The Very Worst Racist

so your proof that Eric Holder is racist is that he recognizes some critics of himself and the President are motivated by race?
so a black man calling the klan members hanging him would also have been the worse racist?

but hey, at least you've managed to move from things other people have said about him to things he actually said.

they still don't prove your premise, but at least you're showing improvement in what you consider a source.

You need a great deal of help....probably a waste of time....but let's give you a way to recognize racists, so you don't embarrass yourself again...

This is how racists speak:

1. "When unrest and protests erupted after Michael Brown, an unarmed African American 18-year-old, was killed by a white police officer in Ferguson, Mo., in July, Holder went to Ferguson and met with residents. Again, he reflected on his experiences with police profiling as a young man.
He later said that he identified with Ferguson’s mistrust of police. Michael Brown’s mother told Anderson Cooper that after talking with Holder, she felt the investigation into her son’s death would be “fair and thorough.”
A Look Back at Attorney General Eric Holder s Real Talk on Racism TakePart

2. "The Department of Justice has 40 FBI agents canvassing Ferguson, Missouri to learn whether a white police officer should be charged with a 'civil rights' crime for shooting an unarmed black teen, the agency confirmed on Tuesday.

Reporters in Missouri have tallied up stories from at least 12 witnesses who back the account of Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson, who shot Michael Brown, 18, last week."
40 FBI agents search for civil rights crime in Ferguson that could bring stiff sentence as Eric Holder plans to visit on Wednesday Daily Mail Online

I meant to ask you....besides being a moron.....are you a racist like Holder?
did you forget to provide a quote from Holder, or are you some dumb that you believe you did?

1. "During a commencement address in May at Morgan State University, a historically black university in Baltimore, Holder took aim at allegedly “race-neutral policies” that “impede equal opportunity in fact, if not in form.”
Transcript Attorney general Eric Holder s speech to Morgan State University graduates - The Washington Post

2. I meant to ask you....besides being a moron.....are you a racist like Holder?
can you provide the parts of that commencement speech that you find racist?

i already know you can't, but i'm going to give you the opportunity to post something else, probably not a quote from holder or an example of what he's done, pretend that it's evidence supporting your premise, and then call me a moron again.

so... chop chop. ctrl-c and ctrl-v aren't going to push themselves

"MSNBC host Rev. Al Sharpton said Thursday that he is “engaged in immediate conversations” with the White House to find a replacement for Attorney General Eric Holder, who has just announced his resignation."
Al Sharpton I m helping the White House find a replacement for Eric Holder

Now....why would Obama and Sharpton be huddling on the decision?

Oh...right....a couple of racists trying to come up with another racist.

BTW....I meant to ask you....besides being a moron.....are you a racist like Holder?

Did you really just call our President a racist?

Are you really that batshit crazy, after all?

Is the reverend al sharpton Eric Holder?

i'm going to remind you again, you're supposed to be proving to us that eric holder is a racist, not proving your stupidity.

I have shown exactly that, over and over.
The fact that you are a lying weasel....a moron and a racist, too.....beside the point.

Exposing you has been a bonus.

“In too many of our school districts, significant divisions persist and segregation has reoccurred—including zero-tolerance school discipline practices that, while well-intentioned and aimed at promoting school safety, affect black males at a rate three times higher than their white peers,” he said. A Look Back at Attorney General Eric Holder s Real Talk on Racism TakePart
again, you can't just take some random quote and claim that it's racist in nature.

but of the two of us, i'm not making spurious claims. i'm not calling a man racist without cause. that's you.

and i'm not the idiot trying to claim that because someone else said something about a third party it's automatically true. again, that's you.

and i'm not the one claiming a black man is racist for recognizing that some people are racist against black men. that's you.

so, you can claim victory all you want. you can try to pretend that you've proven to everyone that you have proven your premise.

the truth is obvious. you like to make outrageous claims, post a bunch of copied and pasted quotes, and then when called on your bullshit you start attacking people and deflecting to other subjects.

you are an intellectual weakling and a coward, and every post you've made, from the very first, proves how utterly pathetic you truly are.

i'm sure you'll respond back, call me a moron and a racist, but deep down, you know the truth. you're a liar and a fraud, and your argument has been entirely without merit.

Call you? are a moron, a racist, and a lying weasel.

But I enjoy proving so....let's keep on.

"As reported and applauded by Politico, Holder announced Tuesday that he was fed up with listening to whining whites who claim the justice department deliberately blocks investigations of black on white racism. Predictably, the Establishment media sides with Holder.

“Think about that," Holder said. "When you compare what people endured in the South in the 60s to try to get the right to vote for African Americans, to compare what people subjected to that with what happened in Philadelphia, which was inappropriate .. .to describe it in those terms I think does a great disservice to people who put their lives on the line for my people," said Holder, who is black. The larger issue, of course, is that "whites as racists" constitutes the fundamental lens through which Holder views issues in America. During the healthcare debate, Holderlikened opposition of Obamacare to opposition to civil rights.

Holder’s statements are completely sadistic, and they betray his motives. He has a score to settle, and by his figure whites have a lot more suffering to endure before they have a right to expect justice from the “Justice Department.”
HOLDER Whites Can t Be Victims of Racial Injustice Because They Haven t Suffered Enough

In your face, dope!
you are inferior, and you know it.

again, the quote is not inaccurate, nor is it racist. if you believe it to be racist, tell us why in your own words.

