The Warmergate Scandal

it's a shame for you Dud that the majority of American public are convinced that there is such a thing as man-made climate change and the ones in the small minorty that are left over I would compare to the type of partisan hack that would vote for a G.Bush third term.

As one of your scientific buds might agree, "Never underestimate the ability to fool the ijits." See they, you, and Obama hold the American public in contempt, but you knew that.
it's a shame for you Dud that the majority of American public are convinced that there is such a thing as man-made climate change and the ones in the small minorty that are left over I would compare to the type of partisan hack that would vote for a G.Bush third term.

As one of your scientific buds might agree, "Never underestimate the ability to fool the ijits." See they, you, and Obama hold the American public in contempt, but you knew that.

sure....pull the earflaps on your tinfoil hat down and then you can just hear yourself talking.:cuckoo:
McCain and Obama Supporters Largely Agree on Approaches to Energy, Climate Change - World Public Opinion=

McCain and Obama Supporters Largely Agree on Approaches to Energy, Climate Change


Jay- do you think the people who are concerned about the fraudulent claims of AGW are proponents of increasing carbon emissions? there are lots of people who believe in a green lifestyle who don't want to unilaterally cripple the economy and put a huge debt on the backs of working people. there have been many great improvements in the last few decades and there are more to come but the business of carbon tax will surely degrade into a ripoff of regular people.
ahhhh time to throw McCain under the bus...... that's what happens when you don't please the far rabid right-wingnuts.
Jay- do you think the people who are concerned about the fraudulent claims of AGW are proponents of increasing carbon emissions? there are lots of people who believe in a green lifestyle who don't want to unilaterally cripple the economy and put a huge debt on the backs of working people. there have been many great improvements in the last few decades and there are more to come but the business of carbon tax will surely degrade into a ripoff of regular people.

are you a scientist that can break down the hacked e-mails and then prove that fradulent claims were made?
Jay- do you think the people who are concerned about the fraudulent claims of AGW are proponents of increasing carbon emissions? there are lots of people who believe in a green lifestyle who don't want to unilaterally cripple the economy and put a huge debt on the backs of working people. there have been many great improvements in the last few decades and there are more to come but the business of carbon tax will surely degrade into a ripoff of regular people.

are you a scientist that can break down the hacked e-mails and then prove that fradulent claims were made?

Translation: "You're too stupid to know what you're reading, and cannot comment on something I am still sore in thae ass about for getting caught for agreeing with the presented faux Science because I'm too afraid to admit I'm a Libtard and too easily led by the nose which makes me vapid and shallow as those that WROTE the E-Mails in order to have a cushy existence and bank account to match the vapidity..."
Retired climatologist, Dr. Tim Ball, on the scandal.

Note he says basically the same thing I've been saying for years (for those of you who've known me that long) about the much ballyhooed "peer review".

Well, that is easy to figure. He is just as stupid as you are!

Well, not really, but far better paid for saying stupid things.

Exxon-funded Canadian Climatologist says global warming NOT caused by humans [Archive] - LiveDaily Community

Richard TafoyaFeb 6th, 2007, 01:28 PM
Sourcewatch gives us a little more:

Ball has been identified as a Canadian climate change sceptic ( who is a "scientific advisor" to the oil industry ( organization, Friends of Science (

Ball is also a writer for Tech Central Station (

The website of Friends of Science ( quotes Ball stating that "the Kyoto Protocol ( is a political solution to a non-existent problem without scientific justification." [5] (Friends of Science) Ball has even made the outrageous argument that climate change ( and global warming ( would be good for us. "A warmer Canada would improve our lives in these and other ways too numerous to list. Global warming? Let's hope so," he wrote in June 2006. [6] (Warmer is better: Junk Science Week)


Tech Central Station

Current & past funders include:

