The US is the laughing stock of the world

The fact that Donald Trump is the Presidential nominee of a major political party has the rest of the world laughing at the US. If he is elected the whole world including all in the US will not be laughing but scared to death of what he might do.

How can a human being with such low moral character be seriously considered for the Presidency of our great nation.
He is a narcissistic snake oil salesman. How can so many Americans be buying the lies he uses to suck them in. I did not think there were that many stupid people in the US.
As an American - I am embarrassed.
As an American businessman - I am embarrassed.
As a old white man (his core contingency) - I am embarrassed.
----------------------------- I like that the laughter is already turning into fear . Already happening according to mrobama . mrobama says in a speech that the eurotype leaders are rattled and are peeing their pants due to the rise of Da Trump . I'm hoping to hear President Trump announce that the bombing of 'mecca' starts in 5 minutes at his inauguration Elmer .

Spoken like a true Trump supporter with all the characteristics of a Trump supporter but heavy on the ignorance.
You could qualify for cabinet position; maybe secretary of defense
--------------------------- I'm just a blue collar American , pretty much the same thing as the TRUMP if I read him correctly Elmer .
You think Trump is like a blue collar American? I DON'T THINK SO.
----------------------- so he has some money , big deal . The words that he uses to express his thinking are MY words Elmer .

Do you exaggerate your accomplishments. Do you put down and try to humiliate people you do not agree with? Do you change your mind daily?

I understand what you are saying. I was that way once, when I was in junior high.
The fact that Donald Trump is the Presidential nominee of a major political party has the rest of the world laughing at the US. If he is elected the whole world including all in the US will not be laughing but scared to death of what he might do.

How can a human being with such low moral character be seriously considered for the Presidency of our great nation.
He is a narcissistic snake oil salesman. How can so many Americans be buying the lies he uses to suck them in. I did not think there were that many stupid people in the US.
As an American - I am embarrassed.
As an American businessman - I am embarrassed.
As a old white man (his core contingency) - I am embarrassed.

DT tells his supporters what they want to hear; in the language they understand, the tone they want to listen to; they're selling and he's buying.
----------------------------- I like that the laughter is already turning into fear . Already happening according to mrobama . mrobama says in a speech that the eurotype leaders are rattled and are peeing their pants due to the rise of Da Trump . I'm hoping to hear President Trump announce that the bombing of 'mecca' starts in 5 minutes at his inauguration Elmer .

Spoken like a true Trump supporter with all the characteristics of a Trump supporter but heavy on the ignorance.
You could qualify for cabinet position; maybe secretary of defense
--------------------------- I'm just a blue collar American , pretty much the same thing as the TRUMP if I read him correctly Elmer .
You think Trump is like a blue collar American? I DON'T THINK SO.
----------------------- so he has some money , big deal . The words that he uses to express his thinking are MY words Elmer .

Do you exaggerate your accomplishments. Do you put down and try to humiliate people you do not agree with? Do you change your mind daily?

I understand what you are saying. I was that way once, when I was in junior high.
--------------------------- sure I do if I perceive them to be my enemies or enemies of America that are looking for power over ME Elmer . ALL the repubs that Trump was running against were my enemies and I'm happy that TRUMP destroyed them Elmer .
and I think that he / Elmer claims to be an old guy . Geez , to live 70 years and to still think like a dem millennial would sure be discouraging to me !!

Do millennials scare you? They are the future of our country and the world. Trump cannot stop that.

Trump supporters are fearful of many things; scaredeecats.
This is an election between America and the UN. Choose wisely if you value your rights.

If you think for a second Trump will some how protect your rights you are duped. Right down the line he has and does agree with HRC on every topic. He just tells diffrence lies to achieve the same goal. He was supposed to be anti establishment, yet he is cozy with all the RINO's. And he still won't say anything other then "I'm rich, I make wonderful deals, I'm rich". A vote for Trump is a vote for Billery.

He has guns. I have guns.
He is opposed to illegal immigration.
He sees Syrian resettlement as a risk to our security.
For American jobs vs Mexican jobs.
Chance he may flip or not flip. 50/50
But on those issues, I don't think he will. Hillary has no need to flip. She has made it clear she is for the opposite of those 4 things. 3 of those things have the potential to destroy our country if not stopped. She is Obama to the core.

As for my guns... I'll keep them, and the 2nd. Amendment, thank you very much. And no, I don't need 30 rounds to kill a deer, but Paul Revere never said, "The deer are coming."

