The use of the 14th Amendment by gays for gay marriage can't be used

You need a hug or something man. Lighten up. It was a joke. Do you have daddy issues or something?


Uh huh. LOL What you refer to as a joke, is what I call a cowardly attempt to attack me personally over a typo because you can't substantiate your own arguments even as you refuse to address the actual content of mine.
Then to follow that up, you only offer more personal attacks because as shown by your own posts you have nothing of substance to offer.

You can call it whatever you want to. You take great interpretative liberty with every other argument I've seen you a party to.

really?? Due to the fact that you only recently came to this board and I haven't been on it in a few months I find it hard to believe that you have any knowledge of the arguments I have been a party of except for this thread. So this is just another lame attempt by you to personally attack me becuase you know that you have nothing of substance to offer.

I have nothing to offer you because you want something specifically excluded when the Constitution.

Is there supposed to be a point in that fragment?

The Constitution does not list the exceptions, it lists the rules. You have misapplied the 14th amendment from the very beginning. I don't even know why I bother to read your posts at this point.


Once again you only make claims that you can't substantiate. However, I will ask AGAIN.

HOW have I misapplied the 14th amendment?? You have stated that as you belief several times but have failed to provide anything of substance every time I have asked you for substance.
Uh huh. LOL What you refer to as a joke, is what I call a cowardly attempt to attack me personally over a typo because you can't substantiate your own arguments even as you refuse to address the actual content of mine.
Then to follow that up, you only offer more personal attacks because as shown by your own posts you have nothing of substance to offer.
Quit your fuckin' whining, and grow the fuck up........Nobody cares.

LOL and yet you care enough to stalk me into two threads now don't you?
I haven't been on this board in over a month and the moment I come back you jump into both threads I enter and come at me with your usual tirades and baseless perosnal attacks.

Thanks for showing how much you care. LOL

Now have you explained your LIE about how you claimed that obama "had all 3 government entities for two years. The WH, senate and congress" when the fact is that dems only had the senate for 9 months?
If you weren't such a dumbass with a comprehension problem.....I already did.

Stalking you?.....Please!......You think to highly of yourself, lil' man.

And yes, i'm not surprised you ran away for a month. After making a complete fool of yourself over on the "why do dem's trivialize thread", I can see why you went and hid.....I can see why you're avoiding that thread like the plague.
Uh huh. LOL What you refer to as a joke, is what I call a cowardly attempt to attack me personally over a typo because you can't substantiate your own arguments even as you refuse to address the actual content of mine.
Then to follow that up, you only offer more personal attacks because as shown by your own posts you have nothing of substance to offer.

You can call it whatever you want to. You take great interpretative liberty with every other argument I've seen you a party to.

really?? Due to the fact that you only recently came to this board and I haven't been on it in a few months I find it hard to believe that you have any knowledge of the arguments I have been a party of except for this thread. So this is just another lame attempt by you to personally attack me becuase you know that you have nothing of substance to offer.

I have nothing to offer you because you want something specifically excluded when the Constitution.

Is there supposed to be a point in that fragment?

The Constitution does not list the exceptions, it lists the rules. You have misapplied the 14th amendment from the very beginning. I don't even know why I bother to read your posts at this point.


Once again you only make claims that you can't substantiate. However, I will ask AGAIN.

HOW have I misapplied the 14th amendment?? You have stated that as you belief several times but have failed to provide anything of substance every time I have asked you for substance.

I explained that pages back. You didn't like the explanation because it refutes your point so you just simply declare it invalid.

Uh huh. LOL What you refer to as a joke, is what I call a cowardly attempt to attack me personally over a typo because you can't substantiate your own arguments even as you refuse to address the actual content of mine.
Then to follow that up, you only offer more personal attacks because as shown by your own posts you have nothing of substance to offer.

