The Voice of God.


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
He is actually revealing Himself to us through the Holy Spirit. The HS is within ALL believers, and He actually talks to us through the HS.

No matter which God is the subject of a personal passion, believers claim to experience a Guiding Voice attributed to the Divine.
Do tell!​
Not entirely sure what the point of the thread is. God does talk to people. He always has. He always will.

The Still Small voice guides those who seek Him.
That's what I want to discuss.... That 'Still Small Voice' so often referenced.

What does it say?
What does it sound like?
What makes you think it's God?
As I see it, religion is a branch of psychology dealing with the human psyche (no disrespect intended). This seems to be the area which fundamentally separates humans from all other animals. Why is it that every human society has incorporated religious concepts? I can only surmise that there is a "spark of the divine" in each of us. How to deal with that spark is the eternal question.
That's what I want to discuss.... That 'Still Small Voice' so often referenced.

What does it say?
What does it sound like?
What makes you think it's God?

How would you describe the taste of salt to someone who can't taste? How would you describe a sunset to someone who can't see?

The voice of the Lord is something you have to experience First hand. Be still and know that He is God. Seek Him in sincerity AJ. He will answer your prayer.

I didn't know how I would know He answered my prayers when I was first experimenting on the Word. I just thought about it logically and realized that If there was a God and He communicated with man, He could communicate with me somehow. I put faith in that and then actively studied what I had that others had experienced. I studied the scriptures. When He revealed Himself, it was very very obvious. And what's more is once I recognized His voice for what it was, I realized He had been speaking to me for months and I just didn't realize it.

I've found that the voice of the Lord is often accompanied by the fruits of the Spirit:

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,

Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. (Gal 5:22-23)

When I recognized the Spirit for the first time it was like I was surrounded by pure love and full of joy, glory, and power. The Lord's voice was very very very soft spoken but the fruits of the Spirit were extremely intense.

When the Lord teaches us through the Holy Spirit, He talks to us Spirit to spirit. His spirit speaks to our spirit. That's how we learn about spiritual things. 1 Cor 2:10-11 briefly describes this.

The voice of the Lord will speak to both your mind and your heart. (D&C 8:2) But we need to put in effort. We have to act in faith. We have to study things out. Often we don't recieve answers because we haven't put the effort we need to prepare ourselves for those answers.

I have no doubt that if you seek the Lord, you will find Him. But it does require faith. Faith isn't blind belief. Often we only need faith enough to take a few steps into the dark. Like I said earlier, I didn't know whether God existed or not. But I could reasonable conclude that If He did, He could answer and I put faith in that.

My experience also tells me that this may take more than one time praying. It's more of a process than a single event. Though the Lord is free to speak at any time, He frequently lets us test our faith first.

Some people seem to think that God is just about the afterlife. He isn't. He tries to teach us and guide us during this life. He blesses us during this life and is trying to help us grow and become greater than we currently are. Yes, the Atonement helps us escape physical and spiritual death, or death and hell. But it also helps us build ourselves, our families, our communities and shows us how to be happy in this life.

I hope you hear the voice of the Lord soon. So you know for yourself.
That's what I want to discuss.... That 'Still Small Voice' so often referenced.

What does it say?
What does it sound like?
What makes you think it's God?

How would you describe the taste of salt to someone who can't taste? How would you describe a sunset to someone who can't see?

The voice of the Lord is something you have to experience First hand. Be still and know that He is God. Seek Him in sincerity AJ. He will answer your prayer.

I didn't know how I would know He answered my prayers when I was first experimenting on the Word. I just thought about it logically and realized that If there was a God and He communicated with man, He could communicate with me somehow. I put faith in that and then actively studied what I had that others had experienced. I studied the scriptures. When He revealed Himself, it was very very obvious. And what's more is once I recognized His voice for what it was, I realized He had been speaking to me for months and I just didn't realize it.

I've found that the voice of the Lord is often accompanied by the fruits of the Spirit:

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,

Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. (Gal 5:22-23)

When I recognized the Spirit for the first time it was like I was surrounded by pure love and full of joy, glory, and power. The Lord's voice was very very very soft spoken but the fruits of the Spirit were extremely intense.

When the Lord teaches us through the Holy Spirit, He talks to us Spirit to spirit. His spirit speaks to our spirit. That's how we learn about spiritual things. 1 Cor 2:10-11 briefly describes this.

The voice of the Lord will speak to both your mind and your heart. (D&C 8:2) But we need to put in effort. We have to act in faith. We have to study things out. Often we don't recieve answers because we haven't put the effort we need to prepare ourselves for those answers.

I have no doubt that if you seek the Lord, you will find Him. But it does require faith. Faith isn't blind belief. Often we only need faith enough to take a few steps into the dark. Like I said earlier, I didn't know whether God existed or not. But I could reasonable conclude that If He did, He could answer and I put faith in that.

My experience also tells me that this may take more than one time praying. It's more of a process than a single event. Though the Lord is free to speak at any time, He frequently lets us test our faith first.

