The war on police: Cop killed near Chicago. Obama: "The police acted stupidly."

The 'war on police' has yet to begin. But if American Police continue to harm Citizens with no accountability, that war will happen.

Hey, internet tough-guy, your subjectivity on this matter makes your comments null and void. So, praytell, do tell us when you personally were a victim of police oppression (not that it would be believable.......:asshole:).

Police violence is out of control and the U.S. now ranks #1 in the world in incarcerating its Citizens. Still think you don't live in a Police State?

In a true police state, Americans would disappear off the street and never be heard from again. You are soooo dramatic........are you a 'queen' too?

You don't think that happens? American Police have a licence to kill and are above the law. Try your word against theirs. Let's see who wins.
In a suburb of Chicago today, a policeman who radioed that he was stopping three people for suspicious activity, was later found shot, and died quickly. A manhunt is now under way for the murderers.

Six years ago, with about as much evidence as is presently available in this case, President Obama went on national TV and announce that the police had "acted stupidly" after Massachusetts homeowners called police to report a man breaking into a University-owned house in their neighborhood. The man turned out to be the legal resident of the house, and said he was breaking in because the lock was malfunctioning and possibly damaged. When the copy asked him to step away and explained he was responding to a call of a burglary in progress, the man accused the cop of racism (the man was black).

Plans for Obama to meet with the three people who murdered the cop today in Illinois and have a beer with them, have not yet been announced. But it is expected, right after he makes the same announcement he made six years ago in similar circumstances.

Whether such a statement from the President of the United States will serve to increase anger against police, has not been determined.


Manhunt In Fox Lake After Police Officer Shot And Killed

Manhunt In Fox Lake After Police Officer Shot And Killed

September 1, 2015 9:40 AM

CHICAGO (CBS) — A manhunt was underway in far north suburban Fox Lake, after a police officer was shot and killed while chasing three suspects on foot.

Lake County Major Crimes Task Force Cmdr. George Filenko said an officer was shot Tuesday morning near Rollins Road and Route 59.

At a late-morning news conference, Lake County Sheriff’s Det. Chris Covelli said, around 7:50 a.m., the officer radioed he was pursuing three suspects, after looking into their “suspicious activity.” Police lost radio contact with the officer, who was later found with a gunshot wound. Shortly after the news conference, Covelli confirmed that the officer died.

Covelli said police were conducting a ground and air search for three suspects — two white males and a black male. Unconfirmed dispatch reports indicated the suspects might have taken the officer’s gun and pepper spray. Police did not provide a more detailed description of the suspects.
So...President Obama didn't say the Chicago cop who was killed "acted stupidly". I wonder why you presented your thread in such a way to connect the two events 6 years and a 1,000 miles apart?
Guilt by disassociated reasoning..
The 'war on police' has yet to begin. But if American Police continue to harm Citizens with no accountability, that war will happen.

Hey, internet tough-guy, your subjectivity on this matter makes your comments null and void. So, praytell, do tell us when you personally were a victim of police oppression (not that it would be believable.......:asshole:).

Police violence is out of control and the U.S. now ranks #1 in the world in incarcerating its Citizens. Still think you don't live in a Police State?

In a true police state, Americans would disappear off the street and never be heard from again. You are soooo dramatic........are you a 'queen' too?

You don't think that happens? American Police have a licence to kill and are above the law. Try your word against theirs. Let's see who wins.
Only cops can use the defense of ignorance of the law for a defense...
The 'war on police' has yet to begin. But if American Police continue to harm Citizens with no accountability, that war will happen.

Hey, internet tough-guy, your subjectivity on this matter makes your comments null and void. So, praytell, do tell us when you personally were a victim of police oppression (not that it would be believable.......:asshole:).

Police violence is out of control and the U.S. now ranks #1 in the world in incarcerating its Citizens. Still think you don't live in a Police State?

In a true police state, Americans would disappear off the street and never be heard from again. You are soooo dramatic........are you a 'queen' too?

You don't think that happens? American Police have a licence to kill and are above the law. Try your word against theirs. Let's see who wins.