You can call it whatever you want to. You take great interpretative liberty with every other argument I've seen you a party to.

really?? Due to the fact that you only recently came to this board and I haven't been on it in a few months I find it hard to believe that you have any knowledge of the arguments I have been a party of except for this thread. So this is just another lame attempt by you to personally attack me becuase you know that you have nothing of substance to offer.

I have nothing to offer you because you want something specifically excluded when the Constitution.

Is there supposed to be a point in that fragment?

The Constitution does not list the exceptions, it lists the rules. You have misapplied the 14th amendment from the very beginning. I don't even know why I bother to read your posts at this point.


Once again you only make claims that you can't substantiate. However, I will ask AGAIN.

HOW have I misapplied the 14th amendment?? You have stated that as you belief several times but have failed to provide anything of substance every time I have asked you for substance.
LMAO....So, now it goes from a lil' over a month to a "few months".........You're fuckin' hilarious.:lol:
You can call it whatever you want to. You take great interpretative liberty with every other argument I've seen you a party to.

really?? Due to the fact that you only recently came to this board and I haven't been on it in a few months I find it hard to believe that you have any knowledge of the arguments I have been a party of except for this thread. So this is just another lame attempt by you to personally attack me becuase you know that you have nothing of substance to offer.

Is there supposed to be a point in that fragment?

The Constitution does not list the exceptions, it lists the rules. You have misapplied the 14th amendment from the very beginning. I don't even know why I bother to read your posts at this point.


Once again you only make claims that you can't substantiate. However, I will ask AGAIN.

HOW have I misapplied the 14th amendment?? You have stated that as you belief several times but have failed to provide anything of substance every time I have asked you for substance.

I explained that pages back. You didn't like the explanation because it refutes your point so you just simply declare it invalid.

Modus Operandi
So lets legalize same sex, incestual and polygamous marriage arrangements and call it a day. All consenting adults, let them be their own moral compass.
So lets legalize same sex, incestual and polygamous marriage arrangements and call it a day. All consenting adults, let them be their own moral compass.

No. Since it isn't an issue that is granted to Congress by the States, lets let the states decide what does and does not constitute marriage. Better yet, lets get government out of the marriage business. Rewrite the tax code so that there is no tax advantage (flat tax/fair tax anyone). For that matter lets eliminate all loopholes and tax credits and tax everyone equally.

No, he's just pissed he can't afford to relocate to NY where his marriage would be recognized.

Actually my reasoning has no bearing on me or my heterosexual lifestyle but leave it to you to come at me with baseless personal attacks because you can't defend your LIE where you claimed the dems had the white house, the senate and the congress for 2 years when they only had all three for 9 months. LOL
You are correct....Now, tell us what they did in those 9 months....In fact tell us what Obama and congress did for those two years to address the issues that eventually caused the downgrade.

Tell us what they did to try and address the debt, deficit, spending, borrowing, etc.

In fact, how about giving us the record that Obama is going to show that he's been such an effective leader economically during the past 2 1/2 years of his disastrous economy.

Thanks for admitting that you LIED. Well democrats passed healthcare legislation a long overly drawn out fight because republicans were too busy obstructing an idea that was their own a few years back. Did't go far enough due to the compromises that had to be made.
Then there was the stimulus that was passed which republicans railed against even as most of them gladly took the money. No it didn't go far enough either which is why I find it hilarious that republicans love to try and hold obama accountable for this unemplyment predictions that were based on his initial plan which is NOT what made it through congress. If you change a plan the outcome will definititely not be the same as predicted.

after those two fights and with scott browns victory the dems no longer controlled the senate. Then the stalemate began as republicans obstructed damn near everything and made a filibuster proof vote a requiremnent for almost any legislation to be passed.

Then the republicans used the quagmire that they created to attack the ineptitude of big governemnt, that they created, which helped them win in 2010 but they have done very little since they gained control of the house.
Here ya' go Dr........So we don't have to go off topic on this thread, and put up with your usual whiney spins and deflections, take your ass over to the following thread and tell us exactly what your beloved Obama's going to use as his record showing all the things he's done to address the problems of the economy.....Surely he must have a record beyond blaming everybody else for his abject failngs.....You'll notice over there, not one of your fellow Obamabots can come up with Jack Shit beyond the usual Obamabot spin and deflection they've become masters at these days.

