The USA divided into 3 distinct groups

You forgot the anarchist democrats who think assault on an old man wearing a MAGA hat is a form of free speech. These people are far from normal.
The USA divided into 3 distinct groups

1 - The Bernie Sanders whacked out socialists

2 - The Donald Trump whacked out cult of reactionaries

3 - Normal people

The majority of the US population are normal but the whackos are winning in politics.

The USA divided into 3 distinct groups

1 - The Bernie Sanders whacked out socialists

2 - The Donald Trump whacked out cult of reactionaries

3 - Normal people

The majority of the US population are normal but the whackos are winning in politics.
and why do you think that is Elmer?...just curious......i think its because there to many die hard party people on both sides....the far lefts motto..."if you dont like what i like,if you dont think like i think....fuck you".......the far rights motto......"if you dont like what i like,if you dont think like i think....fuck you"....2 sides that seems to hate each other,but yet are so alike its uncanny....

The USA divided into 3 distinct groups
1 - The Bernie Sanders whacked out socialists
2 - The Donald Trump whacked out cult of reactionaries
3 - Normal people
The majority of the US population are normal but the whackos are winning in politics.
And, bingo.

The nutters are just LOUDER, so they get the attention and therefore command the influence.



There is nothing complex about the division....This is way simpler than you fellas think...The push to take Whitey's country from Whitey has finally occurred to Whitey....Multiculturalism doesn't fucking work...PERIOD!
it doesnt work because there are people like you who just cant understand how someone who has a different perspective on things than yourself,can actually exist.....
The problem is that your side is all talk

for better or worse republican voters elected a president

and the dems are doing everything in their power to elect one of their socialist slugs to replace him

but you are neither fish nor fowl

which makes you meaningless
Could be. Right now you folks, on the ends, are getting all the attention and have all the influence.

We'll stick to our principles and refuse to be obedient sheep. It's worth trying.
Right now?

its been this way since the founding

but I guess some people would rather just complain

You're complaining right now.
I am answering the nose in the crowd who think they are so special

Answering=complaining. Po-tay-to, Po-ta-to. You want a medal because you belong to a tribe?
You should be grateful that I pay you any attention at all
The USA divided into 3 distinct groups

1 - The Bernie Sanders whacked out socialists

2 - The Donald Trump whacked out cult of reactionaries

3 - Normal people

The majority of the US population are normal but the whackos are winning in politics.

Wrong dead wrong

Sanders young and inexperience group

The establishment are the ones committing treason and intentionally and getting protected by the lowest logic ability voters

Then the truly wise which are the ones with the right balance of life and highest net worth ... these are the majority of he men because of their higher logic This group will always win because of their power of wisdom ... these are the trump supporters getting ready to chase democrats out of the nation and making he women stand down with their unwise decisions

Democrats are toast and will be charged with treason and chased out of the nation

Trumps massive rallies shows he now has that power
The nation has always been a nation of divisions....different religions, different heritage's, different socio economic classes, different states, the list goes on. Those divisions have strengthened the nation. Is someone going to say we aren't divided by all of those things above? Explain how. It doesn't mean the nation is in decline. It's always been this way.
The sanders voters will be mad at the democrat party leaders for rigging the election against them

The reason why sanders is rising is because trump has exposed the establishment as the most corrupt group of people ever

Many of sanders voters will switch to trump seeing how he will go after the democrat crooks that stole the election from sanders

Even if sanders goes along and gets a lot of money from the dnc. His voters will not vote for the rigging group ... and soon his voters will turn on him and go with trump to help charge the whole democrat party with treason !!
The nation has always been a nation of divisions....different religions, different heritage's, different socio economic classes, different states, the list goes on. Those divisions have strengthened the nation. Is someone going to say we aren't divided by all of those things above? Explain how. It doesn't mean the nation is in decline. It's always been this way.

The big difference

Is this massive gender difference

Men are waking and will demand big changes

Trump will have the power with the men to charge the deep state with treason

Again the big difference is men against women
Could be. Right now you folks, on the ends, are getting all the attention and have all the influence.

We'll stick to our principles and refuse to be obedient sheep. It's worth trying.
Right now?

its been this way since the founding

but I guess some people would rather just complain

You're complaining right now.
I am answering the nose in the crowd who think they are so special

Answering=complaining. Po-tay-to, Po-ta-to. You want a medal because you belong to a tribe?
You should be grateful that I pay you any attention at all

Lol. :auiqs.jpg: Feel free to fuck right off then, buddy. Your existence is entirely meaningless to this discussion. You're not the value add you so desperately seek to be.
Yeah, yeah

everyone hates the other side these days

The other side?
Aka anyone who does not agree with you

Oh... ok.

