The US is the laughing stock of the world

here you go , this is for this losers in this here Thread . A little bit of self help advice Elmer !!--- --- might be off topic but I like you guys !!
You think Trump is like a blue collar American? I DON'T THINK SO.
----------------------- so he has some money , big deal . The words that he uses to express his thinking are MY words Elmer .

Do you exaggerate your accomplishments. Do you put down and try to humiliate people you do not agree with? Do you change your mind daily?

I understand what you are saying. I was that way once, when I was in junior high.
--------------------------- sure I do if I perceive them to be my enemies or enemies of America that are looking for power over ME Elmer . ALL the repubs that Trump was running against were my enemies and I'm happy that TRUMP destroyed them Elmer .
You are so full of fear.
You are making these people your enemy. They will act how you treat them.
Your problem is not the world it is your paranoia.

If there's one thing that death camp guards like, it's new victims that have no fear of dying. That makes it so much easier to heard them into the gas chambers.

The statement of a person living in a fear dominated world.
A scaredeecat.
--------------------------- they ARE my enemies Elmer !!
Spoken like a true paranoid.
-------------------------- spoken like an amateur practitioner of a pseudo science Elmer !!

Do you know I am an amateur because you are seeing a professional?
I hope so for your sake.
You do not have to have the joy of life taken away by excessive fear.
----------------------- foolishness Elmer .
It is not foolishness. I have seen many lives ruined by unnecessary fear.
Fear is an emotion that makes people act in irrational ways. Donald Trump is playing on peoples fears.

Be strong, be brave, be rational, do not fear.

I've seen a lot more lives ruined by being fool hardy. Taking drugs, driving too fast, having sex without using birth control . . . the list is endless. This country has been ruined by an endless series of leftwing social programs. Each time they were proposed, some leftwing douche bag like you claimed there was nothing to be afraid of.

Whenever a left winger says there's nothing to be afraid of, the hairs on the back of my neck curl up.
"That's not MY 'Red Line'!'s THE WORLD'S 'Red Line'!"

"I have ISIS contained." (Paris)
- >B*O*O*M<

'Lie of the Year'

"I had no idea there were no such things as shovel-ready projects."

"I don't know the facts of the case, but the police acted stupidly."

"If I had a son he would look like this."
(- You mean 'black'?!)

"I've visited all 57 states."

"The future must not beling to those who slander the prophet of Islam."
Many of these trolls may be the scum you encountered abroad.

I certainly can't argue with that sir. Europeans' deep-seated hatred of Americans is second only to their deep-seated hatred of Jews. And for the exact same reason: The Coward Continent has a violent, small-penis syndrome of anyone they perceive as wealthier than them. And the Freudian proof is that every time I hear Eurofucks spew their hatred of Americans or Jews, they ALWAYS also spew hatred of capitalism and the concept of wealth! If that's not a monetary small-dick complex, what is?

Another superb example of the mentality of a Trump supporter.
Fear, hatred, nationalistic, ignorance, arrogance
Spoken like a true paranoid.
-------------------------- spoken like an amateur practitioner of a pseudo science Elmer !!

Do you know I am an amateur because you are seeing a professional?
I hope so for your sake.
You do not have to have the joy of life taken away by excessive fear.
----------------------- foolishness Elmer .
It is not foolishness. I have seen many lives ruined by unnecessary fear.
Fear is an emotion that makes people act in irrational ways. Donald Trump is playing on peoples fears.

Be strong, be brave, be rational, do not fear.

I've seen a lot more lives ruined by being fool hardy. Taking drugs, driving too fast, having sex without using birth control . . . the list is endless. This country has been ruined by an endless series of leftwing social programs. Each time they were proposed, some leftwing douche bag like you claimed there was nothing to be afraid of.

Whenever a left winger says there's nothing to be afraid of, the hairs on the back of my neck curl up.

Just because you do not let fear dominate your life means you need to be stupid.

Be fearless and smart unlike you fearful and stupid.
----------------------- so he has some money , big deal . The words that he uses to express his thinking are MY words Elmer .