Your problem is that you are so blinded by partisan hatred and biased that any reason given no matter how valid will seem like "spin and deflection" to you.
I remember that thread you started on the msnbc message baord where you tried to blame obama for the drop in the stock market that began BEFORE he was even elected, then as the stock market rebounded and went back up you and the other republicans in that thread started arguing how the president really has little effect on the markets so you could avoid giving him credit for anything. Even though you are more than willing to blame him for any drop that same entity may take.

Oh and BTW since you claim he has a list of "abject failings" then he must have a record so please list it. Has he done alot and failed? if so then why did he "fail?" I am sure you have something of substance becuase you wouldn't just spew out baseless partisan nonsence now would you?
Actually my reasoning has no bearing on me or my heterosexual lifestyle but leave it to you to come at me with baseless personal attacks because you can't defend your LIE where you claimed the dems had the white house, the senate and the congress for 2 years when they only had all three for 9 months. LOL
You are correct....Now, tell us what they did in those 9 months....In fact tell us what Obama and congress did for those two years to address the issues that eventually caused the downgrade.

Tell us what they did to try and address the debt, deficit, spending, borrowing, etc.

In fact, how about giving us the record that Obama is going to show that he's been such an effective leader economically during the past 2 1/2 years of his disastrous economy.

Thanks for admitting that you LIED. Well democrats passed healthcare legislation a long overly drawn out fight because republicans were too busy obstructing an idea that was their own a few years back. Did't go far enough due to the compromises that had to be made.
Then there was the stimulus that was passed which republicans railed against even as most of them gladly took the money. No it didn't go far enough either which is why I find it hilarious that republicans love to try and hold obama accountable for this unemplyment predictions that were based on his initial plan which is NOT what made it through congress. If you change a plan the outcome will definititely not be the same as predicted.

after those two fights and with scott browns victory the dems no longer controlled the senate. Then the stalemate began as republicans obstructed damn near everything and made a filibuster proof vote a requiremnent for almost any legislation to be passed.

Then the republicans used the quagmire that they created to attack the ineptitude of big governemnt, that they created, which helped them win in 2010 but they have done very little since they gained control of the house.
Thanks for admitting that Obama has nothing.

And if he tries to run on his Healthcare albatross that has become increasingly unpopular, due to the fact that it's panning out that it's going to be a major jobs killer, particularly among small business, or tries to tout his stimulius that has abjectly failed, he's toast.

But then, they just showed his first lil' bus stop. Nothing but more BS from his last campaign, completely void of substance........The man is a disaster, and it's time for the dem's to seriously think about mounting a challenge
Here ya' go Dr........So we don't have to go off topic on this thread, and put up with your usual whiney spins and deflections, take your ass over to the following thread and tell us exactly what your beloved Obama's going to use as his record showing all the things he's done to address the problems of the economy.....Surely he must have a record beyond blaming everybody else for his abject failngs.....You'll notice over there, not one of your fellow Obamabots can come up with Jack Shit beyond the usual Obamabot spin and deflection they've become masters at these days.

Your problem is that you are so blinded by partisan hatred and biased that any reason given no matter how valid will seem like "spin and deflection" to you.
I remember that thread you started on the msnbc message baord where you tried to blame obama for the drop in the stock market that began BEFORE he was even elected, then as the stock market rebounded and went back up you and the other republicans in that thread started arguing how the president really has little effect on the markets so you could avoid giving him credit for anything. Even though you are more than willing to blame him for any drop that same entity may take.

