The US House’s Weekly Expansion of the Definition of Antisemitism

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
Two pieces of recent legislation here in the form of declaration. The first being last week when the United States House of Representatives declared that ''denying Israel’s right to exist'' is antisemitism.

Here's that first piece of legislation...

H.Res. 888

'' interpretation divergent from the common meaning of the word that relates to making certain judgments based on the perceived ancestry or religion of people, not to having certain opinions about a government.''

Here's the second piece of legislation from a couple of days ago, declaring that antizionism is also antisemitism...

H.Res. 894

''Then, on Tuesday, the House again defied common understanding of the meaning of antisemitism by declaring through approval of H.Res. 894 that antizionism is also antisemitism. Who do these House members voting for these resolutions think they are? Noah Webster?''

''Both US House declared expansions of the definition of antisemitism are convenient for congressional leaders devoted to the Israel government and desperate to maintain US government support for Israel’s ongoing war effort despite the American people opposing such support from early on. Zionism is an argument for the political objective of giving support to the Israel government. Thus, Tuesday’s definition expansion seems to have the same purpose as the definition expansion last week — countering resistance to the US government supporting the Israel government and Israel’s war effort.''


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Do you see where this is going?

Be careful what you ask for. Because you will surely get it.

And it is only the beginning. I'm of the view that that this entire operation serves to pave the path for something far, far more repugnant to the fabric of our Republic than the Patriot Act ever was.

Sadly, and predictably, the people will love them for it. Historically speaking.
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Leftist dems be like:


Domestic terrorism. White supremacy. Insurrection. Hate Speech. Could keep going.

And they will.

Once the practice is normalized and accepted, they'll all be arbitrarily defined by declaration. And equally as broadly and arbitrarily as was done here if the usefulness in it supports their agendas, whether it be expelling members from congress who disagree with their policies or whether it be putting a boot on your speech and gun rights and whatever else they see an an obstacle to their desire for full spectrum dominance over America and its electorate.
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Two pieces of recent legislation here in the form of declaration. The first being last week when the United States House of Representatives declared that ''denying Israel’s right to exist'' is antisemitism.

Here's that first piece of legislation...

H.Res. 888

'' interpretation divergent from the common meaning of the word that relates to making certain judgments based on the perceived ancestry or religion of people, not to having certain opinions about a government.''

Here's the second piece of legislation from a couple of days ago, declaring that antizionism is also antisemitism...

H.Res. 894

''Then, on Tuesday, the House again defied common understanding of the meaning of antisemitism by declaring through approval of H.Res. 894 that antizionism is also antisemitism. Who do these House members voting for these resolutions think they are? Noah Webster?''

''Both US House declared expansions of the definition of antisemitism are convenient for congressional leaders devoted to the Israel government and desperate to maintain US government support for Israel’s ongoing war effort despite the American people opposing such support from early on. Zionism is an argument for the political objective of giving support to the Israel government. Thus, Tuesday’s definition expansion seems to have the same purpose as the definition expansion last week — countering resistance to the US government supporting the Israel government and Israel’s war effort.''


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The U.S. government voting almost unanimously to condemn criticism of the Israeli government's actions unconditionally really feeds into several anti-semitic tropes.
The U.S. government voting almost unanimously to condemn criticism of the Israeli government's actions unconditionally really feeds into several anti-semitic tropes.

I'm of the view that no dual citizen should be permitted to hold office in American government. Especially the federal government. The conflict of interest is much too obvious and great. Particularly given the level of geo-political corruption and turmoil that they always seek to involve us in, whether it be to serve as the piggy bank or a foreign voice in American say so from within.

To borrow one of their own popular invocations, ''pick a side.'' Or..."you're either with us or against us." You can't play both sides of the fence. You're either a foreign agent or a representative of the American electorate who upholds the oath taken to protect and defend the Constitution, rather than to function as its adversary in the interest of foreign entities.

Given the way these declarations are being invoked I think it's rather clear that the American electorate and the very Constitution for which these scoundrels took an oath to protect and defend are being set up as the target of those interests in which these so-called representatives for the American electorate really seem to be serving.
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Do you see where this is going?

Be careful what you ask for. Because you will surely get it.

And it is only the beginning. I'm of the view that that this entire operation serves to pave the path for something far, far more repugnant to the fabric of our Republic than the Patriot Act ever was.

Sadly, and predictably, the people will love them for it. Historically speaking.
The crazy part is you can't feel safe having these conversations but in private. You have the wrong opinion and they'll try to take your rice and beans away.
The truth about Jews is that they tend to be intelligence, successful, and prosperous. The truth about antisemitism is that the resent Jews for those reasons.

Did you cheer when Israel attacked ship and crew USS Liberty?

Fascists are smart. It takes intelligence to see through their propaganda, an IQ over 5, which SUBS lack...
Did you cheer when Israel attacked ship and crew USS Liberty?

Fascists are smart. It takes intelligence to see through their propaganda, an IQ over 5, which SUBS lack...
No. I felt regret, not anger. It was friendly fire. That happens in wartime.
The crazy part is you can't feel safe having these conversations but in private. You have the wrong opinion and they'll try to take your rice and beans away.
Well, they're gonna have to pack a lunch. Because not everyone is so wiling to sacrifice their speech rights and participate in the coercion in order to placate rabid statists. Unfortunately, and observably, however, many are very willing to walk into their own collar and leash, and seem to want to do so as an act of heroism, much along the lines of how such historical acts of tyranny come packaged under the banner of a so-called ''Patriot Act.'' It's what makes today's useful idiot so valuable to the modern tyrant. Particularly in the digital age where people are so easily led and...oh..managed? Is that the right word?

I think that the next step in the operation will be to try to define ''antisemitism'' as ''violence.'' Watch and see.

Which ultimately will render the narrative of the the First Amendment itself as an act of violence and therefore eligible for the chopping block.

In fact, we're already seeing that narrative take shape since the universities have been been strategically coerced into offering this position as a ''solution,'' predictably, since the NGOs have been so active in inciting the turmoil from within them. The long march through the institutions rings a bell.

For instance...

To fight antisemitism on campuses, we must restrict speech

You see?

Anyway. I do not think that the majority of Americans who are participating in this particular brand of coercion understand their role in it. They certainly do not grasp the consequence. And we're literally seeing it play out in broad daylight.

None of this is by accident, of course.
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There is no reason I would have cheered it. There is no reason the Israelis would have done it intentionally. Your hatred of the Jews clouds your reasoning ability.


The Holocaust was an "accident." Hitler wanted new pesticides tested on insects, but his minions tested it on Jews behind his back....

This should be a death penalty act of treason, to call the USS Liberty an "accident."
If people single out Jews as the one people in this entire world who cannot be allowed to exercise self-determination, there is no possibility EXCEPT that they are an antisemite.

How many Arab states are there again? How much land do they control?

One tiny little Jewish state, though, and antisemite's heads explode.

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