Congratulations! :clap:

You are well on your way to becoming a 'professional victim'. If you own any guns, stay away from TV crews and cops. If you don't own any guns, then don't buy any!

See how it works???
In a suburb of Chicago today, a policeman who radioed that he was stopping three people for suspicious activity, was later found shot, and died quickly. A manhunt is now under way for the murderers.

Six years ago, with about as much evidence as is presently available in this case, President Obama went on national TV and announce that the police had "acted stupidly" after Massachusetts homeowners called police to report a man breaking into a University-owned house in their neighborhood. The man turned out to be the legal resident of the house, and said he was breaking in because the lock was malfunctioning and possibly damaged. When the copy asked him to step away and explained he was responding to a call of a burglary in progress, the man accused the cop of racism (the man was black).

Plans for Obama to meet with the three people who murdered the cop today in Illinois and have a beer with them, have not yet been announced. But it is expected, right after he makes the same announcement he made six years ago in similar circumstances.

Whether such a statement from the President of the United States will serve to increase anger against police, has not been determined.


Manhunt In Fox Lake After Police Officer Shot And Killed

Manhunt In Fox Lake After Police Officer Shot And Killed

September 1, 2015 9:40 AM

CHICAGO (CBS) — A manhunt was underway in far north suburban Fox Lake, after a police officer was shot and killed while chasing three suspects on foot.

Lake County Major Crimes Task Force Cmdr. George Filenko said an officer was shot Tuesday morning near Rollins Road and Route 59.

At a late-morning news conference, Lake County Sheriff’s Det. Chris Covelli said, around 7:50 a.m., the officer radioed he was pursuing three suspects, after looking into their “suspicious activity.” Police lost radio contact with the officer, who was later found with a gunshot wound. Shortly after the news conference, Covelli confirmed that the officer died.

Covelli said police were conducting a ground and air search for three suspects — two white males and a black male. Unconfirmed dispatch reports indicated the suspects might have taken the officer’s gun and pepper spray. Police did not provide a more detailed description of the suspects.
So...President Obama didn't say the Chicago cop who was killed "acted stupidly". I wonder why you presented your thread in such a way to connect the two events 6 years and a 1,000 miles apart?

It's a troll thread.
The 'war on police' has yet to begin. But if American Police continue to harm Citizens with no accountability, that war will happen.

Police Are More Dangerous To The Public Than Are Criminals
By Paul Craig Roberts

The goon thug psychopaths no longer only brutalize minorities–it is open season on all of us –the latest victim is a petite young white mother of two small children

Police Brutality - Video - Shocking dashcam video shows cops in Tallahassee slam their pint-sized, female prisoner onto a patrol car and then the pavement. One cops mashes her face into the street as the woman howls in pain.

The worse threat every American faces comes from his/her own government.

At the state and local level every American faces brutal, armed psychopaths known as the police. The “law and order” conservatives and the “compassionate” liberals stand silent while police psychopaths brutalize children and grandmothers, murder double amputees in wheel chairs, break into the wrong homes, murder the family dogs, and terrify the occupants, pointing their automatic assault weapons in the faces of small children.

The American police perform no positive function. They pose a much larger threat to citizens than do the criminals who operate without a police badge. Americans would be safer if the police forces were abolished.

The police have been militarized and largely federalized by the Pentagon and the gestapo Homeland Security. The role of the federal government in equipping state and local police with military weapons, including tanks, and training in their use has essentially removed the police from state and local control. No matter how brutal any police officer, it is rare that any suffer more than a few months suspension, usually with full pay, while a report is concocted that clears them of any wrong doing.

In America today, police murder with impunity. All the psychopaths have to say is, “I thought his wallet was a gun,” or “we had to taser the unconscious guy we found lying on the ground, because he wouldn’t obey our commands to get up."

I see that cherry-pickin' and the painting with a super-broad brush is your strong suit. In that case, carry-on..........:banana2:.


The 'war on police' has yet to begin. But if American Police continue to harm Citizens with no accountability, that war will happen.

Hey, internet tough-guy, your subjectivity on this matter makes your comments null and void. So, praytell, do tell us when you personally were a victim of police oppression (not that it would be believable.......:asshole:).