Do you exaggerate your accomplishments. Do you put down and try to humiliate people you do not agree with? Do you change your mind daily?

I understand what you are saying. I was that way once, when I was in junior high.
--------------------------- sure I do if I perceive them to be my enemies or enemies of America that are looking for power over ME Elmer . ALL the repubs that Trump was running against were my enemies and I'm happy that TRUMP destroyed them Elmer .
You are so full of fear.
You are making these people your enemy. They will act how you treat them.
Your problem is not the world it is your paranoia.

If there's one thing that death camp guards like, it's new victims that have no fear of dying. That makes it so much easier to heard them into the gas chambers.

The statement of a person living in a fear dominated world.
A scaredeecat.

Oh my, I'm a scaredeecat? I think I was in the 3rd grade the last time I heard that. I'll just run out and stick my tongue in a light socket because someone called me a scaredeecat!

Do you understand how idiotic this line of "reasoning" is? You're appealing to elementary school mentalities. Adults don't leave their doors unlocked at night because they can't stand having someone calling them a "scaredeecat!"

It's difficult for mere words to describe how utterly stupid you are.
Many of these trolls may be the scum you encountered abroad.

I certainly can't argue with that sir. Europeans' deep-seated hatred of Americans is second only to their deep-seated hatred of Jews. And for the exact same reason: The Coward Continent has a violent, small-penis syndrome of anyone they perceive as wealthier than them. And the Freudian proof is that every time I hear Eurofucks spew their hatred of Americans or Jews, they ALWAYS also spew hatred of capitalism and the concept of wealth! If that's not a monetary small-dick complex, what is?

Another superb example of the mentality of a Trump supporter.
Fear, hatred, nationalistic, ignorance, arrogance

Those are all leftwing euphemisms meaning truth, common sense, facts and logic.
Yes, the world is laughing at us under....

Another superb example of the mentality of a Trump supporter.
Fear, hatred, nationalistic, ignorance, arrogance

Fools rush in where wise men fear to tread.
-------------------------- spoken like an amateur practitioner of a pseudo science Elmer !!

Do you know I am an amateur because you are seeing a professional?
I hope so for your sake.
You do not have to have the joy of life taken away by excessive fear.
----------------------- foolishness Elmer .
It is not foolishness. I have seen many lives ruined by unnecessary fear.
Fear is an emotion that makes people act in irrational ways. Donald Trump is playing on peoples fears.

Be strong, be brave, be rational, do not fear.

I've seen a lot more lives ruined by being fool hardy. Taking drugs, driving too fast, having sex without using birth control . . . the list is endless. This country has been ruined by an endless series of leftwing social programs. Each time they were proposed, some leftwing douche bag like you claimed there was nothing to be afraid of.

Whenever a left winger says there's nothing to be afraid of, the hairs on the back of my neck curl up.

Just because you do not let fear dominate your life means you need to be stupid.

Be fearless and smart unlike you fearful and stupid.

"Fearless" and "smart" are mutually exclusive. Why do you suppose cat's love bold mice?
-------------------------- spoken like an amateur practitioner of a pseudo science Elmer !!

Do you know I am an amateur because you are seeing a professional?
I hope so for your sake.
You do not have to have the joy of life taken away by excessive fear.
----------------------- foolishness Elmer .
It is not foolishness. I have seen many lives ruined by unnecessary fear.
Fear is an emotion that makes people act in irrational ways. Donald Trump is playing on peoples fears.

Be strong, be brave, be rational, do not fear.
----------------------------- you sound like 'angela merkel' as she counsels Germans to kiss the azzez of their current muslim invaders Elmer !!

No, I am telling you to stop being such a fricking scaredeecat; grow a couple and deal with the world.
Stay away from fear mongers; they are as bad as those who ask you to be an ass kisser.

