The VA spent millions on Green TV Ads

Every freaking agency in the entire federal bureaucracy was apparently under orders to promote global warming propaganda. The agencies with the greatest flexibility and most (taxpayer) bonus money got to expand their agenda from killing patients to promoting the killing of endangered species.

the government considers it much more valuable

to spread man made global warming

then stopping the gangrene from setting in

on the stumps of wounded warriors

like every other federal agency has the va been authorized

upgraded vehicle armor thousands of assault weapons and

millions of rounds of ammunition
All agencies of the government were trying to reduce their energy consumption and their carbon footprint.

Ignoring global warming - which I know you would in any case:

The VA owns and operates hundreds of facilities across the country. Reducing the energy consumption at those facilities saves taxpayer money. Criticizing the program as wasteful is simply ignorant. Makes you look like a ignorant pawn of the fossil fuel industry. Is that what you are? An ignorant pawn? Open your eyes and do some thinking before you parrot right wing bullshit like that. Washington Free Beacon. There's an information source to be proud of.
Given that there's no mention of any "Green TV Ads", Rambuctious looks to have lied his ass off with his thread title, and now has some 'splainin to do.

Rambuctious, did you lie because you're an illiterate hack, or was it deliberate dishonesty on your part?

If deniers aren't lying themselves, they're kissing the asses of liars. Their cult regards lying for the cause as a good and holy thing, with the highest accolades going to the most skilled liars.
It was Green Energy Programs AND TV advertising for Veterans who have to stand in line.

Nice to know that once you GET an appointment at the VA -- the lights will be properly dimmed and the HVAC conservatively set. The latest VA commercial toutes the Green Changes to the waiting list energy budget.. They went from THIS -----


To this Green Approved System..


Note that the NEW Green System allows 4 or even 5 digits to be displayed with a modest change
of options..
Given that there's no mention of any "Green TV Ads", Rambuctious looks to have lied his ass off with his thread title, and now has some 'splainin to do.

Rambuctious, did you lie because you're an illiterate hack, or was it deliberate dishonesty on your part?

If deniers aren't lying themselves, they're kissing the asses of liars. Their cult regards lying for the cause as a good and holy thing, with the highest accolades going to the most skilled liars.

Why do progressive slime get so angry when you skewer their favorite beliefs?
Hey! mamooth...:321:
Read it again with an open mind not the closed trap you view things through now.
It was Green Energy Programs AND TV advertising for Veterans who have to stand in line

Green energy? Just what the hell is that? Do you know how much enviromental damage is done in the production and installation of solar panels? I do; I worked in a solar panel plant before we lost our contract to China. Energy is messy and we still use it. You may want to move back into a cave and walk where ever you need to travel to but I do not. What we exhale is not causing the climate to change. I don't care who says it, it's fucking ridiculous.
And the fucking government has no business spending our hard earned tax dollars to promote an unproven theory. None what so ever.
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Ah, so you're doubling down on your big lie about "Green TV ads". As expected. Most denier manchildren simply lack the emotional maturity and confidence necessary to admit a mistake.

HOLY FUCK.....every time you think you've seen the bottom of the snake pit on fraudulent government spending, you hear a new tale.

Government is a joke.....there is nothing they do well......not even move the fucking mail.:D
it was green energy programs and tv advertising for veterans who have to stand in line.

Nice to know that once you get an appointment at the va -- the lights will be properly dimmed and the hvac conservatively set. The latest va commercial toutes the green changes to the waiting list energy budget.. They went from this -----


to this green approved system..


note that the new green system allows 4 or even 5 digits to be displayed with a modest change
of options..
Ah, so you're doubling down on your big lie about "Green TV ads". As expected. Most denier manchildren simply lack the emotional maturity and confidence necessary to admit a mistake.

Let me see shall I debate the issue or just call him a liar....hmmmmm Ill take the easy way out.
not surprised...
Pajama Boy! You still have not put up an example of where I lied. I'm waiting.....:eusa_whistle:
[ame=]Ellison Barber: VA Wasted Millions on Ads, Green Energy - YouTube[/ame]

Glad to know the lot of you are opposed to the government reducing its energy consumption.

How thoughtful
How foresighted
How wise
Pajama Boy! You still have not put up an example of where I lied. I'm waiting....

You said the VA made ads about green energy. The VA didn't make any ads about green energy. That means you uttered a falsehood. If it was deliberate, then you are lying.

Now, we both know you didn't start out deliberately lying. You made a mistake. You saw that

-- The VA made ads designed to recruit people.

-- The VA spent money on green energy.

and then made a mistake by leaping to a very illogical and completely unsupported conclusion that the VA made ads about green energy. You then wrote your mistake into the thread title.

At this point, your options are.

1. Produce one of those mystical VA ads on green energy, to show you didn't make a mistake.

2. Say you made a mistake.

3. Walk away with no comment.

4. Still claim, without any evidence, that the VA made ads about green energy, which would move you into the "liar" category.

Make your choice. Seems to me that saying "I made a mistake" is the no-brainer choice, but that's just my honest nature showing through.
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Pajama Boy! You still have not put up an example of where I lied. I'm waiting....

You said the VA made ads about green energy. The VA didn't make any ads about green energy. That means you uttered a falsehood. If it was deliberate, then you are lying.

Now, we both know you didn't start out deliberately lying. You made a mistake. You saw that

-- The VA made ads designed to recruit people.

-- The VA spent money on green energy.

and then made a mistake by leaping to a very illogical and completely unsupported conclusion that the VA made ads about green energy. You then wrote your mistake into the thread title.

At this point, your options are.

1. Produce one of those mystical VA ads on green energy, to show you didn't make a mistake.

2. Say you made a mistake.

3. Walk away with no comment.

4. Still claim, without any evidence, that the VA made ads about green energy, which would move you into the "liar" category.

Make your choice. Seems to me that saying "I made a mistake" is the no-brainer choice, but that's just my honest nature showing through.

Idiot!!!! I typed the very heading of the link I attached. You may disagree with the heading on the link but I did not lie and if you were an honest person you would take back that accusation. But you won't because liberals lost any semblance of honesty years ago.
No, you did not.

"the VA spent millions on green tv ads" is NOT "VA Spent Tens of Millions on Ad Campaigns, Audits, Green Energy"

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