The US needs to tax American Jews more to pay for their aid package


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
White House reportedly offers to boost military aid to Israel after Iran deal

Published July 16, 2015

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President Obama has offered to increase U.S. military aid to Israel in the wake of the Iran nuclear agreement, according to a published report.

The Times reports that under a memorandum of understanding that runs until 2018, the U.S. provides Israel with $3 billion per year in aid, most of which is used to buy military hardware, such as jets. An official familiar with ongoing negotiations told the paper that Israel has asked for between $4.2 and $4.5 billion per year for 10 years in a new aid agreement. According to The Times, negotiations on the agreement began long before the Iran talks ramped up.

Defense Secretary Ashton Carter is scheduled to visit Israel next week, while Israeli opposition leader Isaac Herzog has said that he will soon visit the U.S. to discuss "security measures to suit the new situation."

White House reportedly offers to boost military aid to Israel after Iran deal Fox News

this needs to end when Americans need the money. We can't support Israel, with our tax dollars, esp since their elites send money to them.

Name one thing Israel does for us, besides gives us a huge headache. We do not owe them anything anymore and well we never did. Let Britain take care of them , they gave them part of Palestine.

  • Over the Rainbow

    Here are 10 ways Obama's Iran nuclear daydream fails.

    Leave hope alone.

    By Mortimer B. Zuckerman April 27, 2015 | 3:15 p.m. EDT

    “I’m always chasing rainbows, watching clouds drifting by. My schemes are just like all my dreams, ending in the sky.”

    The vaudeville song by Caroll and McCarthy, popularized over the years by stars from Judy Garland to Barbra Streisand, is all too appropriate for this stage of the gravest threat to all our dreams: the prospect of mushroom clouds over the Middle East. The rainbow President Barack Obama has been chasing in his negotiations with Iran can more and more be seen for the dangerous illusion it is. He has forsaken decades of pledges from presidents of both parties speaking on behalf of the civilized world. He has misled the American people in affirming over and over that never would revolutionary Iran be able to acquire nuclear weaponry, a breach of the Non-Proliferation Treaty signed by Iran and a guarantee of a nuclear arms race. In fact, one has already started. There are credible reports that Pakistan is ready to ship an atomic package to Saudi Arabia, the Sunni nation that sees Shiite Iran engaging, without restraint, in violence and subversion throughout the region.

    See Photos

    Editorial Cartoons on Barack Obama

    Iran is so hell-bent on domination of the Middle East and the destruction of Israel, it is working across religious lines, according to intelligence reported in the Wall Street journal by Con Coughlin, the defense editor of Britain’s The Telegraph. Though Hamas is a Sunni Islamist terror group, Shiite Iran’s Revolutionary Guards have in the last few months sent Hamas al-Qassam brigades into Gaza on top of millions of dollars to help rebuild the network of tunnels the Israeli Defence Forces found and destroyed last summer. Imagine the amount of blackmail and bullying a nuclear Iran would do.

    How far Obama is prepared to chase after rainbows is sadly illustrated by the candor of his Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz, a nuclear physicist, who has been a party to the multistate negotiations with Iran. Look back first to Oct. 5, 2013 at the start of Obama’s second term. He answered questions about the U.S. intelligence assessment of Iran’s ability to produce nuclear weapons in these words:

    “Our assessment continues to be a year or more away, and in fact, actually our estimate is probably more conservative than the estimates of Israeli intelligence services.”

    But this is not what Moniz said, according to Eli Lake in a Bloomberg News meeting in Washington this last Monday, April 20. The administration, he said, had estimated “for several years” that Iran was at most three months from enriching enough fissile material for a bomb. He added: “They are now, right now spinning, I mean enriching with 9,400 centrifuges out of their roughly 19,000 plus all the ... R&D work. If you put that together, it’s very, very little time to go forward. That’s two to three months.”

    This stunning casual remark was based on information apparently declassified on April 1. What is Obama up to? Why did his administration say reassuringly what it did in October 2013 when he knew it was misleading? Has he now allowed the declassification so as to create a false sense of urgency that his rainbow will vanish unless we reach out for it now?

    Just compare where we are today with the conditions Obama laid down in 2013. Referring to Iran’s smiling new President Hassan Rouhani, the president recently said: “If in fact he [Rouhani] is able to present a credible plan that says Iran is pursuing peaceful nuclear energy but we’re not pursuing nuclear weapons, and we are willing to be part of an internationally verified structure so that all other countries in the world know they are not pursuing nuclear weapons, then, in fact, they can improve relations, improve their economy. And we should test that,” the president said.

    Well, we have sucked the lemons. The taste is sourer than we feared:

    1. Enrichment. Before the talks began, the Obama administration and the U.N. Security Council insisted for years that Iran stop all uranium enrichment. Now it allows Iran to continue enriching uranium.

    2. Stockpile. In February 2015, Iran had 10,000 kilograms of enriched uranium due to be reduced to 300 kilograms through export to Russia, which would return it as rods for use in peaceful energy. It was an achievement for which Obama had legitimate pride. It reduced the risk the fuel could be diverted to a weapons program. But the risk remains. Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister Nabas Araqchi has told the Iranian media there is no question of sending the uranium abroad. It is another demonstration of how dealing with Iran is even dicier than with Russia. Ronald Reagan’s motto was “trust but verify.” With Iran, Obama’s is just: don’t trust. Yet he has agreed the fuel may stay inside the country – and there is no mechanism for reducing the stockpile.

