The Warmergate Scandal

I want Chris to answer another questions. Lots of pictures of glaciers melting.

What's the problem? We lost glaciers from the ice age. Do we need to get them back? I fail to see this as a crisis.

and of course, it's still not our fault even if it IS a problem. Adapt or die.
Chrissy only begs the same stale questions over and over and over and over again, he doesn't answer them.

Least of all has he ever come up with an answer as to what criteria he would accept, which would prove to him that the AGW hoax is all wet.
So let me get this right... Our current Government believes the UN should have authority to basically tell us (US Citizens) how to live, yet UN scientists are hiding data so the truth can not be found about climate change.... WTF...
I love this right wing love fest over a small university in England that no one has ever heard of.

How desperate are you?
Yeah....Small university.

The University of East Anglia - in particular its Climatic Research Unit - is the only university to be included in a list of the key bodies that have set the environmental agenda in the UK over the past 30 years.

CRU key to setting environmental agenda - University of East Anglia (UEA)

Speaking of desperate......
dude don't bother

chris will just spam pictures of glaciers that have shrunk but will ignore glaciers that have also grown
dude don't bother

chris will just spam pictures of glaciers that have shrunk but will ignore glaciers that have also grown
So you're saying he's editing the data to fit his desired result? Sounds like his heroes at the IPCC and EAU.
I'm still not convinced that there is a conspiracy....and I won't be until Glenn Beck cries over it and tells me what he thinks.
Gee, anthropogenic climate change is B.S. Wow.. who'd a think that. Are you saying that Al Gore has been pulling our legs?
Now, all the data is mysteriously "gone."

All of this over -- egads -- a freedom of information request.

And for some reason, this doesn't bother the chrissys, Jay Cumsucks, Old Crocks' and Ravis of the world.

Now, had this same bit happened with let's say, BLACKWATER with "hacked" emails, then data conveniently "disappearing," all because of a little FOIA request, they would be pissing all over themselves...

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