The War On Woke is Poised to Take Another Casualty

Commanders were always a shitty name.

Redskins was a great name.

However, I would like Washington Anti Woke Warriors better.
You're probably right Sue, but it could, it would be great to see the team ram the PC right down the Left's throat and just for once stand their ground.
It couldn't you moron. NFL teams are like McDonalds franchises. You can't buy one and decide to calls yours Burger King and start selling Whoppers. The NFL wont be allowing that name to return.
Actually, have you seen anything from the GOP other than Trump to give you optimism in years? The GOP fight their own best candidate tooth and nail, we don't even need the democrats.

No, but that's purely politics. I'm not talking about politics; I'm talking about culture.

Andrew Breitbart said politics is downstream from culture--probably others did too. And that's correct.
The Left went FAR too far with the PC/Identity Politics bullshit. It divided us into competing grievance groups, lowered standards and expectations for millions, and created animosities so profound that they got someone as awful as Trump elected.

And now? Now the Right, drunk on its ideology, is going to go too far in response.

The ends of the spectrum continue to bring us down. We're a 50/50 country, and that should be our strength, not our downfall.
The Left went FAR too far with the PC/Identity Politics bullshit. It divided us into competing grievance groups, lowered standards and expectations for millions, and created animosities so profound that they got someone as awful as Trump elected.

And now? Now the Right, drunk on its ideology, is going to go too far in response.

The ends of the spectrum continue to bring us down. We're a 50/50 country, and that should be our strength, not our downfall.
Only mindless Zombies travel the middle of the road
Only mindless Zombies travel the middle of the road
Here's what wingers lack the capacity to understand:

On one side of the road are the two narcissistic tribes, trying to cram your myopic ideologies down our throats.

On the other side of the road is the rest us, wishing you people would get over yourselves and collaborate like adults.

There is no middle of that road.
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Here's what wingers lack the capacity to understand:

On one side of the road are the two narcissistic tribes, trying to cram your myopic ideologies down our throats.

On the other side of the road is the rest us, wishing you people would get over yourselves and collaborate like adults.

There is no middle of that road.

Yes, yes, more navel-gazing by Mac, sure he is sitting on top of his Swiss mountain so much better than the rest of us

Who's dead sick of this routine?
Here's what wingers lack the capacity to understand:

On one side of the road are the two narcissistic tribes, trying to cram your myopic ideologies down our throats.

On the other side of the road is the rest us, wishing you people would get over yourselves and collaborate like adults.

There is no middle of that road.

We have no opinion either way...whatever...Saul Goodman

We on the right have no interest in cramming anything down your throat you fucking hack. Its the Leftists who insist on "Conform or Die! Even after you Conform we will kill you for not being conformed enough" Don't worry, it will all get squared away soon

Well, well, well. Looks like the new owners, looking to get rid of the little piggie is hinting at bringing back the big, bad REDSKINS!! Score another one for the good guys.
There's only one name stupider than the Commanders, and that is the Washington Football Team. Too late though, the NFL has gone woke. Last year's super bowl was a woke fest. One owner can't change a league thing.
Awesome T shirt. I want one.

It wouldn't bother anyone if they named a team that way. It would just be a little bland and dull.

Unless of course the caucasions won the superbowl then they would be accused of winning because RACISM, derp.

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