The Video Didn’t Do It


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
The Video Didn’t Do It

The Video Didn

A president who began his tenure by going to Cairo to say he considered it his “responsibility as president of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear” should not be surprised that the U.S. embassy in Cairo tweets similar apologetics while it is under siege.

It would be nice to have an American administration that stood up for America, for its people and its principles. It would also make the world far less dangerous for Americans—and for decent people of all faiths.
What would really be nice is if right wing bigoted assholes would keep their hatred of Islam contained and save lives over there....
The Video Didn’t Do It

The Video Didn

A president who began his tenure by going to Cairo to say he considered it his “responsibility as president of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear” should not be surprised that the U.S. embassy in Cairo tweets similar apologetics while it is under siege.

It would be nice to have an American administration that stood up for America, for its people and its principles. It would also make the world far less dangerous for Americans—and for decent people of all faiths.

You are correct. The radical Moslems have networks that are capable of fomenting anti-American demonstrations at any time they decide to do so. They can always find something, that someone has done, to use as a reason for the outrage. The Imams tell their flocks that they should be outraged, and send them into the streets to display that outrage.

The biggest mistake that we can make, is to pretend that their outrage has a reasonable basis behind it. Or, naively believe that their outrage is not political.
What would really be nice is if right wing bigoted assholes would keep their hatred of Islam contained and save lives over there....

'Bill Maher made a comedy/documentary called "Religulous" that's most famous for mercilessly mocking Christianity. But what people forget is that the last twenty-minutes or so of the film make a damning case against Islam.

Bill Maher made a film that mocked Islam.'

Anti-Islam Filmmaker Donated Million Dollars To Obama Campaign

And the Obama re-election effort cashed a million dollar check from Bill Maher.
What would really be nice is if right wing bigoted assholes would keep their hatred of Islam contained and save lives over there....

They prefer to incite more stupidity, regardless of the consequences. They're pigs.

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