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The unity of Christianity

It's your right not to be a Christian. But Christian believe in the Messiah = in Jesus, the Christ. He's by the way a nice guy with wonderful smiling eyes. And we believe Jesus was not only 100% human being. We believe also he's 100% true god from true god. Sounds crazy, isn't it? :lol:

Yes. Crazy.

Nearly as crazy as the story everything was made out of nothing from god. But whatelse to say? Suddely everything started to exist some years ago and before was not even a before or a somewhere. Where from came all energy when there was no time and place? Fomr nowhere in a nothing? And why exists anything at all if not god made it? Why is not only nothing?

What does that have to do with your professed belief that three beings are really one god who diddled a virgin so that he could become fully human without a human father while remaining fully god?

Then, as if that wasn't nutty enough, you claim to worship this three in one god made man made matzo made by human hands and then eat it for spiritual life even though it is not God, has no life at all, and can neither see, hear, speak or walk.

No matter how you slice that, its flat out loony tunes WTF crazy. Thats the way the cookie crumbles.

First of all: God would be one being if he would be a being at all. He made everything to be. He made for example himselve to a being in Jesus, the Christ. If you have a difficulty to understand the word "triune" then take the space all around as an example: You are able to step forward and to step back, to go left or to go right - you can jump high and fall down. This all is different but in all directions is always only space. Second: ... It makes no sense to speak with someone who has a brain damage and/or not any education ... If your problem are alcohol or drugs stop it to use alcohol or drugs.

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It's your right not to be a Christian. But Christian believe in the Messiah = in Jesus, the Christ. He's by the way a nice guy with wonderful smiling eyes. And we believe Jesus was not only 100% human being. We believe also he's 100% true god from true god. Sounds crazy, isn't it? :lol:

Yes. Crazy.

Nearly as crazy as the story everything was made out of nothing from god. But whatelse to say? Suddely everything started to exist some years ago and before was not even a before or a somewhere. Where from came all energy when there was no time and place? Fomr nowhere in a nothing? And why exists anything at all if not god made it? Why is not only nothing?

What does that have to do with your professed belief that three beings are really one god who diddled a virgin so that he could become fully human without a human father while remaining fully god?

Then, as if that wasn't nutty enough, you claim to worship this three in one god made man made matzo made by human hands and then eat it for spiritual life even though it is not God, has no life at all, and can neither see, hear, speak or walk.

No matter how you slice that, its flat out loony tunes WTF crazy. Thats the way the cookie crumbles.

First of all: God would be one being if he would be a being at all. He made everything to be. He made for example himselve to a being in Jesus, the Christ. If you have a difficulty to understand the word "triune" then take the space all around as an example: You are able to step forward and to step back, to go left or to go right - you can jump high and fall down. This all is different but in all directions is always only space. Second: ... It makes no sense to speak with someone who has a brain damage and/or not any education ... If your problem are alcohol or drugs stop it to use alcohol or drugs.

Next time you go to church sparkie listen carefully to what is said during mass. A priest lifts up the eucharist and openly says that this matzo made by human hands will become for "US" the body of Christ.

Then you all fall to your knees in deranged adoration before you eat it. Crazy as it is, I am not making this shit up.

WTF does that have to do with Jesus or God? Isn't it a mortal sin to worship anything made by human hands? Isn't this practice a brazen and defiant violation of the law of God under penalty of death? Snap out of it. Pay attention!

The Body of Christ consists of words that form the body of his teaching. God is in the teaching that must be consumed by the ear and digested by understanding. If this teaching is not in you, God is not with you, even if you ate all the eucharists in the world.

No one can eat their way into wisdom or paradise, einstein.

If you problem is stupidity, smarten up.
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It's your right not to be a Christian. But Christian believe in the Messiah = in Jesus, the Christ. He's by the way a nice guy with wonderful smiling eyes. And we believe Jesus was not only 100% human being. We believe also he's 100% true god from true god. Sounds crazy, isn't it? :lol:

Yes. Crazy.