    3. Centrifuges. We wanted to cut back the number of installed centrifuges by about two-thirds. Iran’s centrifuges have multiplied from the beginning of the negotiations to almost 20,000 today. The U.S. initially called for limiting the number of Iranian enriching centrifuges from 500 to 1,500. The agreement now allows Iran a stunning 6,104 centrifuges. According to Iran’s foreign minister, they are able to use their advanced IR-8 centrifuges as soon as the nuclear deal with the world powers goes into effect, contrary to what the U.S. asserted. This would dramatically accelerate Iran’s potential progress, for the IR-8 centrifuges enrich uranium 20 times faster than the current IR-1 centrifuges.

    4. Infrastructure. The closure of nuclear sites at Fordow, Isfahan, Natanz and Arak has been a key goal of the U.S. and its allies for the past decade or so. They at least wanted to limit the productivity of enriched uranium at the Natanz facility.

    The 40 megawatt heavy-water nuclear plant at Arak produces plutonium that would be used to make a couple of bombs a year. Wendy Sherman, the undersecretary of state for political affairs, has correctly said that the Iranians do not need a heavy-water reactor at Arak in order to have a peaceful nuclear program. And yet it is to remain, albeit with reduced plutonium, we are assured. It should be shut down and its 100 tons of heavy water exported.

    Dennis Ross is perhaps our leading government authority in terms of experience and knowledge of the Middle East. He doesn’t see any rainbows, only the storm clouds gathering: “At some point, the Obama administration changed its objective from one of transforming the Iranian nuclear program to one of ensuring that Iran could not have a breakout time of less than one year,“ Ross wrote in Politico. This change, Ross notes, comes from a decision that the U.S. could not alter Iran’s plans, “so instead we needed to focus on constraining their capabilities.”

    In December 2013, Obama similarly said that Iran had no need for the giant nuclear enrichment facility at Fordow. It is buried in a mountain fortress designed to withstand aerial attack. Now Iran is allowed to keep roughly 1,000 centrifuges there, we are told, to convert Fordow into a center for “peaceful purposes” and forego enriching uranium there for at least 15 years. But there is much unknown about the nature of the “research” and what might be achieved with new types of centrifuges and how soon they produce the material for a bomb after the expiration of the 10 years. The breakout time to a bomb could change significantly in the final years and may well have shrunk to zero as the Israelis assert.

    5. Missiles. Iran has been stonewalling about answering outstanding International Atomic Energy Agency concerns about the possible military dimension of its nuclear program. The U.S. negotiators dropped demands that Iran restrict development of intercontinental ballistic missiles that could be used to deliver the warheads.

    6. Duration. Initially the U.S. pushed for a framework transaction that would last over 20 years. Now the deal’s key terms sunset in 10 to 15 years. Former Secretaries of State Henry Kissinger and George Shultz contend that the expiration of the framework agreement “will enable Iran to become a significant nuclear, industrial and military power.” That’s in a country with 80 million people and imperial appetite. “Rather than enabling American disengagement from the Middle East, the nuclear framework is more likely to necessitate deepening involvement there – on complex new terms,” the secretaries wrote.

    7. Enforcement. President Obama argues: “if Iran cheats, the world will know it” and “if we see something suspicious, we will inspect it.” But, as Michael Makovsky notes in the Weekly Standard, these inspections will not be intrusive enough to detect Iranian cheating or to thwart any breakout attempts in time. Quite the opposite. Iran has a long record of cheating on its international nuclear agreements. It has violated international agreements at least three times in the last year alone. Last November, the IAEA caught Iran operating a new advanced IR-5 centrifuge. Secretary Moniz has said IAEA inspectors must have “anywhere, anytime” access. Ayatollah Ali Khameini and his military say “no way.”

    8. Sanctions. The proposed deal gives Iran precisely what it wanted – relief from economic sanctions in exchange for limited restraints on Iranian behavior. This makes the whole project vulnerable to evasion by Iran. They are past masters at that.

    Obama talks about being able to “snap back” sanctions. That is just another color in the rainbow. You can get an idea of how easy it will be to restore the pressure by observing the attitude since our sellout on the lake in Lausanne of two of the big powers in the so-called 5+1 talks. China’s press refers to peaceful Iran as if it were Switzerland and Iran says it looks to China to help oil-rich Iran with nuclear power. Russia now says it is ready to sell Iran S-300 air defense missiles that will make much more risky, if not infeasible, any U.S., Israeli or Saudi attempt at aerial demolition of a nuclear threat. If the West does discover a violation, restoring the sanctions in place today will be almost impossible.

    We should have waited to give the sanctions more time. These sanctions have already caused significant damage to Iran’s economy and brought the Iranians to the table in the first place. For they know that if the sanctions remain, the radical Iranian regime might not survive.

    9. Good behavior. Meanwhile, Iran’s supreme leader, Khamenei is denouncing the United States as the Great Satan, making it clear that Iran does not expect to normalize relations with us anytime soon. His speeches indicate that Iran still sees itself in a holy war with the West.

    10. Here is what is at the end of the rainbow. A U.S. seemingly willing to concede nuclear military capacity to the country our Mideast allies consider their principal threat. No wonder Saudi Arabia and others are insisting on at least an equivalent nuclear capability, for otherwise they face an even more dangerous and threatening environment. America’s traditional allies have concluded that the U.S. has traded temporary nuclear cooperation with Iran for acquiescence to Iran’s ultimate hegemony. When the U.N. Security Council approves the final draft, the sanctions against Iran would be lifted. Much of what Iran has already done in violation of its past treaty commitments may well now be legalized, which would free the Iranians of the sanctions imposed due to those violations.

