneozionists used demanding from representatives of other countries to vote for the abolition of the Resolution, which called Zionism a form of rasizm and fascism
Fuck the UN adolph. Its funny that the UN has voted to condemn Trump for saying Jerusalem is the capital of Israel but I don't seem to remember this much enthusiasm for condemnation when the last President said the same thing

There are 193 nations in the UN and the US pays 22% of its budget and 28% of its "peace keeping " costs. Best thing for the US is to drop out of the UN and kick the money sucking hole of an organization out of the buildings in New York and turn them into a shelter for homeless Veterns.
What has the U.S. gained in all this?
A very bad reputation and status as an international pariah.

are you sure?


The United Nations general assembly has delivered a stinging rebuke to Donald Trump, voting by a huge majority to reject his unilateral recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

The vote came after a redoubling of threats by Nikki Haley, the US ambassador to the UN, who said that Washington would remember which countries “disrespected” America by voting against it.

Despite the warning, 128 members voted in favour of the resolution in support of the long-standing international consensus that the status of Jerusalem – which is claimed by both Israel and the Palestinians as a capital – can only be settled as an agreed final issue in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

Blackmail - the proven weapons of the American cryptoneozionists did not work...
To me the UN's long-standing international consensus sounds reasonable, particularly considering how badly the world would like to see those two get along. If this messes up the prospect of negotiations, what have we actually gained?
Trump is just going to ignore all that. That's typical Trump.
What has the U.S. gained in all this?
A very bad reputation and status as an international pariah.

are you sure?


The United Nations general assembly has delivered a stinging rebuke to Donald Trump, voting by a huge majority to reject his unilateral recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

The vote came after a redoubling of threats by Nikki Haley, the US ambassador to the UN, who said that Washington would remember which countries “disrespected” America by voting against it.

Despite the warning, 128 members voted in favour of the resolution in support of the long-standing international consensus that the status of Jerusalem – which is claimed by both Israel and the Palestinians as a capital – can only be settled as an agreed final issue in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

Blackmail - the proven weapons of the American cryptoneozionists did not work...
To me the UN's long-standing international consensus sounds reasonable, particularly considering how badly the world would like to see those two get along. If this messes up the prospect of negotiations, what have we actually gained?
Trump is just going to ignore all that. That's typical Trump.

what good had that nebulous status of Jerusalem done over the past 70 years?
What has the U.S. gained in all this?
A very bad reputation and status as an international pariah.

are you sure?


The United Nations general assembly has delivered a stinging rebuke to Donald Trump, voting by a huge majority to reject his unilateral recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

The vote came after a redoubling of threats by Nikki Haley, the US ambassador to the UN, who said that Washington would remember which countries “disrespected” America by voting against it.

Despite the warning, 128 members voted in favour of the resolution in support of the long-standing international consensus that the status of Jerusalem – which is claimed by both Israel and the Palestinians as a capital – can only be settled as an agreed final issue in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

Blackmail - the proven weapons of the American cryptoneozionists did not work...
To me the UN's long-standing international consensus sounds reasonable, particularly considering how badly the world would like to see those two get along. If this messes up the prospect of negotiations, what have we actually gained?
Trump is just going to ignore all that. That's typical Trump.

what good had that nebulous status of Jerusalem done over the past 70 years?
Trump only supposedly cares about America, Rosie. MAGA. America First.
So what the nebulous status of Jerusalem has done over the past 70 years isn't the issue.
What IS at issue is that Trump, for no reason whatsoever except he felt like it, decided to poke a stick into a hornet's nest.
I respect Israel's right to exist. I respect the caution of countries who would like to not see MORE violence from the Palestinian terrorists. It would be awesome if Israel and Palestine would both have their capital in Jerusalem. That Palestine is making such a flat out rejection of such an idea does not look good for them.
A very bad reputation and status as an international pariah.

are you sure?


The United Nations general assembly has delivered a stinging rebuke to Donald Trump, voting by a huge majority to reject his unilateral recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

The vote came after a redoubling of threats by Nikki Haley, the US ambassador to the UN, who said that Washington would remember which countries “disrespected” America by voting against it.

