The Very Worst Racist

Don't you guy's ever get tired of claiming the right or the left is racist? There are racist from all political viewpoints and there are racist with no political ideology at all.

That probably makes you feel better about the fact that putrid racists saddle up alongside you on just about every major political issue.

Reject racists from your midst and you won't feel guilty at all. Trust me.
Dixiecrats found a home in the GOP.
False. Debunked countless times.



What happened later....?
PoliChic was not aware that the parties have switched political polarities over the decades.

Guess she failed High School U.S. History.

Wait till she finds out the GOPs were the Progressives after the Civil War.
1. "Eugene "Bull" Connor
"Negroes and whites will not segregate together as long as I am Commissioner." Colored Reflections - The Sixties Eugene Bull Connor

Bull Connor was elected Alabama Public Service Commissioner in 1964,

the same year REPUBLICAN Barry Goldwater won Alabama with 69% of the vote.

I'm guessing that wasn't because of some bizarre ticket splitting by Alabamans...

If only these people would think before they posted. Is that too much too ask? lol
Dixiecrats found a home in the GOP.
False. Debunked countless times.



What happened later....?

What happened after 1968? This is what happened in 1976, by county:
Nice map.


What happened next...Ronald Reagan, the man who was against the Civil Rights Act was voted in the next election, aMemba?

Are you familiar with the term Southern Strategy?

You should be.

The last two RNC chairmen apologized for it. was ted "remember Mary Jo" kennedy's brother who wire tapped Martin Luther King...
The funniest part here is that the RWnuts go on and on making this argument that there were once conservative segregationist Democrats in the conservative southern wing of the party,

and NO ONE DISAGREES WITH YOU!!! Get it? Understand?

YES, I can safely say that we all agree that there was once a conservative Southern segregationist, RACIST if you will, wing of the Democratic Party.

They are gone now. The party moved to the left and left them behind remember? You'd think you idiots would know that,

because you can't stop reminding everyone how the Democratic party has moved so far to the left in the past half century or more.

Yes, that's what happens when a party moves to the left. They stop being states rights anti-civil rights segregationists.

They belong to the Democrat Party, not the Conservative Party.

1. they are dead. 2. they were conservatives.

Another leftist zombie.... they usually start to gather when one of them is attacked, I'll wait for the mass arrival!

See, now according to AvgGuy you just lost the argument because you resorted to insults. Go have a girlfight with him.

We all have our style, I INSULT, post pictures that make, not so subtle points, and state the truth.... Your qualifications are that you're a dumbass, subversive, from NYC!

Why are you talking shit to me? AvgGuy is the poindexter who thinks you're an asshole for insulting other posters...

...go girlfight with him.
Are you familiar with the term Southern Strategy?

Yes, where Nixon won the non racist southern vote...the new south...vs. the old racist, democrat jim crow south...
1. they are dead. 2. they were conservatives.

Another leftist zombie.... they usually start to gather when one of them is attacked, I'll wait for the mass arrival!

See, now according to AvgGuy you just lost the argument because you resorted to insults. Go have a girlfight with him.

We all have our style, I INSULT, post pictures that make, not so subtle points, and state the truth.... Your qualifications are that you're a dumbass, subversive, from NYC!

Why are you talking shit to me? AvgGuy is the poindexter who thinks you're an asshole for insulting other posters...

...go girlfight with him.

BUT, you're EASY PICKINGS, and a subversive...that's all that's necessary!

Liberals always win, in case you haven't noticed. Go read a history book.
As to the lies about the Southern strategy and the myth of the Racist republican vs. the fact of the racist/statist democrats...

The Myth of the Racist Republicans Republican Review of America

A myth about conservatism is circulating in academia and journalism and has spread to the 2004 presidential campaign. It goes something like this: the Republican Party assembled a national majority by winning over Southern white voters; Southern white voters are racist; therefore, the GOP is racist.

Sometimes the conclusion is softened, and Republicans are convicted merely of base opportunism: the GOP is the party that became willing to pander to racists. Either way, today’s Republican Party—and by extension the conservative movement at its heart—supposedly has revealed something terrible about itself.

Let’s start with policies. Like many others, Carter and the Black brothers argue that the GOP appealed to Southern racism not explicitly but through “coded” racial appeals. Carter is representative of many when he says that Wallace’s racialism can be seen, varying in style but not substance, in “Goldwater’s vote against the Civil Rights Bill of 1964, in Richard Nixon’s subtle manipulation of the busing issue, in Ronald Reagan’s genial demolition of affirmative action, in George Bush’s use of the Willie Horton ads, and in Newt Gingrich’s demonization of welfare mothers.”

And now the truth....

To be condemned as racist “code,” the GOP’s positions would have to come across as proxies for these views -and in turn these views would have to be racist. The problem is that these views are not self-evidently racist. Many scholars simply treat them as if they were. Adding insult to injury, usually they don’t even pause to identify when views like opposition to affirmative action would not be racist.

And to look at what really happened in the Southern Strategy...

Electoral Patterns

In all these ways, the gop appears as the national party of the middle-class, not of white solidarity. And it is this interpretation, and not the myth, that is supported by the voting results. The myth’s proponents highlight, and distort, a few key electoral facts: Southern white backlash was most heated in the 1960s, especially in the Deep South. It was then and there that the GOP finally broke through in the South, on the strength of Goldwater’s appeals to states’ rights. Democrats never again won the votes of most Southern whites. So Goldwater is said to have provided the electoral model for the GOP.