    The negative reaction to the inadequate safeguards in Obama’s deal has now forced him to acquiesce to Congress some power of review, reinforced by a 19-0 vote of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Its intervention will be critical, for Obama seems to be willfully ignoring Iran’s belligerent behavior and its growing influence over events in Beirut, Damascus, Baghdad and Sanaa. Freed from sanctions, Iran may become even more aggressive.
    10 Ways Obama s Iran Nuclear Agreement Fails - US News
You are a piece of Human garbage, your hatred of Jews is ignorant and pathetic. But to your desire to tax one group of Americans more then others based on either race or religion? It is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and Illegal, which you either know and don't care or are to stupid to know how the US works.
You are a piece of Human garbage, your hatred of Jews is ignorant and pathetic. But to your desire to tax one group of Americans more then others based on either race or religion? It is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and Illegal, which you either know and don't care or are to stupid to know how the US works.

Let them pay for themselves. I am tired of the money we send them, and yet they cry and the arrogance of their intelligence, well they can't even support themselves, and they want the US to fight their wars. No, I have zip respect for Israel rogue regieme, and Bibi nauseates me whenever he opens his mouth and spews his garbage.
That's it lets give Israel a few shiny trinkets while they have to live under the threat of a Nuclear Iran.

Geez, I bet they sleep good at night.

Not only are you a generous human for wanting to so callously put that country in jeopardy, as long as you give em a few bucks for compensation fuck em right??

Now that we have established what type of low life piece of shit you are, let's continue on by asking why you would want to tax a whole group of folks who only share the faith and heritage of Jews to fund that project?

Where do such monsters as you come from in life??
You are a piece of Human garbage, your hatred of Jews is ignorant and pathetic. But to your desire to tax one group of Americans more then others based on either race or religion? It is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and Illegal, which you either know and don't care or are to stupid to know how the US works.

Let them pay for themselves. I am tired of the money we send them, and yet they cry and the arrogance of their intelligence, well they can't even support themselves, and they want the US to fight their wars. No, I have zip respect for Israel rogue regieme, and Bibi nauseates me whenever he opens his mouth and spews his garbage.
Changing the subject does not change the fact you support an illegal plan. Are you so stupid that US Law and the Constitution are not known by you?

  • Over the Rainbow

    Here are 10 ways Obama's Iran nuclear daydream fails.

    Leave hope alone.

    By Mortimer B. Zuckerman April 27, 2015 | 3:15 p.m. EDT

    “I’m always chasing rainbows, watching clouds drifting by. My schemes are just like all my dreams, ending in the sky.”

    The vaudeville song by Caroll and McCarthy, popularized over the years by stars from Judy Garland to Barbra Streisand, is all too appropriate for this stage of the gravest threat to all our dreams: the prospect of mushroom clouds over the Middle East. The rainbow President Barack Obama has been chasing in his negotiations with Iran can more and more be seen for the dangerous illusion it is. He has forsaken decades of pledges from presidents of both parties speaking on behalf of the civilized world. He has misled the American people in affirming over and over that never would revolutionary Iran be able to acquire nuclear weaponry, a breach of the Non-Proliferation Treaty signed by Iran and a guarantee of a nuclear arms race. In fact, one has already started. There are credible reports that Pakistan is ready to ship an atomic package to Saudi Arabia, the Sunni nation that sees Shiite Iran engaging, without restraint, in violence and subversion throughout the region.

    See Photos

    Editorial Cartoons on Barack Obama

    Iran is so hell-bent on domination of the Middle East and the destruction of Israel, it is working across religious lines, according to intelligence reported in the Wall Street journal by Con Coughlin, the defense editor of Britain’s The Telegraph. Though Hamas is a Sunni Islamist terror group, Shiite Iran’s Revolutionary Guards have in the last few months sent Hamas al-Qassam brigades into Gaza on top of millions of dollars to help rebuild the network of tunnels the Israeli Defence Forces found and destroyed last summer. Imagine the amount of blackmail and bullying a nuclear Iran would do.

    How far Obama is prepared to chase after rainbows is sadly illustrated by the candor of his Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz, a nuclear physicist, who has been a party to the multistate negotiations with Iran. Look back first to Oct. 5, 2013 at the start of Obama’s second term. He answered questions about the U.S. intelligence assessment of Iran’s ability to produce nuclear weapons in these words:

    “Our assessment continues to be a year or more away, and in fact, actually our estimate is probably more conservative than the estimates of Israeli intelligence services.”

    But this is not what Moniz said, according to Eli Lake in a Bloomberg News meeting in Washington this last Monday, April 20. The administration, he said, had estimated “for several years” that Iran was at most three months from enriching enough fissile material for a bomb. He added: “They are now, right now spinning, I mean enriching with 9,400 centrifuges out of their roughly 19,000 plus all the ... R&D work. If you put that together, it’s very, very little time to go forward. That’s two to three months.”

    This stunning casual remark was based on information apparently declassified on April 1. What is Obama up to? Why did his administration say reassuringly what it did in October 2013 when he knew it was misleading? Has he now allowed the declassification so as to create a false sense of urgency that his rainbow will vanish unless we reach out for it now?

    Just compare where we are today with the conditions Obama laid down in 2013. Referring to Iran’s smiling new President Hassan Rouhani, the president recently said: “If in fact he [Rouhani] is able to present a credible plan that says Iran is pursuing peaceful nuclear energy but we’re not pursuing nuclear weapons, and we are willing to be part of an internationally verified structure so that all other countries in the world know they are not pursuing nuclear weapons, then, in fact, they can improve relations, improve their economy. And we should test that,” the president said.

    Well, we have sucked the lemons. The taste is sourer than we feared:

    1. Enrichment. Before the talks began, the Obama administration and the U.N. Security Council insisted for years that Iran stop all uranium enrichment. Now it allows Iran to continue enriching uranium.