Of course it's racist, you's obviously about race.
Sharpton is a racist, Obama is a racist....and Holder...the very worst racist.

You're right up there, dunce.

But we're not done!

"Some conservative figures accused Holder and the White House of "playing to the fears and anxieties of minorities in hopes of scaring them to the polls in November," as Wall Street Journal opinion writer Jason L. Riley wrote in an editorial for the paper on Monday. "The willingness of the Obama administration to stoke racial divisions for political gain is astounding," Riley wrote adding that the voter identification laws are intended to ensure "ballot integrity" and that there's no proof they suppress minority votes."
Some conservatives Holder playing racial politics -

"Obama is a racist"

You are sick. you need help.
You need a great deal of help....probably a waste of time....but let's give you a way to recognize racists, so you don't embarrass yourself again...

This is how racists speak:

1. "When unrest and protests erupted after Michael Brown, an unarmed African American 18-year-old, was killed by a white police officer in Ferguson, Mo., in July, Holder went to Ferguson and met with residents. Again, he reflected on his experiences with police profiling as a young man.
He later said that he identified with Ferguson’s mistrust of police. Michael Brown’s mother told Anderson Cooper that after talking with Holder, she felt the investigation into her son’s death would be “fair and thorough.”
A Look Back at Attorney General Eric Holder s Real Talk on Racism TakePart

2. "The Department of Justice has 40 FBI agents canvassing Ferguson, Missouri to learn whether a white police officer should be charged with a 'civil rights' crime for shooting an unarmed black teen, the agency confirmed on Tuesday.

Reporters in Missouri have tallied up stories from at least 12 witnesses who back the account of Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson, who shot Michael Brown, 18, last week."
40 FBI agents search for civil rights crime in Ferguson that could bring stiff sentence as Eric Holder plans to visit on Wednesday Daily Mail Online

I meant to ask you....besides being a moron.....are you a racist like Holder?
did you forget to provide a quote from Holder, or are you some dumb that you believe you did?

1. "During a commencement address in May at Morgan State University, a historically black university in Baltimore, Holder took aim at allegedly “race-neutral policies” that “impede equal opportunity in fact, if not in form.”
Transcript Attorney general Eric Holder s speech to Morgan State University graduates - The Washington Post

2. I meant to ask you....besides being a moron.....are you a racist like Holder?
can you provide the parts of that commencement speech that you find racist?

i already know you can't, but i'm going to give you the opportunity to post something else, probably not a quote from holder or an example of what he's done, pretend that it's evidence supporting your premise, and then call me a moron again.

so... chop chop. ctrl-c and ctrl-v aren't going to push themselves

"MSNBC host Rev. Al Sharpton said Thursday that he is “engaged in immediate conversations” with the White House to find a replacement for Attorney General Eric Holder, who has just announced his resignation."
Al Sharpton I m helping the White House find a replacement for Eric Holder

Now....why would Obama and Sharpton be huddling on the decision?

Oh...right....a couple of racists trying to come up with another racist.

BTW....I meant to ask you....besides being a moron.....are you a racist like Holder?

Did you really just call our President a racist?

Are you really that batshit crazy, after all?


Obama is a race hustler, and no different than Sharpton, Jackson, Cummings, Lewis, etc.
You need a great deal of help....probably a waste of time....but let's give you a way to recognize racists, so you don't embarrass yourself again...

This is how racists speak:

1. "When unrest and protests erupted after Michael Brown, an unarmed African American 18-year-old, was killed by a white police officer in Ferguson, Mo., in July, Holder went to Ferguson and met with residents. Again, he reflected on his experiences with police profiling as a young man.
He later said that he identified with Ferguson’s mistrust of police. Michael Brown’s mother told Anderson Cooper that after talking with Holder, she felt the investigation into her son’s death would be “fair and thorough.”
A Look Back at Attorney General Eric Holder s Real Talk on Racism TakePart

2. "The Department of Justice has 40 FBI agents canvassing Ferguson, Missouri to learn whether a white police officer should be charged with a 'civil rights' crime for shooting an unarmed black teen, the agency confirmed on Tuesday.

Reporters in Missouri have tallied up stories from at least 12 witnesses who back the account of Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson, who shot Michael Brown, 18, last week."
40 FBI agents search for civil rights crime in Ferguson that could bring stiff sentence as Eric Holder plans to visit on Wednesday Daily Mail Online

I meant to ask you....besides being a moron.....are you a racist like Holder?
did you forget to provide a quote from Holder, or are you some dumb that you believe you did?

1. "During a commencement address in May at Morgan State University, a historically black university in Baltimore, Holder took aim at allegedly “race-neutral policies” that “impede equal opportunity in fact, if not in form.”
Transcript Attorney general Eric Holder s speech to Morgan State University graduates - The Washington Post

2. I meant to ask you....besides being a moron.....are you a racist like Holder?
can you provide the parts of that commencement speech that you find racist?

i already know you can't, but i'm going to give you the opportunity to post something else, probably not a quote from holder or an example of what he's done, pretend that it's evidence supporting your premise, and then call me a moron again.

so... chop chop. ctrl-c and ctrl-v aren't going to push themselves

"MSNBC host Rev. Al Sharpton said Thursday that he is “engaged in immediate conversations” with the White House to find a replacement for Attorney General Eric Holder, who has just announced his resignation."
Al Sharpton I m helping the White House find a replacement for Eric Holder

Now....why would Obama and Sharpton be huddling on the decision?