Nearly as crazy as the story everything was made out of nothing from god. But whatelse to say? Suddely everything started to exist some years ago and before was not even a before or a somewhere. Where from came all energy when there was no time and place? Fomr nowhere in a nothing? And why exists anything at all if not god made it? Why is not only nothing?

What does that have to do with your professed belief that three beings are really one god who diddled a virgin so that he could become fully human without a human father while remaining fully god?

Then, as if that wasn't nutty enough, you claim to worship this three in one god made man made matzo made by human hands and then eat it for spiritual life even though it is not God, has no life at all, and can neither see, hear, speak or walk.

No matter how you slice that, its flat out loony tunes WTF crazy. Thats the way the cookie crumbles.

First of all: God would be one being if he would be a being at all. He made everything to be. He made for example himselve to a being in Jesus, the Christ. If you have a difficulty to understand the word "triune" then take the space all around as an example: You are able to step forward and to step back, to go left or to go right - you can jump high and fall down. This all is different but in all directions is always only space. Second: ... It makes no sense to speak with someone who has a brain damage and/or not any education ... If your problem are alcohol or drugs stop it to use alcohol or drugs.

Next time you go to church sparkie listen carefully to what is said during mass. A priest lifts up the eucharist and openly says

Sende deinen Geist auf diese Gaben herab und heilige sie, damit sie uns werden Leib und Blut deines Sohnes, unseres Herrn Jesus Christus.
Denn am Abend, an dem er ausgeliefert wurde und sich aus freiem Willen dem Leiden unterwarf, nahm er das Brot und sagte Dank, brach es, reichte es seinen Jüngern und sprach: "Nehmet und esset alle davon: Das ist mein Leib, der für euch hingegeben wird."
Ebenso nahm er nach dem Mahl den Kelch, dankte wiederum, reichte ihn seinen Jüngern und sprach: "Nehmet und trinket alle daraus:
Das ist der Kelch des neuen und ewigen Bundes, mein Blut, das für euch und für alle vergossen wird zur Vergebung der Sünden. Tut dies zu meinem Gedächtnis.

that this matzo made by human hands will become for "US" the body of Christ.

And what's your problem now? Do you not trust in human hands?

Then you all fall to your knees in deranged adoration before you eat it.

Not really. A bell rings and this is the sign to kneel down. Some kneel down some not. Depends.

Crazy as it is, I am not making this shit up.

You don't have to do it - and it is a respectless shot to say "I am not making this shit up". In Rome do as the Romans do. No one forces you to go to Rome.

"What the fuck"? Do you really speak so? Every day with everyone all around you? Is this not a little absurde?

does that have to do with Jesus or God?

We remember for example in this way the last supper of Jesus, before he was arrested.

Isn't it a mortal sin to worship anything made by human hands? Isn't this practice a brazen and defiant violation of the law of God under penalty of death? Snap out of it. Pay attention!


The Body of Christ consists of words that form the body of his teaching.

Strange idea. This body was for sure not crucified.

God is in the teaching that must be consumed by the ear and digested by understanding. If this teaching is not in you, God is not with you, even if you ate all the eucharists in the world.

God knows his people. It's not your job to know them.

No one can eat their way into wisdom or paradise, einstein.

To die on hunger brings perhaps someone into paradise - but makes no one wise.

If you problem is stupidity, smarten up.

If your problem is to carry Jesus to the other side of the river then just simple do it, Christopher.

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We remember for example in this way the last supper of Jesus, before he was arrested.

before he (they) was were arrested ...

christianity becomes more bizarre by the day - if jesus were the Almighty (of the Universe) what are they doing being born a baby human (stranger than fiction), waiting 34 years to be arrested then put to death by crucifixion without anyone coming to their aid. and without a single physical item left behind to verify their authenticity ....

zaanga, how is it you keep reading that book without knowing the truth has been taken out of it, history alone leaves no doubt - and no doubt to your intent either - the truth is the nazis were all christians in their nature and became so as you by reading and following that book and have repeated themselves the same way since the 4th century.

are you deceived, the excuse for germany in the 30s - history says otherwise.
And what's your problem now? Do you not trust in human hands?
No. I do not trust in human hands that belong to a person who professes to believe that the Body of Christ can be handed out like a cheap snack food, eaten, and then crapped down the toilet...