The thing we need to be weary about Trump is he can say a lot of things. Does not mean a thing. We all know that. He has been wishy washy on things.

To tell you the truth, it is virtually impossible to battle the entire world with the treasonous evil media etc etc.

Even IF he went through with ALL of his promises, the world community will crush him. From the wall to enforcing our immigration LAWS.

The media and world liars have beat our heads with "racism" and the robin hood fairy tale for too long. It is quite literally impossible to stand up to this new world order movement.

Look at this elmerfudd loser for example. A hypocritical unreal blowhard. I pathetic American hating moron who buys into every stupid puppet string of the world socialists.

Losers like him know NOTHING ELSE. They are incapable of abstract thought. The pathetic thing is how smart he and his types think they are.

We are not getting anywhere with those losers. Are we? Look at his stupid posts. Each one dumber than the other. He is somehow making sense to himself and the losers that think like him.
Spoken like a true Trump supporter with all the characteristics of a Trump supporter but heavy on the ignorance.
You could qualify for cabinet position; maybe secretary of defense
--------------------------- I'm just a blue collar American , pretty much the same thing as the TRUMP if I read him correctly Elmer .
You think Trump is like a blue collar American? I DON'T THINK SO.
----------------------- so he has some money , big deal . The words that he uses to express his thinking are MY words Elmer .

Do you exaggerate your accomplishments. Do you put down and try to humiliate people you do not agree with? Do you change your mind daily?

I understand what you are saying. I was that way once, when I was in junior high.
--------------------------- sure I do if I perceive them to be my enemies or enemies of America that are looking for power over ME Elmer . ALL the repubs that Trump was running against were my enemies and I'm happy that TRUMP destroyed them Elmer .
--------------------- same goes for enemy hilary and bill , I hope that the TRUMP destroys them and grinds them up Elmer .
Spoken like a true Trump supporter with all the characteristics of a Trump supporter but heavy on the ignorance.
You could qualify for cabinet position; maybe secretary of defense
--------------------------- I'm just a blue collar American , pretty much the same thing as the TRUMP if I read him correctly Elmer .
You think Trump is like a blue collar American? I DON'T THINK SO.
----------------------- so he has some money , big deal . The words that he uses to express his thinking are MY words Elmer .

Do you exaggerate your accomplishments. Do you put down and try to humiliate people you do not agree with? Do you change your mind daily?

I understand what you are saying. I was that way once, when I was in junior high.
--------------------------- sure I do if I perceive them to be my enemies or enemies of America that are looking for power over ME Elmer . ALL the repubs that Trump was running against were my enemies and I'm happy that TRUMP destroyed them Elmer .
You are so full of fear.
You are making these people your enemy. They will act how you treat them.
Your problem is not the world it is your paranoia.
This is an election between America and the UN. Choose wisely if you value your rights.

If you think for a second Trump will some how protect your rights you are duped. Right down the line he has and does agree with HRC on every topic. He just tells diffrence lies to achieve the same goal. He was supposed to be anti establishment, yet he is cozy with all the RINO's. And he still won't say anything other then "I'm rich, I make wonderful deals, I'm rich". A vote for Trump is a vote for Billery.

He has guns. I have guns.
He is opposed to illegal immigration.
He sees Syrian resettlement as a risk to our security.
For American jobs vs Mexican jobs.
Chance he may flip or not flip. 50/50
But on those issues, I don't think he will. Hillary has no need to flip. She has made it clear she is for the opposite of those 4 things. 3 of those things have the potential to destroy our country if not stopped. She is Obama to the core.

As for my guns... I'll keep them, and the 2nd. Amendment, thank you very much. And no, I don't need 30 rounds to kill a deer, but Paul Revere never said, "The deer are coming."

The thing we need to be weary about Trump is he can say a lot of things. Does not mean a thing. We all know that. He has been wishy washy on things.

To tell you the truth, it is virtually impossible to battle the entire world with the treasonous evil media etc etc.

Even IF he went through with ALL of his promises, the world community will crush him. From the wall to enforcing our immigration LAWS.

The media and world liars have beat our heads with "racism" and the robin hood fairy tale for too long. It is quite literally impossible to stand up to this new world order movement.
------------------------- yeah BUT , he is better than the same old , same old gop Owl !!
--------------------------- I'm just a blue collar American , pretty much the same thing as the TRUMP if I read him correctly Elmer .
You think Trump is like a blue collar American? I DON'T THINK SO.
----------------------- so he has some money , big deal . The words that he uses to express his thinking are MY words Elmer .

