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The Vaccine Hoax is over.

Oh I'm not just talking, I have never had a vaccine none of my three children has ever had a vaccine..my two very healthy oldest children thank me for my forward thinking in keep them free of childhood vaccines
We are a nation of laws and regulations, I believe that most of those are either for our good or because those we elected believe that they are for our good. I can only trust my personal Doctor when it comes to what I should or shouldn't put into my body. he recommends I get the flu shot i get it. he recommends I get the pneumonia vaccine i get it. He tells me to stop taking a certain medication I stop taking it...Must work I'm still here.......And I'm quite certain he knows a lot more about healthcare than anyone on this board.......

Force someone to take a vaccine? Hard way to put it but certain ones yes, unless a doctor says differently. Why? Because they have been tried and proven. And in many cases it is in our laws and regulations....

Don't want to take them, go see your doctor.......
Doctors Are The Third Leading Cause of Death Pg1 - MS Reversed http://www.msreversed.com/PDF/Doctors Are The Third Leading Cause of Death.pdf
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Oh I'm not just talking, I have never had a vaccine none of my three children has ever had a vaccine..my two very healthy oldest children thank me for my forward thinking in keep them free of childhood vaccines

Hopefully a third world visitor won't give your kids a fatal disease.
Oh I'm not just talking, I have never had a vaccine none of my three children has ever had a vaccine..my two very healthy oldest children thank me for my forward thinking in keep them free of childhood vaccines

Hopefully a third world visitor won't give your kids a fatal disease.

what strange tropical diseases are you concerned about that a healthy immune system could not handle and one should be vaccinated for?
We are a nation of laws and regulations, I believe that most of those are either for our good or because those we elected believe that they are for our good. I can only trust my personal Doctor when it comes to what I should or shouldn't put into my body. he recommends I get the flu shot i get it. he recommends I get the pneumonia vaccine i get it. He tells me to stop taking a certain medication I stop taking it...Must work I'm still here.......And I'm quite certain he knows a lot more about healthcare than anyone on this board.......

Force someone to take a vaccine? Hard way to put it but certain ones yes, unless a doctor says differently. Why? Because they have been tried and proven. And in many cases it is in our laws and regulations....

Don't want to take them, go see your doctor.......

Interesting point of view, I understand your thinking. I wish it were that simple. Read the following article, with the included videos, then tell me if that sort of thinking still holds up to the scrutiny of the corrupting influence of the pharmaceutical industry in the medical industry and in your doctors office.

Here's just a little excerpt. . . .
Ask Your Doctor: Are You Being Bribed to Recommend This?
Story at-a-glance

Many doctors are pushing vaccines on their patients for what amounts to a bribe from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to increase the practice’s vaccination rates. The CDC’s AFIX program encourages “friendly competition” among staff to see who can increase vaccination rates the most, and prizes include such things as “scholarships” to training and professional meetings, plaques and public recognition, and opportunities to partner with pharmaceutical companies for additional funding sources.

Fear is the hidden side of these competition- and financially-driven incentives the CDC is using to promote high vaccination rates. While “good” doctors are rewarded for selling more vaccines, doctors who fail to comply risk being reprimanded or fired by their employers, and could also be reported and get into trouble with the medical board for being “bad” doctors if they don’t aggressively sell vaccines to all patients.

If drugs and vaccines worked as advertised, the US population would be the healthiest of any nation on this planet. However, a new health report prepared for members and committees of Congress on infant mortality in the United States—which spends more money on health care than any other country in the world—places the U.S. at 31st in a list where countries such as Slovenia, Czech Republic and Korea rank far higher.
I already provided one historic example of the measles vaccine reducing the cases of measles by 99%. Do i really need to post it again? or do you think i should waste my time educating you on dozens of others only for you to ignore them...

Of course there have probably been some bad vaccines. No doubt, we are human and make mistakes. But If 300 died from a vaccine and only one died from the disease then i have to ask how many would have died without it? We don't have an answer to that do we....

Kids today cannot appreciate what earlier generations went through, SFC Ollie, when there was a family member who suffered a childhood disease that was preventable when they were young. One of my family members contracted poliomyelitis two years before the salk vaccines were out. When he was a teenager, one of his arms was slightly deformed, and while he was out playing one day, he was jumped by bullies who saw the deformity and saw an easy mark. They banged his head really hard and he bore a lump for the duration. Years later, he acquired dementia, and the doctor was puzzled why he could do complex math problems. After investigating the case, he realized my family member had had a blow to the head, which can cause early onset dementia. Bad things happen to people who have handicaps, and idiot bullies come along and take advantage of any weakness they see. That's just human equation stuff and doesn't count the embarrassment a young child has growing up "different" from other people, and how they feel passed up for athletics and sports.

