The University of Southern California cancels its Muslim valedictorian’s commencement speech

Her speech didn’t get her suspended you dumb fuck, it was her failure to disperse from the encampment. You could at least pretend you have honesty in you.
Wow, you dumb piece of shit….they were disbursing the encampment because it was a Jew-hating group of Muslim shits s screaming lies about the Jewish country….and you’re trying to say it had nothing to do with hate speech? That’s WHY the antisemites were told to disburse!

Why are you trying to make excuses for Jew-hating Muslims?
Wow, you dumb piece of shit….they were disbursing the encampment because it was a Jew-hating group of Muslim shits s screaming lies about the Jewish country….and you’re trying to say it had nothing to do with hate speech? That’s WHY the antisemites were told to disburse!

Why are you trying to make excuses for Jew-hating Muslims?
Trying to keep you honest has nothing to do with Islam or Judaism. I guess being suspended not because of what you said but because you failed to comply with university requests is too complex for you to understand. Maybe one day you will get there
I'll ask you the same question, if she called for all Jews to be eradicated from the middle east in her speech, you would have supported her right to say that?
I did read the first 5 pages, and I was going to go back and continue reading the rest. Didn't see a link so far.

You made the claim, I figured you probably had the link.

I already provided the link. Read the thread. If you don't have the attention span to get through it all, I can't help you.
I already provided the link. Read the thread. If you don't have the attention span to get through it all, I can't help you.

Lame and unnecessarily hostile reply, since I just finished telling you that I was in the middle of reading the thread and was going to continue reading the other half.
Lame and unnecessarily hostile reply, since I just finished telling you that I was in the middle of reading the thread and was going to continue reading the other half.

Great, get back to me when you find the link I provided.

And don't think it isn't obvious that you're just working your way up to the part where you tell us how much you love Hamas and hate Jews.
Great, get back to me when you find the link I provided.

And don't think it isn't obvious that you're just working your way up to the part where you tell us how much you love Hamas and hate Jews.
Of course, they still want all Palestinians incinerated.
Great, get back to me when you find the link I provided.

I finally saw a link, but it was to a Daily Mail article. Not to her social media pages, which in case I didn't make clear is what I wanted to read for myself.

And don't think it isn't obvious that you're just working your way up to the part where you tell us how much you love Hamas and hate Jews.

^ Here we go. Perfect example of either blatant dishonesty or retarded illogical thinking, which I see all the time from you war cheerleader types. Anyone who cares about truth and accuracy, as opposed to going along with the angry herd, must be an evil Hamas supporter!!!!!!1

FTR, I don't hate entire groups of people, I don't agree with hating people because of their religion or race or nationality. So if all you can do is respond with logical fallacies and personal attacks, then I have no interest in continuing any discussion with you. It's pointless with folks with your mentality.

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