The #walkaway revolution is beginning now.

telll that to Mister and Misses Tibbett's faces please you keyboard commando?
One dead girl in Iowa doesn't make a crisis. While Ms. Ribbet's death is a tragedy, it is not an indicator that we must round up everyone speaking Spanish as a result.

We saw this movie before. It was originally produced by Josef Goebbels and Leni Refenstein.

Its Riefenstahl you MORON! Damn its not that hard to GOOGLE something.
That's your rebuttal? A spelling error? I don't even get credit for citing "Triumph of the Will"?
OK 1.5 points. 1 point for getting film right and .5 a point for getting her first name right.

She feels entitled to her participation trophy in addition to partial credit....
I am a man. Sixty one years old. I write well because I was taught well and I read.
Are you hoping that ILLEGAL aliens don't kill anybody else in the next 71 days darling.
Boo! Is there another of those pesky illegal immigrants on your porch right now?

There must be a boogeyman, always.

Telll that to Mister and Misses Tibbett's faces please you keyboard commando?

There you go... ...politicizing tragedy again. Sad!

Who killed Mollie Tibbetts cupcake?

Why do you care? Because it's a way to bolster an agenda by politicizing a death. Don't try to tell me it's anything different, because I don't tend to buy what garbage people are selling. Bonus point for you extremists: her parents have told the press they don't agree with your message, so you get to victim blame on top of it! You garbage people should be ecstatic about this story!

Don't sugar coat it darling, tell me how you really feel?

What a hissy fit?

Are you in love with an ILLEGAL Alien male?

Would you swing your purse at me if we were face to face?

I'd still laugh at you.....
One dead girl in Iowa doesn't make a crisis. While Ms. Ribbet's death is a tragedy, it is not an indicator that we must round up everyone speaking Spanish as a result.

We saw this movie before. It was originally produced by Josef Goebbels and Leni Refenstein.

Its Riefenstahl you MORON! Damn its not that hard to GOOGLE something.
That's your rebuttal? A spelling error? I don't even get credit for citing "Triumph of the Will"?
OK 1.5 points. 1 point for getting film right and .5 a point for getting her first name right.

She feels entitled to her participation trophy in addition to partial credit....
I am a man. Sixty one years old. I write well because I was taught well and I read.

Neither claim is apparent darling.
Who killed Mollie Tibbetts cupcake?

Better question:

Who ENABLED the illegal who the young lady?
What political party seems at all concerned and which only repeats their eternal question: "What difference does it make?".

"who the young lady"? WTF?

Can I get a translation for English speakers sweetheart?

Public school was not good to you
Are you hoping that ILLEGAL aliens don't kill anybody else in the next 71 days darling.
Boo! Is there another of those pesky illegal immigrants on your porch right now?

There must be a boogeyman, always.

Telll that to Mister and Misses Tibbett's faces please you keyboard commando?

There you go... ...politicizing tragedy again. Sad!

Who killed Mollie Tibbetts cupcake?

Why do you care? Because it's a way to bolster an agenda by politicizing a death. Don't try to tell me it's anything different, because I don't tend to buy what garbage people are selling. Bonus point for you extremists: her parents have told the press they don't agree with your message, so you get to victim blame on top of it! You garbage people should be ecstatic about this story!
Her parents want more kids to die, and we don’t.

Instead of being angry at the culture and the governments that created that culture over the past few decades they want to virtue signal to the very same pieces of shit who killed their daughter. That is nothing but stupidity and ignorance.

Unfortunately stupid and evil people like you are the majority, so your childlike view of the world will keep getting people raped and murdered.
Who killed Mollie Tibbetts cupcake?

Better question:

Who ENABLED the illegal who the young lady?
What political party seems at all concerned and which only repeats their eternal question: "What difference does it make?".

"who the young lady"? WTF?

Can I get a translation for English speakers sweetheart?

Public school was not good to you
Public school isn’t good for anyone, moron.
One dead girl in Iowa doesn't make a crisis. While Ms. Ribbet's death is a tragedy, it is not an indicator that we must round up everyone speaking Spanish as a result.

We saw this movie before. It was originally produced by Josef Goebbels and Leni Refenstein.

Its Riefenstahl you MORON! Damn its not that hard to GOOGLE something.
That's your rebuttal? A spelling error? I don't even get credit for citing "Triumph of the Will"?
OK 1.5 points. 1 point for getting film right and .5 a point for getting her first name right.

She feels entitled to her participation trophy in addition to partial credit....
I am a man. Sixty one years old. I write well because I was taught well and I read.
You are getting dumber as you age.
Boo! Is there another of those pesky illegal immigrants on your porch right now?

There must be a boogeyman, always.

Telll that to Mister and Misses Tibbett's faces please you keyboard commando?

There you go... ...politicizing tragedy again. Sad!

Who killed Mollie Tibbetts cupcake?

