The US will lose in a war against North Korea, a former Pentagon commander warns

What is your definition of victory in a war? Did we win the Korean war? Did we win in Vietman? Did we win in Iraq? Did we win in Afganastan?

We won in Korea because the South Korean people are still free.

We won in Vietnam, but the leftists lost it.

We won in Iraq, but Obama lost the peace to ISIS.

We won in Afghanistan but are losing the occupation.
Your definitioin of victory is different from mine!

Then your definition of victory is wrong and needs adjustment.
I guess I am old school. My definition of victory, is when I get to walk away with your shit. Like treasure and land. Unconditional surrender. Neil before Zod, bitch. You know those kinds of things. Not running home with our tales between our legs like nam. Not like Korea where the war has not even been declared over, or Iraq where we are still there and our treasure is still being spent. Or in afganastan who feeds us their opiates and still is taking our treasure. I guess you have a rosier out look than I do.
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The scenario is the US attacking NK, right?

- Wasting fighting power by going beyond the most secured border in the world is not effective.
- Tunnel systems can be effective against invaders. They cannot provide support for offensive operations abroad.
- However, if NK feels strong enough, they could use an US made war to capture the south anyway.
I doubt NK has the capability to move on the offensive

Sure they could. They have fuel for their truck and soldiers that can walk, and quite a lot of them.

If South Korean and US artillery and air power is tied up reducing the North Korean Artillery that is killing the citizens of Seoul by the thousands a day, and it very will could be

then quite a number of tanks and men could be rolling across the border.
Being on the offensive they would just be targets
They do not have air superiority and would be going up against a vastly superior and mobile force

That fuel would quickly run out

A lot of targets that shoot back.

And I thought the Air force would be blowing up the artillery that was killing civilians in Seoul.

Confidence is a good thing. Over confidence will get your people killed.
Not overconfidence

Reality. We are the best in the world
They cannot go head to head with us

Any invading force from the north would be wiped out

And when China gets involved?
What is your definition of victory in a war? Did we win the Korean war? Did we win in Vietman? Did we win in Iraq? Did we win in Afganastan?

I would like to say, in today's DOPer ALT-FACTS Douche world of thinking.
Those all were wins. We went, We killed, We rebuild their nation, We almost left.
Did I miss any major point?

FFS! Dang! That's right, our soldiers died for nothang.
So after congratulating them and their wounds. Ask them was it worth it?
If they say YES. Tell them they got a daily reminder that will adjust that thinking, over time.
If they say NO, they were used. Dang! Why do you vote repugger still?
They sure did not feel like wins to me! I just do not know what to say to some one that thinks they were wins. I guess what do you define as a loss?

Doing the same thang over and over? No wins after WWII.
So I understand why DOPers feel they are wins. I see few Dems
wanting to invade other places as a party platform.
Korea definitely a win for the US--we kept NK from overrunning SK
PG1 big win
Nam was unwinnable
I doubt NK has the capability to move on the offensive

Sure they could. They have fuel for their truck and soldiers that can walk, and quite a lot of them.

If South Korean and US artillery and air power is tied up reducing the North Korean Artillery that is killing the citizens of Seoul by the thousands a day, and it very will could be

then quite a number of tanks and men could be rolling across the border.
Being on the offensive they would just be targets
They do not have air superiority and would be going up against a vastly superior and mobile force

That fuel would quickly run out

A lot of targets that shoot back.

And I thought the Air force would be blowing up the artillery that was killing civilians in Seoul.

Confidence is a good thing. Over confidence will get your people killed.
Not overconfidence

Reality. We are the best in the world
They cannot go head to head with us

Any invading force from the north would be wiped out

And when China gets involved?
Will they?

If North Korea chooses to invade (which I think they never would), I doubt China would intercede
What is your definition of victory in a war? Did we win the Korean war? Did we win in Vietman? Did we win in Iraq? Did we win in Afganastan?

I would like to say, in today's DOPer ALT-FACTS Douche world of thinking.
Those all were wins. We went, We killed, We rebuild their nation, We almost left.
Did I miss any major point?

FFS! Dang! That's right, our soldiers died for nothang.
So after congratulating them and their wounds. Ask them was it worth it?
If they say YES. Tell them they got a daily reminder that will adjust that thinking, over time.
If they say NO, they were used. Dang! Why do you vote repugger still?
They sure did not feel like wins to me! I just do not know what to say to some one that thinks they were wins. I guess what do you define as a loss?

