that literally just happened.

‘My baby's not gonna make it and neither am I’; Women flee Okla. for life-saving abortions​

She needed an abortion to save her life. Oklahoma hospitals wouldn’t help her​

April 25, 2023

Jaci Statton clutched her stomach in pain as her husband pleaded with the hospital's doctor to save his wife’s life. Her pregnancy was causing vaginal bleeding, high blood pressure and intense nausea, symptoms of a partial molar pregnancy, a condition where the egg does not fertilize correctly and the fetus will never become viable.

The longer the fetus remained inside her, the higher risk she would be for internal bleeding, kidney and liver failure, and even a stroke.

But the 25-year-old from Meeker already had visited one hospital where doctors said they couldn’t perform an abortion and now was being told the same thing at the University of Oklahoma Medical Center on a Wednesday evening in March.

“They said, ‘We can't touch you because of the Oklahoma law,’” Statton recalled the doctors telling her husband, even as they acknowledged the pregnancy posed serious health risks and removing the fetus was the best medical decision.

Oklahoma’s Republican lawmakers responded to the U.S. Supreme Court’s overturn of Roe v. Wade last year by quickly enacting multiple abortion bans, and although exceptions for a medical emergency or to “save the life” of the pregnant person are included, doctors across the state have dealt with confusion and fear of prosecution when caring for women like Statton.

“They said the best thing that we can tell you is go sit in the parking lot until something serious happens and then come back and we’ll work on you,” Statton told The Oklahoman.

“They weren’t being mean, they just said that’s the only option you have. And then the doctor said, ‘You know, we can't do an abortion here but there are other states that can.’”

Two days later, Statton, her husband, and her mother-in-law drove to a Wichita abortion clinic, the closest facility that would terminate her pregnancy. As her family waited in the parking lot surrounded by protestors with signs that said “stone all the whores,” Statton had her fetus removed.

“I felt so alone,” Statton said.
‘My baby's not gonna make it and neither am I’; Women flee Okla. for life-saving abortions
Please link to the percentage of abortions that are done for the health of the mother. You will find that, according to Planned Parenthood, it is so small as to be insignificant. Try again.
Please link to the percentage of abortions that are done for the health of the mother.

well i see that the point went right over yer head, ignoramus. that hillbilly hayseed backwards state doesn't even care about THAT. the pregnancy has more value than the vessel. & OK is not the only one.

You will find that, according to Planned Parenthood, it is so small as to be insignificant. Try again.

& that still doesn't matter.
Women have and should have full control over their bodies, same with men. It's a shame a proportion of them can't make the condom choice BEFORE conceiving.

So did you support the mask mandate, or the choice of women to control their own body?

Who's out of touch?
First, mask mandates.
…mask mandates do not affect body autonomy.
…where there were/are mask mandates, they applied to everyone equally…
…masking is a temporary measure for public health emergencies with highly contagious diseases and while not perfect, it has been very effective in conjunction with distancing, in reducing transmission.

Yes, I supported them during the pandemic before there was widespread vaccination. It is like an article of clothing, and had no effect on on my bodily autonomy.

IF there had been a government mandate to vaccinate everyone, that would be different. That would affect my body autonomy.

During the height of the epidemic there was widespread BIPARTISAN support for state-wide mask mandates.

Who’s out of touch?
This used to be the biggest drum the left beat in politics.
Now they are the ones waging war on women via the support of men invading their spaces under the guise of pretending that pretending to be a woman is perfectly normal behavior.
It's all a bunch of made up bigioted bovive excrement. It's not really about sports anymore than it's about bath and locker rooms. It an excuse to punish transwomen just for being who they are .

How does the body change after transition?​

Transgender women take the female hormone oestrogen and testosterone-blockers before having any surgery, and continue to take oestrogen after their transition.

McKinnon, who transitioned in her late-20s, says that results in "pretty radical physiological changes", with muscle mass, strength and speed all reduced. It also, claims McKinnon, "compounds ageing".

In essence, she maintains, it puts them on a similar level to women of the same size, and there are set limits to the amount of testosterone transgender athletes can have in their bodies before they compete. That is an issue currently being debated in women's athletics.

But McKinnon claims the same research being used as the basis for the decision on permissible testosterone levels in athletes also suggests naturally occurring testosterone makes a minimal difference to performance compared to when it is taken through doping, for example.
Since all this bullshit has been going on, with these mentally disturbed lunatics and pedophile males claiming they are women............