    2. Stockpile. In February 2015, Iran had 10,000 kilograms of enriched uranium due to be reduced to 300 kilograms through export to Russia, which would return it as rods for use in peaceful energy. It was an achievement for which Obama had legitimate pride. It reduced the risk the fuel could be diverted to a weapons program. But the risk remains. Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister Nabas Araqchi has told the Iranian media there is no question of sending the uranium abroad. It is another demonstration of how dealing with Iran is even dicier than with Russia. Ronald Reagan’s motto was “trust but verify.” With Iran, Obama’s is just: don’t trust. Yet he has agreed the fuel may stay inside the country – and there is no mechanism for reducing the stockpile.

    3. Centrifuges. We wanted to cut back the number of installed centrifuges by about two-thirds. Iran’s centrifuges have multiplied from the beginning of the negotiations to almost 20,000 today. The U.S. initially called for limiting the number of Iranian enriching centrifuges from 500 to 1,500. The agreement now allows Iran a stunning 6,104 centrifuges. According to Iran’s foreign minister, they are able to use their advanced IR-8 centrifuges as soon as the nuclear deal with the world powers goes into effect, contrary to what the U.S. asserted. This would dramatically accelerate Iran’s potential progress, for the IR-8 centrifuges enrich uranium 20 times faster than the current IR-1 centrifuges.

    4. Infrastructure. The closure of nuclear sites at Fordow, Isfahan, Natanz and Arak has been a key goal of the U.S. and its allies for the past decade or so. They at least wanted to limit the productivity of enriched uranium at the Natanz facility.

    The 40 megawatt heavy-water nuclear plant at Arak produces plutonium that would be used to make a couple of bombs a year. Wendy Sherman, the undersecretary of state for political affairs, has correctly said that the Iranians do not need a heavy-water reactor at Arak in order to have a peaceful nuclear program. And yet it is to remain, albeit with reduced plutonium, we are assured. It should be shut down and its 100 tons of heavy water exported.

    Dennis Ross is perhaps our leading government authority in terms of experience and knowledge of the Middle East. He doesn’t see any rainbows, only the storm clouds gathering: “At some point, the Obama administration changed its objective from one of transforming the Iranian nuclear program to one of ensuring that Iran could not have a breakout time of less than one year,“ Ross wrote in Politico. This change, Ross notes, comes from a decision that the U.S. could not alter Iran’s plans, “so instead we needed to focus on constraining their capabilities.”

    In December 2013, Obama similarly said that Iran had no need for the giant nuclear enrichment facility at Fordow. It is buried in a mountain fortress designed to withstand aerial attack. Now Iran is allowed to keep roughly 1,000 centrifuges there, we are told, to convert Fordow into a center for “peaceful purposes” and forego enriching uranium there for at least 15 years. But there is much unknown about the nature of the “research” and what might be achieved with new types of centrifuges and how soon they produce the material for a bomb after the expiration of the 10 years. The breakout time to a bomb could change significantly in the final years and may well have shrunk to zero as the Israelis assert.

    5. Missiles. Iran has been stonewalling about answering outstanding International Atomic Energy Agency concerns about the possible military dimension of its nuclear program. The U.S. negotiators dropped demands that Iran restrict development of intercontinental ballistic missiles that could be used to deliver the warheads.

    6. Duration. Initially the U.S. pushed for a framework transaction that would last over 20 years. Now the deal’s key terms sunset in 10 to 15 years. Former Secretaries of State Henry Kissinger and George Shultz contend that the expiration of the framework agreement “will enable Iran to become a significant nuclear, industrial and military power.” That’s in a country with 80 million people and imperial appetite. “Rather than enabling American disengagement from the Middle East, the nuclear framework is more likely to necessitate deepening involvement there – on complex new terms,” the secretaries wrote.

    7. Enforcement. President Obama argues: “if Iran cheats, the world will know it” and “if we see something suspicious, we will inspect it.” But, as Michael Makovsky notes in the Weekly Standard, these inspections will not be intrusive enough to detect Iranian cheating or to thwart any breakout attempts in time. Quite the opposite. Iran has a long record of cheating on its international nuclear agreements. It has violated international agreements at least three times in the last year alone. Last November, the IAEA caught Iran operating a new advanced IR-5 centrifuge. Secretary Moniz has said IAEA inspectors must have “anywhere, anytime” access. Ayatollah Ali Khameini and his military say “no way.”

    8. Sanctions. The proposed deal gives Iran precisely what it wanted – relief from economic sanctions in exchange for limited restraints on Iranian behavior. This makes the whole project vulnerable to evasion by Iran. They are past masters at that.

    Obama talks about being able to “snap back” sanctions. That is just another color in the rainbow. You can get an idea of how easy it will be to restore the pressure by observing the attitude since our sellout on the lake in Lausanne of two of the big powers in the so-called 5+1 talks. China’s press refers to peaceful Iran as if it were Switzerland and Iran says it looks to China to help oil-rich Iran with nuclear power. Russia now says it is ready to sell Iran S-300 air defense missiles that will make much more risky, if not infeasible, any U.S., Israeli or Saudi attempt at aerial demolition of a nuclear threat. If the West does discover a violation, restoring the sanctions in place today will be almost impossible.

    We should have waited to give the sanctions more time. These sanctions have already caused significant damage to Iran’s economy and brought the Iranians to the table in the first place. For they know that if the sanctions remain, the radical Iranian regime might not survive.

    9. Good behavior. Meanwhile, Iran’s supreme leader, Khamenei is denouncing the United States as the Great Satan, making it clear that Iran does not expect to normalize relations with us anytime soon. His speeches indicate that Iran still sees itself in a holy war with the West.

