The US solar market is projected to triple in size by 2028


Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2021
The US solar market is projected to triple in size by 2028

Jun 7 2023 - 9:01 pm PT

Due in part to strong Q1 2023 numbers and a surge in demand, the US solar market is now expected to triple in size over the next five years, according to a new report.

According to the “US Solar Market Insight Q2 2023 report,” released today by the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) and Wood Mackenzie, the solar market is now expected to achieve a total installed solar capacity of 378 gigawatts (GW) by 2028.

The US solar industry installed 6.1 GW of solar capacity and had its best first quarter in history in Q1 2023, due to the easing of supply chain challenges and delayed solar projects moving forward.

The Biden administration’s Inflation Reduction Act has also spurred a surge of new manufacturing announcements, with US module capacity expected to rise from fewer than 9 GW today to more than 60 GW by 2026. At least 16 GW of solar module factories are under construction as of the end of Q1 2023.

Despite customer hesitancy, the residential segment installed 1.6 GW of solar capacity in Q1 2023, a 30% increase from Q1 2022. ... t-5-years/

The world will be a much better place when our society is ran by solar. No more wars for energy and just constant and reliable energy from our sun!
The world will be a much better place when our society is ran by solar. No more wars for energy and just constant and reliable energy from our sun!
In other words the government is going to throw more money at it. Like Solandra back in the Hussein days. Those companies are just going to cash in and take the free money, then go bankrupt.

It won’t make solar power anymore feasible than it is today. Solar power cannot produce power at night, and the upfront costs is insane. After ten years you might make back the money and start profiting, but then just a few years after that the panels lose efficiency and need to be replaced, starting the whole process over again.
Any sane country would invest in its energy infrastructure. I am glad that our government does this an we're damn well better off for it.
The world will be a much better place when our society is ran by solar. No more wars for energy and just constant and reliable energy from our sun!
The US is a worse place with the stupid uneducated Environmental Wackos artificially running up the cost of fossil fuels and contribute to the massive inflation caused by the increase in the cost of energy.

Nobody would be putting in any of that crap if it wasn't for government mandates and filthy subsides.

It is not economical most places in the US except for a narrow belt in the Southwest.

It sure as hell is not economical here in the "Sunshine State". As an engineer that knows how to do real engineering calculations with real world inputs it never works out. If it did I would have no problem putting in solar. I haven't done it because the payback is just too long.

Solar is a scam. Both home and power company farms.

A placebo for morons.

The US solar market is projected to triple in size by 2028​

Wow! It'll be 3% of our energy!!!

The world will be a much better place when our society is ran by solar.
The world will NEVER be run by solar. Solar is too costly and too unreliable. Its only around at best during daytime on clear sunny days. And the economic impact of mining and recycling that many panels is unthinkable.

No more wars for energy and just constant and reliable energy from our sun!
Keep blowing smoke up your ass.
The world will be a much better place when our society is ran by solar. No more wars for energy and just constant and reliable energy from our sun!
constant, it turns off at night, cloudy days, and drops dramatically in winter

it is extremely expensive

it destroys land by the the square mile

the panels on a commercial scale only last ten years

they are manufactured with coal and oil so we much increase our use of coal and oil

solar panels make the richest people in the world richer
The Government pays $50,000 an acre if you put up solar panels.

Winter solar panel charging in Wisconsin simply includes insulating the battery from low temperatures. The panels will still put out wattage on overcast days.

Badger is using Jackery solar panels for e-bike/e-trike, though the future will be similar to Aspera's (three-wheeler) curved panels set into the body of the machine. Wind dynamics means electric-assisted human power.

The future of commuting includes this, with the addition of a third wheel for stability:
89 MPH
Grow a brain, jackass, and learn why Solyndra actually failed.
It “failed” because it was a hoax. Designed to grab as much taxpayer cash, then they cashed out. A half billion dollars gone within two years. Just more typical Democrat money laundering.
It “failed” because it was a hoax. Designed to grab as much taxpayer cash, then they cashed out. A half billion dollars gone within two years. Just more typical Democrat money laundering.
You're an ignorant jackass.

Stay ignorant. I don't care.
The world will be a much better place when our society is ran by solar. No more wars for energy and just constant and reliable energy from our sun!
If our society is ran by solar, we will be using candles at night

Farmland will become solar farms, starvation follows

If our society is ran by solar, in 10 years there will be no industry to build solar panels

Nothing is more stupid, than solar and wind and geothermal, and dams
The link is basically an advertisement with the authors presumably raking off x% as commission . Am a great fan of solar when it is sunny and it does not start eating land which should be growing food . What are the long term economics of having your panels in space . Nonsense?

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