Oh...right....a couple of racists trying to come up with another racist.

BTW....I meant to ask you....besides being a moron.....are you a racist like Holder?

Did you really just call our President a racist?

Are you really that batshit crazy, after all?


Yeah....I just called 'our President' a racist.

Get off your knees, dolt.....Ever hear of the first amendment?

You sound like you'd be right at home in the Reich.
did you forget to provide a quote from Holder, or are you some dumb that you believe you did?

1. "During a commencement address in May at Morgan State University, a historically black university in Baltimore, Holder took aim at allegedly “race-neutral policies” that “impede equal opportunity in fact, if not in form.”
Transcript Attorney general Eric Holder s speech to Morgan State University graduates - The Washington Post

2. I meant to ask you....besides being a moron.....are you a racist like Holder?
can you provide the parts of that commencement speech that you find racist?

i already know you can't, but i'm going to give you the opportunity to post something else, probably not a quote from holder or an example of what he's done, pretend that it's evidence supporting your premise, and then call me a moron again.

so... chop chop. ctrl-c and ctrl-v aren't going to push themselves

"MSNBC host Rev. Al Sharpton said Thursday that he is “engaged in immediate conversations” with the White House to find a replacement for Attorney General Eric Holder, who has just announced his resignation."
Al Sharpton I m helping the White House find a replacement for Eric Holder

Now....why would Obama and Sharpton be huddling on the decision?

Oh...right....a couple of racists trying to come up with another racist.

BTW....I meant to ask you....besides being a moron.....are you a racist like Holder?

Did you really just call our President a racist?

Are you really that batshit crazy, after all?


Yeah....I just called 'our President' a racist.

Get off your knees, dolt.....Ever hear of the first amendment?

You sound like you'd be right at home in the Reich.

I never said you were not allowed to express your opinion, you brain-damaged moron. Just as you have the right to your opinion, I have the right to laugh at it in derision. You are obviously too stupid to recognize the difference.
I have shown exactly that, over and over.
The fact that you are a lying weasel....a moron and a racist, too.....beside the point.

Exposing you has been a bonus.

“In too many of our school districts, significant divisions persist and segregation has reoccurred—including zero-tolerance school discipline practices that, while well-intentioned and aimed at promoting school safety, affect black males at a rate three times higher than their white peers,” he said. A Look Back at Attorney General Eric Holder s Real Talk on Racism TakePart
again, you can't just take some random quote and claim that it's racist in nature.

but of the two of us, i'm not making spurious claims. i'm not calling a man racist without cause. that's you.

and i'm not the idiot trying to claim that because someone else said something about a third party it's automatically true. again, that's you.

and i'm not the one claiming a black man is racist for recognizing that some people are racist against black men. that's you.

so, you can claim victory all you want. you can try to pretend that you've proven to everyone that you have proven your premise.

the truth is obvious. you like to make outrageous claims, post a bunch of copied and pasted quotes, and then when called on your bullshit you start attacking people and deflecting to other subjects.

you are an intellectual weakling and a coward, and every post you've made, from the very first, proves how utterly pathetic you truly are.

i'm sure you'll respond back, call me a moron and a racist, but deep down, you know the truth. you're a liar and a fraud, and your argument has been entirely without merit.

Call you? are a moron, a racist, and a lying weasel.

But I enjoy proving so....let's keep on.

"As reported and applauded by Politico, Holder announced Tuesday that he was fed up with listening to whining whites who claim the justice department deliberately blocks investigations of black on white racism. Predictably, the Establishment media sides with Holder.

“Think about that," Holder said. "When you compare what people endured in the South in the 60s to try to get the right to vote for African Americans, to compare what people subjected to that with what happened in Philadelphia, which was inappropriate .. .to describe it in those terms I think does a great disservice to people who put their lives on the line for my people," said Holder, who is black. The larger issue, of course, is that "whites as racists" constitutes the fundamental lens through which Holder views issues in America. During the healthcare debate, Holderlikened opposition of Obamacare to opposition to civil rights.

Holder’s statements are completely sadistic, and they betray his motives. He has a score to settle, and by his figure whites have a lot more suffering to endure before they have a right to expect justice from the “Justice Department.”
HOLDER Whites Can t Be Victims of Racial Injustice Because They Haven t Suffered Enough

In your face, dope!
you are inferior, and you know it.

again, the quote is not inaccurate, nor is it racist. if you believe it to be racist, tell us why in your own words.

Of course it's racist, you's obviously about race.
Sharpton is a racist, Obama is a racist....and Holder...the very worst racist.

You're right up there, dunce.

But we're not done!

"Some conservative figures accused Holder and the White House of "playing to the fears and anxieties of minorities in hopes of scaring them to the polls in November," as Wall Street Journal opinion writer Jason L. Riley wrote in an editorial for the paper on Monday. "The willingness of the Obama administration to stoke racial divisions for political gain is astounding," Riley wrote adding that the voter identification laws are intended to ensure "ballot integrity" and that there's no proof they suppress minority votes."
Some conservatives Holder playing racial politics -

"Obama is a racist"

You are sick. you need help.