But hidden within these aggregate results are patterns that make no sense if white solidarity really was the basis for the GOP’s advance. These patterns concern which Southern votes the GOP attracted, and when. How did the GOP’s Southern advance actually unfold? We can distinguish between two sub-regions. The Peripheral South—Florida, Texas, Tennessee, Virginia, North Carolina, and Arkansas—contained many growing, urbanizing “New South” areas and much smaller black populations. Race loomed less large in its politics. In the more rural, and poorer, Deep South—Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, South Carolina, and Louisiana —black communities were much larger, and racial conflict was much more acute in the 1950s and ’60s. Tellingly, the presidential campaigns of Strom Thurmond, Goldwater, and Wallace all won a majority of white votes in the Deep South but lost the white vote in the Peripheral South.

Each prediction is wrong. The evidence suggests that the GOP advanced in the South because it attracted much the same upwardly mobile (and non-union) economic and religious conservatives that it did elsewhere in the country.

The GOP’s breakthrough came in the least racially polarized part of the South. And its strongest supporters most years were “New South” urban and suburban middle- and upper-income voters. In 1964, as we’ve seen, Goldwater did the opposite: winning in the Deep South but losing the Peripheral South. But the pre-Goldwater pattern re-emerged soon afterward. When given the option in 1968, Deep South whites strongly preferred Wallace, and Nixon became president by winning most of the Peripheral South instead. From 1972 on, GOP presidential candidates won white voters at roughly even rates in the two sub-regions, sometimes slightly more in the Deep South, sometimes not. But by then, the Deep South had only about one-third of the South’s total electoral votes; so it has been the Periphery, throughout, that provided the bulk of the GOP’s Southern presidential support.

The entire article is a great read and helps to dismantle that myth created by libs/progs/dems/socialists and their minions in academia, the media and hollywood....
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Another leftist zombie.... they usually start to gather when one of them is attacked, I'll wait for the mass arrival!

See, now according to AvgGuy you just lost the argument because you resorted to insults. Go have a girlfight with him.

We all have our style, I INSULT, post pictures that make, not so subtle points, and state the truth.... Your qualifications are that you're a dumbass, subversive, from NYC!

Why are you talking shit to me? AvgGuy is the poindexter who thinks you're an asshole for insulting other posters...

...go girlfight with him.

BUT, you're EASY PICKINGS, and a subversive...that's all that's necessary!

Liberals always win, in case you haven't noticed. Go read a history book.

I guess you didn't look at the 2010 Congressional races!

On Barry Goldwater, the Goldwater the libs/progs/democrat/socialists want you to never hear about...

Barry Goldwater 8217 s fight against segregation and Southern whites shift to the GOP started before the 1960 8242 s rsaquo 2.0 The Blogmocracy

Here, Barry Goldwater enters the story. Goldwater was a department-store proprietor and a member of the Phoenix city council. He was a very conservative Republican, something that was not at all at odds with his membership in the NAACP, which was, in the 1950s, an organization in which Republicans and conservatives still were very much welcome.

The civil-rights community in Phoenix, such as it was, did not quite know what to make of Goldwater. It was already clear by then that he was to be a conservative’s conservative and a man skeptical of federal overreach; while he described himself as being unprejudiced on what was at the time referred to as “the race question,” the fact was that he did not talk much about it, at least in public. His family department stores were desegregated under his watch, though he was not known to hire blacks to work there. But when the Arizona legislature was considering making segregation voluntary in the public schools, Goldwater was lobbying for it behind the scenes. And, perhaps more important, he organized a group of well-known white conservative leaders to do so as well. He did so on the advice of his friend Lincoln Ragsdale.


When Lincoln was working to raise money for the NAACP for a lawsuit to integrate the schools, he turned to every possible source he could think of, including the conservative city councilman Barry Goldwater. To his surprise, Goldwater responded with a large check. What surprised him further was that Goldwater became a personal friend and political colleague of the couple, a “great inspiration,” in Lincoln’s words.


But funding the lawsuit may have been the most important thing Goldwater did in his civil-rights career. As the historian Quintard Taylor of the University of Washington puts it: “Most historians characterize the 1954 U.S. Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Topeka Board of Education as the death knell for de jure public school segregation. Yet a little-known legal victory by . . . the Arizona NAACP before the Arizona State Supreme Court in 1953 provided an important precedent for the ruling by the highest court in the land.” The NAACP had not been getting very far suing on behalf of black students, but it had made some progress with suits on behalf of Mexican-American students: A 1951 decision had outlawed segregating Hispanic students in the Tolleson School District, and Phoenix refused to comply with the new legal standard, so it was targeted for a lawsuit, too: one that would have ended racial discrimination against any student.


Barry Goldwater was not the most important opponent of racial segregation in Arizona, nor was he the most important champion of desegregating the public schools. What he was was on the right side: He put his money, his political clout, his business connections, and his reputation at the service of a cause that was right and just.

Barry Goldwater was a libertarian conservative who fought against big know the "god" of libs/progressives/democrat/socialist/ of course the smear him whenever they can'

Yeah...a lot of racists were members of the NAACP in the Charleton Heston would say...he was in the NAACP before it was fashionable...
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Are you familiar with the term Southern Strategy?

Yes, where Nixon won the non racist southern vote...the new south...vs. the old racist, democrat jim crow south...

Yeah, that one. :lol:

Let's hear from Nixon's strategist, Kevin Phillips, in 1970:

“From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that... but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act.

The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats.” &cd=6&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

He turned out to be mighty prescient.

When it comes to electing them to power...

Current Congress:

Bull Connor was a hard core far right Conservative like Political Chic.

Yeah, right.

Back in reality, the Left is in a perpetual feeding frenzy to keep blacks poor and contained in the urban ghetto plantation.

Anytime a black person becomes a successful conservative, the Left does a virtual lynch job.
Another ******* are too stupid to know what is good for them post.

Frell off, idiot.
Well I guess that all things considered we should see this thread in a positive light in that we seem to have gotten broad consensus on the right that the very worst racist ever!

was a conservative.

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