The US is the laughing stock of the world

The fact that Donald Trump is the Presidential nominee of a major political party has the rest of the world laughing at the US. If he is elected the whole world including all in the US will not be laughing but scared to death of what he might do.

How can a human being with such low moral character be seriously considered for the Presidency of our great nation.
He is a narcissistic snake oil salesman. How can so many Americans be buying the lies he uses to suck them in. I did not think there were that many stupid people in the US.
As an American - I am embarrassed.
As an American businessman - I am embarrassed.
As a old white man (his core contingency) - I am embarrassed.

Then by all means, vote for Hitlery, the pillar of morality......

Neither are any better then the other. Trump will have his moment with pics just like the one you posted. It will be a bombed out mud hut with dead children all over the place. You present it like it's a choice between the lesser of two evils, when it's really a choice between the same evils. Neither of our choices are any better then the other . we are screwed.
Yeap, and I am thinking the preppers are the ones that we should be listening to. Not kidding.

Yup. Bullets, Beans and bandaids. We are screwed badly. This election is like making a choice about how we will kill our selves.

I have serious doubts that there will even be an election. I believe that a huge financial collapse is on the horizon. I have stocked up so at least me and my son won't!
The fact that Donald Trump is the Presidential nominee of a major political party has the rest of the world laughing at the US. If he is elected the whole world including all in the US will not be laughing but scared to death of what he might do.

How can a human being with such low moral character be seriously considered for the Presidency of our great nation.
He is a narcissistic snake oil salesman. How can so many Americans be buying the lies he uses to suck them in. I did not think there were that many stupid people in the US.
As an American - I am embarrassed.
As an American businessman - I am embarrassed.
As a old white man (his core contingency) - I am embarrassed.

You're kidding me. You support Hillary and you attack Trump for having "low moral character?"

Gotta agree with ya on that. "Moral character" and "Politition" are two words that mix like oil and water.
I agree that moral character is not something many politicians are strong on but Trump has taken it to a new level.

The fact that Donald Trump is the Presidential nominee of a major political party has the rest of the world laughing at the US. If he is elected the whole world including all in the US will not be laughing but scared to death of what he might do.

How can a human being with such low moral character be seriously considered for the Presidency of our great nation.
He is a narcissistic snake oil salesman. How can so many Americans be buying the lies he uses to suck them in. I did not think there were that many stupid people in the US.
As an American - I am embarrassed.
As an American businessman - I am embarrassed.
As a old white man (his core contingency) - I am embarrassed.
----------------------------- I like that the laughter is already turning into fear . Already happening according to mrobama . mrobama says in a speech that the eurotype leaders are rattled and are peeing their pants due to the rise of Da Trump . I'm hoping to hear President Trump announce that the bombing of 'mecca' starts in 5 minutes at his inauguration Elmer .

Spoken like a true Trump supporter with all the characteristics of a Trump supporter but heavy on the ignorance.
You could qualify for cabinet position; maybe secretary of defense
--------------------------- I'm just a blue collar American , pretty much the same thing as the TRUMP if I read him correctly Elmer .
This is an election between America and the UN. Choose wisely if you value your rights.

If you think for a second Trump will some how protect your rights you are duped. Right down the line he has and does agree with HRC on every topic. He just tells diffrence lies to achieve the same goal. He was supposed to be anti establishment, yet he is cozy with all the RINO's. And he still won't say anything other then "I'm rich, I make wonderful deals, I'm rich". A vote for Trump is a vote for Billery.

I think Trump is a real crap shoot. More democrat than republican, able to flip on a dime, but with a heart for America.
Hitlery is a UN representative who plans to continue sending our wealth abroad. I believe she helped have Stevens murdered because he knew she and Obama were bankrolling and supplying arms to a small vicious terror group to take out the Syrian gov. that we have since named ISIS. Hence the need for an off the grid e-mail system. I look at Donald Trump and see pro American. I look at the Clintons and see evil.

I see an opportunist when I look at Donald. He has lots of splaning to do before I pull the lever for him. He needs to explain why he has flipped almost every opinion he has had his whole life in the public and why he would not flip again if he got the oval oraface.