    10. Here is what is at the end of the rainbow. A U.S. seemingly willing to concede nuclear military capacity to the country our Mideast allies consider their principal threat. No wonder Saudi Arabia and others are insisting on at least an equivalent nuclear capability, for otherwise they face an even more dangerous and threatening environment. America’s traditional allies have concluded that the U.S. has traded temporary nuclear cooperation with Iran for acquiescence to Iran’s ultimate hegemony. When the U.N. Security Council approves the final draft, the sanctions against Iran would be lifted. Much of what Iran has already done in violation of its past treaty commitments may well now be legalized, which would free the Iranians of the sanctions imposed due to those violations.

    The negative reaction to the inadequate safeguards in Obama’s deal has now forced him to acquiesce to Congress some power of review, reinforced by a 19-0 vote of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Its intervention will be critical, for Obama seems to be willfully ignoring Iran’s belligerent behavior and its growing influence over events in Beirut, Damascus, Baghdad and Sanaa. Freed from sanctions, Iran may become even more aggressive.
    10 Ways Obama s Iran Nuclear Agreement Fails - US News

You have been duped, read anything by Gareth Porter. You will find everything above is false.
You are a piece of Human garbage, your hatred of Jews is ignorant and pathetic. But to your desire to tax one group of Americans more then others based on either race or religion? It is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and Illegal, which you either know and don't care or are to stupid to know how the US works.

Let them pay for themselves. I am tired of the money we send them, and yet they cry and the arrogance of their intelligence, well they can't even support themselves, and they want the US to fight their wars. No, I have zip respect for Israel rogue regieme, and Bibi nauseates me whenever he opens his mouth and spews his garbage.

It is amazing how haters will make shit up and tell all kind of lies when they are hating.

Further information: International rankings of Israel
As of 2012, Israel ranks 26th in Global Competitiveness Report by World Economic Forum, and 16th among 187 world nations on the UN's Human Development Index, which places it in the category of "Very Highly Developed". Israel's economy also ranks 17th among the world's most economically developed nations, according to IMD's World Competitiveness Yearbook rankings. The Israeli economy was ranked as the world's most durable economy in the face of crises, and was also ranked first in the rate research and development center investments.[151] The Bank of Israel was ranked first among central banks for its efficient functioning, up from the 8th place in 2009. Israel was ranked first also in its supply of skilled manpower.[151] Israeli companies, particularly in the high-tech area, have enjoyed considerable success raising money on Wall Street and other world financial markets: as of 2010 Israel ranked second among foreign countries in the number of its companies listed on U.S. stock exchanges.[152]

Hey you lieing fucking Jew hating Kunt, need to take your shit talking ass on somewhere else .....................
That's it lets give Israel a few shiny trinkets while they have to live under the threat of a Nuclear Iran.

Geez, I bet they sleep good at night.

Not only are you a generous human for wanting to so callously put that country in jeopardy, as long as you give em a few bucks for compensation fuck em right??

Now that we have established what type of low life piece of shit you are, let's continue on by asking why you would want to tax a whole group of folks who only share the faith and heritage of Jews to fund that project?

Where do such monsters as you come from in life??

Israel is the whole problem and so is Bibi. I know how nice it would be if Hamas and Hezbollah wasn't there, Israel could just wipe the rest of the Palestinians off, and take over Lebanon. They are like vultures, and

answer me, What do they offer us, not a darn thing. Nothing. Let Britain pick up their tab. Let them work for a living. They need to fend for themselves.
You are a piece of Human garbage, your hatred of Jews is ignorant and pathetic. But to your desire to tax one group of Americans more then others based on either race or religion? It is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and Illegal, which you either know and don't care or are to stupid to know how the US works.

Let them pay for themselves. I am tired of the money we send them, and yet they cry and the arrogance of their intelligence, well they can't even support themselves, and they want the US to fight their wars. No, I have zip respect for Israel rogue regieme, and Bibi nauseates me whenever he opens his mouth and spews his garbage.

It is amazing how haters will make shit up and tell all kind of lies when they are hating.

Further information: International rankings of Israel
As of 2012, Israel ranks 26th in Global Competitiveness Report by World Economic Forum, and 16th among 187 world nations on the UN's Human Development Index, which places it in the category of "Very Highly Developed". Israel's economy also ranks 17th among the world's most economically developed nations, according to IMD's World Competitiveness Yearbook rankings. The Israeli economy was ranked as the world's most durable economy in the face of crises, and was also ranked first in the rate research and development center investments.[151] The Bank of Israel was ranked first among central banks for its efficient functioning, up from the 8th place in 2009. Israel was ranked first also in its supply of skilled manpower.[151] Israeli companies, particularly in the high-tech area, have enjoyed considerable success raising money on Wall Street and other world financial markets: as of 2010 Israel ranked second among foreign countries in the number of its companies listed on U.S. stock exchanges.[152]

Hey you lieing fucking Jew hating Kunt, need to take your shit talking ass on somewhere else .....................

They are crooks, their bank are being investigated, the white collar crime here by jews is unprecedented.

  • Over the Rainbow

    Here are 10 ways Obama's Iran nuclear daydream fails.

    Leave hope alone.

    By Mortimer B. Zuckerman April 27, 2015 | 3:15 p.m. EDT

    “I’m always chasing rainbows, watching clouds drifting by. My schemes are just like all my dreams, ending in the sky.”

    The vaudeville song by Caroll and McCarthy, popularized over the years by stars from Judy Garland to Barbra Streisand, is all too appropriate for this stage of the gravest threat to all our dreams: the prospect of mushroom clouds over the Middle East. The rainbow President Barack Obama has been chasing in his negotiations with Iran can more and more be seen for the dangerous illusion it is. He has forsaken decades of pledges from presidents of both parties speaking on behalf of the civilized world. He has misled the American people in affirming over and over that never would revolutionary Iran be able to acquire nuclear weaponry, a breach of the Non-Proliferation Treaty signed by Iran and a guarantee of a nuclear arms race. In fact, one has already started. There are credible reports that Pakistan is ready to ship an atomic package to Saudi Arabia, the Sunni nation that sees Shiite Iran engaging, without restraint, in violence and subversion throughout the region.