So you think the blob is going to “fix” the system that made him rich?
I dont think being rich is a condition that needs to be fixed

That government policies clearly favor the rich...what about that?
What I have noticed is with Trump people’s issues for the most part is about his style and personality not the substance of his polices where with Sanders people like his style and personality but have major issues with his policies.
I do not like Sanders style, grumpy old man. I do not like the majority of his issues. Sanders tone is the government should be focused on the lower 20% of the population without consideration for everyone else. We do need to help those in need but we have to help all.
Trump's style is it is all about me. I do not like more than half of his issues. Trump's tone is to do everything he can to increase his power and wealth. He increases his power by doing everything he can to maximize the economy now at the cost of tomorrow. He does not have long term monetary policy, increasing the debt worse than Democrats, to hell with the environment. Trump focuses on "now", too much, without consideration of the future. He focuses on himself over the needs of the country.

Both Sanders and Trump are out of balance.
Wrong. Sander's plan is to focus on the bottom 90% of the population.

No it's not. Communists focus only on themselves.

A. Sander's is not a communist

2. Look up what communism means you idiot.
What I have noticed is with Trump people’s issues for the most part is about his style and personality not the substance of his polices where with Sanders people like his style and personality but have major issues with his policies.
I do not like Sanders style, grumpy old man. I do not like the majority of his issues. Sanders tone is the government should be focused on the lower 20% of the population without consideration for everyone else. We do need to help those in need but we have to help all.
Trump's style is it is all about me. I do not like more than half of his issues. Trump's tone is to do everything he can to increase his power and wealth. He increases his power by doing everything he can to maximize the economy now at the cost of tomorrow. He does not have long term monetary policy, increasing the debt worse than Democrats, to hell with the environment. Trump focuses on "now", too much, without consideration of the future. He focuses on himself over the needs of the country.

Both Sanders and Trump are out of balance.
Wrong. Sander's plan is to focus on the bottom 90% of the population.
By making them wards of the state

it took the russians 70 brutal years to escape from that kind of charity
No, by helping them outta the hole you conservitards have dug under him
Wow. Interesting thread. One of the better ones I have seen in weeks. What voice is missing? Hmmn. Maybe the first one. Where are the left wing nutballs, the AOC, open border, abortion for a $1.95 at the free clinic on the corner, divide the spoils of the successful riche and make everybody (rich, poor, or mediocre) by government mandate folk? I see the Trump supporters and the center right/left normal independent conservatives. Sorry. The "normal" word slipped of my fingers so naturally, that I thought I might as well go ahead and own it. Guess I might be just another smug sonovavbitch. I'm in decent company or we wouldn't be posting views. So.., none of us want hard core socialism and everthing free for all except the rich, who should be paying everybody else's way. Good place to start, but not where the country is really at or we would not have ended up with Trump and the anything goes if in power thing. We are absolutely too radically divided. It looks like were are deeply into team sports, not caring about the long range outcome or the established rules of the game, as long as the supported team wins today. It looks like we have slipped into beginnings of totalitarian rule. Hope it works out, but doesn't look good. Hat's off the Elmer.

The big difference

Is men against women

Until 20 years ago or so the fewer women who did vote voted with their men. Do not much of a gender divide

Now it’s so massive it’s off the charts

This will make the men stop the women voting by bringing a high logic test for voters

The high logic voters will see things similar and
No party will be part of he election like the crooked democrat party has been since ROE and WADE.

All this last 20 years systems will be stopped

And a logic test for voting will be here
The USA divided into 3 distinct groups

1 - The Bernie Sanders whacked out socialists

2 - The Donald Trump whacked out cult of reactionaries

3 - Normal people

The majority of the US population are normal but the whackos are winning in politics.

The USA divided into 3 distinct groups

1 - The Bernie Sanders whacked out socialists

2 - The Donald Trump whacked out cult of reactionaries

3 - Normal people

The majority of the US population are normal but the whackos are winning in politics.
and why do you think that is Elmer?...just curious......i think its because there to many die hard party people on both sides....the far lefts motto..."if you dont like what i like,if you dont think like i think....fuck you".......the far rights motto......"if you dont like what i like,if you dont think like i think....fuck you"....2 sides that seems to hate each other,but yet are so alike its uncanny....