You'll never get what you want. He could and may flip again. He is an opportunist. But I truly believe that if he sees an opportunity to strengthen our country, he'll exploit it. He said he wants us out of the UN. He may flip. He may not. But the alternative shouts that she is UN. Global Initiative. And just said that in order to build up the Pacific Rim jobs would necessarily have to leave America. She is an extension of Obama who is an extension of Soros. Soros prides himself in taking down countries, not building them up. This is a last gasp election for the soverignty of our country.

Trump does not know what strength is; he attempts to show strength through putting other people down in an attempt to put himself up.He exaggerates his accomplishments. All signs of real insecurity.
His constituents who buy his charade are very insecure. They feel strength is bombing the sh*t out of whoever you want is strength.
White males who the world has passed them by. Trump will not be able to turn the clock back.
The fact that Donald Trump is the Presidential nominee of a major political party has the rest of the world laughing at the US. If he is elected the whole world including all in the US will not be laughing but scared to death of what he might do.

How can a human being with such low moral character be seriously considered for the Presidency of our great nation.
He is a narcissistic snake oil salesman. How can so many Americans be buying the lies he uses to suck them in. I did not think there were that many stupid people in the US.
As an American - I am embarrassed.
As an American businessman - I am embarrassed.
As a old white man (his core contingency) - I am embarrassed.
----------------------------- I like that the laughter is already turning into fear . Already happening according to mrobama . mrobama says in a speech that the eurotype leaders are rattled and are peeing their pants due to the rise of Da Trump . I'm hoping to hear President Trump announce that the bombing of 'mecca' starts in 5 minutes at his inauguration Elmer .

Spoken like a true Trump supporter with all the characteristics of a Trump supporter but heavy on the ignorance.
You could qualify for cabinet position; maybe secretary of defense
--------------------------- I'm just a blue collar American , pretty much the same thing as the TRUMP if I read him correctly Elmer .

He sure seems like a regular guy. I have heard stories of how free he is when it comes to tipping people and helping them out. He went to the kitchen of a restaurant he really likes and passed out 100 dollar bills to the staff. I could never see Hitlery do anything like that.
The fact that Donald Trump is the Presidential nominee of a major political party has the rest of the world laughing at the US. If he is elected the whole world including all in the US will not be laughing but scared to death of what he might do.

How can a human being with such low moral character be seriously considered for the Presidency of our great nation.
He is a narcissistic snake oil salesman. How can so many Americans be buying the lies he uses to suck them in. I did not think there were that many stupid people in the US.
As an American - I am embarrassed.
As an American businessman - I am embarrassed.
As a old white man (his core contingency) - I am embarrassed.

Then by all means, vote for Hitlery, the pillar of morality......

Neither are any better then the other. Trump will have his moment with pics just like the one you posted. It will be a bombed out mud hut with dead children all over the place. You present it like it's a choice between the lesser of two evils, when it's really a choice between the same evils. Neither of our choices are any better then the other . we are screwed.
Yeap, and I am thinking the preppers are the ones that we should be listening to. Not kidding.
------------------------- yep , the prepared will be in better shape than the unprepared ehh Owl .
To be honest, I am no saint. So, I am pretty much screwed all around.
This is an election between America and the UN. Choose wisely if you value your rights.

If you think for a second Trump will some how protect your rights you are duped. Right down the line he has and does agree with HRC on every topic. He just tells diffrence lies to achieve the same goal. He was supposed to be anti establishment, yet he is cozy with all the RINO's. And he still won't say anything other then "I'm rich, I make wonderful deals, I'm rich". A vote for Trump is a vote for Billery.

I think Trump is a real crap shoot. More democrat than republican, able to flip on a dime, but with a heart for America.
Hitlery is a UN representative who plans to continue sending our wealth abroad. I believe she helped have Stevens murdered because he knew she and Obama were bankrolling and supplying arms to a small vicious terror group to take out the Syrian gov. that we have since named ISIS. Hence the need for an off the grid e-mail system. I look at Donald Trump and see pro American. I look at the Clintons and see evil.

I see an opportunist when I look at Donald. He has lots of splaning to do before I pull the lever for him. He needs to explain why he has flipped almost every opinion he has had his whole life in the public and why he would not flip again if he got the oval oraface.