No articles.
No videos.
No nothing.


well i see that the point went right over yer head, ignoramus. that hillbilly hayseed backwards state doesn't even care about THAT. the pregnancy has more value than the vessel. & OK is not the only one.

& that still doesn't matter.
Maybe you should READ your own link. This was a case of medical malpractice and if researched I believe the hospitals at fault will be dishing out large settlements. This is what your link said, moron.
Oklahoma’s Republican lawmakers responded to the U.S. Supreme Court’s overturn of Roe v. Wade last year by quickly enacting multiple abortion bans, and although exceptions for a medical emergency or to “save the life” of the pregnant person are included, doctors across the state have dealt with confusion and fear of prosecution when caring for women like Statton.
viability was the threshold when r v w came into existance & that is the threshold that should be upheld. oh, & it's not a 'child'. NO woman goes thru 9 months of pregnancy just to say ' uh ....never mind.'

you ignorant asshole.

lol ... thanx einstein.

View attachment 783202
Yes it is a child you ignorant asshole. The other poster was correct. A grain of rice has more right to life than a piece of shit like you. So, all you have done is once again display your full ignorance and support of murder for all to see. You’re just another lazy moron who has no clue about personal responsibility. You support murder so you’re not flicking away anybody, no matter how many lies you tell or how much whining you do. So FUCK YOU asshole.
Maybe you should READ your own link. This was a case of medical malpractice and if researched I believe the hospitals at fault will be dishing out large settlements. This is what your link said, moron.
Oklahoma’s Republican lawmakers responded to the U.S. Supreme Court’s overturn of Roe v. Wade last year by quickly enacting multiple abortion bans, and although exceptions for a medical emergency or to “save the life” of the pregnant person are included, doctors across the state have dealt with confusion and fear of prosecution when caring for women like Statton.

It's all a bunch of made up bigioted bovive excrement. It's not really about sports anymore than it's about bath and locker rooms. It an excuse to punish transwomen just for being who they are .

How does the body change after transition?​

So you just want to compete against women because you’re a girly man who’s can’t hang with the men. You want to punish women for daring to want to compete in sporting events.
well i see that the point went right over yer head, ignoramus. that hillbilly hayseed backwards state doesn't even care about THAT. the pregnancy has more value than the vessel. & OK is not the only one.

& that still doesn't matter.
No, you’re just an ignorant asshole who doesn’t even read the links you put up. The unborn child certainly has value. More than morons like you and Coyote ever will. And of course ignore the inconvenient facts that destroy your screed.
The law is completely clear. There you go twisting up like a pretzel again. Now it is not because of the law not protecting the mother. Now you are contending it is because of the doctor's unnecessary fear--which BTW, is no more than an activist doctor trying to make a political statement in order to regain the right to murder for convenience. BTW, no law is "crystal clear." That's why we have lawyers and courts. If laws were crystal clear we wouldn't need either. The fact that you attempt to justify murder for convenience is proof that you believe something as clear cut as murder is subject to interpretation. SMFH, morons.
The Left has probably lost this argument for now... for at least another generation or two...

There may very well be some merit in much of what you say...

Your difficulty unfolds when the Left takes this sort of thing too far, right up to the Partial Birth Abortion level...

The old phrase "Give 'em an inch and they'll take a mile" is working against you here... if they budge now, you'll just want more again later...

Just like last time...

So it makes more sense not to "budge" on the subject anymore...

Just sayin'...

No it hasn't. Women cannot and will not allow these laws to stand. The life of every woman of childbearing age is at risk, in states where these laws have been passed.

Even the most devout pro-life women are suing Texas and Florida because they were refused care, even in cases of ectopic pregnancy, which will never result in a live birth. Nearly 1 million American women will miscarriage in any year. Of these 1 million miscarriages, half will be "incomplete miscarriages" requiring care. That care is now illegal in states with abortion is illegal.

20,000 more women will have a "stillbirth" - pregnancy complications where the fetus dies after 20 weeks gestation. Again, nearly all of the standard medical treatments for such complications are now illegal. And these stories are horrific. These babies were wanted, and named, and the families were devastated by the loss of the child. But to then be sent home to carry the fetus until the woman was literally dying before she could be treated.

What kind of a nation does this to their women????

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