Correction: I'm an American....we don't worship political leaders.

And....BTW....Holder is a racist.....he was appointed by another racist.

Following the logic?

For future reference:
You know that little thing in your head that keeps you from saying politically incorrect things?
I don't have one of those.
1. "During a commencement address in May at Morgan State University, a historically black university in Baltimore, Holder took aim at allegedly “race-neutral policies” that “impede equal opportunity in fact, if not in form.”
Transcript Attorney general Eric Holder s speech to Morgan State University graduates - The Washington Post

2. I meant to ask you....besides being a moron.....are you a racist like Holder?
can you provide the parts of that commencement speech that you find racist?

i already know you can't, but i'm going to give you the opportunity to post something else, probably not a quote from holder or an example of what he's done, pretend that it's evidence supporting your premise, and then call me a moron again.

so... chop chop. ctrl-c and ctrl-v aren't going to push themselves

"MSNBC host Rev. Al Sharpton said Thursday that he is “engaged in immediate conversations” with the White House to find a replacement for Attorney General Eric Holder, who has just announced his resignation."
Al Sharpton I m helping the White House find a replacement for Eric Holder

Now....why would Obama and Sharpton be huddling on the decision?

Oh...right....a couple of racists trying to come up with another racist.

BTW....I meant to ask you....besides being a moron.....are you a racist like Holder?

Did you really just call our President a racist?

Are you really that batshit crazy, after all?


Yeah....I just called 'our President' a racist.

Get off your knees, dolt.....Ever hear of the first amendment?

You sound like you'd be right at home in the Reich.

I never said you were not allowed to express your opinion, you brain-damaged moron. Just as you have the right to your opinion, I have the right to laugh at it in derision. You are obviously too stupid to recognize the difference.

No, you're not laughing at're shaking that someone might think you didn't raise an objection to criticism of the Liberal icon of the moment.

You find it offensive...I find it truthful. I'm just more perceptive.
again, you can't just take some random quote and claim that it's racist in nature.

but of the two of us, i'm not making spurious claims. i'm not calling a man racist without cause. that's you.

and i'm not the idiot trying to claim that because someone else said something about a third party it's automatically true. again, that's you.

and i'm not the one claiming a black man is racist for recognizing that some people are racist against black men. that's you.

so, you can claim victory all you want. you can try to pretend that you've proven to everyone that you have proven your premise.

the truth is obvious. you like to make outrageous claims, post a bunch of copied and pasted quotes, and then when called on your bullshit you start attacking people and deflecting to other subjects.

you are an intellectual weakling and a coward, and every post you've made, from the very first, proves how utterly pathetic you truly are.

i'm sure you'll respond back, call me a moron and a racist, but deep down, you know the truth. you're a liar and a fraud, and your argument has been entirely without merit.

Call you? are a moron, a racist, and a lying weasel.

But I enjoy proving so....let's keep on.

"As reported and applauded by Politico, Holder announced Tuesday that he was fed up with listening to whining whites who claim the justice department deliberately blocks investigations of black on white racism. Predictably, the Establishment media sides with Holder.

“Think about that," Holder said. "When you compare what people endured in the South in the 60s to try to get the right to vote for African Americans, to compare what people subjected to that with what happened in Philadelphia, which was inappropriate .. .to describe it in those terms I think does a great disservice to people who put their lives on the line for my people," said Holder, who is black. The larger issue, of course, is that "whites as racists" constitutes the fundamental lens through which Holder views issues in America. During the healthcare debate, Holderlikened opposition of Obamacare to opposition to civil rights.

Holder’s statements are completely sadistic, and they betray his motives. He has a score to settle, and by his figure whites have a lot more suffering to endure before they have a right to expect justice from the “Justice Department.”
HOLDER Whites Can t Be Victims of Racial Injustice Because They Haven t Suffered Enough

In your face, dope!
you are inferior, and you know it.

again, the quote is not inaccurate, nor is it racist. if you believe it to be racist, tell us why in your own words.

Of course it's racist, you's obviously about race.
Sharpton is a racist, Obama is a racist....and Holder...the very worst racist.

You're right up there, dunce.

But we're not done!

"Some conservative figures accused Holder and the White House of "playing to the fears and anxieties of minorities in hopes of scaring them to the polls in November," as Wall Street Journal opinion writer Jason L. Riley wrote in an editorial for the paper on Monday. "The willingness of the Obama administration to stoke racial divisions for political gain is astounding," Riley wrote adding that the voter identification laws are intended to ensure "ballot integrity" and that there's no proof they suppress minority votes."
Some conservatives Holder playing racial politics -

"Obama is a racist"

You are sick. you need help.

Correction: I'm an American....we don't worship political leaders.

And....BTW....Holder is a racist.....he was appointed by another racist.

Following the logic?

For future reference:
You know that little thing in your head that keeps you from saying politically incorrect things?
I don't have one of those.

No, there is no logic to that. It is just an opinion.

A very stupid, uninformed and hateful opinion, but your opinion nonetheless. And it is your right to be as stupid and as uninformed as you would like to be.