I went and found for the board's perusal, a chart of deaths from this disease at the US. Center for Disease Control. Here's the result of my search:


TABLE 2. Baseline 20th century annual morbidity and 1998 provisional morbidity fromnine diseases with vaccines recommended before 1990 for universal use in children-- United States=============================================================================================== Baseline 20th century 1998 Provisional %

Disease annual morbidity morbidity Decrease


Smallpox 48,164* 0 100%

Diphtheria 175,885+ 1 100%&

Pertussis 147,271@ 6,279 95.7%'

Tetanus 1,314** 34 97.4%

Poliomyelitis (paralytic) 16,316++ 0&& 100%

Measles 503,282@@ 89 100%&

'Mumps 152,209*** 606 99.6%

Rubella 47,745+++ 345 99.3%

Congenital rubella 823&&& 5 99.4% syndrome

Haemophilus 20,000@@@ 54**** 99.7% influenzae type b

* Average annual number of cases during 1900-1904 ( 1 ). + Average annual number of reported cases during 1920-1922, 3 years before vaccine development. & Rounded to nearest tenth. @ Average annual number of reported cases during 1922-1925, 4 years before vaccine development. ** Estimated number of cases based on reported number of deaths during 1922-1926 assuming a case-fatality rate of 90%. ++ Average annual number of reported cases during 1951-1954, 4 years before vaccine licensure. && Excludes one cases of vaccine-associated polio reported in 1998. @@ Average annual number of reported cases during 1958-1962, 5 years before vaccine licensure. *** Number of reported cases in 1968, the first year reporting began and the first year after vaccine licensure. +++ Average annual number of reported cases during 1966-1968, 3 years before vaccine licensure. &&& Estimated number of cases based on seroprevalence data in the population and on the risk that women infected during a childbearing year would have a fetus with congenital rubella syndrome ( 7 ). @@@ Estimated number of cases from population-based surveillance studies before vaccine licensure in 1985 ( 8 ). **** Excludes 71 cases of Haemophilus influenzae disease of unknown serotype.================================================================================================More statistical data and information is here: Achievements in Public Health, 1900-1999, Impact of Vaccines Universally Recommended for Children, United States, 1990-1998

It was published in April of 1999.
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Increase in Autism Reflects Real Increases in Childhood Chronic Diseases and Disability
The connection between vaccination and autistic behavior, first reported in DPT: A Shot in the Dark (Coulter & Fisher, 1985) fifteen years ago and now being discussed in the medical literature, has finally entered the U.S. public arena after simmering for more than a decade. This enhanced public awareness has been fueled by persistent reports by parents in the U.S., Canada and Europe that their children were healthy, bright and happy until they received one or more vaccines and then descended into the isolated, painful world of autism marked by chronic immune and neurological dysfunction, including repetitive and uncontrollable behavior. Conservative estimates are that about 500,000 Americans are autistic but that number is growing daily, with new evidence that perhaps as many as 1 in 150 children are suffering from autism spectrum disorder that can include a range of neurological, behavior and immune system dysfunction.
The incidence of autism, like that of learning disabilities, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), asthma, diabetes, arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease and other autoimmune and neurological disorders, has risen dramatically in the U.S. and other technologically advanced countries, while high vaccination rates have caused the incidence of childhood infectious diseases to fall just as dramatically in these countries. Instead of epidemics of infectious disease, there are now epidemics of chronic disease.

A University of California study published by the U.S. Department of Education in 1996 found that "The proportion of the US population with disabilities has risen markedly during the past quarter-century . . . this recent change seems to be due not to demographics, but to greater numbers of children and young adults reported as having disabilities." The study concluded that "these changes may be partly accounted for by the increases in the prevalence of asthma, mental disorders (including attention deficit disorder), mental retardation, and learning disabilities that have been noted among children in recent years.

National Vaccine Information Center Archives
Oh I'm not just talking, I have never had a vaccine none of my three children has ever had a vaccine..my two very healthy oldest children thank me for my forward thinking in keep them free of childhood vaccines

Lets hope none of your kids gets measles or polio or something.