You'll never get what you want. He could and may flip again. He is an opportunist. But I truly believe that if he sees an opportunity to strengthen our country, he'll exploit it. He said he wants us out of the UN. He may flip. He may not. But the alternative shouts that she is UN. Global Initiative. And just said that in order to build up the Pacific Rim jobs would necessarily have to leave America. She is an extension of Obama who is an extension of Soros. Soros prides himself in taking down countries, not building them up. This is a last gasp election for the soverignty of our country.

Trump does not know what strength is; he attempts to show strength through putting other people down in an attempt to put himself up.He exaggerates his accomplishments. All signs of real insecurity.
His constituents who buy his charade are very insecure. They feel strength is bombing the sh*t out of whoever you want is strength.
White males who the world has passed them by. Trump will not be able to turn the clock back.
And there's the rub...


Liberals really are a cancer on our nation.
The fact that Donald Trump is the Presidential nominee of a major political party has the rest of the world laughing at the US. If he is elected the whole world including all in the US will not be laughing but scared to death of what he might do.

How can a human being with such low moral character be seriously considered for the Presidency of our great nation.
He is a narcissistic snake oil salesman. How can so many Americans be buying the lies he uses to suck them in. I did not think there were that many stupid people in the US.
As an American - I am embarrassed.
As an American businessman - I am embarrassed.
As a old white man (his core contingency) - I am embarrassed.

Then by all means, vote for Hitlery, the pillar of morality......

Neither are any better then the other. Trump will have his moment with pics just like the one you posted. It will be a bombed out mud hut with dead children all over the place. You present it like it's a choice between the lesser of two evils, when it's really a choice between the same evils. Neither of our choices are any better then the other . we are screwed.
Yeap, and I am thinking the preppers are the ones that we should be listening to. Not kidding.

Yup. Bullets, Beans and bandaids. We are screwed badly. This election is like making a choice about how we will kill our selves.

I have serious doubts that there will even be an election. I believe that a huge financial collapse is on the horizon. I have stocked up so at least me and my son won't!
--------------------- Makes sense , sounds like my parents and Grandparents , Actually lt sounds like all Americans that have any sense Dale . Stocking up and being prepared is smart .
This is an election between America and the UN. Choose wisely if you value your rights.

If you think for a second Trump will some how protect your rights you are duped. Right down the line he has and does agree with HRC on every topic. He just tells diffrence lies to achieve the same goal. He was supposed to be anti establishment, yet he is cozy with all the RINO's. And he still won't say anything other then "I'm rich, I make wonderful deals, I'm rich". A vote for Trump is a vote for Billery.

I think Trump is a real crap shoot. More democrat than republican, able to flip on a dime, but with a heart for America.
Hitlery is a UN representative who plans to continue sending our wealth abroad. I believe she helped have Stevens murdered because he knew she and Obama were bankrolling and supplying arms to a small vicious terror group to take out the Syrian gov. that we have since named ISIS. Hence the need for an off the grid e-mail system. I look at Donald Trump and see pro American. I look at the Clintons and see evil.

I see an opportunist when I look at Donald. He has lots of splaning to do before I pull the lever for him. He needs to explain why he has flipped almost every opinion he has had his whole life in the public and why he would not flip again if he got the oval oraface.

You'll never get what you want. He could and may flip again. He is an opportunist. But I truly believe that if he sees an opportunity to strengthen our country, he'll exploit it. He said he wants us out of the UN. He may flip. He may not. But the alternative shouts that she is UN. Global Initiative. And just said that in order to build up the Pacific Rim jobs would necessarily have to leave America. She is an extension of Obama who is an extension of Soros. Soros prides himself in taking down countries, not building them up. This is a last gasp election for the soverignty of our country.

Trump does not know what strength is; he attempts to show strength through putting other people down in an attempt to put himself up.He exaggerates his accomplishments. All signs of real insecurity.
His constituents who buy his charade are very insecure. They feel strength is bombing the sh*t out of whoever you want is strength.
White males who the world has passed them by. Trump will not be able to turn the clock back.