Doing the same thang over and over? No wins after WWII.
So I understand why DOPers feel they are wins. I see few Dems
wanting to invade other places as a party platform.
Korea definitely a win for the US--we kept NK from overrunning SK
PG1 big win
Nam was unwinnable
Korea was not a win it is not even over yet. I guess I get to keep my shit is a small victory, certainly not a big win.
Sure they could. They have fuel for their truck and soldiers that can walk, and quite a lot of them.

If South Korean and US artillery and air power is tied up reducing the North Korean Artillery that is killing the citizens of Seoul by the thousands a day, and it very will could be

then quite a number of tanks and men could be rolling across the border.
Being on the offensive they would just be targets
They do not have air superiority and would be going up against a vastly superior and mobile force

That fuel would quickly run out

A lot of targets that shoot back.

And I thought the Air force would be blowing up the artillery that was killing civilians in Seoul.

Confidence is a good thing. Over confidence will get your people killed.
Not overconfidence

Reality. We are the best in the world
They cannot go head to head with us

Any invading force from the north would be wiped out

And when China gets involved?
Will they?

If North Korea chooses to invade (which I think they never would), I doubt China would intercede

That's what MacArthur said last time around. He was wrong and tens of thousands of US soldiers paid with their lives.
Being on the offensive they would just be targets
They do not have air superiority and would be going up against a vastly superior and mobile force

That fuel would quickly run out

A lot of targets that shoot back.

And I thought the Air force would be blowing up the artillery that was killing civilians in Seoul.

Confidence is a good thing. Over confidence will get your people killed.
Not overconfidence

Reality. We are the best in the world
They cannot go head to head with us

Any invading force from the north would be wiped out

And when China gets involved?
Will they?

If North Korea chooses to invade (which I think they never would), I doubt China would intercede

That's what MacArthur said last time around. He was wrong and tens of thousands of US soldiers paid with their lives.

MacArthur invaded up to the border of China and then the Chinese entered

China stayed out when N Korea first invaded

Why would China jeopardize their valuable markets for N Korea?
A lot of targets that shoot back.

And I thought the Air force would be blowing up the artillery that was killing civilians in Seoul.

Confidence is a good thing. Over confidence will get your people killed.
Not overconfidence

Reality. We are the best in the world
They cannot go head to head with us

Any invading force from the north would be wiped out

And when China gets involved?
Will they?

If North Korea chooses to invade (which I think they never would), I doubt China would intercede

That's what MacArthur said last time around. He was wrong and tens of thousands of US soldiers paid with their lives.

MacArthur invaded up to the border of China and then the Chinese entered

China stayed out when N Korea first invaded

Why would China jeopardize their valuable markets for N Korea?

Because they are arrogant pricks who think that we are fools who will go back to trading with them as soon as the war is over?
Not overconfidence

Reality. We are the best in the world
They cannot go head to head with us

Any invading force from the north would be wiped out

And when China gets involved?
Will they?

If North Korea chooses to invade (which I think they never would), I doubt China would intercede

That's what MacArthur said last time around. He was wrong and tens of thousands of US soldiers paid with their lives.

MacArthur invaded up to the border of China and then the Chinese entered

China stayed out when N Korea first invaded

Why would China jeopardize their valuable markets for N Korea?

Because they are arrogant pricks who think that we are fools who will go back to trading with them as soon as the war is over?

The capitalist China is far different from the newly formed Communists of 1951

The industrialists are calling the shots

China is losing tolerance with N Korea. They will not support them unless Trump provokes a war
What is your definition of victory in a war? Did we win the Korean war? Did we win in Vietman? Did we win in Iraq? Did we win in Afganastan?

I would like to say, in today's DOPer ALT-FACTS Douche world of thinking.
Those all were wins. We went, We killed, We rebuild their nation, We almost left.
Did I miss any major point?

FFS! Dang! That's right, our soldiers died for nothang.
So after congratulating them and their wounds. Ask them was it worth it?
If they say YES. Tell them they got a daily reminder that will adjust that thinking, over time.
If they say NO, they were used. Dang! Why do you vote repugger still?
They sure did not feel like wins to me! I just do not know what to say to some one that thinks they were wins. I guess what do you define as a loss?