Police violence is out of control and the U.S. now ranks #1 in the world in incarcerating its Citizens. Still think you don't live in a Police State?

In a true police state, Americans would disappear off the street and never be heard from again. You are soooo dramatic........are you a 'queen' too?

You don't think that happens? American Police have a licence to kill and are above the law. Try your word against theirs. Let's see who wins.

Congratulations! :clap:

You are well on your way to becoming a 'professional victim'. If you own any guns, stay away from TV crews and cops. If you don't own any guns, then don't buy any!

See how it works???

Just being real. Try your word against a cop's word. Let's see who wins. They could rape and murder your family while you watch, and it would be your word against theirs. And guess who the Judge is gonna side with? The System is broken. Police have been given too much power. And that has led to rampant abuse. It is what it is.
Sorry to say, but the Police have brought this on themselves. More & more Americans are getting sick of the bully harassment. It is what it is.

You know, the sentiment among many is that cops are out of control. One story after another leads us to this conclusion. Yes, cops have a very tough job, and they put their lives on the line every day, but they also are doing some really fucking stupid things to lose the trust of normal everyday citizens. This crap needs to be addressed or it is going to get worse, not better.
sentiment among many is that the streets of liberal cities ae out of control; the over SIX THOUSAND MURDERS EVERY YEAR, AND THAT IS JUST THE BLACK MURDER VICTIMS, say so
sentiment among many is that the streets of liberal cities ae out of control; the over SIX THOUSAND MURDERS EVERY YEAR, AND THAT IS JUST THE BLACK MURDER VICTIMS, say so

That's a serious problem. But so are the Police.
left-wing nutjobs would have you believe that cops are "out of control" but for some strange reason just got more out of control since a pandering, divisive community organizer was elected.
Sorry to say, but the Police have brought this on themselves. More & more Americans are getting sick of the bully harassment. It is what it is.

You know, the sentiment among many is that cops are out of control. One story after another leads us to this conclusion. Yes, cops have a very tough job, and they put their lives on the line every day, but they also are doing some really fucking stupid things to lose the trust of normal everyday citizens. This crap needs to be addressed or it is going to get worse, not better.

See you came back for seconds after designating this a troll thread. Interesting.

Obey the law, and you too, will be okay.
Sorry to say, but the Police have brought this on themselves. More & more Americans are getting sick of the bully harassment. It is what it is.

You know, the sentiment among many is that cops are out of control. One story after another leads us to this conclusion. Yes, cops have a very tough job, and they put their lives on the line every day, but they also are doing some really fucking stupid things to lose the trust of normal everyday citizens. This crap needs to be addressed or it is going to get worse, not better.

See you came back for seconds after designating this a troll thread. Interesting.

Obey the law, and you too, will be okay.

Cops begin raping and murdering your family, you pull out a gun and shoot a couple of the bastards. Guess what happens next? You either get erased instantly or get arrested and prosecuted. Because there's no such thing as justified self-defense against a cop. That's the ugly reality these days. Something's very wrong.
Sorry to say, but the Police have brought this on themselves. More & more Americans are getting sick of the bully harassment. It is what it is.

You know, the sentiment among many is that cops are out of control. One story after another leads us to this conclusion. Yes, cops have a very tough job, and they put their lives on the line every day, but they also are doing some really fucking stupid things to lose the trust of normal everyday citizens. This crap needs to be addressed or it is going to get worse, not better.

See you came back for seconds after designating this a troll thread. Interesting.

Obey the law, and you too, will be okay.

Cops begin raping and murdering your family, you pull out a gun and shoot a couple of the bastards. Guess what happens next? You either get erased instantly or get arrested and prosecuted. That's the ugly reality these days. Something's very wrong.

Funny you should mention this..........a squad of cops raped and murdered a family down the block a few days ago........NOT!
You are looney-tunes :uhoh3: and I'm finished with you in this thread as I have self-respect.
sentiment among many is that the streets of liberal cities ae out of control; the over SIX THOUSAND MURDERS EVERY YEAR, AND THAT IS JUST THE BLACK MURDER VICTIMS, say so

That's a serious problem. But so are the Police.

on Sunday, the official Black Lives Matter Network, which consists of 26 chapters nationwide, said it appreciates the gesture but won't return the favor.