Parents who refuse to vaccinate their kids should not be parents, IMO.
Oh I'm not just talking, I have never had a vaccine none of my three children has ever had a vaccine..my two very healthy oldest children thank me for my forward thinking in keep them free of childhood vaccines

Lets hope none of your kids gets measles or polio or something.

Parents who refuse to vaccinate their kids should not be parents, IMO.

The oldest children are 23 and 25 the youngest is 7 and people as misinformed and reactionary as yourself are in no position to decide who should be a parent
We are a nation of laws and regulations, I believe that most of those are either for our good or because those we elected believe that they are for our good. I can only trust my personal Doctor when it comes to what I should or shouldn't put into my body. he recommends I get the flu shot i get it. he recommends I get the pneumonia vaccine i get it. He tells me to stop taking a certain medication I stop taking it...Must work I'm still here.......And I'm quite certain he knows a lot more about healthcare than anyone on this board.......

Force someone to take a vaccine? Hard way to put it but certain ones yes, unless a doctor says differently. Why? Because they have been tried and proven. And in many cases it is in our laws and regulations....

Don't want to take them, go see your doctor.......
Doctors Are The Third Leading Cause of Death Pg1 - MS Reversed http://www.msreversed.com/PDF/Doctors Are The Third Leading Cause of Death.pdf
all your "experts" are homeopaths or naturopaths
it's in their best interest to talk shit about the competition.
Oh I'm not just talking, I have never had a vaccine none of my three children has ever had a vaccine..my two very healthy oldest children thank me for my forward thinking in keep them free of childhood vaccines

Hopefully a third world visitor won't give your kids a fatal disease.

what strange tropical diseases are you concerned about that a healthy immune system could not handle and one should be vaccinated for?
Disease by vector

Malaria - a parasitic infection transmitted by infective mosquitoes, malarial infections require immediate qualified diagnosis and treatment, preventatives and treatments are available - no vaccine is available
Yellow fever - vaccine available
Dengue fever - a mosquito borne febrile virus transmitted by an infective Aedes aegypti or Aedes africanus mosquito. Causes high fever, headache, joint and muscle pain and may in some cases lead to a more severe manifestation, dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF). Occurs in many tropical countries and is the most important tropical infectious disease after malaria and the worlds most serious (human) arbovirus disease. DHF infections require immediate qualified diagnosis and treatment - no vaccine is available
Chikungunya (CHIKV)- also known as epidemic polyarthritis and rash, and buggy creek virus. A febrile virus transmitted, like dengue by an infective Aedes aegypti or Aedes africanus mosquito. After 3-12 days flu-like symptoms develop including severe headaches, chills, fever, joint pain, nausea and vomiting - no vaccine is available
West Nile virus
Ross River virus and possibly others

