The United States has vetoed a UN Security Council draft resolution rejecting on Jerusalem


awesome werdage

Nothing says the US is in the right like the UN being against something.
I dunno. When EVERYone else is saying you're wrong, do you at least take a step back and consider? I think everyone involved in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is being stiff necked, impossible and deserve a swift kick in the ass, but still.....
Trump thundering in and pronouncing that when he KNEW what it was going to cause...
Let's just hope it's not as bad as the Dems are predicting.
the only people that are fully against the move are countries that already hate israel

turkey is a muslim nation now, so nothing they say on israel is to be taken seriously.
You sure? Why'd they all vote to rescind the President's declaration, then?

Because, like the Dems, they are all butt-hurt. They could play Obama
like a cheap hooker. They can't get away with that with The Donald.

Fuck the Brits and the Frogs...Fuck the UN.

We're in charge of this fuckin' planet.

We're having to foot the bill for people all over the globe, they will
kiss our red, white and blue asses. If they don't like it...they can do something about it.

I love it. Fuck the institution we helped found that gave us the supreme right of the veto. Brilliant!

Not just us...but all the permanent members of the security council.
That accomplished two things. It kept the permanent members from going
to war with each other and it prevented the entire UN from achieving its mission that it was founded for. Thus it is a useless organization.

It rivals the NCAA. When Kentucky violates NCAA rules in basketball,
they put Cleveland State on probation. The UN is the same garbage.
North Korea starves its entire population and the UN is critical of Israel.

The US would be better served as an associate member, not a permanent
member. We inform them what we are going to do and invite their support
or they can stop us from doing it. Give them the choice and dare them to stop us. If nothing else, we have taught the world how to count megatons.
Those gutless bastards would back off real quick.
What has the U.S. gained in all this?

All this was well described by the historian of American Jewry, Prof. Zilberman, in his book, "The Certain People": For some time to disappear, "dissolve" in other nations, and then, having accumulated energy, declare itself with full force. Here is criptoneozionism and "declares" itself, opposing the whole world
Everyone and their momma knew what it would do. Frankly, we shouldnt let savages dictate our policy. Do you think we should?
So the entire world is allowing Palestinians, with their threat of terrorism, to dictate policy for them?
Maybe you're right. Maybe the planet is involved in appeasement, acting cowardly. Let's stand up and say what's what and take their bombs and their terror attacks head on. We don't care who gets killed, so long as we are saying what we goddamned FEEL LIKE saying.
Threat of terrorism? lol you mean MORE? :crybaby:

It is THEIR beliefs that cause this to happen. What if jews started threatening worldwide terrorism over NOT doing it?
Your excuses are laughable. Being scared is EXACTLY why, though.. so good job.
Maybe those fools shouldnt have imported those savages by the thousands.
What "excuses?" I'm not on either side here. Just talking it over.
Let's stand up and say what's what and take their bombs and their terror attacks head on. We don't care who gets killed, so long as we are saying what we goddamned FEEL LIKE saying
Sounded like you were being facetious with "more deaths" as an excuse.
I was being sarcastic, but I don't see the "more deaths" as an excuse, just a reason for consideration. Look, I know nothing about Israel/Palestine and it's history, blah blah blah. The whole thing seems highly retarded to me, but if by NOT saying out loud "Jerusalem is the capital of Israel," the US President could prevent an escalation in the terrorist fighting that is underway, would it not be worth considering? It's not as if the President were being asked to say something untrue. He didn't have to weigh in on it at all. That's the point. The Pres did, and I think he did in order to get out of playing mediator. Either that or the guy really is senile and really didn't believe the Palestinians were going to boot us from the table.

