The University of Southern California cancels its Muslim valedictorian’s commencement speech

The woke mentality of modern education has created this unfortunate circumstance. When they started allowing students to protest, even violently, against this or that speaker coming to campus, the die was cast. They have replaced common sense, respect, integrity, open minds and liberty with mob rule.

It would have been unheard of in my day that any speaker coming to campus would not have been treated with the utmost respect and welcomed no matter how radical or unpopular his or her views might be. We students were often assigned to attend lectures by these people so that we could discuss them in class later. So we heard from Birchers and Russian Communists, Keynesians and economic anarchists, pro Jim Crow and anti Jim Crow arguments, you name it, etc. And I don't think any of us emerged from that and took our places as adults in society with any dangerously radical ideas or beliefs whatsoever.

We were far better educated than the tunnel vision that passes for education these days.
Libs do not want a variety of thought but only adherence to theirs
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A Graduation comprised of diverse cultures, views, and opinions should not be held to listen to personal convictions; regardless of the topic. Would you feel it appropriate for a valedictorian to use that position to espouse personal convictions on a topic you did not agree?
I think pretty much everywhere, somebody in administration approves the Valedictorian's speech before he/she delivers it and the speaker would be asked to remove any offensive or objectionable content.

A phrase that the speaker gives thanks to God and the religious community who influenced him/her would be fine, but a sermon of 'repent and be saved' would not. There is no indication a Muslim would use that podium to spread religious of Islamic ideology any more than it would be expected for a Jew or Christian or whatever to do that slanted toward their religious faith.

But that a climate of dangerous protest on American campuses exists that would make it dangerous for any person to give the valedictorian speech is unacceptable.
I think pretty much everywhere, somebody in administration approves the Valedictorian's speech before he/she delivers it and the speaker would be asked to remove any offensive or objectionable content.

A phrase that the speaker gives thanks to God and the religious community who influenced him/her would be fine, but a sermon of 'repent and be saved' would not. There is no indication a Muslim would use that podium to spread religious of Islamic ideology any more than it would be expected for a Jew or Christian or whatever to do that slanted toward their religious faith.

But that a climate of dangerous protest on American campuses exists that would make it dangerous for any person to give the valedictorian speech is unacceptable.

I think you're a little out of the loop on what's going on at university campuses right now. There are frequent calls for the destruction of the state of Israel, death to all Jews worldwide, and death to America and Americans. These are regular, frequent occurrences on college campuses. As in daily.
I think you're a little pout of the loop on what's going on at university campuses right now. There are frequent calls for the destruction of the state of Israel, death to all Jews worldwide, and death to America and Americans. These are regular, frequent occurrences on college campuses. As in daily.
And that is exactly what I have been saying and condemning in this thread.
If she publicly recognized Israel's right to exist and denounced that substance of the page she linked to, maybe she would be giving her speech.

She made her choice.
The woke mentality of modern education has created this unfortunate circumstance. When they started allowing students to protest, even violently, against this or that speaker coming to campus, the die was cast. They have replaced common sense, respect, integrity, open minds and liberty with mob rule.

It would have been unheard of in my day that any speaker coming to campus would not have been treated with the utmost respect and welcomed no matter how radical or unpopular his or her views might be. We students were often assigned to attend lectures by these people so that we could discuss them in class later. So we heard from Birchers and Russian Communists, Keynesians and economic anarchists, pro Jim Crow and anti Jim Crow arguments, you name it, etc. And I don't think any of us emerged from that and took our places as adults in society with any dangerously radical ideas or beliefs whatsoever.

We were far better educated than the tunnel vision that passes for education these days.
The same people you claim are better educated are the ones educating kid’s today
The same people you claim are better educated are the ones educating kid’s today
No. They're all retired now or they have been forced out of education because they cannot and will not endorse or support or teach an insane 'woke' mentality and curriculum.
No. They're all retired now or they have been forced out of education because they cannot and will not endorse or support or teach an insane 'woke' mentality and curriculum.
You will just make up any fantasy to soothe yourself, won't you?
No. They're all retired now or they have been forced out of education because they cannot and will not endorse or support or teach an insane 'woke' mentality and curriculum.
Bullshit you guys taught that woke mentality or did it just miraculously spontaneously spring into existence.
When the older generation wonders what’s wrong with the younger ones the answer is you. You are the one’s teaching them
Bullshit you guys taught that woke mentality or did it just miraculously spontaneously spring into existence.
When the older generation wonders what’s wrong with the younger ones the answer is you. You are the one’s teaching them
Just review all my posts as in the course of several threads I have posted the entire history. But in summary it didn't just happen. Neo-Marxists have been infiltrating American institutions for decades now and planting the woke ideology to destroy the basic American values and culture that have made us the most powerful, most benevolent, most prosperous, most innovative nation the Earth has ever known. It is the only way they can gain total power. And those educated in it are now aiding and abetting them in doing it.
Those of us who have actually been educated know I am speaking facts here. The rest of you. . .well. . .
No, that was clearly an embarrassing lie you made up on the spot, because you had no good response. So, like the orange slob, you just lie to have something to say back.

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