Lice or mites
Ricketsial Infections - cause a broad range of diseases. Symptoms often include fever, headache and malaise as well as a rash. Antibiotic treatment is available.
Rocky Mountain spotted fever
Cat-scratch disease
Q fever - transmission by contact with soil and dust contaminated with carcasses from goat, sheep, and cattle and probably also by unpasteurized milk
(Epidemic) Typhus - transmitted by the human body louse, vaccine available.
Chagas disease
[edit]Water (or contaminated food)
Cryptosporidiosis/Cryptosporidium/Crypto. Found worldwide, this disease is an untreated and chlorine treated water risk. It can even be spread if an infected person bathes in a treated public swimming pool. It causes diarrhea, cramps and fever. Last about 10 days but feces carry infection for weeks. Prevention by avoiding mouth coming into contact with infected water or fecal matter and maintaining scrupulous toilet and bathing hygiene after being infected to prevent reinfection of self or others. There is no cure. Prevented by boiling all drinking water, including tap water, in infected areas.
Diarrhea, typically caused by bacteria in food or drinks. Also known as Delhi Belly, Montezuma's Revenge, and so on, this is the most common ailment of all for travellers. Extreme forms include cholera (watery massive diarrhea) and dysentery (bloody diarrhea). A cholera vaccine is available, but rarely used due to its ineffectiveness and the unlikeliness of the average traveller contracting the disease.
Hepatitis A. Can be spread by food contaminated with feces (unwashed hands), where the virus remains active for days. Symptoms may not appear for a month after infection, and may continue for as long as six months. Hepatitis A is common almost everywhere except in countries with a high standard of hygiene (see map of areas with high infection rates: US CDC FAQ). A vaccine is available for hepatitis A, but this will not protect against the more virulent forms of hepatitis, such as B C.
Typhoid fever. Caused by the bacterium Salmonella enterica Typhi. It causes high fever, headache, malaise as well as other symptoms and is a general health problem in all less developed countries. Transmission is by contaminated food and water, especially in rural areas. A vaccination is available but offers no absolute safety, so the best options are precautions with what you drink & eat. See also Travelers' Health | CDC.
Schistosomiasis/Bilharzia is a nasty parasite that can be picked up by swimming in contaminated fresh water. The worm is carried by freshwater snails, and emerges daily into the water, where it is attracted to water turbulence, shadows, and chemicals found on human skin. While unlikely to be fatal, Schistosomiasis is a devastating disease, which should be treated as soon as possible. Symptoms include abdominal pain, diarrhea, coughing, genital sores, itching especially around the feet, but above all serious fatigue. Schistosomiasis, while present throughout much of the world, is primarily a problem in sub-Saharan Africa, and is easily, if unhappily, prevented by not swimming in fresh water.
Trichinosis - a tapeworm - from eating improperly cooked infected meats, particularly pork.
Hydatids - another tapeworm - from eating improperly cooked infected meats, particularly sheep/mutton. Can also be spread by dogs that have been eating infected meat.
Unpasteurized dairy products can transmit several diseases, including tuberculosis
Avian Influenza. A viral infection normally affecting birds but the Avian Influenza A virus has also been found, albeit extremely rarely, in some human infections. Current outbreaks among animals occurred in South-East Asia (Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam). The disease is transmitted to humans by contact with infected birds (especially poultry) and their excrements and may cause serious disease. Precautions include avoiding contact to wild birds and their excrements (as far as this is possible...). Avian influenza infection appears frequently in the news because it could be a source for new influenza strains to which no one has immunity and which have the potential to evolve to cause deadly epidemics. However, from the traveler's perspective the personal risk from avian influenza is extremely low. Travelers should obey recommendations on contact with poultry as a matter of civic duty, to prevent spreading the avian disease to birds in other countries. There is no vaccination available in the moment.
Ebola. Found largely in West Sub-Saharan Africa after contact with infected primates (human and non-human), this disease is fatal if not treated aggressively and early and has a 50-90% fatality rate. Get to a hospital immediately upon experiencing symptoms.
Hepatitis B and C. Can be spread by entry of blood or bodily fluids from an infected person into the body, such as through sexual contact, sharing of hypodermic needles, or blood transfusion or organ donation (theoretically, if screening were not performed). Unlike Hepatitis A, "Hepatitis B is not spread through food or water, sharing eating utensils, breastfeeding, hugging, kissing, coughing, sneezing or by casual contact" (US CDC FAQ) A vaccine is available to prevent Hepatitis B, but no vaccine is available to protect against Hepatitis C.
HIV (AIDS virus). HIV is transmitted in the same ways as hepatitis B. Abstinence or monogamy, safe sex, and an absolute ban on needle-sharing are wise precautions in any country of the world. Travellers should note that rare strains of HIV, such as HIV-2 or Group O HIV-1, occur predominantly in West Africa and may not be detected by some rapid HIV screening tests. Some strains of HIV prevalent in Africa and Asia may be more infectious by heterosexual intercourse (see avert.org for further information)
Influenza. The common Flu kills an estimated 36,000 Americans each year, and results in 200,000 hospitalizations per year. (CDC Flu Page) As a general precaution an annual vaccination is often recommended for the latest strains prevalent in the countries you are visiting.
Lassa fever. An acute viral illness that occurs in West Africa. In areas of Africa where the disease is endemic (that is, constantly present), Lassa fever is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. While Lassa fever is mild or has no observable symptoms in about 80% of people infected with the virus, the remaining 20% have a severe multisystem disease. Lassa fever is also associated with occasional epidemics, during which the case-fatality rate can reach 50%.
Polio. Causes paralysis and nerve damage - easily preventable by an oral vaccination that should normally be given in early childhood. Although polio was nearly eradicated in recent years, it is currently experiencing a resurgence in several nations, so travelers should be sure that they have received proper vaccination and boosters.
SARS. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome - Caused by a common Corona virus that apparently crossed species and was highly infectious. Only a problem if undiagnosed travelers travel and spread the disease. Its control is an example of how unidentified (new) diseases are able to be controlled by simple but burdensome public health measures.
Tuberculosis. A third world disease due to poverty and poor health care. Can occur in first world countries where the health care system makes treatment expensive - generally responds to antibiotics but mis/incomplete treatment in some countries means antibiotic resistant strains are also a problem.
Tropical diseases - Wikitravel
We are a nation of laws and regulations, I believe that most of those are either for our good or because those we elected believe that they are for our good. I can only trust my personal Doctor when it comes to what I should or shouldn't put into my body. he recommends I get the flu shot i get it. he recommends I get the pneumonia vaccine i get it. He tells me to stop taking a certain medication I stop taking it...Must work I'm still here.......And I'm quite certain he knows a lot more about healthcare than anyone on this board.......