I too am an American and I also don't worship political leaders, so where you pull that statement out of your very large, stinky ass is a mystery to, well, pretty much everyone.

I get it that you hate black people. That much is obvious.
I also realize that racists love to call others racists in order to hide their own proclivities.

You are very, very transparent. Quick, everyone, cover the childrens' eyes!!
can you provide the parts of that commencement speech that you find racist?

i already know you can't, but i'm going to give you the opportunity to post something else, probably not a quote from holder or an example of what he's done, pretend that it's evidence supporting your premise, and then call me a moron again.

so... chop chop. ctrl-c and ctrl-v aren't going to push themselves

"MSNBC host Rev. Al Sharpton said Thursday that he is “engaged in immediate conversations” with the White House to find a replacement for Attorney General Eric Holder, who has just announced his resignation."
Al Sharpton I m helping the White House find a replacement for Eric Holder

Now....why would Obama and Sharpton be huddling on the decision?

Oh...right....a couple of racists trying to come up with another racist.

BTW....I meant to ask you....besides being a moron.....are you a racist like Holder?

Did you really just call our President a racist?

Are you really that batshit crazy, after all?


Yeah....I just called 'our President' a racist.

Get off your knees, dolt.....Ever hear of the first amendment?

You sound like you'd be right at home in the Reich.

I never said you were not allowed to express your opinion, you brain-damaged moron. Just as you have the right to your opinion, I have the right to laugh at it in derision. You are obviously too stupid to recognize the difference.

No, you're not laughing at're shaking that someone might think you didn't raise an objection to criticism of the Liberal icon of the moment.

You find it offensive...I find it truthful. I'm just more perceptive.

Well, of course it is offensive. Your stench here in USMB is offensive every day, but I can laugh at that too.

Really, you assign yourself way too many abilities and powers that you simply do not have.

Poor you.
Call you? are a moron, a racist, and a lying weasel.

But I enjoy proving so....let's keep on.

"As reported and applauded by Politico, Holder announced Tuesday that he was fed up with listening to whining whites who claim the justice department deliberately blocks investigations of black on white racism. Predictably, the Establishment media sides with Holder.

“Think about that," Holder said. "When you compare what people endured in the South in the 60s to try to get the right to vote for African Americans, to compare what people subjected to that with what happened in Philadelphia, which was inappropriate .. .to describe it in those terms I think does a great disservice to people who put their lives on the line for my people," said Holder, who is black. The larger issue, of course, is that "whites as racists" constitutes the fundamental lens through which Holder views issues in America. During the healthcare debate, Holderlikened opposition of Obamacare to opposition to civil rights.

Holder’s statements are completely sadistic, and they betray his motives. He has a score to settle, and by his figure whites have a lot more suffering to endure before they have a right to expect justice from the “Justice Department.”
HOLDER Whites Can t Be Victims of Racial Injustice Because They Haven t Suffered Enough

In your face, dope!
you are inferior, and you know it.

again, the quote is not inaccurate, nor is it racist. if you believe it to be racist, tell us why in your own words.

Of course it's racist, you's obviously about race.
Sharpton is a racist, Obama is a racist....and Holder...the very worst racist.

You're right up there, dunce.

But we're not done!

"Some conservative figures accused Holder and the White House of "playing to the fears and anxieties of minorities in hopes of scaring them to the polls in November," as Wall Street Journal opinion writer Jason L. Riley wrote in an editorial for the paper on Monday. "The willingness of the Obama administration to stoke racial divisions for political gain is astounding," Riley wrote adding that the voter identification laws are intended to ensure "ballot integrity" and that there's no proof they suppress minority votes."
Some conservatives Holder playing racial politics -

"Obama is a racist"

You are sick. you need help.

Correction: I'm an American....we don't worship political leaders.

And....BTW....Holder is a racist.....he was appointed by another racist.

Following the logic?

For future reference:
You know that little thing in your head that keeps you from saying politically incorrect things?
I don't have one of those.

No, there is no logic to that. It is just an opinion.

A very stupid, uninformed and hateful opinion, but your opinion nonetheless. And it is your right to be as stupid and as uninformed as you would like to be.

I too am an American and I also don't worship political leaders, so where you pull that statement out of your very large, stinky ass is a mystery to, well, pretty much everyone.

I get it that you hate black people. That much is obvious.
I also realize that racists love to call others racists in order to hide their own proclivities.

You are very, very transparent. Quick, everyone, cover the childrens' eyes!!

"I get it that you hate black people. That much is obvious."
Well.....look who's the race card croupier!

I can't tell you how effective that attempt at silencing me is.

Actually.....I can. And will.

Let's cut to the chase: I'm both more perceptive than you, and have lots more in the way of guts.

If you're afraid of the truth....step off.

Holder is a racist.
So is Obama.

As for your post.....
Your train of thought derailed....and there were no survivors.
"MSNBC host Rev. Al Sharpton said Thursday that he is “engaged in immediate conversations” with the White House to find a replacement for Attorney General Eric Holder, who has just announced his resignation."
Al Sharpton I m helping the White House find a replacement for Eric Holder

Now....why would Obama and Sharpton be huddling on the decision?

Oh...right....a couple of racists trying to come up with another racist.

BTW....I meant to ask you....besides being a moron.....are you a racist like Holder?