Doing the same thang over and over? No wins after WWII.
So I understand why DOPers feel they are wins. I see few Dems
wanting to invade other places as a party platform.
Korea definitely a win for the US--we kept NK from overrunning SK
PG1 big win
Nam was unwinnable
Korea was not a win it is not even over yet. I guess I get to keep my shit is a small victory, certainly not a big win.
WW1 was ended with an armistice ....the Korean war is over just as WW1, Nam, and the Gulf War is over
there was a cease fire after the Gulf War--if the Gulf War was a win, so is Korea--- if using your terms
the US did not start/get involved in the war to take over NK--but to stop NK from over running SK--WIN

the objectives of the US military was to restore peace--not take over NK
The Security Council then met again. It recommended that members of the United Nations help the Republic of Korea repel the attack and help restore peace and security in that area.
Truman Address on Korea
objective completed---win
What is your definition of victory in a war? Did we win the Korean war? Did we win in Vietman? Did we win in Iraq? Did we win in Afganastan?

I would like to say, in today's DOPer ALT-FACTS Douche world of thinking.
Those all were wins. We went, We killed, We rebuild their nation, We almost left.
Did I miss any major point?

FFS! Dang! That's right, our soldiers died for nothang.
So after congratulating them and their wounds. Ask them was it worth it?
If they say YES. Tell them they got a daily reminder that will adjust that thinking, over time.
If they say NO, they were used. Dang! Why do you vote repugger still?
They sure did not feel like wins to me! I just do not know what to say to some one that thinks they were wins. I guess what do you define as a loss?

Doing the same thang over and over? No wins after WWII.
So I understand why DOPers feel they are wins. I see few Dems
wanting to invade other places as a party platform.
Korea definitely a win for the US--we kept NK from overrunning SK
PG1 big win
Nam was unwinnable
Korea was not a win it is not even over yet. I guess I get to keep my shit is a small victory, certainly not a big win.
an even better example:
are you familiar with the Six Day War?--the Israelis defeated the Arabs in Six Days!!
GREATLY out numbered in ALL categories--SURROUNDED by it's enemies--tiny Israel more than doubled it's territory, beat the crap out of the Arabs/etc--and it ended with a -----ceasefire---by your terms that's not a win????!!!!????
same with the Yom Kippur War
the Israelis have been fighting since 1948 with many wars that had ceasefires
but those were each wars that had been won
What is your definition of victory in a war? Did we win the Korean war? Did we win in Vietman? Did we win in Iraq? Did we win in Afganastan?

We won in Korea because the South Korean people are still free.

We won in Vietnam, but the leftists lost it.

We won in Iraq, but Obama lost the peace to ISIS.

We won in Afghanistan but are losing the occupation.
Your definitioin of victory is different from mine!

Then your definition of victory is wrong and needs adjustment.
I guess I am old school. My definition of victory, is when I get to walk away with your shit. Like treasure and land. Unconditional surrender. Neil before Zod, bitch. You know those kinds of things. Not running home with our tales between our legs like nam. Not like Korea where the war has not even been declared over, or Iraq where we are still there and our treasure is still being spent. Or in afganastan who feeds us their opiates and still is taking our treasure. I guess you have a rosier out look than I do.

Who is Neil? :D

That version of victory that you are looking for died in World War II. Today, liberals will no longer allow us to do that.
What is your definition of victory in a war? Did we win the Korean war? Did we win in Vietman? Did we win in Iraq? Did we win in Afganastan?

We won in Korea because the South Korean people are still free.

We won in Vietnam, but the leftists lost it.

We won in Iraq, but Obama lost the peace to ISIS.

We won in Afghanistan but are losing the occupation.
Your definitioin of victory is different from mine!

Then your definition of victory is wrong and needs adjustment.
I guess I am old school. My definition of victory, is when I get to walk away with your shit. Like treasure and land. Unconditional surrender. Neil before Zod, bitch. You know those kinds of things. Not running home with our tales between our legs like nam. Not like Korea where the war has not even been declared over, or Iraq where we are still there and our treasure is still being spent. Or in afganastan who feeds us their opiates and still is taking our treasure. I guess you have a rosier out look than I do.

Who is Neil? :D

That version of victory that you are looking for died in World War II. Today, liberals will no longer allow us to do that.

The problem with complete and total victory is that you end up with the pieces
Their problems are now your problems
Iraq was a complete and total victory....what good did it do us?
And when China gets involved?
Will they?

If North Korea chooses to invade (which I think they never would), I doubt China would intercede

That's what MacArthur said last time around. He was wrong and tens of thousands of US soldiers paid with their lives.

MacArthur invaded up to the border of China and then the Chinese entered

China stayed out when N Korea first invaded

Why would China jeopardize their valuable markets for N Korea?

Because they are arrogant pricks who think that we are fools who will go back to trading with them as soon as the war is over?