Force someone to take a vaccine? Hard way to put it but certain ones yes, unless a doctor says differently. Why? Because they have been tried and proven. And in many cases it is in our laws and regulations....

Don't want to take them, go see your doctor.......
Doctors Are The Third Leading Cause of Death Pg1 - MS Reversed http://www.msreversed.com/PDF/Doctors Are The Third Leading Cause of Death.pdf
all your "experts" are homeopaths or naturopaths
it's in their best interest to talk shit about the competition.

lol...the paper was written by a medical doctor and published in the Journal of American medicine association
JAMA for the latest peer-reviewed information on a broad range of issues relating to the skin and its conditions—clinical studies, surgical ...
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Doctors Are The Third Leading Cause of Death Pg1 - MS Reversed http://www.msreversed.com/PDF/Doctors Are The Third Leading Cause of Death.pdf
all your "experts" are homeopaths or naturopaths
it's in their best interest to talk shit about the competition.

lol...the paper was written by a medical doctor and published in the journal of american medicine

Subscribe to JAMA for the latest peer-reviewed information on a broad range of issues relating to the skin and its conditions—clinical studies, surgical ...
duh! ass always you miss the point.
hopefully a third world visitor won't give your kids a fatal disease.

what strange tropical diseases are you concerned about that a healthy immune system could not handle and one should be vaccinated for?
disease by vector

malaria - a parasitic infection transmitted by infective mosquitoes, malarial infections require immediate qualified diagnosis and treatment, preventatives and treatments are available - no vaccine is available
yellow fever - vaccine available
dengue fever - a mosquito borne febrile virus transmitted by an infective aedes aegypti or aedes africanus mosquito. Causes high fever, headache, joint and muscle pain and may in some cases lead to a more severe manifestation, dengue hemorrhagic fever (dhf). Occurs in many tropical countries and is the most important tropical infectious disease after malaria and the worlds most serious (human) arbovirus disease. Dhf infections require immediate qualified diagnosis and treatment - no vaccine is available
chikungunya (chikv)- also known as epidemic polyarthritis and rash, and buggy creek virus. A febrile virus transmitted, like dengue by an infective aedes aegypti or aedes africanus mosquito. After 3-12 days flu-like symptoms develop including severe headaches, chills, fever, joint pain, nausea and vomiting - no vaccine is available
west nile virus
ross river virus and possibly others