Did you really just call our President a racist?

Are you really that batshit crazy, after all?


Yeah....I just called 'our President' a racist.

Get off your knees, dolt.....Ever hear of the first amendment?

You sound like you'd be right at home in the Reich.

I never said you were not allowed to express your opinion, you brain-damaged moron. Just as you have the right to your opinion, I have the right to laugh at it in derision. You are obviously too stupid to recognize the difference.

No, you're not laughing at're shaking that someone might think you didn't raise an objection to criticism of the Liberal icon of the moment.

You find it offensive...I find it truthful. I'm just more perceptive.

Well, of course it is offensive. Your stench here in USMB is offensive every day, but I can laugh at that too.

Really, you assign yourself way too many abilities and powers that you simply do not have.

Poor you.

Man, do I love getting under your skin.

Remember how you used to pretend to be avuncular....just a chucklin' ol' fella'?

I pulled the mask off you...and it isn't pretty.
You're a closed minded, foul mouthed boor....not unusual in a Liberal.

Advice: If I were as ugly as you, I wouldn't say 'Hi,' I'd say boo.
1. "During a commencement address in May at Morgan State University, a historically black university in Baltimore, Holder took aim at allegedly “race-neutral policies” that “impede equal opportunity in fact, if not in form.”
Transcript Attorney general Eric Holder s speech to Morgan State University graduates - The Washington Post

2. I meant to ask you....besides being a moron.....are you a racist like Holder?
can you provide the parts of that commencement speech that you find racist?

i already know you can't, but i'm going to give you the opportunity to post something else, probably not a quote from holder or an example of what he's done, pretend that it's evidence supporting your premise, and then call me a moron again.

so... chop chop. ctrl-c and ctrl-v aren't going to push themselves

"MSNBC host Rev. Al Sharpton said Thursday that he is “engaged in immediate conversations” with the White House to find a replacement for Attorney General Eric Holder, who has just announced his resignation."
Al Sharpton I m helping the White House find a replacement for Eric Holder

Now....why would Obama and Sharpton be huddling on the decision?

Oh...right....a couple of racists trying to come up with another racist.

BTW....I meant to ask you....besides being a moron.....are you a racist like Holder?

Did you really just call our President a racist?

Are you really that batshit crazy, after all?


Yeah....I just called 'our President' a racist.

Get off your knees, dolt.....Ever hear of the first amendment?

You sound like you'd be right at home in the Reich.

I never said you were not allowed to express your opinion, you brain-damaged moron. Just as you have the right to your opinion, I have the right to laugh at it in derision. You are obviously too stupid to recognize the difference.
If you can't see Obama's racist political pandering in the Beer Summit, Trayvon Martin, and Ferguson then you shouldn't be on a political forum.
can you provide the parts of that commencement speech that you find racist?

i already know you can't, but i'm going to give you the opportunity to post something else, probably not a quote from holder or an example of what he's done, pretend that it's evidence supporting your premise, and then call me a moron again.

so... chop chop. ctrl-c and ctrl-v aren't going to push themselves

"MSNBC host Rev. Al Sharpton said Thursday that he is “engaged in immediate conversations” with the White House to find a replacement for Attorney General Eric Holder, who has just announced his resignation."
Al Sharpton I m helping the White House find a replacement for Eric Holder

Now....why would Obama and Sharpton be huddling on the decision?

Oh...right....a couple of racists trying to come up with another racist.

BTW....I meant to ask you....besides being a moron.....are you a racist like Holder?

Did you really just call our President a racist?

Are you really that batshit crazy, after all?


Yeah....I just called 'our President' a racist.

Get off your knees, dolt.....Ever hear of the first amendment?

You sound like you'd be right at home in the Reich.

I never said you were not allowed to express your opinion, you brain-damaged moron. Just as you have the right to your opinion, I have the right to laugh at it in derision. You are obviously too stupid to recognize the difference.
If you can't see Obama's racist political pandering in the Beer Summit, Trayvon Martin, and Ferguson then you shouldn't be on a political forum.

You misunderstand.....just like the other Liberal simpletons, he's not ALLOWED to see the racism on the Left.
"MSNBC host Rev. Al Sharpton said Thursday that he is “engaged in immediate conversations” with the White House to find a replacement for Attorney General Eric Holder, who has just announced his resignation."
Al Sharpton I m helping the White House find a replacement for Eric Holder

Now....why would Obama and Sharpton be huddling on the decision?

Oh...right....a couple of racists trying to come up with another racist.

BTW....I meant to ask you....besides being a moron.....are you a racist like Holder?

Did you really just call our President a racist?

Are you really that batshit crazy, after all?


Yeah....I just called 'our President' a racist.

Get off your knees, dolt.....Ever hear of the first amendment?

You sound like you'd be right at home in the Reich.

I never said you were not allowed to express your opinion, you brain-damaged moron. Just as you have the right to your opinion, I have the right to laugh at it in derision. You are obviously too stupid to recognize the difference.
If you can't see Obama's racist political pandering in the Beer Summit, Trayvon Martin, and Ferguson then you shouldn't be on a political forum.

You misunderstand.....just like the other Liberal simpletons, he's not ALLOWED to see the racism on the Left.
you are inferior, and you know it.

again, the quote is not inaccurate, nor is it racist. if you believe it to be racist, tell us why in your own words.

