The Upside of the Sequester - A Democratic Congress after 2014.

This is gonna crush the GOP.

Military cuts are coming. And the left is going to blame the GOP, saying "They sacrificed funding for the troops all so the elite rich of this country didn't pay a penny more towards the debt".

The Dems will win that message. And many in the military will not necessarily turn Democrat, but, they'll be pissed enough to tell Republicans to fuck off.

And the GOP will have successfully alienated YET ANOTHER of it's previously reliable voting blocs.

You are dreaming. Several have made statements reminding the people that there is no real cut but that the only cuts were made to the amount of increase. The people will realize it as things go on and nothing changes to affect their lives....
This is gonna crush the GOP.

Military cuts are coming. And the left is going to blame the GOP, saying "They sacrificed funding for the troops all so the elite rich of this country didn't pay a penny more towards the debt".

The Dems will win that message. And many in the military will not necessarily turn Democrat, but, they'll be pissed enough to tell Republicans to fuck off.

And the GOP will have successfully alienated YET ANOTHER of it's previously reliable voting blocs.

You are dreaming. Several have made statements reminding the people that there is no real cut but that the only cuts were made to the amount of increase. The people will realize it as things go on and nothing changes to affect their lives....

No people will realise no effect.

Then they'll want MORE cuts.
This is gonna crush the GOP.

Military cuts are coming. And the left is going to blame the GOP, saying "They sacrificed funding for the troops all so the elite rich of this country didn't pay a penny more towards the debt".

The Dems will win that message. And many in the military will not necessarily turn Democrat, but, they'll be pissed enough to tell Republicans to fuck off.

And the GOP will have successfully alienated YET ANOTHER of it's previously reliable voting blocs.

You are dreaming. Several have made statements reminding the people that there is no real cut but that the only cuts were made to the amount of increase. The people will realize it as things go on and nothing changes to affect their lives....

No people will realise no effect.

Then they'll want MORE cuts.

I like the sequester.

I want more cuts.

Real ones. Not this nickel and dime shit.
You are dreaming. Several have made statements reminding the people that there is no real cut but that the only cuts were made to the amount of increase. The people will realize it as things go on and nothing changes to affect their lives....

No people will realise no effect.

Then they'll want MORE cuts.

I like the sequester.

I want more cuts.

Real ones. Not this nickel and dime shit.

It hasn't even been 24 hours and SEE what I mean?
This is gonna crush the GOP.

Military cuts are coming. And the left is going to blame the GOP, saying "They sacrificed funding for the troops all so the elite rich of this country didn't pay a penny more towards the debt".

The Dems will win that message. And many in the military will not necessarily turn Democrat, but, they'll be pissed enough to tell Republicans to fuck off.

And the GOP will have successfully alienated YET ANOTHER of it's previously reliable voting blocs.

You are dreaming. Several have made statements reminding the people that there is no real cut but that the only cuts were made to the amount of increase. The people will realize it as things go on and nothing changes to affect their lives....

Whether they do or not, its the message that matters. And the GOP's message, whatever it really is, is coming across as putting the rich people's concerns far and above any other issue.
I want to see a zero deficit.

I want a president who promises and follows thru on a promise to veto any budget that spends more than was brought in the previous year in taxes.. and if they override his veto (which would be highly unlikely) it would be all on the likely DEMs who would be behind it...

I want a congress that has the balls to put forth real DRASTIC cuts... cutting foreign aid to pennies on the dollar if anything at all, eliminating personal and corporate welfare at the federal level, auditing agencies and cutting waste, and putting forth a flat tax that exempts no citizen at any income level from federal income tax
This is gonna crush the GOP.

Military cuts are coming. And the left is going to blame the GOP, saying "They sacrificed funding for the troops all so the elite rich of this country didn't pay a penny more towards the debt".

The Dems will win that message. And many in the military will not necessarily turn Democrat, but, they'll be pissed enough to tell Republicans to fuck off.

And the GOP will have successfully alienated YET ANOTHER of it's previously reliable voting blocs.

You are dreaming. Several have made statements reminding the people that there is no real cut but that the only cuts were made to the amount of increase. The people will realize it as things go on and nothing changes to affect their lives....

Whether they do or not, its the message that matters. And the GOP's message, whatever it really is, is coming across as putting the rich people's concerns far and above any other issue.

Because it is what people like YOU keep repeating over and over again, even though it is not true... you and your ilk who are completely against equal treatment because such a thing has other people paying for goods and services for you, at the hands of government
This is gonna crush the GOP.

Military cuts are coming. And the left is going to blame the GOP, saying "They sacrificed funding for the troops all so the elite rich of this country didn't pay a penny more towards the debt".

The Dems will win that message. And many in the military will not necessarily turn Democrat, but, they'll be pissed enough to tell Republicans to fuck off.

And the GOP will have successfully alienated YET ANOTHER of it's previously reliable voting blocs.

You are dreaming. Several have made statements reminding the people that there is no real cut but that the only cuts were made to the amount of increase. The people will realize it as things go on and nothing changes to affect their lives....

Whether they do or not, its the message that matters. And the GOP's message, whatever it really is, is coming across as putting the rich people's concerns far and above any other issue.

The GOP agreed to tax increases for the rich at the beginning of the year. Duuuuh
Yeah right, people are going to elect democrats because they lie about the impact of a 2% cut in spending and the president pretends to be a helpless pawn in a political struggle. That looks real good.
Well, I correctly predicted that the ACA decision assured President Obama a second term. Welp...this will assure a Democratic majority in both houses of congress.

You can take that to the bank.


will you leave if you're wrong?

oh and, I have to ask-do you have that bookmark handy?
the Republicans will be blamed if the economy falls back into Recession - timeline to 2014 is already set.
the Republicans will be blamed if the economy falls back into Recession - timeline to 2014 is already set.

thats possible, but I am not sure. the bush shit will get old, even for no information voters like shallow.

6 years in, UE above 7%? if anyone believes at that point its still bush, then well, I will have to readjust my benchmark for the sheer stupidity of the amercian people.
Well, I correctly predicted that the ACA decision assured President Obama a second term. Welp...this will assure a Democratic majority in both houses of congress.

You can take that to the bank.

Didn't obama say he would veto any bill that would stop his sequestration. That really isn't a question it's a statement of fact.
Has anyone older than 40 ever seen such a freaking bunch of whiners as the current a-holes in the democrat party? I think I might puke if I hear them complain one more time about the unfairness of only controlling 2/3 of the government. The senate majority leader's strategy was simple enough, do nothing. As a matter of fact it has always been his strategy. The president thought he could bluff the citizens but he only bluffed the ignorant true believers and he came off as a whiny petulant lying SOB.

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