The US is the laughing stock of the world

Since the entire world thinks we are funny then why not end support for militarily backing them up. There is no need to help people who arin't going to be nice to us or even like us.
Since the entire world thinks we are funny then why not end support for militarily backing them up. There is no need to help people who arin't going to be nice to us or even like us.

Trump has mentioned that very thing and it will be done. Now he said make them pay and that's as good.
The majority of Americans are ignorant and stupid. This is a conclusion I reached a long time ago. Once you admit that to yourself, you stop getting angry about the stupid, ignorant shit they do.
Ignorant and republican ,,,,,but I repeat myself
The fact that Donald Trump is the Presidential nominee of a major political party has the rest of the world laughing at the US. If he is elected the whole world including all in the US will not be laughing but scared to death of what he might do.

How can a human being with such low moral character be seriously considered for the Presidency of our great nation.
He is a narcissistic snake oil salesman. How can so many Americans be buying the lies he uses to suck them in. I did not think there were that many stupid people in the US.
As an American - I am embarrassed.
As an American businessman - I am embarrassed.
As a old white man (his core contingency) - I am embarrassed.

Embarrassed? Please, your hand is down your pants. Liberals love to look down your noses at the United States right along with the international left
Liberals love to look down your noses

only at you uneducated simple minded bible thumping pasty faced flyover country rubes, but the good news. that demographics are shifting at a rapid pace and your kind are being marginalized
Well GOP primary voters account for a pretty small fraction of the population of this country. I'm not considering self-deportation yet.
This is and has been a tactic of the 'liberal' left to say such and such candidate embarrasses me. Why right wingers say that they are just retaliating and I can tell they really don't mean that but when the left uses it I really think they feel that way on the inside. They then drum up stats to justify their feelings but it is just an attempt to make everyone else feel ashamed about their own choice as to who should be in office. It works but it only works for the left to use against the right and they know this. They then exploit this fact politically and get a lot of success out of it. In the end, whenever someone post things like this it is really an attempt to shame the other side out of their own personal choice as to who they want in office.

I don't think I have ever been ashamed of Obama. I hated the mother fucker and wished that some kine of 'accident' would happen to him while he was in office but ashamed is not the feeling he made me halve. You don't know what kind of negative nasty shit I wish this man can happen to him.

I am embarrassed as an old white man.
Trump is making fools of my fellow old white guys by playing on their fears.
The world is changing and we need to change with it. We do not want false promises from a presidential candidate that they will roll back the clock.

I am quite impressed you are not embarrassed of Obame but "I hated the mother fucker and wished that some kine of 'accident' would happen to him while he was in office"

Spoken like a true idiot and possible Trump supporter
This is and has been a tactic of the 'liberal' left to say such and such candidate embarrasses me. Why right wingers say that they are just retaliating and I can tell they really don't mean that but when the left uses it I really think they feel that way on the inside. They then drum up stats to justify their feelings but it is just an attempt to make everyone else feel ashamed about their own choice as to who should be in office. It works but it only works for the left to use against the right and they know this. They then exploit this fact politically and get a lot of success out of it. In the end, whenever someone post things like this it is really an attempt to shame the other side out of their own personal choice as to who they want in office.

I don't think I have ever been ashamed of Obama. I hated the mother fucker and wished that some kine of 'accident' would happen to him while he was in office but ashamed is not the feeling he made me halve. You don't know what kind of negative nasty shit I wish this man can happen to him.

I am embarrassed as an old white man.
Trump is making fools of my fellow old white guys by playing on their fears.
The world is changing and we need to change with it. We do not want false promises from a presidential candidate that they will roll back the clock.

I am quite impressed you are not embarrassed of Obame but "I hated the mother fucker and wished that some kine of 'accident' would happen to him while he was in office"

Spoken like a true idiot and possible Trump supporter

I know you are completely making this up because no one I know thinks like this unless they are racist

"Trump is making fools of my fellow old white guys by playing on their fears."

My theory about you is that liberals already think that this is propelling Trump and this could be true but that is besides the point. You think this so you decided to log on today and try to shame the demographic that you think is pushing Trump's rise out of voting for him so you say something kind of stupid like "Trump is making fools of my fellow old white guys by playing on their fears.". I know you don't talk like this normally because I don't know anyone who does unless it is some political hack trying to ply his craft on the internet.
Since the entire world thinks we are funny then why not end support for militarily backing them up. There is no need to help people who arin't going to be nice to us or even like us.

Trump has mentioned that very thing and it will be done. Now he said make them pay and that's as good.
Who really pays as we send our young soldiers into more conflicts.
If you are going to talk the talk then walk the walk; don't send someone else to a fight you want to pick.

Another example of a morally bankrupt individual. Driven by fear and wants someone else to fight their fight.
Who gives a fuck what the rest of the world thinks about anything??? I've traveled abroad for enough years I SAW what stupid, ignorant, insecure parasites on America the rest of the world is! Yes, I admit that after years of traveling, I'm the biggest xenophobe I've ever known. Ergo, the opinions of non-Americans have ZERO credibility with me. Non-Americans are all about using America for their own person advantages while cursing our existence at the same time!
This is and has been a tactic of the 'liberal' left to say such and such candidate embarrasses me. Why right wingers say that they are just retaliating and I can tell they really don't mean that but when the left uses it I really think they feel that way on the inside. They then drum up stats to justify their feelings but it is just an attempt to make everyone else feel ashamed about their own choice as to who should be in office. It works but it only works for the left to use against the right and they know this. They then exploit this fact politically and get a lot of success out of it. In the end, whenever someone post things like this it is really an attempt to shame the other side out of their own personal choice as to who they want in office.

