the US admitted 23,000 refugees in 2017. only 2,000 have been admitted this year. thanks Trump!

I tole ya.

I tole ya and tole ya and tole ya.

This election was about Mexicans and Muslims.

The U.S. Has Accepted Only 11 Syrian Refugees This Year

"The U.S. Has Accepted Only 11 Syrian Refugees This Year

"April 12, 201811:49 PM ET..."

"The Trump administration retaliated Saturday against Syria's suspected chemical weapons attack, launching missiles with France and the U.K. targeting Syrian regime facilities.

"'This is about humanity, and it cannot be allowed to happen,' President Trump said earlier last week, pledging a forceful response to Syrian President Bashar Assad's aggressions.

"But humanitarian organizations are challenging the president's commitment to humanity when it comes to Syrian civilians — particularly those seeking refuge in the United States."

What other country on the planet is more responsible for Syrian refugees than
11 too many.
The End is Near.

Decline of ‘White’ America Is An Issue For Today - The Coveners League
So what do you think will result, assuming whites stop fucking as this bogus chart assumes.
The U.S. Has Accepted Only 11 Syrian Refugees This Year

"The U.S. Has Accepted Only 11 Syrian Refugees This Year

"April 12, 201811:49 PM ET..."

"The Trump administration retaliated Saturday against Syria's suspected chemical weapons attack, launching missiles with France and the U.K. targeting Syrian regime facilities.

"'This is about humanity, and it cannot be allowed to happen,' President Trump said earlier last week, pledging a forceful response to Syrian President Bashar Assad's aggressions.

"But humanitarian organizations are challenging the president's commitment to humanity when it comes to Syrian civilians — particularly those seeking refuge in the United States."

What other country on the planet is more responsible for Syrian refugees than
11 too many.
The End is Near.

Decline of ‘White’ America Is An Issue For Today - The Coveners League
So what do you think will result, assuming whites stop fucking as this bogus chart assumes.
I think white privilege will be as dead as Barbara Bush.

Decline of ‘White’ America Is An Issue For Today - The Coveners League

"'The United States hit an important benchmark in 2011 that many Americans might have missed. That was the first year more minority babies were born than white babies.' This is the chilling opening of an article written by Voices of America, a multimedia publication funded by the United States Government.

"This article goes on to explain how the demographic shift in America is transforming at present with projections showing that in another 30 years, European whites will no longer be the majority in the US. We urge you to look at the full article especially the wonderful infographic map towards the bottom which demonstrates the stark decrease of majority white counties over the last 30 years."

What do you think?
I think white privilege will be as dead as Barbara Bush.
The is no such thing as white privilege unless you think there is black privilege in African nations. Answer that.
White colonial privilege seems to define large parts of Africa:

"Some days, I try to forget that I am a white man on a black continent. But you can’t. Each day you are reminded by barefoot children, by beggars on street corners, by taxi drivers, by the places you shop, the company you keep. At least in the African contexts I am most familiar with, Malawi and the Great Lakes region, you cannot in any real sense escape the social status your skin colour traps you within."
My skin colour represents privilege and status. But it makes me an outsider too | Pádraic MacOireachtaigh

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