The Vaccine Hoax is over.

Any parent that does not want to give their child a vaccine shouldn't have to. The kids can die instead.

You don't have to, but it might hard to have them stay in school.

Most states allow parents to opt out of the vaccination requirements and remain in school.

My son starts kindergarten in the fall, I either have to have him vaccinated or have documentation from his doctor. I cannot just tell my son's school I am not going to do it.
The federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, better known as "vaccine court," has just awarded millions of dollars to two children with autism for "pain and suffering" and lifelong care of their injuries, which together could cost tens of millions of dollars.

David Kirby: Vaccine Court Awards Millions to Two Children With Autism

The vaccines caused a noticable encephilitis, a swelling of the brain, which is a possible side affect. All the other supposed "autism" cases parents said thier kids developed said autism without any other noticable symptoms.

Trying to make this a link to vaccines causing autism is sick and sad.
Any parent that does not want to give their child a vaccine shouldn't have to. The kids can die instead.

You don't have to, but it might hard to have them stay in school.

The government FORCES us to put our kids through that conditioning and brainwashing. And you think the threat of not letting them go to school unless we let them poison them and weaken their immune system is supposed to be some sort of effective threat?

So what, we get to keep them home and teach them what ever we want? Like, oh, I don't know. Who really starts wars on the planet. Who really shot Kennedy. The real purpose of the education system. Why the government and the press push the "terrorism" paradigm. Why the financial cabal donates to both parties. What really happened on 9/11. How to actually READ. How to actually WRITE. How to really do arithmetic. etc. Like government schools are really that great.

They don't actually expect taxes if they aren't going to provide services do they?
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why is that crazy lady..
anyone who would risk a mass outbreak of disease on the miniscule probability of damage to their kid should be jailed for creating a clear and present danger to the general population.

as usual you make no sense..if your kid is vaccinated or your vaccinated what are you worried about ?
another classically stupid, arrogant and ignorant reply from eots..
the point of vaccinations is so no kid is at risk of infection or infecting others.
Any parent that does not want to give their child a vaccine shouldn't have to. The kids can die instead.

You don't have to, but it might hard to have them stay in school.

The government FORCES us to put our kids through that conditioning and brainwashing. And you think the threat of not letting them go to school unless we let them poison them and weaken their immune system is supposed to be some sort of effective threat?

So what, we get to keep them home and teach them what ever we want? Like, oh, I don't know. Who really starts wars on the planet. Who really shot Kennedy. The real purpose of the education system. Why the government and the press push the "terrorism" paradigm. Why the financial cabal donates to both parties. What really happened on 9/11. How to actually READ. How to actually WRITE. How to really do arithmetic. etc. Like government schools are really that great.

They don't actually expect taxes if they aren't going to provide services do they?
I've taken no vaccinations or Flu Shots for at least 25 years and my kids were never vaccinated. We're all just fine thank you.

I was never vaccinated for anything and none of my 3 children
I'm struggling with this question right now. The Department of Health, and the School just sent me a whole list of eight vaccines that want my boy to get before entering the sixth grade. If it were just up to me? I'd tell them to bugger off. But his mom and I have been apart now for well over ten years, and sadly, she is now part of the hive mind.

So what I need is some good, solid EVIDENCE.

I need evidence showing that the risks outweigh the chances of contracting the disease. I KNOW that vaccines have all these horrendous side effects. They weaken your immune system. cause severe side effects, etc. But are these more detrimental than the chances of "catching" something? How do you convince someone that is a "TV watcher," you know the type, one of the HIVE MIND? I just don't know what to do. I don't want to let them get a hold of my little man and pump him full of that poison. I have half a mind to just not let her know. But hat is not in my character. We have joint legal custody, but I have full physical custody. The means we make all medical decisions together.

We got all of the "early" infant vaccines. I just don't think he needs any vaccines at the age of twelve. They are for corporate profits, I mean, c'mon, really? I never had EIGHT vaccines at twelve. I'm fine. This is bullshit.

And yet, there is the irony. The establishment won't let me HAVE that evidence. I mean, WTF?! I want those statistics so I can make an informed choice. Nope, sorry. It either hasn't been compiled, or it isn't available.
I've taken no vaccinations or Flu Shots for at least 25 years and my kids were never vaccinated. We're all just fine thank you.

I was never vaccinated for anything and none of my 3 children
I'm struggling with this question right now. The Department of Health, and the School just sent me a whole list of eight vaccines that want my boy to get before entering the sixth grade. If it were just up to me? I'd tell them to bugger off. But his mom and I have been apart now for well over ten years, and sadly, she is now part of the hive mind.

So what I need is some good, solid EVIDENCE.

I need evidence showing that the risks outweigh the chances of contracting the disease. I KNOW that vaccines have all these horrendous side effects. They weaken your immune system. cause severe side effects, etc. But are these more detrimental than the chances of "catching" something? How do you convince someone that is a "TV watcher," you know the type, one of the HIVE MIND? I just don't know what to do. I don't want to let them get a hold of my little man and pump him full of that poison. I have half a mind to just not let her know. But hat is not in my character. We have joint legal custody, but I have full physical custody. The means we make all medical decisions together.

