The US has spent nearly $6,000,000,000,000 on wars that have killed over 500,000 people.

>Islam is a death cult bent on world domination
>so lets kill them all and dominate the world, in the name of christ
That's trillion with a T kids and just since 9/11.*
The United States has spent nearly $6 trillion on wars that directly contributed to the deaths of around 500,000 people since the 9/11 attacks of 2001.

Brown University's Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs published its annual "Costs of War" report Wednesday, taking into consideration the Pentagon's spending and its Overseas Contingency Operations account, as well as "war-related spending by the Department of State, past and obligated spending for war veterans’ care, interest on the debt incurred to pay for the wars, and the prevention of and response to terrorism by the Department of Homeland Security."

The final count revealed, "The United States has appropriated and is obligated to spend an estimated $5.9 trillion (in current dollars) on the war on terror through Fiscal Year 2019, including direct war and war-related spending and obligations for future spending on post 9/11 war veterans."

"In sum, high costs in war and war-related spending pose a national security concern because they are unsustainable," the report concluded. "The public would be better served by increased transparency and by the development of a comprehensive strategy to end the wars and deal with other urgent national security priorities."

U.S. has spent $6 trillion on wars that killed 500,000 people since 9/11, a report says

I believe those are conservative numbers.

Incorrectly reported on purpose.


Don't let them fool you. Trump is the real Hitler, not those that came before him.

uh try he is no different than those warmonger criminal presidents before him Obama and Bush.
Too much shit happens without my approval.
Americans by and large have no clue what our CIA black ops are up to at any given time, until a few of us see the redacted files 25 years later, if ever. Panama, Chile, Afghanistan in the 70's...the list goes on for fucking ever.

For oever a year I really thought Trump was the answer and was different than traiters Bush and Obama because unlike those two there was nothing on Trumps resume of any evidence he had long standing ties to the CIA.He must though based on his actions,its just unlike those two clowns he has been brilliant in hiding them from the public.same as fellow traiters Bush and obama their latest puppet warmonger is doing the same as them,kissing that corrupt organizations ass as well as Israels. fuck you traiter trump.
Too much shit happens without my approval.
Americans by and large have no clue what our CIA black ops are up to at any given time, until a few of us see the redacted files 25 years later, if ever. Panama, Chile, Afghanistan in the 70's...the list goes on for fucking ever.

For oever a year I really thought Trump was the answer and was different than traiters Bush and Obama because unlike those two there was nothing on Trumps resume of any evidence he had long standing ties to the CIA.He must though based on his actions,its just unlike those two clowns he has been brilliant in hiding them from the public.same as fellow traiters Bush and obama their latest puppet warmonger is doing the same as them,kissing that corrupt organizations ass as well as Israels. fuck you traiter trump.
CNN has more traitors than Trump's White House, by that standard.
6 trillion dollars to track down and kill a guy who supposedly lived in a cave sounds like a real bargain to me. .... :rolleyes:

yet we STILL have american sheep who think incredibly that somehow a man in a cave was able to bypass the most sophisticated military in the country.:cuckoo:

Beam me up scotty,there is no intelligent life on this planet.:rolleyes: seriously.HOW could there be so many fucking morons in the world incapable of thinking for themselves or outside the box?:rolleyes:
Too much shit happens without my approval.
Americans by and large have no clue what our CIA black ops are up to at any given time, until a few of us see the redacted files 25 years later, if ever. Panama, Chile, Afghanistan in the 70's...the list goes on for fucking ever.

For oever a year I really thought Trump was the answer and was different than traiters Bush and Obama because unlike those two there was nothing on Trumps resume of any evidence he had long standing ties to the CIA.He must though based on his actions,its just unlike those two clowns he has been brilliant in hiding them from the public.same as fellow traiters Bush and obama their latest puppet warmonger is doing the same as them,kissing that corrupt organizations ass as well as Israels. fuck you traiter trump.
CNN has more traitors than Trump's White House, by that standard.

well thats something else the sheep have been brainwashed into thinking over the years along with the biggest lie ever invented that this is a free country that the LAMESTREAM media ever does any investigating when they are nothing but a TOOL for the government,there to serve their own purposes and if you dont do as they tell you in reporting,you are lucky if you ONLY end up losing your job. if thats all you lose you are VERY fortunate and have plenty to be grateful for.
Too much shit happens without my approval.
Americans by and large have no clue what our CIA black ops are up to at any given time, until a few of us see the redacted files 25 years later, if ever. Panama, Chile, Afghanistan in the 70's...the list goes on for fucking ever.

For oever a year I really thought Trump was the answer and was different than traiters Bush and Obama because unlike those two there was nothing on Trumps resume of any evidence he had long standing ties to the CIA.He must though based on his actions,its just unlike those two clowns he has been brilliant in hiding them from the public.same as fellow traiters Bush and obama their latest puppet warmonger is doing the same as them,kissing that corrupt organizations ass as well as Israels. fuck you traiter trump.

Not exactly. Anyone who was paying attention in the early months of his administration should have noticed that the powers that be wanted to invade Syria. Ya know, to save the children. MSM, especially CNN was churning out ridiculously transparent anti-Assad propaganda like there was no tomorrow. But Trump didn't cave to the pressure, not completely anyway.

Instead of an invasion, he authorized the bombing of a airfield and nobody was killed. At the press conference that day you could see he didn't like it, and his neocon advisers standing in the background were super disappointed that they didn't get the war they wanted.

Now that his administration has been completely compromised and he's reduced to little more than a figurehead thanks to the hoax Russian collusion conspiracy theory, all bets are off.
That is a bit more expensive than it needs to be.

Perhaps we should quit using precision weapons and just carpet-bomb instead. That would be cheaper. And we'd get a lot more kills for the buck.
I wonder what the average age of the bonehead so-called conservatives in this thread promoting endless war in the middle east is? I bet they all fall into the baby boomer demographic.

The sheep here never have any answers for this fact here,they just go into insult mode all the time with their tin foil hat crap dismissing it since those facts are too complicated for them to comprehend.:rolleyes:

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