Do you exaggerate your accomplishments. Do you put down and try to humiliate people you do not agree with? Do you change your mind daily?

I understand what you are saying. I was that way once, when I was in junior high.
--------------------------- sure I do if I perceive them to be my enemies or enemies of America that are looking for power over ME Elmer . ALL the repubs that Trump was running against were my enemies and I'm happy that TRUMP destroyed them Elmer .
You are so full of fear.
You are making these people your enemy. They will act how you treat them.
Your problem is not the world it is your paranoia.
--------------------------- they ARE my enemies Elmer !!
The fact that Donald Trump is the Presidential nominee of a major political party has the rest of the world laughing at the US. If he is elected the whole world including all in the US will not be laughing but scared to death of what he might do.

How can a human being with such low moral character be seriously considered for the Presidency of our great nation.
He is a narcissistic snake oil salesman. How can so many Americans be buying the lies he uses to suck them in. I did not think there were that many stupid people in the US.
As an American - I am embarrassed.
As an American businessman - I am embarrassed.
As a old white man (his core contingency) - I am embarrassed.
As an American you are a deluded self loathing troll.
The fact that Donald Trump is the Presidential nominee of a major political party has the rest of the world laughing at the US. If he is elected the whole world including all in the US will not be laughing but scared to death of what he might do.

How can a human being with such low moral character be seriously considered for the Presidency of our great nation.
He is a narcissistic snake oil salesman. How can so many Americans be buying the lies he uses to suck them in. I did not think there were that many stupid people in the US.
As an American - I am embarrassed.
As an American businessman - I am embarrassed.
As a old white man (his core contingency) - I am embarrassed.
As an American you are a deluded self loathing troll.

Real Patriots don't give a rats ass what others think of OUR choices.
People like you are the only embarrassment our nation has to endure

I love the fact that Trump supporters come out and prove their ignorance and arrogance through their statements.
You cannot describe them better than they describe themselves through statement like the one above.
One clarification, it is not what others think it is what I think, IDIOT.
Since I don't support Trump I guess that makes YOU the only idiot here.
No, there are plenty of idiots who do not support Trump.
--------------------------- I'm just a blue collar American , pretty much the same thing as the TRUMP if I read him correctly Elmer .
You think Trump is like a blue collar American? I DON'T THINK SO.
----------------------- so he has some money , big deal . The words that he uses to express his thinking are MY words Elmer .

Do you exaggerate your accomplishments. Do you put down and try to humiliate people you do not agree with? Do you change your mind daily?

I understand what you are saying. I was that way once, when I was in junior high.
--------------------------- sure I do if I perceive them to be my enemies or enemies of America that are looking for power over ME Elmer . ALL the repubs that Trump was running against were my enemies and I'm happy that TRUMP destroyed them Elmer .
You are so full of fear.
You are making these people your enemy. They will act how you treat them.
Your problem is not the world it is your paranoia.

Damn right we are full of fear. The fact that you are not, is one of many things that makes you a stupid loser dancing around on your puppet strings.

Isn't it time for you to bring up racism on another post?
You think Trump is like a blue collar American? I DON'T THINK SO.
----------------------- so he has some money , big deal . The words that he uses to express his thinking are MY words Elmer .

Do you exaggerate your accomplishments. Do you put down and try to humiliate people you do not agree with? Do you change your mind daily?

I understand what you are saying. I was that way once, when I was in junior high.
--------------------------- sure I do if I perceive them to be my enemies or enemies of America that are looking for power over ME Elmer . ALL the repubs that Trump was running against were my enemies and I'm happy that TRUMP destroyed them Elmer .
You are so full of fear.
You are making these people your enemy. They will act how you treat them.
Your problem is not the world it is your paranoia.
--------------------------- they ARE my enemies Elmer !!
Spoken like a true paranoid.
You think Trump is like a blue collar American? I DON'T THINK SO.
----------------------- so he has some money , big deal . The words that he uses to express his thinking are MY words Elmer .

Do you exaggerate your accomplishments. Do you put down and try to humiliate people you do not agree with? Do you change your mind daily?

