The USA is the greatest country in the history of the world !

In this context, it is enough to point out that acceptance of migrants is NOT a component of national happiness and that any list that claims it is, is bullshit.
Well, as I intimated, sentiments like that go a long way to explaining the US rankings on various measures of 'greatness'.

Your inability to support your assumption that acceptance of migrants is somehow inherently good, is noted and held against your position.
Please recall that the Cold War is over, BUT, that for a long time, the Soviet Union was a threat and we led the alliance against them.
It may have been a threat to US desires of hegemony, not much else.

YOur insane historical revisionism is noted and laughed at.

Try telling it to the dead in Korea, and Vietnam, and Greece.
Your inability to support your assumption that acceptance of migrants is somehow inherently good, is noted and held against your position.
I accept you are too dumb to have read and comprehended the evidence I've posted in this thread. But you did participate. Well done.
Your inability to support your assumption that acceptance of migrants is somehow inherently good, is noted and held against your position.
I accept you are too dumb to have read and comprehended the evidence I've posted in this thread. But you did participate. Well done.

You've done nothing but assert it, over and over again.

That you think that is "evidence" is painfully sad. But typical of liberals. So, don't feel too bad. You at least have plenty of company.
YOur insane historical revisionism is noted and laughed at.

Try telling it to the dead in Korea, and Vietnam, and Greece.
Where the US supported untold death and destruction. They already know. Two million odd in Vietnam wasn't it?
YOur insane historical revisionism is noted and laughed at.

Try telling it to the dead in Korea, and Vietnam, and Greece.
Where the US supported untold death and destruction. They already know. Two million odd in Vietnam wasn't it?

The US? Interesting. So, in your world, the US just randomly decided to attack those nations?
You've done nothing but assert it, over and over again.
If you can't read and comprehend my posts nor follow up my links the fault does not lie with me, apart from my inability to put them in pictures. I admit fault there.
The US? Interesting. So, in your world, the US just randomly decided to attack those nations?
Stop blaming me for your ignorance. I'd post evidence but as I'm not able to put it in picture form it would be wasted.
You've done nothing but assert it, over and over again.
If you can't read and comprehend my posts nor follow up my links the fault does not lie with me, apart from my inability to put them in pictures. I admit fault there.

I've read your assertions. You've made no points regarding the acceptance of migrants that would require a supporting link. All you have done, is assert it.

I've pointed out to you, the obvious fact that not all migrants are good. You have failed to even acknowledge any awareness of that point, let alone address it, or God Forbid, even try to refute it.

YOu are several levels removed from even engaging in debate, let alone actually making any points.
I've read your assertions. You've made no points regarding the acceptance of migrants that would require a supporting link. All you have done, is assert it.
See, I knew it wouldn't work without pictures. I provided evidence and links to it but to no avail. Oh well.
YOur failure to support your point, is noted, and expected.
Ffs! Of course it should be expected. I've admitted I can't do it in pictures.

Oh. Right. You couldn't understand that because it wasn't in pictures. Like you won't be able to understand this. My bad.
I've read your assertions. You've made no points regarding the acceptance of migrants that would require a supporting link. All you have done, is assert it.
See, I knew it wouldn't work without pictures. I provided evidence and links to it but to no avail. Oh well.

You have provided no evidence. You have made no points. LInks are to support points, not make them.

I made points. YOu failed to address any of them.

That you can think that you have not lost this debate, is a testimony to how blind liberals are.
YOur failure to support your point, is noted, and expected.
Ffs! Of course it should be expected. I've admitted I can't do it in pictures.

Oh. Right. You couldn't understand that because it wasn't in pictures. My bad.

Snark is not a supporting argument. Unsupported assertions are not supporting arguments. Flat denials ar not supporting arguments. You have done nothing but those three things.
It imprisons more people than any other country.

Number One!!!

Yea, how dare we imprison our criminals as opposed to letting them free. Although I would argue we still free far too many criminals. It’s also because so many blacks and Latinos commit crimes, whereas other “civilized” countries don’t have millions of such minorities to deal with.
Yea, how dare we imprison our criminals as opposed to letting them free. Although I would argue we still free far too many criminals. It’s also because so many blacks and Latinos commit crimes, whereas other “civilized” countries don’t have millions of such minorities to deal with.
Number one !!!
So, your not denying the factor, you are just saying it was long ago enough that it does not matter any more?

I am saying you are like the guy that puts cannons in his front yard and tells his neighbors he is keeping the pirates away
So, your not denying the factor, you are just saying it was long ago enough that it does not matter any more?

I am saying you are like the guy that puts cannons in his front yard and tells his neighbors he is keeping the pirates away

1. THe pirates were certainly there, for a long time. That the nation of Norway, did not have to face it along, and they saved large sums of money and the time and energy of large numbers of their people, which they spent elsewhere, is a real factor.

2. And is still a factor. They prosper in the world made by our force of arms. That is relevant.

3, And it is not the only factor, but if you won't admit the Soviet Union was a real threat, I'm not sure why discussing any other factors would be relevant.

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