Despite the warning, 128 members voted in favour of the resolution in support of the long-standing international consensus that the status of Jerusalem – which is claimed by both Israel and the Palestinians as a capital – can only be settled as an agreed final issue in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

Blackmail - the proven weapons of the American cryptoneozionists did not work...
To me the UN's long-standing international consensus sounds reasonable, particularly considering how badly the world would like to see those two get along. If this messes up the prospect of negotiations, what have we actually gained?
Trump is just going to ignore all that. That's typical Trump.

what good had that nebulous status of Jerusalem done over the past 70 years?
Trump only supposedly cares about America, Rosie. MAGA. America First.
So what the nebulous status of Jerusalem has done over the past 70 years isn't the issue.
What IS at issue is that Trump, for no reason whatsoever except he felt like it, decided to poke a stick into a hornet's nest.
I respect Israel's right to exist. I respect the caution of countries who would like to not see MORE violence from the Palestinian terrorists. It would be awesome if Israel and Palestine would both have their capital in Jerusalem. That Palestine is making such a flat out rejection of such an idea does not look good for them.

you are entitled to your "let's lick the asses of supremacism" approach
are you sure?


The United Nations general assembly has delivered a stinging rebuke to Donald Trump, voting by a huge majority to reject his unilateral recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

The vote came after a redoubling of threats by Nikki Haley, the US ambassador to the UN, who said that Washington would remember which countries “disrespected” America by voting against it.

Despite the warning, 128 members voted in favour of the resolution in support of the long-standing international consensus that the status of Jerusalem – which is claimed by both Israel and the Palestinians as a capital – can only be settled as an agreed final issue in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

Blackmail - the proven weapons of the American cryptoneozionists did not work...
To me the UN's long-standing international consensus sounds reasonable, particularly considering how badly the world would like to see those two get along. If this messes up the prospect of negotiations, what have we actually gained?
Trump is just going to ignore all that. That's typical Trump.

what good had that nebulous status of Jerusalem done over the past 70 years?
Trump only supposedly cares about America, Rosie. MAGA. America First.
So what the nebulous status of Jerusalem has done over the past 70 years isn't the issue.
What IS at issue is that Trump, for no reason whatsoever except he felt like it, decided to poke a stick into a hornet's nest.
I respect Israel's right to exist. I respect the caution of countries who would like to not see MORE violence from the Palestinian terrorists. It would be awesome if Israel and Palestine would both have their capital in Jerusalem. That Palestine is making such a flat out rejection of such an idea does not look good for them.

you are entitled to your "let's lick the asses of supremacism" approach
Who's being supremacist?

The United Nations general assembly has delivered a stinging rebuke to Donald Trump, voting by a huge majority to reject his unilateral recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

The vote came after a redoubling of threats by Nikki Haley, the US ambassador to the UN, who said that Washington would remember which countries “disrespected” America by voting against it.

Despite the warning, 128 members voted in favour of the resolution in support of the long-standing international consensus that the status of Jerusalem – which is claimed by both Israel and the Palestinians as a capital – can only be settled as an agreed final issue in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

Blackmail - the proven weapons of the American cryptoneozionists did not work...
To me the UN's long-standing international consensus sounds reasonable, particularly considering how badly the world would like to see those two get along. If this messes up the prospect of negotiations, what have we actually gained?
Trump is just going to ignore all that. That's typical Trump.

what good had that nebulous status of Jerusalem done over the past 70 years?
Trump only supposedly cares about America, Rosie. MAGA. America First.
So what the nebulous status of Jerusalem has done over the past 70 years isn't the issue.
What IS at issue is that Trump, for no reason whatsoever except he felt like it, decided to poke a stick into a hornet's nest.
I respect Israel's right to exist. I respect the caution of countries who would like to not see MORE violence from the Palestinian terrorists. It would be awesome if Israel and Palestine would both have their capital in Jerusalem. That Palestine is making such a flat out rejection of such an idea does not look good for them.

you are entitled to your "let's lick the asses of supremacism" approach
Who's being supremacist?


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