Bombing folks as well as getting rid of illegals who are stealing their jobs. They will be much like Bamma voters who realized they would still have to pay rent, buy gas, pay for a phone. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. On a good note, maybe that fag Hannity and his campaign staff at Fox will get fired and move to MSNBC where they belong.
The fact that Donald Trump is the Presidential nominee of a major political party has the rest of the world laughing at the US. If he is elected the whole world including all in the US will not be laughing but scared to death of what he might do.

How can a human being with such low moral character be seriously considered for the Presidency of our great nation.
He is a narcissistic snake oil salesman. How can so many Americans be buying the lies he uses to suck them in. I did not think there were that many stupid people in the US.
As an American - I am embarrassed.
As an American businessman - I am embarrassed.
As a old white man (his core contingency) - I am embarrassed.

Get used to it. The Public is tired of the Political Class fucking them over. They say one thing, and then do the other. And the "other" invariably screws the middle class. The American Public has had enough and there is a revolution coming. I am hopeful it will be confined to a political one as opposed to a shooting one. The determiner of that will be the extent to which the Political Class will be willing to go to maintain their power.
This is an election between America and the UN. Choose wisely if you value your rights.

If you think for a second Trump will some how protect your rights you are duped. Right down the line he has and does agree with HRC on every topic. He just tells diffrence lies to achieve the same goal. He was supposed to be anti establishment, yet he is cozy with all the RINO's. And he still won't say anything other then "I'm rich, I make wonderful deals, I'm rich". A vote for Trump is a vote for Billery.

He has guns. I have guns.
He is opposed to illegal immigration.
He sees Syrian resettlement as a risk to our security.
For American jobs vs Mexican jobs.
Chance he may flip or not flip. 50/50
But on those issues, I don't think he will. Hillary has no need to flip. She has made it clear she is for the opposite of those 4 things. 3 of those things have the potential to destroy our country if not stopped. She is Obama to the core.

As for my guns... I'll keep them, and the 2nd. Amendment, thank you very much. And no, I don't need 30 rounds to kill a deer, but Paul Revere never said, "The deer are coming."
The fact that Donald Trump is the Presidential nominee of a major political party has the rest of the world laughing at the US. If he is elected the whole world including all in the US will not be laughing but scared to death of what he might do.

How can a human being with such low moral character be seriously considered for the Presidency of our great nation.
He is a narcissistic snake oil salesman. How can so many Americans be buying the lies he uses to suck them in. I did not think there were that many stupid people in the US.
As an American - I am embarrassed.
As an American businessman - I am embarrassed.
As a old white man (his core contingency) - I am embarrassed.
As an American you are a deluded self loathing troll.
The fact that Donald Trump is the Presidential nominee of a major political party has the rest of the world laughing at the US. If he is elected the whole world including all in the US will not be laughing but scared to death of what he might do.

How can a human being with such low moral character be seriously considered for the Presidency of our great nation.
He is a narcissistic snake oil salesman. How can so many Americans be buying the lies he uses to suck them in. I did not think there were that many stupid people in the US.
As an American - I am embarrassed.
As an American businessman - I am embarrassed.
As a old white man (his core contingency) - I am embarrassed.
As an American you are a deluded self loathing troll.

Real Patriots don't give a rats ass what others think of OUR choices.
People like you are the only embarrassment our nation has to endure

I love the fact that Trump supporters come out and prove their ignorance and arrogance through their statements.
You cannot describe them better than they describe themselves through statement like the one above.
One clarification, it is not what others think it is what I think, IDIOT.
The fact that Donald Trump is the Presidential nominee of a major political party has the rest of the world laughing at the US. If he is elected the whole world including all in the US will not be laughing but scared to death of what he might do.

How can a human being with such low moral character be seriously considered for the Presidency of our great nation.
He is a narcissistic snake oil salesman. How can so many Americans be buying the lies he uses to suck them in. I did not think there were that many stupid people in the US.
As an American - I am embarrassed.
As an American businessman - I am embarrassed.
As a old white man (his core contingency) - I am embarrassed.
----------------------------- I like that the laughter is already turning into fear . Already happening according to mrobama . mrobama says in a speech that the eurotype leaders are rattled and are peeing their pants due to the rise of Da Trump . I'm hoping to hear President Trump announce that the bombing of 'mecca' starts in 5 minutes at his inauguration Elmer .