I understand what you are saying. I was that way once, when I was in junior high.
--------------------------- sure I do if I perceive them to be my enemies or enemies of America that are looking for power over ME Elmer . ALL the repubs that Trump was running against were my enemies and I'm happy that TRUMP destroyed them Elmer .
You are so full of fear.
You are making these people your enemy. They will act how you treat them.
Your problem is not the world it is your paranoia.
--------------------------- they ARE my enemies Elmer !!
--------------------- and its your reasoning thats based on what your enemies will do to you unless you kiss their azzez . I guess that self preservation , freedom and Rights are not important to you Elmer !!
The fact that Donald Trump is the Presidential nominee of a major political party has the rest of the world laughing at the US. If he is elected the whole world including all in the US will not be laughing but scared to death of what he might do.

How can a human being with such low moral character be seriously considered for the Presidency of our great nation.
He is a narcissistic snake oil salesman. How can so many Americans be buying the lies he uses to suck them in. I did not think there were that many stupid people in the US.
As an American - I am embarrassed.
As an American businessman - I am embarrassed.
As a old white man (his core contingency) - I am embarrassed.
As an American you are a deluded self loathing troll.
The fact that Donald Trump is the Presidential nominee of a major political party has the rest of the world laughing at the US. If he is elected the whole world including all in the US will not be laughing but scared to death of what he might do.

How can a human being with such low moral character be seriously considered for the Presidency of our great nation.
He is a narcissistic snake oil salesman. How can so many Americans be buying the lies he uses to suck them in. I did not think there were that many stupid people in the US.
As an American - I am embarrassed.
As an American businessman - I am embarrassed.
As a old white man (his core contingency) - I am embarrassed.
As an American you are a deluded self loathing troll.

Real Patriots don't give a rats ass what others think of OUR choices.
People like you are the only embarrassment our nation has to endure

I love the fact that Trump supporters come out and prove their ignorance and arrogance through their statements.
You cannot describe them better than they describe themselves through statement like the one above.
One clarification, it is not what others think it is what I think, IDIOT.
Since I don't support Trump I guess that makes YOU the only idiot here.
No, there are plenty of idiots who do not support Trump.
Trying to pedal backwards on a bicycle is futile
This is an election between America and the UN. Choose wisely if you value your rights.

If you think for a second Trump will some how protect your rights you are duped. Right down the line he has and does agree with HRC on every topic. He just tells diffrence lies to achieve the same goal. He was supposed to be anti establishment, yet he is cozy with all the RINO's. And he still won't say anything other then "I'm rich, I make wonderful deals, I'm rich". A vote for Trump is a vote for Billery.

He has guns. I have guns.
He is opposed to illegal immigration.
He sees Syrian resettlement as a risk to our security.
For American jobs vs Mexican jobs.
Chance he may flip or not flip. 50/50
But on those issues, I don't think he will. Hillary has no need to flip. She has made it clear she is for the opposite of those 4 things. 3 of those things have the potential to destroy our country if not stopped. She is Obama to the core.

As for my guns... I'll keep them, and the 2nd. Amendment, thank you very much. And no, I don't need 30 rounds to kill a deer, but Paul Revere never said, "The deer are coming."

I would hate to live in your world; a world driven by fear.

The world and our country has many challenges but it is not nearly as scary as you think.

Wanna bet on that? It's a 100 times worse than you could even fathom.
----------------------- so he has some money , big deal . The words that he uses to express his thinking are MY words Elmer .

Do you exaggerate your accomplishments. Do you put down and try to humiliate people you do not agree with? Do you change your mind daily?

I understand what you are saying. I was that way once, when I was in junior high.
--------------------------- sure I do if I perceive them to be my enemies or enemies of America that are looking for power over ME Elmer . ALL the repubs that Trump was running against were my enemies and I'm happy that TRUMP destroyed them Elmer .
You are so full of fear.
You are making these people your enemy. They will act how you treat them.
Your problem is not the world it is your paranoia.
--------------------------- they ARE my enemies Elmer !!
Spoken like a true paranoid.
-------------------------- spoken like an amateur practitioner of a pseudo science Elmer !!
This is an election between America and the UN. Choose wisely if you value your rights.

If you think for a second Trump will some how protect your rights you are duped. Right down the line he has and does agree with HRC on every topic. He just tells diffrence lies to achieve the same goal. He was supposed to be anti establishment, yet he is cozy with all the RINO's. And he still won't say anything other then "I'm rich, I make wonderful deals, I'm rich". A vote for Trump is a vote for Billery.

He has guns. I have guns.
He is opposed to illegal immigration.
He sees Syrian resettlement as a risk to our security.
For American jobs vs Mexican jobs.
Chance he may flip or not flip. 50/50
But on those issues, I don't think he will. Hillary has no need to flip. She has made it clear she is for the opposite of those 4 things. 3 of those things have the potential to destroy our country if not stopped. She is Obama to the core.