Of course it's racist, you's obviously about race.
Sharpton is a racist, Obama is a racist....and Holder...the very worst racist.

You're right up there, dunce.

But we're not done!

"Some conservative figures accused Holder and the White House of "playing to the fears and anxieties of minorities in hopes of scaring them to the polls in November," as Wall Street Journal opinion writer Jason L. Riley wrote in an editorial for the paper on Monday. "The willingness of the Obama administration to stoke racial divisions for political gain is astounding," Riley wrote adding that the voter identification laws are intended to ensure "ballot integrity" and that there's no proof they suppress minority votes."
Some conservatives Holder playing racial politics -

"Obama is a racist"

You are sick. you need help.

Correction: I'm an American....we don't worship political leaders.

And....BTW....Holder is a racist.....he was appointed by another racist.

Following the logic?

For future reference:
You know that little thing in your head that keeps you from saying politically incorrect things?
I don't have one of those.

No, there is no logic to that. It is just an opinion.

A very stupid, uninformed and hateful opinion, but your opinion nonetheless. And it is your right to be as stupid and as uninformed as you would like to be.

I too am an American and I also don't worship political leaders, so where you pull that statement out of your very large, stinky ass is a mystery to, well, pretty much everyone.

I get it that you hate black people. That much is obvious.
I also realize that racists love to call others racists in order to hide their own proclivities.

You are very, very transparent. Quick, everyone, cover the childrens' eyes!!

"I get it that you hate black people. That much is obvious."
Well.....look who's the race card croupier!

I can't tell you how effective that attempt at silencing me is.

Actually.....I can. And will.

Let's cut to the chase: I'm both more perceptive than you, and have lots more in the way of guts.

If you're afraid of the truth....step off.

Holder is a racist.
So is Obama.

As for your post.....
Your train of thought derailed....and there were no survivors.

Poor PC, always the victim. No on is trying to silence you. I am simply laughing at you for your stupidity. You are a very entertaining toy to bat around now and again.

Did you really just call our President a racist?

Are you really that batshit crazy, after all?


Yeah....I just called 'our President' a racist.

Get off your knees, dolt.....Ever hear of the first amendment?

You sound like you'd be right at home in the Reich.

I never said you were not allowed to express your opinion, you brain-damaged moron. Just as you have the right to your opinion, I have the right to laugh at it in derision. You are obviously too stupid to recognize the difference.

No, you're not laughing at're shaking that someone might think you didn't raise an objection to criticism of the Liberal icon of the moment.

You find it offensive...I find it truthful. I'm just more perceptive.

Well, of course it is offensive. Your stench here in USMB is offensive every day, but I can laugh at that too.

Really, you assign yourself way too many abilities and powers that you simply do not have.

Poor you.

Man, do I love getting under your skin.

Remember how you used to pretend to be avuncular....just a chucklin' ol' fella'?

I pulled the mask off you...and it isn't pretty.
You're a closed minded, foul mouthed boor....not unusual in a Liberal.

Advice: If I were as ugly as you, I wouldn't say 'Hi,' I'd say boo.

Poor PC, claims that she gets under peoples' skin and then writes as if they go under her skin.

Poor PC.
Did you really just call our President a racist?

Are you really that batshit crazy, after all?


Yeah....I just called 'our President' a racist.

Get off your knees, dolt.....Ever hear of the first amendment?

You sound like you'd be right at home in the Reich.

I never said you were not allowed to express your opinion, you brain-damaged moron. Just as you have the right to your opinion, I have the right to laugh at it in derision. You are obviously too stupid to recognize the difference.
If you can't see Obama's racist political pandering in the Beer Summit, Trayvon Martin, and Ferguson then you shouldn't be on a political forum.

You misunderstand.....just like the other Liberal simpletons, he's not ALLOWED to see the racism on the Left.

Admit the truth, and face the loss of one's Liberal credentials.
you are inferior, and you know it.

again, the quote is not inaccurate, nor is it racist. if you believe it to be racist, tell us why in your own words.

Of course it's racist, you's obviously about race.
Sharpton is a racist, Obama is a racist....and Holder...the very worst racist.

You're right up there, dunce.

But we're not done!

"Some conservative figures accused Holder and the White House of "playing to the fears and anxieties of minorities in hopes of scaring them to the polls in November," as Wall Street Journal opinion writer Jason L. Riley wrote in an editorial for the paper on Monday. "The willingness of the Obama administration to stoke racial divisions for political gain is astounding," Riley wrote adding that the voter identification laws are intended to ensure "ballot integrity" and that there's no proof they suppress minority votes."
Some conservatives Holder playing racial politics -
in your mind a person can't talk about race without being racist? what would that make you?

and once again, accusations are not proof. have you ever had to write an essay and cite a source?

"What Eric Holder Is Doing In Ferguson Definitively Proves That Eric Holder Is A Racist
Since the death of Michael Brown on August 9, the town of Ferguson, Missouri has been a simmering cauldron.