We got all of the "early" infant vaccines. I just don't think he needs any vaccines at the age of twelve. They are for corporate profits, I mean, c'mon, really? I never had EIGHT vaccines at twelve. I'm fine. This is bullshit.

And yet, there is the irony. The establishment won't let me HAVE that evidence. I mean, WTF?! I want those statistics so I can make an informed choice. Nope, sorry. It either hasn't been compiled, or it isn't available.

Can I assume, based on your need for strong evidence, that you have such evidence regarding the horrendous side effects, weakening of the immune system, etc. of vaccines? You said you KNOW about these things....where do you get that knowledge? Why do you trust the source(s) that tell you that but not ones that tell you vaccines are safe and worthwhile?
I remember the days before these vaccines. I didn't have any vaccination until I stood in line for the polio sugar cube.

Diseases that we consider minor today, measels, chicken pox, whooping cough would sweep through killing dozens of children at a time. Families had many more children in those days hoping one or two would live. I can't imagine anyone wanting the child mortality rate of a third world village. I accept that some people find this desirable. When a child does get sick, is struggling for its next breath or has eyeballs covered with measels or chicken pox it's amazing how quicky these parents forget putting chemicals in the child's body and nonsense about poisoning them and demand antibiotics that might not even work any more. Bring on the chemicals!
I had measles as a did ever other kid I knew no one died
you'll understand when I say you're lying..Causes, incidence, and risk factors

The infection is spread by contact with droplets from the nose, mouth, or throat of an infected person. Sneezing and coughing can put contaminated droplets into the air.

Those who have had an active measles infection or who have been vaccinated against the measles have immunity to the disease. Before widespread vaccination, measles was so common during childhood that most people became sick with the disease by age 20. The number of measles cases dropped over the last several decades to almost none in the U.S. and Canada. However, rates have started to rise again recently.

Some parents do not let their children get vaccinated because of unfounded fears that the MMR vaccine, which protects against measles, mumps, and rubella, can cause autism. Large studies of thousands of children have found no connection between this vaccine and autism. Not vaccinating children can lead to outbreaks of a measles, mumps, and rubella -- all of which are potentially serious diseases of childhood.
n roughly the last 150 years, measles has been estimated to have killed about 200 million people worldwide.[64] During the 1850s, measles killed a fifth of Hawaii's people.[65] In 1875, measles killed over 40,000 Fijians, approximately one-third of the population.[66] In the 19th century, the disease decimated the Andamanese population.[67] In 1954, the virus causing the disease was isolated from an 11-year old boy from the United States, David Edmonston, and adapted and propagated on chick embryo tissue culture.[68] To date, 21 strains of the measles virus have been identified.[69] While at Merck, Maurice Hilleman developed the first successful vaccine.[70] Licensed vaccines to prevent the disease became available in 1963.[71] An improved measles vaccine became available in 1968.[72]

Measles - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I had measles as a did ever other kid I knew no one died
you'll understand when I say you're lying..Causes, incidence, and risk factors

The infection is spread by contact with droplets from the nose, mouth, or throat of an infected person. Sneezing and coughing can put contaminated droplets into the air.

Those who have had an active measles infection or who have been vaccinated against the measles have immunity to the disease. Before widespread vaccination, measles was so common during childhood that most people became sick with the disease by age 20. The number of measles cases dropped over the last several decades to almost none in the U.S. and Canada. However, rates have started to rise again recently.

Some parents do not let their children get vaccinated because of unfounded fears that the MMR vaccine, which protects against measles, mumps, and rubella, can cause autism. Large studies of thousands of children have found no connection between this vaccine and autism. Not vaccinating children can lead to outbreaks of a measles, mumps, and rubella -- all of which are potentially serious diseases of childhood.
n roughly the last 150 years, measles has been estimated to have killed about 200 million people worldwide.[64] During the 1850s, measles killed a fifth of Hawaii's people.[65] In 1875, measles killed over 40,000 Fijians, approximately one-third of the population.[66] In the 19th century, the disease decimated the Andamanese population.[67] In 1954, the virus causing the disease was isolated from an 11-year old boy from the United States, David Edmonston, and adapted and propagated on chick embryo tissue culture.[68] To date, 21 strains of the measles virus have been identified.[69] While at Merck, Maurice Hilleman developed the first successful vaccine.[70] Licensed vaccines to prevent the disease became available in 1963.[71] An improved measles vaccine became available in 1968.[72]

Measles - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Beezy Marsh, Health Correspondent12:01AM GMT 13 Feb 2006

Eighteen babies and toddlers have died following childhood vaccinations in just four years, a secret Government report reveals.
Four deaths have been linked to suspected adverse reactions to the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) triple jab, according to documents prepared for the Government's expert advisers on immunisation.
Secret report reveals 18 child deaths following vaccinations - Telegraph
According to an article dated July 4, it has been determined that, in 2003, a hexavalent vaccine (the 4-in-one vaccine that is considered mandatory for children plus two optional vaccines) proved to be fatal to a six month old baby girl in Pesaro, Italy and a civil court judge in Pesaro has found the Italian Ministry of Health guilty as charged. The court has established a 200,000 Euro compensation to the baby girl's family, a lifetime award of about 700 Euros per month, plus additional compensation that still needs to be calculated.

Baby's family awarded damages after hexavalent vaccine ruled cause of her death - Miami healthy living |

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