The USA divided into 3 distinct groups
1 - The Bernie Sanders whacked out socialists
2 - The Donald Trump whacked out cult of reactionaries
3 - Normal people
The majority of the US population are normal but the whackos are winning in politics.
And, bingo.

The nutters are just LOUDER, so they get the attention and therefore command the influence.



There is nothing complex about the division....This is way simpler than you fellas think...The push to take Whitey's country from Whitey has finally occurred to Whitey....Multiculturalism doesn't fucking work...PERIOD!
it doesnt work because there are people like you who just cant understand how someone who has a different perspective on things than yourself,can actually exist.....

Is that the new programming..the new spin..the new angle to be used to sell real Americans on the ‘benefit’ of multiculturalism?
That should go over a fart in a silent church.
“Hey there Mr Good Real Productive do you feel about paying Guadalupe to flee her shithole nation and drop litters of illiterate, indecent criminal minded shithole children in your lap to fund....You should be cool with her one legit child taking an opportunity away from your real American kid in the name of affirmative action or the like....I mean come on, sure they’re loading your jails and prisons up, they’re packing your schools and hospitals and degrading everything they come in contact with..but fuck, look at the bright get to be exposed to those with “a different perspective on things”.
Yeah, yeah

everyone hates the other side these days

The other side?
Aka anyone who does not agree with you

Oh... ok.

So you think the blob is going to “fix” the system that made him rich?
I dont think being rich is a condition that needs to be fixed

That government policies clearly favor the rich...what about that?

Name three “government policies” that “clearly favor the rich”.
I’m standing by.
People with different views means nothing

It’s views of people with high logic that means everything

Prophets are the ones with the high logic ability and their votes must be counted much higher than blind peoples votes

So soon democracy in America will be over

Democracy destroys fairness and justice

Democracies destroys jury trials

The wise men will make the unwise women stand down

A logic test for voters is coming where only the prophets of a nation can vote
What I have noticed is with Trump people’s issues for the most part is about his style and personality not the substance of his polices where with Sanders people like his style and personality but have major issues with his policies.
I do not like Sanders style, grumpy old man. I do not like the majority of his issues. Sanders tone is the government should be focused on the lower 20% of the population without consideration for everyone else. We do need to help those in need but we have to help all.
Trump's style is it is all about me. I do not like more than half of his issues. Trump's tone is to do everything he can to increase his power and wealth. He increases his power by doing everything he can to maximize the economy now at the cost of tomorrow. He does not have long term monetary policy, increasing the debt worse than Democrats, to hell with the environment. Trump focuses on "now", too much, without consideration of the future. He focuses on himself over the needs of the country.

Both Sanders and Trump are out of balance.
Wrong. Sander's plan is to focus on the bottom 90% of the population.

No it's not. Communists focus only on themselves.

A. Sander's is not a communist

2. Look up what communism means you idiot.

Yes he is. He believes in state authoritarian rule. You haven't a clue.
The USA divided into 3 distinct groups

1 - The Bernie Sanders whacked out socialists

2 - The Donald Trump whacked out cult of reactionaries

3 - Normal people

The majority of the US population are normal but the whackos are winning in politics.

The USA divided into 3 distinct groups

1 - The Bernie Sanders whacked out socialists

2 - The Donald Trump whacked out cult of reactionaries

3 - Normal people

The majority of the US population are normal but the whackos are winning in politics.
and why do you think that is Elmer?...just curious......i think its because there to many die hard party people on both sides....the far lefts motto..."if you dont like what i like,if you dont think like i think....fuck you".......the far rights motto......"if you dont like what i like,if you dont think like i think....fuck you"....2 sides that seems to hate each other,but yet are so alike its uncanny....

The USA divided into 3 distinct groups
1 - The Bernie Sanders whacked out socialists
2 - The Donald Trump whacked out cult of reactionaries
3 - Normal people
The majority of the US population are normal but the whackos are winning in politics.
And, bingo.

The nutters are just LOUDER, so they get the attention and therefore command the influence.



There is nothing complex about the division....This is way simpler than you fellas think...The push to take Whitey's country from Whitey has finally occurred to Whitey....Multiculturalism doesn't fucking work...PERIOD!
it doesnt work because there are people like you who just cant understand how someone who has a different perspective on things than yourself,can actually exist.....