Sorry asshole, we aren't going to adopt your agenda simply because you're calling us a "scaredeecat." I can't imagine anything more moronic.
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Sorry asshole, we aren't going to adopt your agenda because you're calling us a "scaredeecat." I can't imagine anything more moronic.

Oh just wait. He will out do himself soon enough.
This is and has been a tactic of the 'liberal' left to say such and such candidate embarrasses me. Why right wingers say that they are just retaliating and I can tell they really don't mean that but when the left uses it I really think they feel that way on the inside. They then drum up stats to justify their feelings but it is just an attempt to make everyone else feel ashamed about their own choice as to who should be in office. It works but it only works for the left to use against the right and they know this. They then exploit this fact politically and get a lot of success out of it. In the end, whenever someone post things like this it is really an attempt to shame the other side out of their own personal choice as to who they want in office.

I don't think I have ever been ashamed of Obama. I hated the mother fucker and wished that some kine of 'accident' would happen to him while he was in office but ashamed is not the feeling he made me halve. You don't know what kind of negative nasty shit I wish this man can happen to him.

I am embarrassed as an old white man.
Trump is making fools of my fellow old white guys by playing on their fears.
The world is changing and we need to change with it. We do not want false promises from a presidential candidate that they will roll back the clock.

I am quite impressed you are not embarrassed of Obame but "I hated the mother fucker and wished that some kine of 'accident' would happen to him while he was in office"

Spoken like a true idiot and possible Trump supporter

The fools claim voting for Trump means you are a scaredecat.
The fools claim voting for Trump means you are a scaredecat.

Yes sir, I know, They have nothing so they try to draw people out to make them look foolish. They ask for links and proof and explanations, and when and if you provide it, they just troll more and more and more. So, fuck them, I don't provide them with much of anything.

But in some respect I am scared for my country because you know as well as I the hell we will have if he fails to get elected.
The fact that Donald Trump is the Presidential nominee of a major political party has the rest of the world laughing at the US. If he is elected the whole world including all in the US will not be laughing but scared to death of what he might do.

How can a human being with such low moral character be seriously considered for the Presidency of our great nation.
He is a narcissistic snake oil salesman. How can so many Americans be buying the lies he uses to suck them in. I did not think there were that many stupid people in the US.
As an American - I am embarrassed.
As an American businessman - I am embarrassed.
As a old white man (his core contingency) - I am embarrassed.

One most americans don't care what the world says because they are irevrlant and just pawns to the U.S.A

Two from most of our perspective Trump is pay back for you morons electing odumbo

Three if you care what the world thinks do ya think they were not laughing at obama???

This is and has been a tactic of the 'liberal' left to say such and such candidate embarrasses me. Why right wingers say that they are just retaliating and I can tell they really don't mean that but when the left uses it I really think they feel that way on the inside. They then drum up stats to justify their feelings but it is just an attempt to make everyone else feel ashamed about their own choice as to who should be in office. It works but it only works for the left to use against the right and they know this. They then exploit this fact politically and get a lot of success out of it. In the end, whenever someone post things like this it is really an attempt to shame the other side out of their own personal choice as to who they want in office.

I don't think I have ever been ashamed of Obama. I hated the mother fucker and wished that some kine of 'accident' would happen to him while he was in office but ashamed is not the feeling he made me halve. You don't know what kind of negative nasty shit I wish this man can happen to him.

I am embarrassed as an old white man.
Trump is making fools of my fellow old white guys by playing on their fears.
The world is changing and we need to change with it. We do not want false promises from a presidential candidate that they will roll back the clock.

I am quite impressed you are not embarrassed of Obame but "I hated the mother fucker and wished that some kine of 'accident' would happen to him while he was in office"

Spoken like a true idiot and possible Trump supporter

The fools claim voting for Trump means you are a scaredecat.

Not just because you vote for Trump.
your posts and view of the world show a person who is dominated by fear.
Your fear results in hate and a skewed view of the world. Very sad.

The only thing you have to fear is fear it's self. Your biggest enemy is YOU. If you changed yourself you would have less fear.
It is easier to change yourself than to change the world.

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