Oh and BTW since you claim he has a list of "abject failings" then he must have a record so please list it. Has he done alot and failed? if so then why did he "fail?" I am sure you have something of substance becuase you wouldn't just spew out baseless partisan nonsence now would you?
Nooooooooo, that thread wasn't about blaming Obama. It was about his asinine statement about not really keeping an eye on it, and that it just goes up and down......The first lil' inkling we all had that he is completely economically illiterate.

He does have a record of abject economic failings. That you cannot deny, but we all know you will try.

So, we'll sit here and wait for even one of you to come up with a record that shows he addressed the main problems in this economy, and came up with a successful plan.....You know, how did he address the debt, deficit, spending, borowing. Where are all those jobs, etc.
There is written into the language of *NO* law that heterosexuals specifically have more rights than homosexuals, Not all heterosexuals can marry, a brother can't marry his sister and a mother can't marry a son.

Again, where do you get your definition of discrimination?? Could you please cite the source so it can be shown where you get a definition that states it must be intentional and specifically discriminating before it counts as discrimination.?

Oh and stop trying to obfuscate the issue by bringing in incest. LOL
Do you really not understand? I swear to God you are just being an ass on purpose.

Incest = something some people find disgusting.
Homosexuality = something some people find disgusting.
State requirements for marriage = a states stance on who you are eligible to marry.
Your stance on same sex marriage = I don't find it offensive. You should be able to marry whoever you want.
Your stance on incest = I find it offensive. Hell no you can't marry whoever you want.

It is THAT simple.


Are you really that moronic?? I swear to God you just pretend to be this stupid on purpose.

incest= has nothing to do with whether the 14th amendment applies to same sex marriage or not

Morons who continue to bring incest up= Morons who have failed miserably to provide a substantive reason to support the claim that the 14th amendment does not apply to same sex marriage so they instead wish to "obfuscate" the issues by bringing in topics that have NO bearing on whether the 14th amendment applies to same sex marriage.

texasmike= a dishonest hack who likes to make shite up and attribute it to other people so he can define their opinions based on his work of fiction in a desperate attempt to attack the messenger because mike has no substantive argument or counter argument.

It is THAT simple.
Quit your fuckin' whining, and grow the fuck up........Nobody cares.

LOL and yet you care enough to stalk me into two threads now don't you?
I haven't been on this board in over a month and the moment I come back you jump into both threads I enter and come at me with your usual tirades and baseless perosnal attacks.

Thanks for showing how much you care. LOL

Now have you explained your LIE about how you claimed that obama "had all 3 government entities for two years. The WH, senate and congress" when the fact is that dems only had the senate for 9 months?
If you weren't such a dumbass with a comprehension problem.....I already did.

Stalking you?.....Please!......You think to highly of yourself, lil' man.

And yes, i'm not surprised you ran away for a month. After making a complete fool of yourself over on the "why do dem's trivialize thread", I can see why you went and hid.....I can see why you're avoiding that thread like the plague.

LOL so I responded before I saw that you admitted that you are a LIAR and you think that shows tha I have a comprehension problem?? really?? LOL

Yes stalking. As I said I haven't been here in months and then you follow me into the first TWO threads that I posted in after my long absence and I am just supposed to believe you chose those two out of all of the tohers at random? LOL so yeah I would consider that stalking and picking up right where you left off months ago when you had a habit of ding the same thing.

LOL funny how you bring up that thread after you logical, and allie were all shown to be a bunch of dishonest and hypocrtiical cowardly hacks.

BTW did you ever prove the assertion of the OP or did you finish that thread by continually calling those who disagreed with your unsubstantiated allegations names?
Again, where do you get your definition of discrimination?? Could you please cite the source so it can be shown where you get a definition that states it must be intentional and specifically discriminating before it counts as discrimination.?

Oh and stop trying to obfuscate the issue by bringing in incest. LOL
Do you really not understand? I swear to God you are just being an ass on purpose.

Incest = something some people find disgusting.
Homosexuality = something some people find disgusting.
State requirements for marriage = a states stance on who you are eligible to marry.
Your stance on same sex marriage = I don't find it offensive. You should be able to marry whoever you want.
Your stance on incest = I find it offensive. Hell no you can't marry whoever you want.