I don't think I have ever been ashamed of Obama. I hated the mother fucker and wished that some kine of 'accident' would happen to him while he was in office but ashamed is not the feeling he made me halve. You don't know what kind of negative nasty shit I wish this man can happen to him.

I am embarrassed as an old white man.
Trump is making fools of my fellow old white guys by playing on their fears.
The world is changing and we need to change with it. We do not want false promises from a presidential candidate that they will roll back the clock.

I am quite impressed you are not embarrassed of Obame but "I hated the mother fucker and wished that some kine of 'accident' would happen to him while he was in office"

Spoken like a true idiot and possible Trump supporter

I know you are completely making this up because no one I know thinks like this unless they are racist

"Trump is making fools of my fellow old white guys by playing on their fears."

My theory about you is that liberals already think that this is propelling Trump and this could be true but that is besides the point. You think this so you decided to log on today and try to shame the demographic that you think is pushing Trump's rise out of voting for him so you say something kind of stupid like "Trump is making fools of my fellow old white guys by playing on their fears.". I know you don't talk like this normally because I don't know anyone who does unless it is some political hack trying to ply his craft on the internet.

Wrong again, Dork.
I am old white guy who is disgusted by how Trump is using my fellow old white guys for his own narcissistic gain. (along with a lot of other people)
Who gives a fuck what the rest of the world thinks about anything??? I've traveled abroad for enough years I SAW what stupid, ignorant, insecure parasites on America the rest of the world is! Yes, I admit that after years of traveling, I'm the biggest xenophobe I've ever known. Ergo, the opinions of non-Americans have ZERO credibility with me. Non-Americans are all about using America for their own person advantages while cursing our existence at the same time!

I have had a completely different experience traveling the world.

I am guessing you never left your hotel room.

But another example of Trump mentality; DISRESPECT.
If you do not understand someone then DISRESPECT them, insult them, humiliate them.
Ask Rubio, Bush, Cruz etc.
It is one way to win but you only win in the short run. With such tactics you will lose in the long run.
I am guessing you never left your hotel room.

More liberal disrespect based on nothing.

But another example of Trump mentality; DISRESPECT.
If you do not understand someone then DISRESPECT them, insult them, humiliate them.
Ask Rubio, Bush, Cruz etc.
It is one way to win but you only win in the short run. With such tactics you will lose in the long run.

I suppose that's why Trump is losing so badly.
Who gives a fuck what the rest of the world thinks about anything??? I've traveled abroad for enough years I SAW what stupid, ignorant, insecure parasites on America the rest of the world is! Yes, I admit that after years of traveling, I'm the biggest xenophobe I've ever known. Ergo, the opinions of non-Americans have ZERO credibility with me. Non-Americans are all about using America for their own person advantages while cursing our existence at the same time!

I have had a completely different experience traveling the world.

I am guessing you never left your hotel room.

But another example of Trump mentality; DISRESPECT.
If you do not understand someone then DISRESPECT them, insult them, humiliate them.
Ask Rubio, Bush, Cruz etc.
It is one way to win but you only win in the short run. With such tactics you will lose in the long run.

Well, idiot, you have a good screen name, Mudd! I was a backpacker interacting with hundreds of European backpackers and their American-hating, psychotic, verbally abusive angst, you nightcrawling imitation of a real lifeform. And yes, you liberal America-hating COCKSUCKERS DESERVE disrespect! And so are the Eurotrash whose cocks you suck like the little glory-hole-servicing whore you are! If you 3rd-world-cumstains hate this country so bad, why don't you leave it? I've never had one of you liberal invertebrate, pond life THUGS answer that question.
Many of these trolls may be the scum you encountered abroad.
--------------------------- I'm just a blue collar American , pretty much the same thing as the TRUMP if I read him correctly Elmer .
You think Trump is like a blue collar American? I DON'T THINK SO.
----------------------- so he has some money , big deal . The words that he uses to express his thinking are MY words Elmer .

Do you exaggerate your accomplishments. Do you put down and try to humiliate people you do not agree with? Do you change your mind daily?

I understand what you are saying. I was that way once, when I was in junior high.
--------------------------- sure I do if I perceive them to be my enemies or enemies of America that are looking for power over ME Elmer . ALL the repubs that Trump was running against were my enemies and I'm happy that TRUMP destroyed them Elmer .
You are so full of fear.
You are making these people your enemy. They will act how you treat them.
Your problem is not the world it is your paranoia.

If there's one thing that death camp guards like, it's new victims that have no fear of dying. That makes it so much easier to heard them into the gas chambers.
Many of these trolls may be the scum you encountered abroad.

I certainly can't argue with that sir. Europeans' deep-seated hatred of Americans is second only to their deep-seated hatred of Jews. And for the exact same reason: The Coward Continent has a violent, small-penis syndrome of anyone they perceive as wealthier than them. And the Freudian proof is that every time I hear Eurofucks spew their hatred of Americans or Jews, they ALWAYS also spew hatred of capitalism and the concept of wealth! If that's not a monetary small-dick complex, what is?
That's why it usually takes two Eurofags to cock gag another one.

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