    See Photos

    Editorial Cartoons on Barack Obama

    Iran is so hell-bent on domination of the Middle East and the destruction of Israel, it is working across religious lines, according to intelligence reported in the Wall Street journal by Con Coughlin, the defense editor of Britain’s The Telegraph. Though Hamas is a Sunni Islamist terror group, Shiite Iran’s Revolutionary Guards have in the last few months sent Hamas al-Qassam brigades into Gaza on top of millions of dollars to help rebuild the network of tunnels the Israeli Defence Forces found and destroyed last summer. Imagine the amount of blackmail and bullying a nuclear Iran would do.

    How far Obama is prepared to chase after rainbows is sadly illustrated by the candor of his Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz, a nuclear physicist, who has been a party to the multistate negotiations with Iran. Look back first to Oct. 5, 2013 at the start of Obama’s second term. He answered questions about the U.S. intelligence assessment of Iran’s ability to produce nuclear weapons in these words:

    “Our assessment continues to be a year or more away, and in fact, actually our estimate is probably more conservative than the estimates of Israeli intelligence services.”

    But this is not what Moniz said, according to Eli Lake in a Bloomberg News meeting in Washington this last Monday, April 20. The administration, he said, had estimated “for several years” that Iran was at most three months from enriching enough fissile material for a bomb. He added: “They are now, right now spinning, I mean enriching with 9,400 centrifuges out of their roughly 19,000 plus all the ... R&D work. If you put that together, it’s very, very little time to go forward. That’s two to three months.”

    This stunning casual remark was based on information apparently declassified on April 1. What is Obama up to? Why did his administration say reassuringly what it did in October 2013 when he knew it was misleading? Has he now allowed the declassification so as to create a false sense of urgency that his rainbow will vanish unless we reach out for it now?

    Just compare where we are today with the conditions Obama laid down in 2013. Referring to Iran’s smiling new President Hassan Rouhani, the president recently said: “If in fact he [Rouhani] is able to present a credible plan that says Iran is pursuing peaceful nuclear energy but we’re not pursuing nuclear weapons, and we are willing to be part of an internationally verified structure so that all other countries in the world know they are not pursuing nuclear weapons, then, in fact, they can improve relations, improve their economy. And we should test that,” the president said.

    Well, we have sucked the lemons. The taste is sourer than we feared:

    1. Enrichment. Before the talks began, the Obama administration and the U.N. Security Council insisted for years that Iran stop all uranium enrichment. Now it allows Iran to continue enriching uranium.

    2. Stockpile. In February 2015, Iran had 10,000 kilograms of enriched uranium due to be reduced to 300 kilograms through export to Russia, which would return it as rods for use in peaceful energy. It was an achievement for which Obama had legitimate pride. It reduced the risk the fuel could be diverted to a weapons program. But the risk remains. Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister Nabas Araqchi has told the Iranian media there is no question of sending the uranium abroad. It is another demonstration of how dealing with Iran is even dicier than with Russia. Ronald Reagan’s motto was “trust but verify.” With Iran, Obama’s is just: don’t trust. Yet he has agreed the fuel may stay inside the country – and there is no mechanism for reducing the stockpile.

    3. Centrifuges. We wanted to cut back the number of installed centrifuges by about two-thirds. Iran’s centrifuges have multiplied from the beginning of the negotiations to almost 20,000 today. The U.S. initially called for limiting the number of Iranian enriching centrifuges from 500 to 1,500. The agreement now allows Iran a stunning 6,104 centrifuges. According to Iran’s foreign minister, they are able to use their advanced IR-8 centrifuges as soon as the nuclear deal with the world powers goes into effect, contrary to what the U.S. asserted. This would dramatically accelerate Iran’s potential progress, for the IR-8 centrifuges enrich uranium 20 times faster than the current IR-1 centrifuges.

    4. Infrastructure. The closure of nuclear sites at Fordow, Isfahan, Natanz and Arak has been a key goal of the U.S. and its allies for the past decade or so. They at least wanted to limit the productivity of enriched uranium at the Natanz facility.

    The 40 megawatt heavy-water nuclear plant at Arak produces plutonium that would be used to make a couple of bombs a year. Wendy Sherman, the undersecretary of state for political affairs, has correctly said that the Iranians do not need a heavy-water reactor at Arak in order to have a peaceful nuclear program. And yet it is to remain, albeit with reduced plutonium, we are assured. It should be shut down and its 100 tons of heavy water exported.

    Dennis Ross is perhaps our leading government authority in terms of experience and knowledge of the Middle East. He doesn’t see any rainbows, only the storm clouds gathering: “At some point, the Obama administration changed its objective from one of transforming the Iranian nuclear program to one of ensuring that Iran could not have a breakout time of less than one year,“ Ross wrote in Politico. This change, Ross notes, comes from a decision that the U.S. could not alter Iran’s plans, “so instead we needed to focus on constraining their capabilities.”

    In December 2013, Obama similarly said that Iran had no need for the giant nuclear enrichment facility at Fordow. It is buried in a mountain fortress designed to withstand aerial attack. Now Iran is allowed to keep roughly 1,000 centrifuges there, we are told, to convert Fordow into a center for “peaceful purposes” and forego enriching uranium there for at least 15 years. But there is much unknown about the nature of the “research” and what might be achieved with new types of centrifuges and how soon they produce the material for a bomb after the expiration of the 10 years. The breakout time to a bomb could change significantly in the final years and may well have shrunk to zero as the Israelis assert.