It is THAT simple.


Are you really that moronic?? I swear to God you just pretend to be this stupid on purpose.

incest= has nothing to do with whether the 14th amendment applies to same sex marriage or not

Morons who continue to bring incest up= Morons who have failed miserably to provide a substantive reason to support the claim that the 14th amendment does not apply to same sex marriage so they instead wish to "obfuscate" the issues by bringing in topics that have NO bearing on whether the 14th amendment applies to same sex marriage.

texasmike= a dishonest hack who likes to make shite up and attribute it to other people so he can define their opinions based on his work of fiction in a desperate attempt to attack the messenger because mike has no substantive argument or counter argument.

It is THAT simple.

Of course you see it that way. You are not capable of seeing that whether you are disallowing same sex marriage or same family marriage both are essentially the same as it applies to the 14th amendment. That is because you find same sex marriage to be acceptable but you don't want to hear about two cousins banging eachother. Of COURSE you don't get it.

But its a nice try. The ironic thing here is that you have zero conviction about the right thing. Your conviction is about same sex marriage not about the 14th Amendment. I will try one more time for the slow people at the back of the class:

Dr. Why do you cite the 14th amendment, saying that gay people should have the right to marry whoever they want but not the right of someone who's in love with their cousin to marry whoever they want? Is it not because you will stand up for people, as long as their behavior is not "too" objectionable.

Yeah. Its really that simple. Nobody is obfuscating anything. By the way... did you just learn that word? Is it the word of the week? It just seems like you need a reason to put it in every other post. Are you sponsored by webster? Now. Go read the 14th amendment. For that matter go research the writing of the 14th Amendment. Can you tell me who actually authored it? Quick, go google it.

I know you hate me already. It really sucks when you can't just declare yourself the smartest people in the room because people demand evidence. You cannot tell me how the 14th amendment grants the federal government the authority to step in for same sex marriage. The 10th amendment says that if the federal government isn't given an authority then it doesn't hold it and it is left to the states. How is saying "nobody may marry someone of the same sex" contrary to the 14th?

Why do I even try to be civil? I'm not going to convince you of anything. Oh well, maybe you'll learn something.

Any two consenting adults should be allowed to marry for what ever reason they please.

And if you can get 51% of the population to agree with you on that, that's the way it should be.

There should be no need for this, it is a basic human right, something that is lost on many right wingers.

There is absolutely a need for this. If something is not covered under the Fedral Constitution and the States Constitution then it has to be voted on at the ballot, and if 51% vote yay, then the measure is in. If not, then it isn't.
*Note: California has voted on this multiple times, and even though it has been voted down the leftists keep trying to use judges to legislate gay rights from the bench.
Last edited:
You can call it whatever you want to. You take great interpretative liberty with every other argument I've seen you a party to.

really?? Due to the fact that you only recently came to this board and I haven't been on it in a few months I find it hard to believe that you have any knowledge of the arguments I have been a party of except for this thread. So this is just another lame attempt by you to personally attack me becuase you know that you have nothing of substance to offer.

Is there supposed to be a point in that fragment?

The Constitution does not list the exceptions, it lists the rules. You have misapplied the 14th amendment from the very beginning. I don't even know why I bother to read your posts at this point.


Once again you only make claims that you can't substantiate. However, I will ask AGAIN.

HOW have I misapplied the 14th amendment?? You have stated that as you belief several times but have failed to provide anything of substance every time I have asked you for substance.

I explained that pages back. You didn't like the explanation because it refutes your point so you just simply declare it invalid.


WHERE??????? Post the link, if it exist then post it. Thus far, throughout this thread all you and others have done is simply stated that the 14th amendment does not apply with nothing of substance to support that claim.

So please either repeat your grand argument or post a link to when and where you made it. If you actually made such an argument then it should not be too hard for you to do either.