lice or mites
ricketsial infections - cause a broad range of diseases. Symptoms often include fever, headache and malaise as well as a rash. Antibiotic treatment is available.
Rocky mountain spotted fever
cat-scratch disease
q fever - transmission by contact with soil and dust contaminated with carcasses from goat, sheep, and cattle and probably also by unpasteurized milk
(epidemic) typhus - transmitted by the human body louse, vaccine available.
chagas disease
[edit]water (or contaminated food)
cryptosporidiosis/cryptosporidium/crypto. Found worldwide, this disease is an untreated and chlorine treated water risk. It can even be spread if an infected person bathes in a treated public swimming pool. It causes diarrhea, cramps and fever. Last about 10 days but feces carry infection for weeks. Prevention by avoiding mouth coming into contact with infected water or fecal matter and maintaining scrupulous toilet and bathing hygiene after being infected to prevent reinfection of self or others. There is no cure. Prevented by boiling all drinking water, including tap water, in infected areas.
Diarrhea, typically caused by bacteria in food or drinks. Also known as delhi belly, montezuma's revenge, and so on, this is the most common ailment of all for travellers. Extreme forms include cholera (watery massive diarrhea) and dysentery (bloody diarrhea). A cholera vaccine is available, but rarely used due to its ineffectiveness and the unlikeliness of the average traveller contracting the disease.
Hepatitis a. Can be spread by food contaminated with feces (unwashed hands), where the virus remains active for days. Symptoms may not appear for a month after infection, and may continue for as long as six months. Hepatitis a is common almost everywhere except in countries with a high standard of hygiene (see map of areas with high infection rates: Us cdc faq). A vaccine is available for hepatitis a, but this will not protect against the more virulent forms of hepatitis, such as b c.
Typhoid fever. Caused by the bacterium salmonella enterica typhi. It causes high fever, headache, malaise as well as other symptoms and is a general health problem in all less developed countries. Transmission is by contaminated food and water, especially in rural areas. A vaccination is available but offers no absolute safety, so the best options are precautions with what you drink & eat. See also travelers' health | cdc.
Schistosomiasis/bilharzia is a nasty parasite that can be picked up by swimming in contaminated fresh water. The worm is carried by freshwater snails, and emerges daily into the water, where it is attracted to water turbulence, shadows, and chemicals found on human skin. While unlikely to be fatal, schistosomiasis is a devastating disease, which should be treated as soon as possible. Symptoms include abdominal pain, diarrhea, coughing, genital sores, itching especially around the feet, but above all serious fatigue. Schistosomiasis, while present throughout much of the world, is primarily a problem in sub-saharan africa, and is easily, if unhappily, prevented by not swimming in fresh water.
trichinosis - a tapeworm - from eating improperly cooked infected meats, particularly pork.
Hydatids - another tapeworm - from eating improperly cooked infected meats, particularly sheep/mutton. Can also be spread by dogs that have been eating infected meat.
Unpasteurized dairy products can transmit several diseases, including tuberculosis
avian influenza. A viral infection normally affecting birds but the avian influenza a virus has also been found, albeit extremely rarely, in some human infections. Current outbreaks among animals occurred in south-east asia (cambodia, china, indonesia, laos, malaysia, thailand, and vietnam). The disease is transmitted to humans by contact with infected birds (especially poultry) and their excrements and may cause serious disease. Precautions include avoiding contact to wild birds and their excrements (as far as this is possible...). Avian influenza infection appears frequently in the news because it could be a source for new influenza strains to which no one has immunity and which have the potential to evolve to cause deadly epidemics. However, from the traveler's perspective the personal risk from avian influenza is extremely low. Travelers should obey recommendations on contact with poultry as a matter of civic duty, to prevent spreading the avian disease to birds in other countries. There is no vaccination available in the moment.
Ebola. Found largely in west sub-saharan africa after contact with infected primates (human and non-human), this disease is fatal if not treated aggressively and early and has a 50-90% fatality rate. Get to a hospital immediately upon experiencing symptoms.
Hepatitis b and c. Can be spread by entry of blood or bodily fluids from an infected person into the body, such as through sexual contact, sharing of hypodermic needles, or blood transfusion or organ donation (theoretically, if screening were not performed). Unlike hepatitis a, "hepatitis b is not spread through food or water, sharing eating utensils, breastfeeding, hugging, kissing, coughing, sneezing or by casual contact" (us cdc faq) a vaccine is available to prevent hepatitis b, but no vaccine is available to protect against hepatitis c.
Hiv (aids virus). Hiv is transmitted in the same ways as hepatitis b. Abstinence or monogamy, safe sex, and an absolute ban on needle-sharing are wise precautions in any country of the world. Travellers should note that rare strains of hiv, such as hiv-2 or group o hiv-1, occur predominantly in west africa and may not be detected by some rapid hiv screening tests. Some strains of hiv prevalent in africa and asia may be more infectious by heterosexual intercourse (see avert.org for further information)
influenza. The common flu kills an estimated 36,000 americans each year, and results in 200,000 hospitalizations per year. (cdc flu page) as a general precaution an annual vaccination is often recommended for the latest strains prevalent in the countries you are visiting.
Lassa fever. An acute viral illness that occurs in west africa. In areas of africa where the disease is endemic (that is, constantly present), lassa fever is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. While lassa fever is mild or has no observable symptoms in about 80% of people infected with the virus, the remaining 20% have a severe multisystem disease. Lassa fever is also associated with occasional epidemics, during which the case-fatality rate can reach 50%.
Polio. Causes paralysis and nerve damage - easily preventable by an oral vaccination that should normally be given in early childhood. Although polio was nearly eradicated in recent years, it is currently experiencing a resurgence in several nations, so travelers should be sure that they have received proper vaccination and boosters.
Sars. Severe acute respiratory syndrome - caused by a common corona virus that apparently crossed species and was highly infectious. Only a problem if undiagnosed travelers travel and spread the disease. Its control is an example of how unidentified (new) diseases are able to be controlled by simple but burdensome public health measures.
Tuberculosis. A third world disease due to poverty and poor health care. Can occur in first world countries where the health care system makes treatment expensive - generally responds to antibiotics but mis/incomplete treatment in some countries means antibiotic resistant strains are also a problem.
tropical diseases - wikitravel

so you are suggesting vaccines for malaria and yellow fever...lol
all your "experts" are homeopaths or naturopaths
it's in their best interest to talk shit about the competition.