As for my guns... I'll keep them, and the 2nd. Amendment, thank you very much. And no, I don't need 30 rounds to kill a deer, but Paul Revere never said, "The deer are coming."

Trump has guns? most rich folk do, and he is in the camp that wants to price them (guns) out of the hands of those who can't afford them. I'm thinking this is why he won't ever elaborate on the issue when asked.

Is he opposed to illegal immegration? why won't he make the off record interview with the times public? Matter of fact, this is yet another topic he will not explain to us.

Syrian resettlement? um, they will already be settled by the time he gets there IF he gets there. That's makes it a non issue.

For American jobs? Er, has he not imported labor?

And back to the 2nd. He supported the Clinton crime bill. I don't care how many bullets you think YOU need. What I care about is how many I WANT.

Trump is an unanswered question.
You think Trump is like a blue collar American? I DON'T THINK SO.
----------------------- so he has some money , big deal . The words that he uses to express his thinking are MY words Elmer .

Do you exaggerate your accomplishments. Do you put down and try to humiliate people you do not agree with? Do you change your mind daily?

I understand what you are saying. I was that way once, when I was in junior high.
--------------------------- sure I do if I perceive them to be my enemies or enemies of America that are looking for power over ME Elmer . ALL the repubs that Trump was running against were my enemies and I'm happy that TRUMP destroyed them Elmer .
You are so full of fear.
You are making these people your enemy. They will act how you treat them.
Your problem is not the world it is your paranoia.

Dam right we are full of fear. The fact that you are not, is one of many things that makes you a stupid loser dancing around on your puppet strings.

Isn't it time for you to bring up racism on another post?

So if you live your life not dominated by fear you are a loser?

And if you live a life dominated by fear you are a winner?

Do you exaggerate your accomplishments. Do you put down and try to humiliate people you do not agree with? Do you change your mind daily?

I understand what you are saying. I was that way once, when I was in junior high.
--------------------------- sure I do if I perceive them to be my enemies or enemies of America that are looking for power over ME Elmer . ALL the repubs that Trump was running against were my enemies and I'm happy that TRUMP destroyed them Elmer .
You are so full of fear.
You are making these people your enemy. They will act how you treat them.
Your problem is not the world it is your paranoia.
--------------------------- they ARE my enemies Elmer !!
Spoken like a true paranoid.
-------------------------- spoken like an amateur practitioner of a pseudo science Elmer !!

Do you know I am an amateur because you are seeing a professional?
I hope so for your sake.
You do not have to have the joy of life taken away by excessive fear.
This is an election between America and the UN. Choose wisely if you value your rights.

If you think for a second Trump will some how protect your rights you are duped. Right down the line he has and does agree with HRC on every topic. He just tells diffrence lies to achieve the same goal. He was supposed to be anti establishment, yet he is cozy with all the RINO's. And he still won't say anything other then "I'm rich, I make wonderful deals, I'm rich". A vote for Trump is a vote for Billery.

He has guns. I have guns.
He is opposed to illegal immigration.
He sees Syrian resettlement as a risk to our security.
For American jobs vs Mexican jobs.
Chance he may flip or not flip. 50/50
But on those issues, I don't think he will. Hillary has no need to flip. She has made it clear she is for the opposite of those 4 things. 3 of those things have the potential to destroy our country if not stopped. She is Obama to the core.

As for my guns... I'll keep them, and the 2nd. Amendment, thank you very much. And no, I don't need 30 rounds to kill a deer, but Paul Revere never said, "The deer are coming."

Trump has guns? most rich folk do, and he is in the camp that wants to price them (guns) out of the hands of those who can't afford them. I'm thinking this is why he won't ever elaborate on the issue when asked.

Is he opposed to illegal immegration? why won't he make the off record interview with the times public? Matter of fact, this is yet another topic he will not explain to us.

Syrian resettlement? um, they will already be settled by the time he gets there IF he gets there. That's makes it a non issue.

For American jobs? Er, has he not imported labor?

And back to the 2nd. He supported the Clinton crime bill. I don't care how many bullets you think YOU need. What I care about is how many I WANT.

Trump is an unanswered question.
--------------------- years ago according to Trump he changed his mind on different issues . ok with me , who is better than the Trump that has the nomination ehh Crixus ??

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