However, if you did not present such an argument then my guess is that you will continue this charade and refuse to complete such a simple task because you know that you have not presented anything of substance and will not because you have NOTHING of substance to offer.
Do you really not understand? I swear to God you are just being an ass on purpose.

Incest = something some people find disgusting.
Homosexuality = something some people find disgusting.
State requirements for marriage = a states stance on who you are eligible to marry.
Your stance on same sex marriage = I don't find it offensive. You should be able to marry whoever you want.
Your stance on incest = I find it offensive. Hell no you can't marry whoever you want.

It is THAT simple.


Are you really that moronic?? I swear to God you just pretend to be this stupid on purpose.

incest= has nothing to do with whether the 14th amendment applies to same sex marriage or not

Morons who continue to bring incest up= Morons who have failed miserably to provide a substantive reason to support the claim that the 14th amendment does not apply to same sex marriage so they instead wish to "obfuscate" the issues by bringing in topics that have NO bearing on whether the 14th amendment applies to same sex marriage.

texasmike= a dishonest hack who likes to make shite up and attribute it to other people so he can define their opinions based on his work of fiction in a desperate attempt to attack the messenger because mike has no substantive argument or counter argument.

It is THAT simple.

Of course you see it that way. You are not capable of seeing that whether you are disallowing same sex marriage or same family marriage both are essentially the same as it applies to the 14th amendment. That is because you find same sex marriage to be acceptable but you don't want to hear about two cousins banging eachother. Of COURSE you don't get it.

But its a nice try. The ironic thing here is that you have zero conviction about the right thing. Your conviction is about same sex marriage not about the 14th Amendment. I will try one more time for the slow people at the back of the class:

Dr. Why do you cite the 14th amendment, saying that gay people should have the right to marry whoever they want but not the right of someone who's in love with their cousin to marry whoever they want? Is it not because you will stand up for people, as long as their behavior is not "too" objectionable.

Yeah. Its really that simple. Nobody is obfuscating anything. By the way... did you just learn that word? Is it the word of the week? It just seems like you need a reason to put it in every other post. Are you sponsored by webster? Now. Go read the 14th amendment. For that matter go research the writing of the 14th Amendment. Can you tell me who actually authored it? Quick, go google it.

I know you hate me already. It really sucks when you can't just declare yourself the smartest people in the room because people demand evidence. You cannot tell me how the 14th amendment grants the federal government the authority to step in for same sex marriage. The 10th amendment says that if the federal government isn't given an authority then it doesn't hold it and it is left to the states. How is saying "nobody may marry someone of the same sex" contrary to the 14th?

Why do I even try to be civil? I'm not going to convince you of anything. Oh well, maybe you'll learn something.

One thing about the lad, he will never get along with anybody who challenges or disagrees with him. He's an ankle biter, always has been. Notice his post count and rep. Even those on his side understand what he's all about....You'll never see him on a fun thread getting along with everybody else. To him it's all about his insecurity, and paranoia of being proven wrong. It's all about ankle biting with him. One can only imagine what he's like in real life.....Very lonely and insecure due to his attitude, one can only surmise.
You can call it whatever you want to. You take great interpretative liberty with every other argument I've seen you a party to.

really?? Due to the fact that you only recently came to this board and I haven't been on it in a few months I find it hard to believe that you have any knowledge of the arguments I have been a party of except for this thread. So this is just another lame attempt by you to personally attack me becuase you know that you have nothing of substance to offer.

Is there supposed to be a point in that fragment?

The Constitution does not list the exceptions, it lists the rules. You have misapplied the 14th amendment from the very beginning. I don't even know why I bother to read your posts at this point.


Once again you only make claims that you can't substantiate. However, I will ask AGAIN.

HOW have I misapplied the 14th amendment?? You have stated that as you belief several times but have failed to provide anything of substance every time I have asked you for substance.
LMAO....So, now it goes from a lil' over a month to a "few months".........You're fuckin' hilarious.:lol:

WOW! that is what you are hanging your hat on?? Really?? How sad is that?

