The USA is the greatest country in the history of the world !

The Soviet Union is an historical fact. The threat from them was enough to unify the vast majority of the rest of Europe under American leadership for 50 years.

That alone, is reason enough to consider that factor valid.

The Soviet Union no longer exist, you might as well argue we are keeping them safe from the Roman Empire.

Except that their current society is still pretty derivative of that time frame.

Do you believe the people of Norway feel threatened?
Thomas Jefferson, an American of note, gave the world the most profound Life Philosophy ever penned- many Americans have argued it isn't true and act thusly- then later this came about:
The Pledge of Allegiance was written in August 1892 by the socialist minister Francis Bellamy (1855-1931). It was originally published in The Youth's Companion on September 8, 1892. Bellamy had hoped that the pledge would be used by citizens in any country.

In its original form it read:

"I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
In 1923, the words, "the Flag of the United States of America" were added. At this time it read:

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
In 1954, in response to the Communist threat of the times, President Eisenhower encouraged Congress to add the words "under God," creating the 31-word pledge we say today. Bellamy's daughter objected to this alteration. Today it reads:

The Pledge of Allegiance

I dare say liberty and justice for all is forsaken- never mind all men being created equal and having certain unalienable rights-
It seems "Americans" have a propensity of ignoring a lot exacerbated by a refusal to read and expand their knowledge through exercising their right to do so- there is also the right to ignore and Americans exemplify that very well.

The US touts itself as being free- free is unencumbered- there are so many federal laws they can't be counted and it is estimated everyone breaks at least 3 a day- that is hardly unencumbered. I seriously doubt Jefferson envisioned the prevailing ignorance and arrogance which permeates society therefore its "representatives" was unleashed when he and his peers established the US- greatest is subjective. One man's trash is another man's treasure- beauty is in the eye of the beholder- declaring a presumption as infallible is ignorance personified.
So, the US is number one in enforcing their laws and you think that is a bad thing?
Well actually I think it's number one in providing slave labour. There are many ways to enforce laws that don't involve the land of the free having the largest prison population in the world.

Number One!
Clearly, that isn't the case. I'm not going to waste my time trying to convince you that you are wrong.
Migrants are not inherently good. Accepting bad migrants is not a plus. Counting acceptance of itt as a metric of "greatness" is stupid.

You find my reasoning simplistic? Take a second to compare it to yours. Or your complete lack there of.
Acceptance of migrants is a component of national happiness. A sad country cannot be great. Your sentiments are a clue as to why the US does not score highly in areas such as national happiness, perception of corruption, quality of life, etc., etc..
Non-merrykan fuckers !
Migrants and happiness

Migrants and happiness

The happiest countries in the world tend to be quite affluent but also tend to have strong social support programmes. In 2018, the ten happiest countries according to the Gallup Poll were (in order): Finland, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Switzerland, Netherlands, Canada, New Zealand, Sweden and Australia. Thus New Zealand, at 8th, is (despite our grumbles) a great place to live.

Often migrants come from poorer, and less happy countries. The process of moving to happy countries (e.g. in Northern Europe, Canada and Australasia) leads to a significant boost in their welfare.

Indeed the top ten ranking countries for average happiness of migrants (i.e. of the foreign born) is almost the same as for overall happiness: Finland, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Sweden, Switzerland, Mexico (Netherlands slips fractionally to 11th). Note that New Zealand rises to 5th in the ranking of happiness of migrants.

An important factor for explaining migrant wellbeing in their new country is the local attitudes of the domestic population towards migrants. The report finds that countries which are highly accepting towards migrants tend to have both greater migrant happiness and greater happiness for the domestically-born population.
Acceptance of migrants is a component of national happiness..

Now that is just stupid.
Migrants' Happiness Tied to Whether They Are Accepted

The point is that the migrant population of any country is small enough that even if they are unhappy that does not have a meaningful impact on the overall happiness of the country. This is especially true of the couturiers at the top of most of the list as they have basically no migrant presence
Well actually I think it's number one in providing slave labour. There are many ways to enforce laws that don't involve the land of the free having the largest prison population in the world.

Number One!
Clearly, that isn't the case. I'm not going to waste my time trying to convince you that you are wrong.
Yes, I have noticed a fear of metrics and cites in this thread and an almost total reliance on assertion. Oh well.

Prison labour is a billion-dollar industry, with uncertain returns for inmates

Prison labour is a billion-dollar industry, with uncertain returns for inmates

At the federal level, the Bureau of Prisons operates a programme known as Federal Prison Industries that pays inmates roughly $0.90 an hour to produce everything from mattresses, spectacles,road signs and body armour for other government agencies, earning $500m in sales in fiscal 2016. Prisoners have produced official seals for the Department of Defence and Department of State, a bureau spokesman confirmed. In many prisons, the hourly wage is less than the cost of a chocolate bar at the commissary, yet the waiting list remains long—the programme still pays much more than the $0.12-0.40 earned for an hour of kitchen work.

Similar schemes exist at the state level as well, making the market of 61,000 captive labourers worth well over $1bn. California’s programme expects to generate $232m in sales this year, much of it from construction and textiles, though $10m is also expected from meat-cutting. In Idaho, prisoners roast potatoes. In Kentucky, they sell $1m worth of cattle.
The point is that the migrant population of any country is small enough that even if they are unhappy that does not have a meaningful impact on the overall happiness of the country. This is especially true of the couturiers at the top of most of the list as they have basically no migrant presence
Feel free to ignore the research, hoho, if it makes you happy...

edit... But anyway, to what countries do you refer? Countries like Canada, Australia, New Zealand?
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The point is that the migrant population of any country is small enough that even if they are unhappy that does not have a meaningful impact on the overall happiness of the country. This is especially true of the couturiers at the top of most of the list as they have basically no migrant presence
Feel free to ignore the research, hoho, if it makes you happy...

Yes, the migrants are happier, but there is not enough to them to move the bar...why is that so hard for you to grasp?
Yes, the migrants are happier, but there is not enough to them to move the bar...why is that so hard for you to grasp?
Migrant happiness is an indication of migrant acceptance which is an indicator of national happiness. Was the trail of breadcrumbs too faint? Anyway, to what countries do you refer? Canada, Australia, New Zealand? Too, you could link to cites that show your assertion that migrant populations in those countries are too small to be meaningful is valid. How small is that, anyway?
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Yes, the migrants are happier, but there is not enough to them to move the bar...why is that so hard for you to grasp?
Migrant happiness is an indication of migrant acceptance which is an indicator of national happiness. Was the trail of breadcrumbs too faint? Anyway, to what countries do you refer? Canada, Australia, New Zealand? Too, you could link to cites that show your assertion that migrant populations in those countries are too small to be meaningful is valid. How small is that, anyway?

The breadcrumbs were sucked up by the bullshit cleaner.


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