Some people seem to think that God is just about the afterlife. He isn't. He tries to teach us and guide us during this life. He blesses us during this life and is trying to help us grow and become greater than we currently are. Yes, the Atonement helps us escape physical and spiritual death, or death and hell. But it also helps us build ourselves, our families, our communities and shows us how to be happy in this life.

I hope you hear the voice of the Lord soon. So you know for yourself.
what a steaming pile.
everyone has an ongoing conversation in their head the still small voice you "hear"is your own.
on the other hand if HEAR voices talking or whispering in your ear ,it might be time to seek professional help.
prayer is NOT a two way conversation with god.
it's more like a voice mail mail hope someone will listen to..
what a steaming pile.
everyone has an ongoing conversation in their head the still small voice you "hear"is your own.
on the other hand if HEAR voices talking or whispering in your ear ,it might be time to seek professional help.
prayer is NOT a two way conversation with god.
it's more like a voice mail mail hope someone will listen to..

You, of all people here, should know better.
what a steaming pile.
everyone has an ongoing conversation in their head the still small voice you "hear"is your own.
on the other hand if HEAR voices talking or whispering in your ear ,it might be time to seek professional help.
prayer is NOT a two way conversation with god.
it's more like a voice mail mail hope someone will listen to..

You, of all people here, should know better.
why is that?
The OP's probable point is that people claim to have heard from God frequently. If one is vehemently disposed to faith, they are likely to believe most or all such claims. The same goes for events of a supposedly miraculous nature. It doesn't make it so. It is appropriate to question such things, lest we fall for any charlatan that claims to have spoken with the Almighty. This is nothing new. Those nasty parts of human nature were around in ancient times too, so it is only appropriate to question ancient religious texts as well. I have to question the faculties of a person who would view any ancient religious text as inerrant.

I once witnessed a young girl of about 15 years pretend to be possessed at a church retreat, for no better reason than she was a young 15-year-old who craved attention. I was about the same age. A group of about 50 people all bought it, hook, line, and sinker, and believed they witnesses a demonic possession, even the pastors who supposedly performed and impromptu exorcism and miraculously drove the demon out. It was a couple of years later that I had the truth of those events confirmed to me, although I had suspected as much from the start, although I has to also suspect that the majority of "witnesses" of the event to this day believe they witnessed a miracle. That event has forever guided my conviction that all claims of the supernatural should be questioned, no matter who they come from. I have a good deal of contempt for people of faith who feel that they are above such scrutiny.

If you believe in miracles, or in people who have heard God, that's up to you and your convictions. If somebody is being asshole or inflammatory in their derision, it is also up to you and your convictions to criticize them for it. However, I don't really see how anybody could be offended by the simple act of scrutinizing such claims.
I'm just curious about what He sounds like in other peoples heads.

"The Voice of God", "The Still Small Voice", "The Holy Spirit speaking"... these and similar expressions of direct communication with God are common in the Religion forums.

I can relate... in my youth I claimed to hear the voice of The Holy Spirit. I'm still convinced that the ancient stories that describe the Jewish, Christian and Muslim relationships with the God of Abraham are quite human in their origins, even if they did start with Abraham. According to possibilities and popular consensus, Abe could have had conversations with God. If those conversations were anything like MY conversations with God, they were very personal... If I like the possibility that God speaks to me, I have to be open to the possibility that He's talked to others.

I'm open to the possibility of God and I'm curious how He sounds inside the heads of others.
[ame=]Whose Line is it Anyway: Sound Effects: Noah1 - YouTube[/ame]
Let's see what God says about it:

Be still, and know that I am God.
Meditate on the Word
My sheep know my voice
Knock and I will open
Because they have called on Me, I will honor them

Among other things, He'll give you wisdom, understanding, and discernment. He'll even talk to you in your sleep if you ask Him to. And He answers prayer.

But there is a problem. I can't go to the Mt. of Olives and listen to Christ. He's not here right now. So to hear Him, I have to read what He said. That way I know if some one says something to the contrary. I'll know that's not His voice.

The human spirit and the flesh are powerful. We had a church pray like crazy for God to tell them where to put a new youth camp. The church had 3 sister churches, so 2 in Ohio, one in Ill. and the other in Fla. According to the pastor and the elders, all good Christians, God picked, North Carolina!?!
When they got to North Carolina to pick out the property, apparently God decided that the price of real estate was to high in North Carolina, so they came home. I told them it was ok, God, must not be current on real estate prices........

One of them wanted to move to the country. Apparently God moved them 4 times, before He decided they liked the city better. I told them it was ok, God just didn't understand country life.......

The pastor's son had twins and the pastors wife got a "word" that God wanted to move the church to the town where their son lived. I told them that was ok, God, never liked the place He told you to put it in the first place............