The Body of Christ consists of words. Anything made by human hands cannot convey words of spiritual life by eating it without hearing a single word spoken.

The belief that a priest can turn a lifeless matzo made by human hands into the source of spiritual life because he says, "Presto Alakazam!", is just a lie. It is a problem but its not my problem. Its yours.
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Absolute knowledge is death. In post #49, the woman speaks of absolute knowledge.to come, a messianic delirium. Jesus says "I who speak to you am he," confirming that he thinks of himself as absolute knowledge, which is death. Post #49 is incorrect: Jizu the Chinese christ was known in 250 B.C.
Post #43 could not debate quotes from Radical Atheism in front of the readers of this thread without intellectual consequences. Reasons to quote from Radical Atheism include the same reason Foucault had: 'To point to Stupidity, and transfix it.' (Theatrum Philosophicum) We continue our search for the USMB member who quoted Curt Cobain, because Cobain's reasoning in that special quote precisely link to Derrida's thinking in Radical Atheism, a book that explains theology's attempt to confiscate Derrida for their its own purposes.
Hobelim in post #60 is questioning the delirium of the xian trinity. A similar trinity is explained by Deleuze in his Bergsonism, with Bergson's concept of the triplicity of flux, another book that places the Challenger in true intellectual jeopardy.
Absolute knowledge is death. In post #49, the woman speaks of absolute knowledge.to come, a messianic delirium. Jesus says "I who speak to you am he," confirming that he thinks of himself as absolute knowledge, which is death. Post #49 is incorrect: Jizu the Chinese christ was known in 250 B.C.

Absolute knowledge is death ...

as in for some execution,
their errant spirit through judgement, a triumph in evil. unlike the golden delicious their final resting place. all hail the Almighty.

- confirming that he thinks of himself as absolute knowledge ...

The woman said to him, “I know that Messiah is coming (he who is called Christ). When he comes, he will tell us all things.” Jesus said to her, “I who speak to you am he".

the embellishing forger, such a character one or many and who believe them are themselves the same.
Hobelim in post #60 is questioning the delirium of the xian trinity. A similar trinity is explained by Deleuze in his Bergsonism, with Bergson's concept of the triplicity of flux, another book that places the Challenger in true intellectual jeopardy.

No, I am not questioning the delirium. I have revealed the cause, a curse under the appearance of a cup of wine, and the way to undo it.
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The ancient faith of Christianity is the largest religion in the world. But it is also a religion divided into many denominations. However when you look at it Christians share an incredible unity of belief despite surface differences.

Christians throughout both time and space share:

The Trinity
The holiness of the Bible
baptism and communion
The virgin birth
The resurrection of Jesus
The immortality of the soul
A last judgement
The eventual return of Christ
Heaven and hell
Sin and the forgiveness of sin
The efficacy of Prayer
The resurrection of believers

Any more? I am sure I’ve left some out. We should remember those similarities. The differences are minor in comparison.

They fail this true mark 100% 1Corinthians 1:10--Unity of thought( ALL matters of Gods truth and will) no division. And fit Gods view of unacceptable--Mark 3:24-26-- A house divided( 34,000 trinity religions) will not stand.--- Few will believe it.
We remember for example in this way the last supper of Jesus, before he was arrested.

before he (they) was were arrested ...


christianity becomes more bizarre by the day - if jesus were the Almighty (of the Universe) what are they doing being born a baby human (stranger than fiction), waiting 34 years to be arrested then put to death by crucifixion without anyone coming to their aid. and without a single physical item left behind to verify their authenticity ....

Ask him.

The artificial stupidity of machines is not able to see in the word "zaanga" the name of the avatar "zaangalewa".

how is it you keep reading that book without knowing the truth has been taken out of it, history alone leaves no doubt - and no doubt to your intent either - the truth is the nazis were all christians in their nature and became so as you by reading and following that book and have repeated themselves the same way since the 4th century.
are you deceived, the excuse for germany in the 30s - history says otherwise.