    5. Missiles. Iran has been stonewalling about answering outstanding International Atomic Energy Agency concerns about the possible military dimension of its nuclear program. The U.S. negotiators dropped demands that Iran restrict development of intercontinental ballistic missiles that could be used to deliver the warheads.

    6. Duration. Initially the U.S. pushed for a framework transaction that would last over 20 years. Now the deal’s key terms sunset in 10 to 15 years. Former Secretaries of State Henry Kissinger and George Shultz contend that the expiration of the framework agreement “will enable Iran to become a significant nuclear, industrial and military power.” That’s in a country with 80 million people and imperial appetite. “Rather than enabling American disengagement from the Middle East, the nuclear framework is more likely to necessitate deepening involvement there – on complex new terms,” the secretaries wrote.

    7. Enforcement. President Obama argues: “if Iran cheats, the world will know it” and “if we see something suspicious, we will inspect it.” But, as Michael Makovsky notes in the Weekly Standard, these inspections will not be intrusive enough to detect Iranian cheating or to thwart any breakout attempts in time. Quite the opposite. Iran has a long record of cheating on its international nuclear agreements. It has violated international agreements at least three times in the last year alone. Last November, the IAEA caught Iran operating a new advanced IR-5 centrifuge. Secretary Moniz has said IAEA inspectors must have “anywhere, anytime” access. Ayatollah Ali Khameini and his military say “no way.”

    8. Sanctions. The proposed deal gives Iran precisely what it wanted – relief from economic sanctions in exchange for limited restraints on Iranian behavior. This makes the whole project vulnerable to evasion by Iran. They are past masters at that.

    Obama talks about being able to “snap back” sanctions. That is just another color in the rainbow. You can get an idea of how easy it will be to restore the pressure by observing the attitude since our sellout on the lake in Lausanne of two of the big powers in the so-called 5+1 talks. China’s press refers to peaceful Iran as if it were Switzerland and Iran says it looks to China to help oil-rich Iran with nuclear power. Russia now says it is ready to sell Iran S-300 air defense missiles that will make much more risky, if not infeasible, any U.S., Israeli or Saudi attempt at aerial demolition of a nuclear threat. If the West does discover a violation, restoring the sanctions in place today will be almost impossible.

    We should have waited to give the sanctions more time. These sanctions have already caused significant damage to Iran’s economy and brought the Iranians to the table in the first place. For they know that if the sanctions remain, the radical Iranian regime might not survive.

    9. Good behavior. Meanwhile, Iran’s supreme leader, Khamenei is denouncing the United States as the Great Satan, making it clear that Iran does not expect to normalize relations with us anytime soon. His speeches indicate that Iran still sees itself in a holy war with the West.

    10. Here is what is at the end of the rainbow. A U.S. seemingly willing to concede nuclear military capacity to the country our Mideast allies consider their principal threat. No wonder Saudi Arabia and others are insisting on at least an equivalent nuclear capability, for otherwise they face an even more dangerous and threatening environment. America’s traditional allies have concluded that the U.S. has traded temporary nuclear cooperation with Iran for acquiescence to Iran’s ultimate hegemony. When the U.N. Security Council approves the final draft, the sanctions against Iran would be lifted. Much of what Iran has already done in violation of its past treaty commitments may well now be legalized, which would free the Iranians of the sanctions imposed due to those violations.

    The negative reaction to the inadequate safeguards in Obama’s deal has now forced him to acquiesce to Congress some power of review, reinforced by a 19-0 vote of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Its intervention will be critical, for Obama seems to be willfully ignoring Iran’s belligerent behavior and its growing influence over events in Beirut, Damascus, Baghdad and Sanaa. Freed from sanctions, Iran may become even more aggressive.
    10 Ways Obama s Iran Nuclear Agreement Fails - US News

You have been duped, read anything by Gareth Porter. You will find everything above is false.

Why do you morons make me do this??

You are an insignificant piece of whiny ass cybershit.

You have no legitimacy, you have no web site, you have no internet presence in loo of a chat forum in which you can be silenced with the ignore button.

Yet you come out acting all arrogant talking shit about some one who has all those things.

You are a delusional piece of cybershit who needs to grow the fuck up ans stop spreading your bull shit propaganda.

Ever time you post shit, I am going to shove it back up your bitch ass !!
That's it lets give Israel a few shiny trinkets while they have to live under the threat of a Nuclear Iran.

Geez, I bet they sleep good at night.

Not only are you a generous human for wanting to so callously put that country in jeopardy, as long as you give em a few bucks for compensation fuck em right??

Now that we have established what type of low life piece of shit you are, let's continue on by asking why you would want to tax a whole group of folks who only share the faith and heritage of Jews to fund that project?

Where do such monsters as you come from in life??

Israel is the whole problem and so is Bibi. I know how nice it would be if Hamas and Hezbollah wasn't there, Israel could just wipe the rest of the Palestinians off, and take over Lebanon. They are like vultures, and

answer me, What do they offer us, not a darn thing. Nothing. Let Britain pick up their tab. Let them work for a living. They need to fend for themselves.

Another fucking dick sucking Islamic recruiter .................

Go find another forum to monger your Islamic shit ..................
You are a piece of Human garbage, your hatred of Jews is ignorant and pathetic. But to your desire to tax one group of Americans more then others based on either race or religion? It is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and Illegal, which you either know and don't care or are to stupid to know how the US works.