lol...the paper was written by a medical doctor and published in the journal of american medicine

subscribe to jama for the latest peer-reviewed information on a broad range of issues relating to the skin and its conditions—clinical studies, surgical ...
duh! Ass always you miss the point.

you have no point..you made it but you were wrong
lol...the paper was written by a medical doctor and published in the journal of american medicine

subscribe to jama for the latest peer-reviewed information on a broad range of issues relating to the skin and its conditions—clinical studies, surgical ...
duh! Ass always you miss the point.

you have no point..you made it but you were wrong
if I had no point how could it be wrong?
another fine display of eot's ignorance.
what strange tropical diseases are you concerned about that a healthy immune system could not handle and one should be vaccinated for?
disease by vector

malaria - a parasitic infection transmitted by infective mosquitoes, malarial infections require immediate qualified diagnosis and treatment, preventatives and treatments are available - no vaccine is available
yellow fever - vaccine available
dengue fever - a mosquito borne febrile virus transmitted by an infective aedes aegypti or aedes africanus mosquito. Causes high fever, headache, joint and muscle pain and may in some cases lead to a more severe manifestation, dengue hemorrhagic fever (dhf). Occurs in many tropical countries and is the most important tropical infectious disease after malaria and the worlds most serious (human) arbovirus disease. Dhf infections require immediate qualified diagnosis and treatment - no vaccine is available
chikungunya (chikv)- also known as epidemic polyarthritis and rash, and buggy creek virus. A febrile virus transmitted, like dengue by an infective aedes aegypti or aedes africanus mosquito. After 3-12 days flu-like symptoms develop including severe headaches, chills, fever, joint pain, nausea and vomiting - no vaccine is available
west nile virus
ross river virus and possibly others