You have no glue what you try to speak about. I would say that's a common element between you and the Nazis.

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And what's your problem now? Do you not trust in human hands?
No. I do not trust in human hands that belong to a person who professes to believe that the Body of Christ can be handed out like a cheap snack food, eaten, and then crapped down the toilet...

The Body of Christ consists of words. Anything made by human hands cannot convey words of spiritual life by eating it without hearing a single word spoken.

The belief that a priest can turn a lifeless matzo made by human hands into the source of spiritual life because he says, "Presto Alakazam!", is just a lie. It is a problem but its not my problem. Its yours.

no comment
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And what's your problem now? Do you not trust in human hands?
No. I do not trust in human hands that belong to a person who professes to believe that the Body of Christ can be handed out like a cheap snack food, eaten, and then crapped down the toilet...

The Body of Christ consists of words. Anything made by human hands cannot convey words of spiritual life by eating it without hearing a single word spoken.

The belief that a priest can turn a lifeless matzo made by human hands into the source of spiritual life because he says, "Presto Alakazam!", is just a lie. It is a problem but its not my problem. Its yours.

no comment

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You have no glue what you try to speak about. I would say that's a common element between you and the Nazis.

that's a common element between you and the Nazis.

Religion in Nazi Germany - Wikipedia

In 1933, 5 years prior to the annexation of Austria into Germany, the population of Germany was approximately 67% Protestant and 33% Catholic, while the Jewish population was less than 1%.

they were all bible indoctrinated individuals, the nazis - unlike myself that would not read past the first forgery pg.1 of that document.

you are typical of christians, you may not be a natzi but nevertheless employ their tactics in support of your makebelieve 4th century bible.

the history of that book from the 4th century to the present day is uninterrupted persecution and victimization of the innocent. your denial is nothing new - history repeating itself, those without a conscious.
The bible refers God in the plural tense right away, in Genesis, and in anthropomorphic terms in Genesis as well. People really should read the thing before they run around pulling stupid crap out of their asses because some Gnostic or other crank said something they like better than the real thing.
You have no glue what you try to speak about. I would say that's a common element between you and the Nazis.

that's a common element between you and the Nazis.

Religion in Nazi Germany - Wikipedia

In 1933, 5 years prior to the annexation of Austria into Germany, the population of Germany was approximately 67% Protestant and 33% Catholic, while the Jewish population was less than 1%.

they were all bible indoctrinated individuals, the nazis - unlike myself that would not read past the first forgery pg.1 of that document.

you are typical of christians, you may not be a natzi but nevertheless employ their tactics in support of your makebelieve 4th century bible.

the history of that book from the 4th century to the present day is uninterrupted persecution and victimization of the innocent. your denial is nothing new - history repeating itself, those without a conscious.

no comment
People really should read the thing ...

you did ... and missed the religion of that book - The Triumph of Good vs Evil, so the forgeries made an asshole out of you and you are better off for it - gofkyrslf. loser.

try it by sections, there is always hope till of course when you expire.
People really should read the thing ...

you did ... and missed the religion of that book - The Triumph of Good vs Evil, so the forgeries made an asshole out of you and you are better off for it - gofkyrslf. loser.

try it by sections, there is always hope till of course when you expire.

Breezypants has been mad ever since he got caught sexually molesting the neighborhood pets, and blames Xians for his shame and embarrassment to this day.
People really should read the thing ...

you did ... and missed the religion of that book - The Triumph of Good vs Evil, so the forgeries made an asshole out of you and you are better off for it - gofkyrslf. loser.

try it by sections, there is always hope till of course when you expire.

Breezypants has been mad ever since he got caught sexually molesting the neighborhood pets, and blames Xians for his shame and embarrassment to this day.
Breezypants has been mad ever since he got caught sexually molesting the neighborhood pets, and blames Xians for his shame and embarrassment to this day.

picaro's christianity -


the reply of a fool believing the word of the Almighty as a written 10,000 pg. document than the spoken Religion of Antiquity as it was properly addressed and prescribed.

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