Why do you care? Because it's a way to bolster an agenda by politicizing a death. Don't try to tell me it's anything different, because I don't tend to buy what garbage people are selling. Bonus point for you extremists: her parents have told the press they don't agree with your message, so you get to victim blame on top of it! You garbage people should be ecstatic about this story!

Don't sugar coat it darling, tell me how you really feel?

What a hissy fit?

Are you in love with an ILLEGAL Alien male?

Would you swing your purse at me if we were face to face?

I'd still laugh at you.....

More like, I'd hit you upside the head with an inflatable oversized frog and then ask you why you're being an idiot for a pointless, extremist political cause. But, you do you.
Her parents want more kids to die, and we don’t.

I'm sure that's not true.

Instead of being angry at the culture and the governments that created that culture over the past few decades they want to virtue signal to the very same pieces of shit who killed their daughter. That is nothing but stupidity and ignorance.

There's that extremist buzzword again: 'virtue signalling'. You know that this word was created to make pieces of shit feel less shitty, right? It's an anti-morality term. Know where it comes from? The extremist left.

Unfortunately stupid and evil people like you are the majority, so your childlike view of the world will keep getting people raped and murdered.

Yeah. Good luck with that, genius. :cuckoo:
Telll that to Mister and Misses Tibbett's faces please you keyboard commando?

There you go... ...politicizing tragedy again. Sad!

Who killed Mollie Tibbetts cupcake?

Why do you care? Because it's a way to bolster an agenda by politicizing a death. Don't try to tell me it's anything different, because I don't tend to buy what garbage people are selling. Bonus point for you extremists: her parents have told the press they don't agree with your message, so you get to victim blame on top of it! You garbage people should be ecstatic about this story!

Don't sugar coat it darling, tell me how you really feel?

What a hissy fit?

Are you in love with an ILLEGAL Alien male?

Would you swing your purse at me if we were face to face?

I'd still laugh at you.....

More like, I'd hit you upside the head with an inflatable oversized frog and then ask you why you're being an idiot for a pointless, extremist political cause. But, you do you.

Go get your shine box
There you go... ...politicizing tragedy again. Sad!

Who killed Mollie Tibbetts cupcake?

Why do you care? Because it's a way to bolster an agenda by politicizing a death. Don't try to tell me it's anything different, because I don't tend to buy what garbage people are selling. Bonus point for you extremists: her parents have told the press they don't agree with your message, so you get to victim blame on top of it! You garbage people should be ecstatic about this story!

Don't sugar coat it darling, tell me how you really feel?

What a hissy fit?

Are you in love with an ILLEGAL Alien male?

Would you swing your purse at me if we were face to face?

I'd still laugh at you.....

More like, I'd hit you upside the head with an inflatable oversized frog and then ask you why you're being an idiot for a pointless, extremist political cause. But, you do you.

Go get your shine box

Might as well. You paid for it.
And as we saw with Ocasio Cortez in New York and Andrew Gilliam in Florida tonight, the Democratic Party is lurching at quantum leaps and bounds towards ideals and philosophies that turned a once rich Venezuela into a yes, say it with me, A SHIT HOLE. They have become so far left they'd literally slide off the political spectrum.

There are simply Democrats out there who don't want to be associated with that, and ultimately cooler heads will prevail. Even if that means ending the Democratic Party as it exists at the present time.

Your post = "please oh please oh please I hope it's real this time!"

Sorry kid, still fake news

Considering how much fake news you ingest on a daily basis, you wouldn't know fake news if it did bdsm on you and did a nipple job.

Just, no.

And now we all know your personal kink. TMI. :asshole:

You sound interested. You are also not my type.

Moving on.
Last edited:

Your post = "please oh please oh please I hope it's real this time!"

Sorry kid, still fake news

Considering how much fake news you ingest on a daily basis, you wouldn't know fake news if it did bdsm on you and did a nipple job.

Just, no.

And now we all know your personal kink. TMI. :asshole:

You sound interested.

Moving on.

Nope. :fu:
Are you hoping that ILLEGAL aliens don't kill anybody else in the next 71 days darling.
Boo! Is there another of those pesky illegal immigrants on your porch right now?

There must be a boogeyman, always.

Telll that to Mister and Misses Tibbett's faces please you keyboard commando?

There you go... ...politicizing tragedy again. Sad!

Who killed Mollie Tibbetts cupcake?
A male who thought he could force a woman or kill her if she resisted.
who was in our country illegally. don't omit the facts. I thought you all were about facts? I guess not so much eh?

Your post = "please oh please oh please I hope it's real this time!"

Sorry kid, still fake news

Considering how much fake news you ingest on a daily basis, you wouldn't know fake news if it did bdsm on you and did a nipple job.

Just, no.

I never listen to faux or other fake news outlets. You think I'm some kinda conservative dumbass?

then how do you know what they air? a true debater watches all programs to formulate a factual statement. if you don't watch, then you may not comment on their content. thanks for playing.

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