Spoken like a true Trump supporter with all the characteristics of a Trump supporter but heavy on the ignorance.
You could qualify for cabinet position; maybe secretary of defense
--------------------------- I'm just a blue collar American , pretty much the same thing as the TRUMP if I read him correctly Elmer .
You think Trump is like a blue collar American? I DON'T THINK SO.
The fact that Donald Trump is the Presidential nominee of a major political party has the rest of the world laughing at the US. If he is elected the whole world including all in the US will not be laughing but scared to death of what he might do.

How can a human being with such low moral character be seriously considered for the Presidency of our great nation.
He is a narcissistic snake oil salesman. How can so many Americans be buying the lies he uses to suck them in. I did not think there were that many stupid people in the US.
As an American - I am embarrassed.
As an American businessman - I am embarrassed.
As a old white man (his core contingency) - I am embarrassed.
As an American you are a deluded self loathing troll.
The fact that Donald Trump is the Presidential nominee of a major political party has the rest of the world laughing at the US. If he is elected the whole world including all in the US will not be laughing but scared to death of what he might do.

How can a human being with such low moral character be seriously considered for the Presidency of our great nation.
He is a narcissistic snake oil salesman. How can so many Americans be buying the lies he uses to suck them in. I did not think there were that many stupid people in the US.
As an American - I am embarrassed.
As an American businessman - I am embarrassed.
As a old white man (his core contingency) - I am embarrassed.
As an American you are a deluded self loathing troll.

Real Patriots don't give a rats ass what others think of OUR choices.
People like you are the only embarrassment our nation has to endure

I love the fact that Trump supporters come out and prove their ignorance and arrogance through their statements.
You cannot describe them better than they describe themselves through statement like the one above.
One clarification, it is not what others think it is what I think, IDIOT.
Since I don't support Trump I guess that makes YOU the only idiot here.
The fact that Donald Trump is the Presidential nominee of a major political party has the rest of the world laughing at the US. If he is elected the whole world including all in the US will not be laughing but scared to death of what he might do.

How can a human being with such low moral character be seriously considered for the Presidency of our great nation.
He is a narcissistic snake oil salesman. How can so many Americans be buying the lies he uses to suck them in. I did not think there were that many stupid people in the US.
As an American - I am embarrassed.
As an American businessman - I am embarrassed.
As a old white man (his core contingency) - I am embarrassed.
As an American you are a deluded self loathing troll.
The fact that Donald Trump is the Presidential nominee of a major political party has the rest of the world laughing at the US. If he is elected the whole world including all in the US will not be laughing but scared to death of what he might do.

How can a human being with such low moral character be seriously considered for the Presidency of our great nation.
He is a narcissistic snake oil salesman. How can so many Americans be buying the lies he uses to suck them in. I did not think there were that many stupid people in the US.
As an American - I am embarrassed.
As an American businessman - I am embarrassed.
As a old white man (his core contingency) - I am embarrassed.
As an American you are a deluded self loathing troll.

Real Patriots don't give a rats ass what others think of OUR choices.
People like you are the only embarrassment our nation has to endure

I love the fact that Trump supporters come out and prove their ignorance and arrogance through their statements.
You cannot describe them better than they describe themselves through statement like the one above.
One clarification, it is not what others think it is what I think, IDIOT.

Just like you hitlery supporters do with yours. Amazing how that works. And I'm not a Trump supporter. I'm a Bernie supporter. But given the choice between Trump or Hitlery I'll chose Trump. He at least is an unknown quantity. Hitlery will sell this country out in a New York second if it makes her a buck.
This is an election between America and the UN. Choose wisely if you value your rights.

If you think for a second Trump will some how protect your rights you are duped. Right down the line he has and does agree with HRC on every topic. He just tells diffrence lies to achieve the same goal. He was supposed to be anti establishment, yet he is cozy with all the RINO's. And he still won't say anything other then "I'm rich, I make wonderful deals, I'm rich". A vote for Trump is a vote for Billery.