AT&T (
ExxonMobil (
General Motors Corporation (
Intel Corporation (
McDonald's ('s)
Microsoft (
National Semiconductor (
Qualcomm ( In October 2006, two US Senators, Olympia Snowe (, (R-Maine), and Jay Rockefeller (, (D-W.Va.) wrote to ExxonMobil ('s chairman and CEO Rex Tillerson (, asking that it "end any further financial assistance" to groups "whose public advocacy has contributed to the small but unfortunately effective climate change denial myth." The Senators singled out TechCentralStation as one such group. They wrote that "we are convinced that ExxonMobil's long-standing support of a small cadre of global climate change skeptics, and those skeptics' access to and influence on government policymakers, have made it increasingly difficult for the United States to demonstrate the moral clarity it needs across all facets of its diplomacy".
So, we're back to the stale old strategy of attacking the source, rather than the facts of the case, AKA:

Argumentum ad hominem (argument directed at the person)
. This is the error of attacking the character or motives of a person who has stated an idea, rather than the idea itself. The most obvious example of this fallacy is when one debater maligns the character of another debater (e.g, "The members of the opposition are a couple of fascists!"), but this is actually not that common. A more typical manifestation of argumentum ad hominem is attacking a source of information -- for example, responding to a quotation from Richard Nixon on the subject of free trade with China by saying, "We all know Nixon was a liar and a cheat, so why should we believe anything he says?"

Sorry, old fuck, that dog don't hunt.
Obama administration climate czar Carol Browner on Wednesday rejected claims that e-mails stolen from a British university show climate scientists trumped up global warming numbers, saying she considers the science settled.

"I'm sticking with the 2,500 scientists. These people have been studying this issue for a very long time and agree this problem is real," said Ms. Browner, who President Obama has tapped as his chief of policy on global warming.

The e-mails were hacked from the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia and have come to light over the last week. They appear to show scientists saying they've smoothed over data that doesn't back up their claims of warming, and pondering how to freeze out scientists who disagree with them.

Release of the e-mails has fueled skeptics ahead of next month's major global warming meeting in Copenhagen, which is supposed to set the framework for a new global treaty to restrict greenhouse gas emissions.

The White House said Wednesday that Mr. Obama will personally travel to Copenhagen to commit the U.S. to greenhouse gas reductions.
I guess this answers my question. Now how much of our money will he commit? One trillion? Three trillion? Eleventy gazillion?
So, we're back to the stale old strategy of attacking the source, rather than the facts of the case, AKA:

Argumentum ad hominem (argument directed at the person)
. This is the error of attacking the character or motives of a person who has stated an idea, rather than the idea itself. The most obvious example of this fallacy is when one debater maligns the character of another debater (e.g, "The members of the opposition are a couple of fascists!"), but this is actually not that common. A more typical manifestation of argumentum ad hominem is attacking a source of information -- for example, responding to a quotation from Richard Nixon on the subject of free trade with China by saying, "We all know Nixon was a liar and a cheat, so why should we believe anything he says?"

Sorry, old fuck, that dog don't hunt.

I see. I can't call a whore a whore if it is your whore:lol:
Obama administration climate czar Carol Browner on Wednesday rejected claims that e-mails stolen from a British university show climate scientists trumped up global warming numbers, saying she considers the science settled.

"I'm sticking with the 2,500 scientists. These people have been studying this issue for a very long time and agree this problem is real," said Ms. Browner, who President Obama has tapped as his chief of policy on global warming.

The e-mails were hacked from the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia and have come to light over the last week. They appear to show scientists saying they've smoothed over data that doesn't back up their claims of warming, and pondering how to freeze out scientists who disagree with them.

Release of the e-mails has fueled skeptics ahead of next month's major global warming meeting in Copenhagen, which is supposed to set the framework for a new global treaty to restrict greenhouse gas emissions.

The White House said Wednesday that Mr. Obama will personally travel to Copenhagen to commit the U.S. to greenhouse gas reductions.

Climate 'czar' says hacked e-mails don't change anything - Washington Times
I guess this answers my question. Now how much of our money will he commit? One trillion? Three trillion? Eleventy gazillion?

I see. Creating an energy infrastructure that would make this nation independent of foriegn energy resources for 3 trillion is so much less sane that spending that amount of a war based on lies?

And then having the occupation of Iraq spiral into failure?

You Conservatives really are cards. If it benefits the citizens of this nation, it is bad. If it gets our sons and daughters killed in foriegn lands, and results in the deaths of tens of thousands of the citizens of those lands, it is good.

Your morality is as bankrupt as your economic policies.

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