Pray God's will and then let go. That way you know where your going.........
Let's see what God says about it:

Be still, and know that I am God.
Meditate on the Word
My sheep know my voice
Knock and I will open
Because they have called on Me, I will honor them

Among other things, He'll give you wisdom, understanding, and discernment. He'll even talk to you in your sleep if you ask Him to. And He answers prayer.

But there is a problem. I can't go to the Mt. of Olives and listen to Christ. He's not here right now. So to hear Him, I have to read what He said. That way I know if some one says something to the contrary. I'll know that's not His voice.

The human spirit and the flesh are powerful. We had a church pray like crazy for God to tell them where to put a new youth camp. The church had 3 sister churches, so 2 in Ohio, one in Ill. and the other in Fla. According to the pastor and the elders, all good Christians, God picked, North Carolina!?!
When they got to North Carolina to pick out the property, apparently God decided that the price of real estate was to high in North Carolina, so they came home. I told them it was ok, God, must not be current on real estate prices........

One of them wanted to move to the country. Apparently God moved them 4 times, before He decided they liked the city better. I told them it was ok, God just didn't understand country life.......

The pastor's son had twins and the pastors wife got a "word" that God wanted to move the church to the town where their son lived. I told them that was ok, God, never liked the place He told you to put it in the first place............

Pray God's will and then let go. That way you know where your going.........

That is a more mature approach than most I suppose. However, what God says about it assumes that the Bible is the inerrant word of God. I know that you believe it is.

When I used to sell pro-audio equipment, the biggest pain in the ass grinders on price were usually churches. I'm not kidding when I say that they would actually say that they prayed and God told them that I had to basically sell to them at cost. No joke. God apparently told them that I had to drop my pants for their church and make nothing. Although I never said it out loud, I felt like telling them God told me I had to feed my children.

Incidentally, I never sold to them at cost. I did strive to make a very fair bargain with them, and often went above and beyond with some, because they proved to be repeat clients, but it always amused me how they used God as a commercial bargaining chip. I wonder if, according to them, I went against God's will by actually making a paltry profit.
.......... I felt like telling them God told me I had to feed my children.

I'd have told them, "I prayed and God told me you'd pay 7 times the price, because God provides more abundantly....." ;)
Let's see what God says about it:

Be still, and know that I am God.
Meditate on the Word
My sheep know my voice
Knock and I will open
Because they have called on Me, I will honor them

Among other things, He'll give you wisdom, understanding, and discernment. He'll even talk to you in your sleep if you ask Him to. And He answers prayer.

But there is a problem. I can't go to the Mt. of Olives and listen to Christ. He's not here right now. So to hear Him, I have to read what He said. That way I know if some one says something to the contrary. I'll know that's not His voice.

The human spirit and the flesh are powerful. We had a church pray like crazy for God to tell them where to put a new youth camp. The church had 3 sister churches, so 2 in Ohio, one in Ill. and the other in Fla. According to the pastor and the elders, all good Christians, God picked, North Carolina!?!
When they got to North Carolina to pick out the property, apparently God decided that the price of real estate was to high in North Carolina, so they came home. I told them it was ok, God, must not be current on real estate prices........

One of them wanted to move to the country. Apparently God moved them 4 times, before He decided they liked the city better. I told them it was ok, God just didn't understand country life.......

The pastor's son had twins and the pastors wife got a "word" that God wanted to move the church to the town where their son lived. I told them that was ok, God, never liked the place He told you to put it in the first place............

Pray God's will and then let go. That way you know where your going.........

That is a more mature approach than most I suppose. However, what God says about it assumes that the Bible is the inerrant word of God. I know that you believe it is.

When I used to sell pro-audio equipment, the biggest pain in the ass grinders on price were usually churches. I'm not kidding when I say that they would actually say that they prayed and God told them that I had to basically sell to them at cost. No joke. God apparently told them that I had to drop my pants for their church and make nothing. Although I never said it out loud, I felt like telling them God told me I had to feed my children.

Incidentally, I never sold to them at cost. I did strive to make a very fair bargain with them, and often went above and beyond with some, because they proved to be repeat clients, but it always amused me how they used God as a commercial bargaining chip. I wonder if, according to them, I went against God's will by actually making a paltry profit.

If that was me I would have asked them to have God send me a "sign" so that I could be sure that it was actually him and not Satan misleading them into trying to drive me out of business. :D
I'm just curious about what He sounds like in other peoples heads.

"The Voice of God", "The Still Small Voice", "The Holy Spirit speaking"... these and similar expressions of direct communication with God are common in the Religion forums.

I can relate... in my youth I claimed to hear the voice of The Holy Spirit. I'm still convinced that the ancient stories that describe the Jewish, Christian and Muslim relationships with the God of Abraham are quite human in their origins, even if they did start with Abraham. According to possibilities and popular consensus, Abe could have had conversations with God. If those conversations were anything like MY conversations with God, they were very personal... If I like the possibility that God speaks to me, I have to be open to the possibility that He's talked to others.

I'm open to the possibility of God and I'm curious how He sounds inside the heads of others.

Listen with your head and heart

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