"We do not now, nor have we ever, endorsed or affiliated with the Democratic Party, or with any party," the group said in a statement. "The Democratic Party, like the Republican and all political parties, have historically attempted to control or contain Black people’s efforts to liberate ourselves. True change requires real struggle, and that struggle will be in the streets and led by the people, not by a political party."


This may come off as harsh. But the statement is in line with recent clashes between Black Lives Matter activists and Democratic presidential candidates at public events. And there's a good reason for this type of response: Both Republicans and Democrats supported tough-on-crime policies that disproportionately impacted black communities. It's going to take a lot more than a resolution to mend these deep-seated issues."

Sorry to say, but the Police have brought this on themselves. More & more Americans are getting sick of the bully harassment. It is what it is.

You know, the sentiment among many is that cops are out of control. One story after another leads us to this conclusion. Yes, cops have a very tough job, and they put their lives on the line every day, but they also are doing some really fucking stupid things to lose the trust of normal everyday citizens. This crap needs to be addressed or it is going to get worse, not better.

See you came back for seconds after designating this a troll thread. Interesting.

Obey the law, and you too, will be okay.

Cops begin raping and murdering your family, you pull out a gun and shoot a couple of the bastards. Guess what happens next? You either get erased instantly or get arrested and prosecuted. That's the ugly reality these days. Something's very wrong.

Funny you should mention this..........a squad of cops raped and murdered a family down the block a few days ago........NOT!
You are looney-tunes :uhoh3: and I'm finished with you in this thread as I have self-respect.
Sadly, you are both wrong.

Saying "police brought this on themselves" over this shooting of a cop is pure bigotry. It is no different than picking a random negro to lynch because of some race riot a thousand miles away and saying "the negroes brought this on themselves".

On the other hand, saying "obey the law and you will be okay" ignores reality. There are too many cases of people obeying the law not being okay. The whole reason we have a fourth amendment is because totalitarian-minded assholes have a funny way of finding a crime whenever they look for one, even if one is not actually occurring.

And even if you are breaking the law by, say, speeding, that does not justify you somehow ending up shot dead by the cops. Excusing what is going on with a blithe "Obey the law and you'll be okay" is just as bad as "the police brought this on themselves."

You know, the sentiment among many is that cops are out of control. One story after another leads us to this conclusion. Yes, cops have a very tough job, and they put their lives on the line every day, but they also are doing some really fucking stupid things to lose the trust of normal everyday citizens. This crap needs to be addressed or it is going to get worse, not better.

See you came back for seconds after designating this a troll thread. Interesting.

Obey the law, and you too, will be okay.

Cops begin raping and murdering your family, you pull out a gun and shoot a couple of the bastards. Guess what happens next? You either get erased instantly or get arrested and prosecuted. That's the ugly reality these days. Something's very wrong.

Funny you should mention this..........a squad of cops raped and murdered a family down the block a few days ago........NOT!
You are looney-tunes :uhoh3: and I'm finished with you in this thread as I have self-respect.
Sadly, you are both wrong.

Saying "police brought this on themselves" over this shooting of a cop is pure bigotry. It is no different than picking a random negro to lynch because of some race riot a thousand miles away and saying "the negroes brought this on themselves".

On the other hand, saying "obey the law and you will be okay" ignores reality. There are too many cases of people obeying the law not being okay. The whole reason we have a fourth amendment is because totalitarian-minded assholes have a funny way of finding a crime whenever they look for one, even if one is not actually occurring.

And even if you are breaking the law by, say, speeding, that does not justify you somehow ending up shot dead by the cops. Excusing what is going on with a blithe "Obey the law and you'll be okay" is just as bad as "the police brought this on themselves."

Well, the vast majority of people whom obey the law, in reality, are okay. But, you too, can 'cherry-pick' isolated instances where that did not apply. Carry-on..........
These little meme's sure do bring home a message.....


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