In response, Barack Obama dispatched his Attorney General, Eric Holder, to presumably calm nerves and restore order. But rather than mediating the situation, Holder – who is the chief law enforcement officer in America – added a painful mix of rage, racism, and hatred into an already ugly scene.
Read more at What Eric Holder Is Doing In Ferguson Definitively Proves That Eric Holder Is A Racist

Oh...I meant to ask you....are you a racist,too....or merely an apologist for one?
for once you've landed on something Holder actually did (via an opinion piece. anyone suprised?) congratulations.

now you need to explain, if you can, why you think it was unusual or unwarranted for the DoJ to investigate possible civil rights violations.
i'll wait.

Are you now referring to Eric Holder...the very worst racist?

"It's telling that Mr. Holder prefers to file lawsuits rather than take up the Supreme Court's invitation to modernize the Voting Rights Act for current racial conditions. The Congressional Black Caucus has said it is working on a new formula for preclearance, but such legislative labor doesn't get the headlines that lawsuits against GOP-run states do.

All the evidence suggests that Mr. Holder's real motive here is political. Portraying voter ID laws as racist helped to drive Democratic voter turnout among minorities in 2012, and the White House wants a repeat in 2014. Never mind if the suits eventually fail in court. The goal is to elect more Democrats in the meantime, even if it means needlessly increasing racial polarization.

See that's what a racist does.

Eric Holder.

BTW....are you one, also?
I see you reverted back to quoting unsupported accusations in opinion pieces rather than using your own words to explain why investigating possible civil rights violations is racist.

You are a failure
Of course it's racist, you's obviously about race.
Sharpton is a racist, Obama is a racist....and Holder...the very worst racist.

You're right up there, dunce.

But we're not done!

"Some conservative figures accused Holder and the White House of "playing to the fears and anxieties of minorities in hopes of scaring them to the polls in November," as Wall Street Journal opinion writer Jason L. Riley wrote in an editorial for the paper on Monday. "The willingness of the Obama administration to stoke racial divisions for political gain is astounding," Riley wrote adding that the voter identification laws are intended to ensure "ballot integrity" and that there's no proof they suppress minority votes."
Some conservatives Holder playing racial politics -
in your mind a person can't talk about race without being racist? what would that make you?

and once again, accusations are not proof. have you ever had to write an essay and cite a source?

"What Eric Holder Is Doing In Ferguson Definitively Proves That Eric Holder Is A Racist
Since the death of Michael Brown on August 9, the town of Ferguson, Missouri has been a simmering cauldron.

In response, Barack Obama dispatched his Attorney General, Eric Holder, to presumably calm nerves and restore order. But rather than mediating the situation, Holder – who is the chief law enforcement officer in America – added a painful mix of rage, racism, and hatred into an already ugly scene.
Read more at What Eric Holder Is Doing In Ferguson Definitively Proves That Eric Holder Is A Racist

Oh...I meant to ask you....are you a racist,too....or merely an apologist for one?
for once you've landed on something Holder actually did (via an opinion piece. anyone suprised?) congratulations.

now you need to explain, if you can, why you think it was unusual or unwarranted for the DoJ to investigate possible civil rights violations.
i'll wait.

Are you now referring to Eric Holder...the very worst racist?

"It's telling that Mr. Holder prefers to file lawsuits rather than take up the Supreme Court's invitation to modernize the Voting Rights Act for current racial conditions. The Congressional Black Caucus has said it is working on a new formula for preclearance, but such legislative labor doesn't get the headlines that lawsuits against GOP-run states do.

All the evidence suggests that Mr. Holder's real motive here is political. Portraying voter ID laws as racist helped to drive Democratic voter turnout among minorities in 2012, and the White House wants a repeat in 2014. Never mind if the suits eventually fail in court. The goal is to elect more Democrats in the meantime, even if it means needlessly increasing racial polarization.

See that's what a racist does.

Eric Holder.

BTW....are you one, also?
I see you reverted back to quoting unsupported accusations in opinion pieces rather than using your own words to explain why investigating possible civil rights violations is racist.

You are a failure

Au, a moron, have refused to accept the multitude of indicia of Holder's racism.

I'd say that that catapult's you into the 'Liar' category, as well.

Unlike you, you lying moron, these comments from the Politico page, are insightful:

Perceptive comments on the Politico page...

1. " Holder's racist words and actions have disgraced the Justice Department. It's long past time for him to go. The defense of his racist words and actions by posters here is not unexpected...

2. The DOJ already had the investigation and the case and was ready for a determination when Holder pulled the plug on it. Justice is supposed to be wearing a blindfold but here Holder has expressed preferential treatment on the basis of race. That is a discrimination he is not entitled to practice.

3. Holder's comments reveal that he does see the world in black and white, even when doing his job. That normally wouldn't be a big deal, unless you are the head of a major agency like the DOJ. Not everyone is protected equally under the law. Chalk this one up to a clear-cut case of reverse discrimination.

4. Excuse me--I thought you were the Attorney General of ALL the people. Amateur hour continues!


5. Holder admits it. "My People" are racists because they see themselves as a separate people who are afforded different rights. Holder is a racist and an enemy of freedom, liberty, constitution and country. He needs to be put into prison. Think of all the crap Ashcroft took and here we have a dyed in the wool racist saying so eyes wide shut."
Eric Holder Black Panther case focus demeans my people - Josh Gerstein -

" enemy of freedom, liberty, constitution and country."

And same applies to you, as well.

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