Those seventh century loving countries aren't going to quit terrorizing. It's who they are, hate, murder, death, destruction. They deserve the sewer that they are in. They did it all to themselves.
What has the U.S. gained in all this?
A very bad reputation and status as an international pariah.

are you sure?
Yup. Absolutely. Our international prestige has plummeted since the Perv took office. He is completely ignorant of foreign policy and diplomacy and has a big stupid mouth that will get him, and hopefully not the rest of us, into real trouble. The repulsive lout never should have been allowed to take office since he is entirely unfit for it.
What has the U.S. gained in all this?
A very bad reputation and status as an international pariah.

are you sure?
Yup. Absolutely. Our international prestige has plummeted since the Perv took office. He is completely ignorant of foreign policy and diplomacy and has a big stupid mouth that will get him, and hopefully not the rest of us, into real trouble. The repulsive lout never should have been allowed to take office since he is entirely unfit for it.

The only embarrassment this country has had to endure was electing
an ape to be President.
What has the U.S. gained in all this?
A very bad reputation and status as an international pariah.

are you sure?


The United Nations general assembly has delivered a stinging rebuke to Donald Trump, voting by a huge majority to reject his unilateral recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

The vote came after a redoubling of threats by Nikki Haley, the US ambassador to the UN, who said that Washington would remember which countries “disrespected” America by voting against it.

Despite the warning, 128 members voted in favour of the resolution in support of the long-standing international consensus that the status of Jerusalem – which is claimed by both Israel and the Palestinians as a capital – can only be settled as an agreed final issue in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

Blackmail - the proven weapons of the American cryptoneozionists did not work...
In this situation that USA took the moral high ground. For lessons in MORAL COURAGE------read "PROFILES IN COURAGE"-------a book written by John
Fitzgerald Kennedy in the 1950s -------about brave men who BUCKED THE
“All of these nations that take our money and then they vote against us at the Security Council or they vote against us, potentially, at the Assembly, they take hundreds of millions of dollars and even billions of dollars and then they vote against us,” Trump said during a cabinet meeting.

“Well, we’re watching those votes,” he added. “Let them vote against us; we’ll save a lot. We don’t care.”

Katie Pavlich - BREAKING: UN Votes to Condemn the United States for Jerusalem Move

'The United Nations has voted to condemn the United States for officially recognizing Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel, with plans to move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to the city.'

To the U.N.

On behalf of the United States, in regards to your
condemnation of the United States for recognizing Israel's capitol...

View attachment 167249

That is the EXACT demonstration of the American NAZI cryptoneozionist chauvinism

“All of these nations that take our money and then they vote against us at the Security Council or they vote against us, potentially, at the Assembly, they take hundreds of millions of dollars and even billions of dollars and then they vote against us,” Trump said during a cabinet meeting.

“Well, we’re watching those votes,” he added. “Let them vote against us; we’ll save a lot. We don’t care.”

View attachment 167256

Зolitical blackmail - the traditional weapon of American kryptoneosionists
In this situation that USA took the moral high ground. For lessons in MORAL COURAGE------read "PROFILES IN COURAGE"-------a book written by John
Fitzgerald Kennedy in the 1950s -------about brave men who BUCKED THE

Please be more specific in this case - WHAT do you mean by "the moral high ground"???!
[QUOTE="Alexandre Fedorovski, post: 18876336, member: 67922"]
That is the EXACT demonstration of the American NAZI cryptoneozionist chauvinism

I beg to differ. As pointed out, Trump / the United States did nothing except RECOGNIZE the factual location of another nation's location.

The U.N. was created to form a bold, empowered International body of representatives from around the world who would stand up and address the wrongs in the world. Instead it has become a spineless, corrupt organization that turns a blind eye to many of the evils of this world. In this case, the U.N., again, condemns the United States for recognizing the factual location of a nation's capitol because the act of doing so will piss off a terrorist entity - whose charter calls for the genocide of Israel, it's supporters, and those who also hate Israel.

And how the HELL do you get the U.S. being 'NAZI's for standing WITH the Jews?! Are you too STUPID to know that Hezbollah is more like the Nazis because they, too, seek / sought the Genocide of the Jews. As in WWII, the U.S. still stands WITH the Jews!

Please educate yourself before you make such STUPID comments!

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