lice or mites
ricketsial infections - cause a broad range of diseases. Symptoms often include fever, headache and malaise as well as a rash. Antibiotic treatment is available.
Rocky mountain spotted fever
cat-scratch disease
q fever - transmission by contact with soil and dust contaminated with carcasses from goat, sheep, and cattle and probably also by unpasteurized milk
(epidemic) typhus - transmitted by the human body louse, vaccine available.
chagas disease
[edit]water (or contaminated food)
cryptosporidiosis/cryptosporidium/crypto. Found worldwide, this disease is an untreated and chlorine treated water risk. It can even be spread if an infected person bathes in a treated public swimming pool. It causes diarrhea, cramps and fever. Last about 10 days but feces carry infection for weeks. Prevention by avoiding mouth coming into contact with infected water or fecal matter and maintaining scrupulous toilet and bathing hygiene after being infected to prevent reinfection of self or others. There is no cure. Prevented by boiling all drinking water, including tap water, in infected areas.
Diarrhea, typically caused by bacteria in food or drinks. Also known as delhi belly, montezuma's revenge, and so on, this is the most common ailment of all for travellers. Extreme forms include cholera (watery massive diarrhea) and dysentery (bloody diarrhea). A cholera vaccine is available, but rarely used due to its ineffectiveness and the unlikeliness of the average traveller contracting the disease.
Hepatitis a. Can be spread by food contaminated with feces (unwashed hands), where the virus remains active for days. Symptoms may not appear for a month after infection, and may continue for as long as six months. Hepatitis a is common almost everywhere except in countries with a high standard of hygiene (see map of areas with high infection rates: Us cdc faq). A vaccine is available for hepatitis a, but this will not protect against the more virulent forms of hepatitis, such as b c.
Typhoid fever. Caused by the bacterium salmonella enterica typhi. It causes high fever, headache, malaise as well as other symptoms and is a general health problem in all less developed countries. Transmission is by contaminated food and water, especially in rural areas. A vaccination is available but offers no absolute safety, so the best options are precautions with what you drink & eat. See also travelers' health | cdc.
Schistosomiasis/bilharzia is a nasty parasite that can be picked up by swimming in contaminated fresh water. The worm is carried by freshwater snails, and emerges daily into the water, where it is attracted to water turbulence, shadows, and chemicals found on human skin. While unlikely to be fatal, schistosomiasis is a devastating disease, which should be treated as soon as possible. Symptoms include abdominal pain, diarrhea, coughing, genital sores, itching especially around the feet, but above all serious fatigue. Schistosomiasis, while present throughout much of the world, is primarily a problem in sub-saharan africa, and is easily, if unhappily, prevented by not swimming in fresh water.
trichinosis - a tapeworm - from eating improperly cooked infected meats, particularly pork.
Hydatids - another tapeworm - from eating improperly cooked infected meats, particularly sheep/mutton. Can also be spread by dogs that have been eating infected meat.
Unpasteurized dairy products can transmit several diseases, including tuberculosis
avian influenza. A viral infection normally affecting birds but the avian influenza a virus has also been found, albeit extremely rarely, in some human infections. Current outbreaks among animals occurred in south-east asia (cambodia, china, indonesia, laos, malaysia, thailand, and vietnam). The disease is transmitted to humans by contact with infected birds (especially poultry) and their excrements and may cause serious disease. Precautions include avoiding contact to wild birds and their excrements (as far as this is possible...). Avian influenza infection appears frequently in the news because it could be a source for new influenza strains to which no one has immunity and which have the potential to evolve to cause deadly epidemics. However, from the traveler's perspective the personal risk from avian influenza is extremely low. Travelers should obey recommendations on contact with poultry as a matter of civic duty, to prevent spreading the avian disease to birds in other countries. There is no vaccination available in the moment.
Ebola. Found largely in west sub-saharan africa after contact with infected primates (human and non-human), this disease is fatal if not treated aggressively and early and has a 50-90% fatality rate. Get to a hospital immediately upon experiencing symptoms.
Hepatitis b and c. Can be spread by entry of blood or bodily fluids from an infected person into the body, such as through sexual contact, sharing of hypodermic needles, or blood transfusion or organ donation (theoretically, if screening were not performed). Unlike hepatitis a, "hepatitis b is not spread through food or water, sharing eating utensils, breastfeeding, hugging, kissing, coughing, sneezing or by casual contact" (us cdc faq) a vaccine is available to prevent hepatitis b, but no vaccine is available to protect against hepatitis c.
Hiv (aids virus). Hiv is transmitted in the same ways as hepatitis b. Abstinence or monogamy, safe sex, and an absolute ban on needle-sharing are wise precautions in any country of the world. Travellers should note that rare strains of hiv, such as hiv-2 or group o hiv-1, occur predominantly in west africa and may not be detected by some rapid hiv screening tests. Some strains of hiv prevalent in africa and asia may be more infectious by heterosexual intercourse (see avert.org for further information)
influenza. The common flu kills an estimated 36,000 americans each year, and results in 200,000 hospitalizations per year. (cdc flu page) as a general precaution an annual vaccination is often recommended for the latest strains prevalent in the countries you are visiting.
Lassa fever. An acute viral illness that occurs in west africa. In areas of africa where the disease is endemic (that is, constantly present), lassa fever is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. While lassa fever is mild or has no observable symptoms in about 80% of people infected with the virus, the remaining 20% have a severe multisystem disease. Lassa fever is also associated with occasional epidemics, during which the case-fatality rate can reach 50%.
Polio. Causes paralysis and nerve damage - easily preventable by an oral vaccination that should normally be given in early childhood. Although polio was nearly eradicated in recent years, it is currently experiencing a resurgence in several nations, so travelers should be sure that they have received proper vaccination and boosters.
Sars. Severe acute respiratory syndrome - caused by a common corona virus that apparently crossed species and was highly infectious. Only a problem if undiagnosed travelers travel and spread the disease. Its control is an example of how unidentified (new) diseases are able to be controlled by simple but burdensome public health measures.
Tuberculosis. A third world disease due to poverty and poor health care. Can occur in first world countries where the health care system makes treatment expensive - generally responds to antibiotics but mis/incomplete treatment in some countries means antibiotic resistant strains are also a problem.
tropical diseases - wikitravel

so you are suggesting vaccines for malaria and yellow fever...lol
another classic dodge!
you ask what tropical diseases a healthy immune system couldn't handle ...
there's your answer...

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