He has guns. I have guns.
He is opposed to illegal immigration.
He sees Syrian resettlement as a risk to our security.
For American jobs vs Mexican jobs.
Chance he may flip or not flip. 50/50
But on those issues, I don't think he will. Hillary has no need to flip. She has made it clear she is for the opposite of those 4 things. 3 of those things have the potential to destroy our country if not stopped. She is Obama to the core.

As for my guns... I'll keep them, and the 2nd. Amendment, thank you very much. And no, I don't need 30 rounds to kill a deer, but Paul Revere never said, "The deer are coming."

LOL!!!! Greatness!!!!! Love that last line!!!!!
The fact that Donald Trump is the Presidential nominee of a major political party has the rest of the world laughing at the US. If he is elected the whole world including all in the US will not be laughing but scared to death of what he might do.

How can a human being with such low moral character be seriously considered for the Presidency of our great nation.
He is a narcissistic snake oil salesman. How can so many Americans be buying the lies he uses to suck them in. I did not think there were that many stupid people in the US.
As an American - I am embarrassed.
As an American businessman - I am embarrassed.
As a old white man (his core contingency) - I am embarrassed.
----------------------------- I like that the laughter is already turning into fear . Already happening according to mrobama . mrobama says in a speech that the eurotype leaders are rattled and are peeing their pants due to the rise of Da Trump . I'm hoping to hear President Trump announce that the bombing of 'mecca' starts in 5 minutes at his inauguration Elmer .

Spoken like a true Trump supporter with all the characteristics of a Trump supporter but heavy on the ignorance.
You could qualify for cabinet position; maybe secretary of defense
--------------------------- I'm just a blue collar American , pretty much the same thing as the TRUMP if I read him correctly Elmer .
You think Trump is like a blue collar American? I DON'T THINK SO.
----------------------- so he has some money , big deal . The words that he uses to express his thinking are MY words Elmer .
This is an election between America and the UN. Choose wisely if you value your rights.

If you think for a second Trump will some how protect your rights you are duped. Right down the line he has and does agree with HRC on every topic. He just tells diffrence lies to achieve the same goal. He was supposed to be anti establishment, yet he is cozy with all the RINO's. And he still won't say anything other then "I'm rich, I make wonderful deals, I'm rich". A vote for Trump is a vote for Billery.

He has guns. I have guns.
He is opposed to illegal immigration.
He sees Syrian resettlement as a risk to our security.
For American jobs vs Mexican jobs.
Chance he may flip or not flip. 50/50
But on those issues, I don't think he will. Hillary has no need to flip. She has made it clear she is for the opposite of those 4 things. 3 of those things have the potential to destroy our country if not stopped. She is Obama to the core.

As for my guns... I'll keep them, and the 2nd. Amendment, thank you very much. And no, I don't need 30 rounds to kill a deer, but Paul Revere never said, "The deer are coming."

I would hate to live in your world; a world driven by fear.

The world and our country has many challenges but it is not nearly as scary as you think.
This is an election between America and the UN. Choose wisely if you value your rights.

If you think for a second Trump will some how protect your rights you are duped. Right down the line he has and does agree with HRC on every topic. He just tells diffrence lies to achieve the same goal. He was supposed to be anti establishment, yet he is cozy with all the RINO's. And he still won't say anything other then "I'm rich, I make wonderful deals, I'm rich". A vote for Trump is a vote for Billery.

He has guns. I have guns.
He is opposed to illegal immigration.
He sees Syrian resettlement as a risk to our security.
For American jobs vs Mexican jobs.
Chance he may flip or not flip. 50/50
But on those issues, I don't think he will. Hillary has no need to flip. She has made it clear she is for the opposite of those 4 things. 3 of those things have the potential to destroy our country if not stopped. She is Obama to the core.

As for my guns... I'll keep them, and the 2nd. Amendment, thank you very much. And no, I don't need 30 rounds to kill a deer, but Paul Revere never said, "The deer are coming."

I would hate to live in your world; a world driven by fear.

The world and our country has many challenges but it is not nearly as scary as you think.
-------------------------- this guy Elmer is silly !!
and I think that he / Elmer claims to be an old guy . Geez , to live 70 years and to still think like a dem millennial would sure be discouraging to me !!

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