Let them pay for themselves. I am tired of the money we send them, and yet they cry and the arrogance of their intelligence, well they can't even support themselves, and they want the US to fight their wars. No, I have zip respect for Israel rogue regieme, and Bibi nauseates me whenever he opens his mouth and spews his garbage.

It is amazing how haters will make shit up and tell all kind of lies when they are hating.

Further information: International rankings of Israel
As of 2012, Israel ranks 26th in Global Competitiveness Report by World Economic Forum, and 16th among 187 world nations on the UN's Human Development Index, which places it in the category of "Very Highly Developed". Israel's economy also ranks 17th among the world's most economically developed nations, according to IMD's World Competitiveness Yearbook rankings. The Israeli economy was ranked as the world's most durable economy in the face of crises, and was also ranked first in the rate research and development center investments.[151] The Bank of Israel was ranked first among central banks for its efficient functioning, up from the 8th place in 2009. Israel was ranked first also in its supply of skilled manpower.[151] Israeli companies, particularly in the high-tech area, have enjoyed considerable success raising money on Wall Street and other world financial markets: as of 2010 Israel ranked second among foreign countries in the number of its companies listed on U.S. stock exchanges.[152]

Hey you lieing fucking Jew hating Kunt, need to take your shit talking ass on somewhere else .....................

They are crooks, their bank are being investigated, the white collar crime here by jews is unprecedented.

Islamic faggot go away .......................
America needs to tax American Muslims more to pay for their terrorism.

You cost us a lot of money Pene - you know how much a drone costs?

What terrorism? You not under the delusion that Muslims did 911 are you? Sorry it doesn't add up. Israel has started the War on Terror, actually Bibi wrote the book on how the US can beat Islam terror before we even had terror. He is the master of terror.
America needs to tax American Muslims more to pay for their terrorism.

You cost us a lot of money Pene - you know how much a drone costs?

What terrorism? You not under the delusion that Muslims did 911 are you? Sorry it doesn't add up. Israel has started the War on Terror, actually Bibi wrote the book on how the US can beat Islam terror before we even had terror. He is the master of terror.

Fucking Islamic Faggots ....................
White House reportedly offers to boost military aid to Israel after Iran deal

Published July 16, 2015

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President Obama has offered to increase U.S. military aid to Israel in the wake of the Iran nuclear agreement, according to a published report.

The Times reports that under a memorandum of understanding that runs until 2018, the U.S. provides Israel with $3 billion per year in aid, most of which is used to buy military hardware, such as jets. An official familiar with ongoing negotiations told the paper that Israel has asked for between $4.2 and $4.5 billion per year for 10 years in a new aid agreement. According to The Times, negotiations on the agreement began long before the Iran talks ramped up.

Defense Secretary Ashton Carter is scheduled to visit Israel next week, while Israeli opposition leader Isaac Herzog has said that he will soon visit the U.S. to discuss "security measures to suit the new situation."

White House reportedly offers to boost military aid to Israel after Iran deal Fox News

this needs to end when Americans need the money. We can't support Israel, with our tax dollars, esp since their elites send money to them.

Name one thing Israel does for us, besides gives us a huge headache. We do not owe them anything anymore and well we never did. Let Britain take care of them , they gave them part of Palestine.
Good points however not All American Jews are AIPAC-type eXtremists hence the creation of J Street as an alternative.
You are a piece of Human garbage, your hatred of Jews is ignorant and pathetic. But to your desire to tax one group of Americans more then others based on either race or religion? It is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and Illegal, which you either know and don't care or are to stupid to know how the US works.
comedy gold from you as always.according to your warped logic, I guess these TRUE jews who are speaking out about the zionists jews are human garbage as well? :biggrin:

you need to look in the mirror when uttering those first 7 words.:blahblah:
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You are a piece of Human garbage, your hatred of Jews is ignorant and pathetic. But to your desire to tax one group of Americans more then others based on either race or religion? It is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and Illegal, which you either know and don't care or are to stupid to know how the US works.

Let them pay for themselves. I am tired of the money we send them, and yet they cry and the arrogance of their intelligence, well they can't even support themselves, and they want the US to fight their wars. No, I have zip respect for Israel rogue regieme, and Bibi nauseates me whenever he opens his mouth and spews his garbage.

It is amazing how haters will make shit up and tell all kind of lies when they are hating.

Further information: International rankings of Israel
As of 2012, Israel ranks 26th in Global Competitiveness Report by World Economic Forum, and 16th among 187 world nations on the UN's Human Development Index, which places it in the category of "Very Highly Developed". Israel's economy also ranks 17th among the world's most economically developed nations, according to IMD's World Competitiveness Yearbook rankings. The Israeli economy was ranked as the world's most durable economy in the face of crises, and was also ranked first in the rate research and development center investments.[151] The Bank of Israel was ranked first among central banks for its efficient functioning, up from the 8th place in 2009. Israel was ranked first also in its supply of skilled manpower.[151] Israeli companies, particularly in the high-tech area, have enjoyed considerable success raising money on Wall Street and other world financial markets: as of 2010 Israel ranked second among foreign countries in the number of its companies listed on U.S. stock exchanges.[152]

Hey you lieing fucking Jew hating Kunt, need to take your shit talking ass on somewhere else .....................

They are crooks, their bank are being investigated, the white collar crime here by jews is unprecedented.

Let them pay for themselves. I am tired of the money we send them, and yet they cry and the arrogance of their intelligence, well they can't even support themselves, and they want the US to fight their wars. No, I have zip respect for Israel rogue regieme, and Bibi nauseates me whenever he opens his mouth and spews his garbage.

you are making wayyyy too much sense for his mind to

you will overload him with pesky little facts he will have a nervous breakdown soon.he always goes into meltdown mode when he cant refute facts.:biggrin:
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