The capitalist China is far different from the newly formed Communists of 1951

The industrialists are calling the shots

China is losing tolerance with N Korea. They will not support them unless Trump provokes a war

I've seen nothing to indicate that political power is not still in the hands of the communists, nor that the Industrialists are not arrogant pricks also.
We won in Korea because the South Korean people are still free.

We won in Vietnam, but the leftists lost it.

We won in Iraq, but Obama lost the peace to ISIS.

We won in Afghanistan but are losing the occupation.
Your definitioin of victory is different from mine!

Then your definition of victory is wrong and needs adjustment.
I guess I am old school. My definition of victory, is when I get to walk away with your shit. Like treasure and land. Unconditional surrender. Neil before Zod, bitch. You know those kinds of things. Not running home with our tales between our legs like nam. Not like Korea where the war has not even been declared over, or Iraq where we are still there and our treasure is still being spent. Or in afganastan who feeds us their opiates and still is taking our treasure. I guess you have a rosier out look than I do.

Who is Neil? :D

That version of victory that you are looking for died in World War II. Today, liberals will no longer allow us to do that.

The problem with complete and total victory is that you end up with the pieces
Their problems are now your problems
Iraq was a complete and total victory....what good did it do us?
None, there was no plan in place for after!! WTF!!! I do not get why they did not install the Marshal Plan after, it worked. After WWII occupation with marshal plan was effective. Shoot at us from a church, church gets knocked down etc,etc. No coherant plan for after. Turned into quagmire just like old saddam said.
I would like to say, in today's DOPer ALT-FACTS Douche world of thinking.
Those all were wins. We went, We killed, We rebuild their nation, We almost left.
Did I miss any major point?

FFS! Dang! That's right, our soldiers died for nothang.
So after congratulating them and their wounds. Ask them was it worth it?
If they say YES. Tell them they got a daily reminder that will adjust that thinking, over time.
If they say NO, they were used. Dang! Why do you vote repugger still?
They sure did not feel like wins to me! I just do not know what to say to some one that thinks they were wins. I guess what do you define as a loss?

Doing the same thang over and over? No wins after WWII.
So I understand why DOPers feel they are wins. I see few Dems
wanting to invade other places as a party platform.
Korea definitely a win for the US--we kept NK from overrunning SK
PG1 big win
Nam was unwinnable
Korea was not a win it is not even over yet. I guess I get to keep my shit is a small victory, certainly not a big win.
an even better example:
are you familiar with the Six Day War?--the Israelis defeated the Arabs in Six Days!!
GREATLY out numbered in ALL categories--SURROUNDED by it's enemies--tiny Israel more than doubled it's territory, beat the crap out of the Arabs/etc--and it ended with a -----ceasefire---by your terms that's not a win????!!!!????
same with the Yom Kippur War
the Israelis have been fighting since 1948 with many wars that had ceasefires
but those were each wars that had been won
That is a win they walk with land and treasure!
Will they?

If North Korea chooses to invade (which I think they never would), I doubt China would intercede

That's what MacArthur said last time around. He was wrong and tens of thousands of US soldiers paid with their lives.

MacArthur invaded up to the border of China and then the Chinese entered

China stayed out when N Korea first invaded

Why would China jeopardize their valuable markets for N Korea?

Because they are arrogant pricks who think that we are fools who will go back to trading with them as soon as the war is over?

The capitalist China is far different from the newly formed Communists of 1951

The industrialists are calling the shots

China is losing tolerance with N Korea. They will not support them unless Trump provokes a war

I've seen nothing to indicate that political power is not still in the hands of the communists, nor that the Industrialists are not arrogant pricks also.

Follow the money

It does not lead to North Korea
They sure did not feel like wins to me! I just do not know what to say to some one that thinks they were wins. I guess what do you define as a loss?

Doing the same thang over and over? No wins after WWII.
So I understand why DOPers feel they are wins. I see few Dems
wanting to invade other places as a party platform.
Korea definitely a win for the US--we kept NK from overrunning SK
PG1 big win
Nam was unwinnable
Korea was not a win it is not even over yet. I guess I get to keep my shit is a small victory, certainly not a big win.
an even better example:
are you familiar with the Six Day War?--the Israelis defeated the Arabs in Six Days!!
GREATLY out numbered in ALL categories--SURROUNDED by it's enemies--tiny Israel more than doubled it's territory, beat the crap out of the Arabs/etc--and it ended with a -----ceasefire---by your terms that's not a win????!!!!????
same with the Yom Kippur War
the Israelis have been fighting since 1948 with many wars that had ceasefires
but those were each wars that had been won
That is a win they walk with land and treasure!
but you said if the war isn't over, it's not a win
so which is it?

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