Is that the new programming..the new spin..the new angle to be used to sell real Americans on the ‘benefit’ of multiculturalism?
That should go over a fart in a silent church.
“Hey there Mr Good Real Productive do you feel about paying Guadalupe to flee her shithole nation and drop litters of illiterate, indecent criminal minded shithole children in your lap to fund....You should be cool with her one legit child taking an opportunity away from your real American kid in the name of affirmative action or the like....I mean come on, sure they’re loading your jails and prisons up, they’re packing your schools and hospitals and degrading everything they come in contact with..but fuck, look at the bright get to be exposed to those with “a different perspective on things”.
maybe your people should have stopped this shit last century.....why didnt they?....
The USA divided into 3 distinct groups

1 - The Bernie Sanders whacked out socialists

2 - The Donald Trump whacked out cult of reactionaries

3 - Normal people

The majority of the US population are normal but the whackos are winning in politics.

The USA divided into 3 distinct groups

1 - The Bernie Sanders whacked out socialists

2 - The Donald Trump whacked out cult of reactionaries

3 - Normal people

The majority of the US population are normal but the whackos are winning in politics.
and why do you think that is Elmer?...just curious......i think its because there to many die hard party people on both sides....the far lefts motto..."if you dont like what i like,if you dont think like i think....fuck you".......the far rights motto......"if you dont like what i like,if you dont think like i think....fuck you"....2 sides that seems to hate each other,but yet are so alike its uncanny....

The USA divided into 3 distinct groups
1 - The Bernie Sanders whacked out socialists
2 - The Donald Trump whacked out cult of reactionaries
3 - Normal people
The majority of the US population are normal but the whackos are winning in politics.
And, bingo.

The nutters are just LOUDER, so they get the attention and therefore command the influence.



There is nothing complex about the division....This is way simpler than you fellas think...The push to take Whitey's country from Whitey has finally occurred to Whitey....Multiculturalism doesn't fucking work...PERIOD!
it doesnt work because there are people like you who just cant understand how someone who has a different perspective on things than yourself,can actually exist.....

Is that the new programming..the new spin..the new angle to be used to sell real Americans on the ‘benefit’ of multiculturalism?
That should go over a fart in a silent church.
“Hey there Mr Good Real Productive do you feel about paying Guadalupe to flee her shithole nation and drop litters of illiterate, indecent criminal minded shithole children in your lap to fund....You should be cool with her one legit child taking an opportunity away from your real American kid in the name of affirmative action or the like....I mean come on, sure they’re loading your jails and prisons up, they’re packing your schools and hospitals and degrading everything they come in contact with..but fuck, look at the bright get to be exposed to those with “a different perspective on things”.
maybe your people should have stopped this shit last century.....why didnt they?....

American’s have a terrible tendency to be overly kind, giving and understanding...For decades they looked the other way in the name of such.
Now, they realize they were suckered and taken advantage of...Have they lost their right to change their perspective because they were kind and giving for too long?
The USA divided into 3 distinct groups

1 - The Bernie Sanders whacked out socialists

2 - The Donald Trump whacked out cult of reactionaries

3 - Normal people

The majority of the US population are normal but the whackos are winning in politics.

and why do you think that is Elmer?...just curious......i think its because there to many die hard party people on both sides....the far lefts motto..."if you dont like what i like,if you dont think like i think....fuck you".......the far rights motto......"if you dont like what i like,if you dont think like i think....fuck you"....2 sides that seems to hate each other,but yet are so alike its uncanny....

And, bingo.

The nutters are just LOUDER, so they get the attention and therefore command the influence.



There is nothing complex about the division....This is way simpler than you fellas think...The push to take Whitey's country from Whitey has finally occurred to Whitey....Multiculturalism doesn't fucking work...PERIOD!
it doesnt work because there are people like you who just cant understand how someone who has a different perspective on things than yourself,can actually exist.....

Is that the new programming..the new spin..the new angle to be used to sell real Americans on the ‘benefit’ of multiculturalism?
That should go over a fart in a silent church.
“Hey there Mr Good Real Productive do you feel about paying Guadalupe to flee her shithole nation and drop litters of illiterate, indecent criminal minded shithole children in your lap to fund....You should be cool with her one legit child taking an opportunity away from your real American kid in the name of affirmative action or the like....I mean come on, sure they’re loading your jails and prisons up, they’re packing your schools and hospitals and degrading everything they come in contact with..but fuck, look at the bright get to be exposed to those with “a different perspective on things”.
maybe your people should have stopped this shit last century.....why didnt they?....

American’s have a terrible tendency to be overly kind, giving and understanding...For decades they looked the other way in the name of such.
Now, they realize they were suckered and taken advantage of...Have they lost their right to change their perspective because they were kind and giving for too long?
give me a break,california was being taken advantage of back in the 90's with illegal immigration....its taken them this long to wake up?.........

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