I am actually starting to feel sorry for you seeing that it's all that you have to offer.

However, if you must know I checked and my last post was 5/20 so it was a few months ago that is why I changed it.

So is that really all that you've got?? LOL
really?? Due to the fact that you only recently came to this board and I haven't been on it in a few months I find it hard to believe that you have any knowledge of the arguments I have been a party of except for this thread. So this is just another lame attempt by you to personally attack me becuase you know that you have nothing of substance to offer.

Is there supposed to be a point in that fragment?

Once again you only make claims that you can't substantiate. However, I will ask AGAIN.

HOW have I misapplied the 14th amendment?? You have stated that as you belief several times but have failed to provide anything of substance every time I have asked you for substance.

I explained that pages back. You didn't like the explanation because it refutes your point so you just simply declare it invalid.


WHERE??????? Post the link, if it exist then post it. Thus far, throughout this thread all you and others have done is simply stated that the 14th amendment does not apply with nothing of substance to support that claim.

So please either repeat your grand argument or post a link to when and where you made it. If you actually made such an argument then it should not be too hard for you to do either.

However, if you did not present such an argument then my guess is that you will continue this charade and refuse to complete such a simple task because you know that you have not presented anything of substance and will not because you have NOTHING of substance to offer.

I've posted it TWICE. I showed you the difference between the possible circumstances when it comes to the 14th and marraige. You did not like it. You called it a lie (which is funny) or something like that. I'm not really interested in this debate with you anymore. It is more or less like a train wreck.

You are not interested in debating the issue you just want to be right. I'm not digging through a 22 page thread to dig up something I wrote and then reposted again, my guess is around page 6 or 7.

Go on, call me a liar, tell me I haven't written anything substinative do it... I know you want to. Oh and call me a moron again. That only helps your argument.

You are correct....Now, tell us what they did in those 9 months....In fact tell us what Obama and congress did for those two years to address the issues that eventually caused the downgrade.

Tell us what they did to try and address the debt, deficit, spending, borrowing, etc.

In fact, how about giving us the record that Obama is going to show that he's been such an effective leader economically during the past 2 1/2 years of his disastrous economy.

Thanks for admitting that you LIED. Well democrats passed healthcare legislation a long overly drawn out fight because republicans were too busy obstructing an idea that was their own a few years back. Did't go far enough due to the compromises that had to be made.
Then there was the stimulus that was passed which republicans railed against even as most of them gladly took the money. No it didn't go far enough either which is why I find it hilarious that republicans love to try and hold obama accountable for this unemplyment predictions that were based on his initial plan which is NOT what made it through congress. If you change a plan the outcome will definititely not be the same as predicted.

after those two fights and with scott browns victory the dems no longer controlled the senate. Then the stalemate began as republicans obstructed damn near everything and made a filibuster proof vote a requiremnent for almost any legislation to be passed.

Then the republicans used the quagmire that they created to attack the ineptitude of big governemnt, that they created, which helped them win in 2010 but they have done very little since they gained control of the house.
Thanks for admitting that Obama has nothing.

Oops you lied AGAIN. Unless of course you could show me where I said or admitted to anything of the sort??

And if he tries to run on his Healthcare albatross that has become increasingly unpopular, due to the fact that it's panning out that it's going to be a major jobs killer, particularly among small business, or tries to tout his stimulius that has abjectly failed, he's toast.

But then, they just showed his first lil' bus stop. Nothing but more BS from his last campaign, completely void of substance........The man is a disaster, and it's time for the dem's to seriously think about mounting a challenge

You asked what he did in those 9 months so i gave a you what you asked for and your reponse is to make shite up and attribute it to me so you can create a counter point to your own work of fiction.
BTW there are parts of the healthcare law that people like so will you leave those in or would you rather just throw the baby out with the bath water?

Good job LIAR. LOL

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